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ILTV rare couple short stories


와타오시 레어 커플 숏스토리(중간까지요)














英語: https://twitter.com/sephallian/status/1384781232727199747

韓国語: https://twitter.com/plang719/status/1384758716264685571

Twitterでは既にご連絡差し上げましたが、今日のYoutube Liveはお休みです。





Hi, This is Inori.

I'd like to report this week.

Last Sunday, an exchange with a reader on Twitter resulted in a short story about ILTV's Rare Couple.

It's not a true history, but I hope you enjoy it.

There are also English and Korean translations in each retweeted quote.

ILTV rare couple short stories


This is still just an idea, but would there be a demand for answering these readers' requests to write short stories with couples of their choice, in the form of commissions?

Please let me know what you think, including the pros and cons and pricing.

The June issue of Comic Yurihime is on sale now.

Have you sent them your thoughts yet?

Your voices are what will keep the series alive.

Please send your thoughts to the Yurihime editorial department.

Yurihime Questionnaire:https://questant.jp/q/RN710ZXX

Thank you for your votes for the TSUTAYA Comic Award.

We are very happy that so many people have voted for us.

There is still some time left, so if you haven't voted yet, please do so.

TSUTAYA Comic Award: https://comicspace.jp/t-award2021/

Voting instructions are here

English: https://twitter.com/sephallian/status/1384781232727199747

Korean: https://twitter.com/plang719/status/1384758716264685571

As I've already informed you on Twitter, Ie will not have Youtube Live today.

I'm sorry if there are people who were looking forward to it.

I'm sure I'll be able to do it next week, so I hope you'll come back to watch.

That's all.

Thank you for your support this week.

안녕하세요, 이노리입니다.

이번 주에 보고를 드리겠습니다.

지난 일요일 트위터 독자와의 대화에서 와타오시 레어 커플에 대한 단편이 나왔습니다.

IF의 이야기입니다만, 즐겨 주셨으면 좋겠습니다.

각각의 인용 리트윗에 영어 번역이나 한국어 번역도 있습니다.

와타오시 레어 커플 단편집입니다


와타오시 레어 커플 숏스토리(중간까지요)


이것은 아직 단순한 생각입니다만, 이러한 독자가 희망하는 커플로 쇼트 스토리를 써 주었으면 하는 요구에 커미션이라고 하는 형태로 대답하는 것은 수요가 있을까요?

그 옳고 그름이나 가격 설정도 포함하여 여러분의 의견을 들려 주십시오.

코믹 백합공주 6월호가 발매중입니다.

이제 소감은 올려주셨나요?

여러분의 목소리가 연재를 살아납니다.

꼭 소감을 코믹 백합공주 편집부로 보내주세요.

유리히메 앙케이트 입니다. https://questant.jp/q/RN710ZXX

TSUTAYA 만화 대상 투표 감사합니다.

정말 많은 분들이 투표를 해 주시는 것 같아서 너무 기쁘고요.

아직 조금 더 기한이 있기 때문에, 아직 남은 분은 꼭 협력해 주시기 바랍니다.

TSUTAYA 만화대상 : https://comicspace.jp/t-award2021/

투표 방법은 이쪽입니다

영어 : https://twitter.com/sephallian/status/1384781232727199747 입니다

한국어 : https://twitter.com/plang719/status/1384758716264685571 입니다

트위터에서는 이미 연락을 드렸지만 오늘 유튜브 라이브는 휴무입니다.

기대해주신 분이 계시다면 죄송합니다.

다음주는 반드시 할 수 있습니다고 생각하기 때문에, 또 놀러 와 주시면 기쁘겠습니다.

보고는 이상입니다.

이번주도 많은 지원 고마웠습니다.



