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※The English version is also below.

※한국어판도 밑에 있어요.(기계 번역해서 미안해요)
























Hi, This is Inori.

I'd like to report this week.

The manga version of "I'm in Love with the Villainess" will be reprinted in less than a month after its release!

I'd like to thank all of you who have purchased it in Japan and overseas.

The second edition will start appearing around the first week of February, so if you want the first edition, please buy it as soon as possible.

We hope that you will continue to support us.

Tomorrow, January 18, is the release date of the March issue of Comic Yurihime.

The March issue will feature the "Being a lily", an important episode of the first chapter of the original ILTV story.

We hope you'll see what happens when Aonoshimo-sensei cooks up that episode.

Also, please let me know what you think of the February issue that was released last month.

Now that it's been reprinted, we'll be able to have the second volume continued to publish, but daily popularity is also a very important factor.

Please send your voice to the Yurihime editorial office.

The questionnaire is here.


As for the last chapter of ILTV, the person in charge of the English translation seems to be in worse health than I expected.

She says she will finish it, but we are temporarily unable to contact her.

She has been a great supporter of ILTV, so I don't want to think about the possibility of her leaving, but I also don't want to keep my readers waiting.

I'm sorry for the inconvenience this may cause to English-speaking readers, but I would like to consider getting a substitute translator.

The Japanese and Korean translations will be released first on the 19th, and the English translation will be released as soon as it is completed.

In that case, I will announce it again, so please wait for further news.

That's all.

Thank you for your support this week.

안녕하세요, 이노리입니다.

이번 주에 보고를 드리겠습니다.

"내 최애는 악역영애." 만화판은 발매 한 달을 기다리지 않고 중판하기로 무사히 결정되었습니다!

이것도 모두 국내외에서 구입해 주신 덕분입니다.

정말 고맙습니다

2판은 2월 초주 무렵부터 나오기 시작할 것이라 생각하기 때문에, 초판을 원하신다면 꼭 빨리 구입하시기 바랍니다.

계속 응원해 주시면 감사하겠습니다.

또 내일 1월 18일은 코믹 유리히메 3월호 발매일입니다.

3월호에는 와타오시 원작 1장의 중요 에피소드인 '리리인 것'가 게재됩니다.

그 에피소드를 아오노시모선생님이 요리하면 어떨지 꼭 봐주셨으면 좋겠습니다.

또, 지난 달 발매한 2월호의 소감도 꼭 부탁드립니다.

중판이 정해졌으니 일단 2권 수록분까지는 게재를 계속해 주실 수 있겠지만, 하루하루의 인기도 매우 중요한 요소입니다.

여러분의 응원 소리를 꼭 유리공주 편집부에 전해 주셨으면 합니다.

앙케이트는 이쪽입니다.


와타오시 마지막 장입니다만, 영어 번역을 담당해 주시는 분의 컨디션이 상상 이상으로 나쁜 것 같습니다.

담당자님 본인은 끝까지 해내겠다고 말씀하셨습니다만, 현재 일시적으로 연락이 되지 않고 있습니다.

오랫동안 와타오시를 지탱해 주신 분이라 혹시 모르니 독자 여러분이 계속 기다려 주실 수는 없을 것 같습니다.

영어권의 독자님에게는 폐를 끼치게 될지도 모릅니다만, 대리 번역사분을 세우는 것도 검토에 넣고 싶습니다.

일단 일본어와 한국어 번역은 19일부터 선공개 하고 영어는 번역이 완성되는 대로 순차적으로 공개하는 방식이 될 수 밖에 없을지도 모릅니다.

그 경우는 다시 고지하겠사오니, 부디 속보를 기다려 주시기 바랍니다.

보고는 이상입니다.

이번주도 많은 지원 고마웠습니다.



Oof I hope Angela is okay. ;-; I think I mentioned it before, but I think it's better to release the Japanese and Korean versions since they are ready. I think other people would also understand. I hope I can be of help one day in the far, far future when my skill is leveled up haha. Reminder to English readers, there's a Seven Seas Reader Survey. They are asking for interest in which licenses to pick up, including manga. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScttP7HwVZidI9NxQZHUtz5o1hV_JAc4-YBI0JsND1Il4KW_w/viewform You get entered into a contest with a free book and everyone gets a 500 JPY off coupon for Bookwalker. You could *cough* use that to buy ILTV Volume 2 *cough* whoops excuse me, I have quite the cough.


Dont worry about the delay sensei. English readers can wait. I hope the translator get better soon though (is it Angela or Jingle?).


We can wait for the translator to get better so no rush seriously 👍👍👍 The health if your translator comes first and foremost 👌👍👏


As an English reader, I will wait patiently. I am grateful for the time and effort contributed by the English translators (Angela and Jingle) for their volunteer work. And they did a great job! The phases they used were beautiful and it was delightful to read. If their health allows them to continue, I am happy to wait further in honor of their selfless contribution.