今週の報告お疲れ様でした! コミッションの方は面白そうですね。 そう言うコミッションに相場があるのでしょうか? コミッショナー側からも、カップルだけじゃなく、他にこだわりたい設定とかも指が定出来れば良いと思います。


私は本編の物語が好きなので、IFではない、本編の時間的前後や描かれなかった側面の話なら、読みたいと思うかもしれません。(でも、IFでも、今回のサーラスの話とミシャの話は好きでした!!) ただ、受注生産的なものは要望と作品の合致度合い等で上手く行くか不明なのと、私は大抵、作者さんが「書きたい!」と思ってとりあえず書いてしまったものを好きになる事が多いので、要望を出すかはわかりません。 後は例えば「現在、A、B、C、Dがアイデアとしてあります。要望の多いものを書きます」という提示があれば、内容によっては課金を含めた投票などすると思います。


I think commissions are a wonderful idea! For short stories like those on Twitter, I think anywhere from ¥600 - ¥1000 is fair. It might seem a bit high on the farther end, but from everything I have seen from artist friends is that you have to value your work and have your prices reflect this. Pro of higher end of that scale is less chance to become burned out. A con might be that less people would use the service... but I think it's honestly better for an artist to get paid more and work less frequently, especially considering the quality of your work!


I think it is a very good idea about commissions! I don't really know the fair prices for the kind of work that can be done. Apart from the short stories. I have a suggestion, it would also be good if through a commission you can ask for a birthday message, from a character. I do not know if I explained well. personally I would like it to be possible. I think it would have a good demand and a good income, the cons of this is that I am going to be poor with all the short stories I have in mind.


作家さんが以前100円より高いプランのコンテンツが欲しいとおっしゃったのを思い出し、それならSSを公開する500円のコンテンツを作った方が良さそうでした。 しかしこれはSSを掲載する頻度もキャラクターの組み合わせも全部作家様にお決めいただくもので、読者は公開されたものを受け入れるだけの場合に適した価格選定だったと思います。 コミッションの形で読者が直接要求する事項や組み合わせを書いていただくのは、上記のものと値段の違いがなければならないと思います。 また、書いてから全体に公開するか申請者だけに公開するかも決定し、価格に影響を与えるべきだと思います。 前回書いていただいたように140文字くらいの分量で、作家さんがコミッションを受けるかどうかの自由度が高い状況で、全体公開するなら1000円から始めた方がいいかなと思います。 申請者が非公開を希望すれば3000円から5000円までいただけると思います。 先週SSで楽しく楽しんだ私がこんな話をするのは滑稽だと思います。しかし作家の配慮で作家が読者たちにイベントをしてあげるのと、相手が要求事項を言ってお金を出すのとは少し違うと思います」 どんどん開けておく常時コミッションなら、上述の値段がいいと思います。 しかし、単に読者が楽しみたいというイベントの考え方であれば、短い時間だけコミッションを開いて、300円ほどの低い価格を設定してもいいでしょう。 コミッションではインスピレーションを得て作家が書きたいものを書くのを見ることが私の一番望むことです。


I loved the short stories! It's nice to see how the different pairs would interact, especially when those interactions rarely or don't even happen in the main story. Although I'm not sure how much the pricing usually is for these types of commissions, I think a higher price might be good in a way that sensei won't be swamped with requests. Or sensei could always limit the number of requests to take. I'd say that sensei's works are worth a high price too. Either way, I'd still be willing to pay a high amount to read a story (even if not canon) on a pair of my choice (。’▽’。)♡ If we could commission a different type of story though, I personally would request for What-if scenarios (like if a specific part of the main story ended differently) or some kind of alternate universe setting, just to see how the characters would act. Even if they won't be canon, I'd be happy to read those (^ω^)


Hmm i think its a good idea...but(other fans might disagree,so ill apologise in advance,but this is my true feelings) my biggest concern is that even with a disclaimer note of the short stories being unrelated to canon,considering its written by Inori sensei, it still holds some degree of weight, and I can't say I would enjoy seeing romantic pairings short stories that contradicts our canon established lovey dovey couples,in particular, IFTV's no. 1 exclusive couple, Rei x Claire. Reading an SS wrriten by Inori sensei herself that features Rei or Claire being romantically interested in other people beside each other after having read Rei's and Claire's love journey beautifully written by Inori sensei from start to finish...personally doesn't sit right with me, even if its just for fun. Do take note that I have no issues if it was done by fans and other people! Aside from that concern, if 'pairings' could also mean non romantic settings,then im def down for it!


I think commissions are an excellent idea I cannot say anything about pricing but for pros and cons Pros: You can earn some money and fans can see stories of couples they wanna see Cons: Some fans may not be keen on the idea of having to pay money to see couples they wanna see interact Personally I say go for it, it could be a fun thing to do for you and you can probably learn a little bit more about your fans as well! 👍👏👌