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This is an English translation of my work.

Recommended for those who are not good at Japanese.


When you opened the door of the stall in the public toilet, she was already there... (1~4) [English]

This is an English translation of my work. Recommended for those who are not good at Japanese. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Author: numanuma Translator: Mosaic 1 It was a while ago, but the playground equipment ...


When you opened the door of the stall in the public toilet, she was already there... (5~8) [English]

This is an English translation of my work. Recommended for those who are not good at Japanese. 1~4: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Author: numanuma Translator: Mosaic 5 "Hoo?" During one of my day off, I came by t...



Author: numanuma

Translator: Mosaic


Just the other day, yet another inexplicable self-slaughter occurred in that public toilet's stall.

Exactly eleven years have passed since the case of Minatsuki Midori.

Because of this, the stall was closed for a while at the request of the local Police Company. And for two months after the blockade under the pretext of "Currently Undergoing Repairs”, there were no livestock who would self-slaughter themselves.

One day, a lesbian couple asked me where that public toilet was.

"Excuse me. I have heard that there is a famous toilet in this public park. Where is it?"

A beautiful woman with short red hair called out to me all of a sudden.

"If you are looking for that toilet, it is right there. You can go in, but please do bear in mind that you cannot use the stalls that are currently being closed off."

"Ah, t-thank you very much."

The girl with pink twin-tails thanked me and the two of them headed towards that public toilet.

They were wearing swimsuits and apparently came to the park for exercise. My prediction seemed to be correct, as they seemed to be people who were going to the indoor swimming pool that was right next to the park’s location.

When it was time to clean up, I went to the changing room next to the swimming pool and heard a girl’s coquettish voice from the inside of the changing room.

"Aaaah!♡ Yuzuki, don't bully me so much!♡"

"Fufufu, oh Eren...... You actually like when I touch this place, don't you?"

The lesbian couple from earlier was having fun in the empty changing room.

The woman called Yuzuki had short red hair, and her tall and glamorous figure was only accentuated by her competitive swimsuit, creating an artistic female body. She was a beautiful woman with an older sister vibes about her.

The girl called Eren wore pink twin-tails and had a cute swimsuit. Unlike Yuzuki, she was a cute girl who retained a part of her childish charm in both her appearance and behavior. She had pretty big boobs though. That kind of girl, with big moist eyes and cute looks, it was someone who you couldn’t possibly say no to...... And it was also something that would want you to bully her even more.

The bodies of the two of them were drenched in sweat, and Yuzuki was kneading Eren's plump breasts from bottom to top, as if cupping them in her hands, and caressing her nipples with her fingertips.

"Wait, Eren, I'm at my limit already......"

Saying that, Yuzuki reached out her hand towards Eren’s crotch. It was soaking wet already, and she found that it was slimy and seeping out even through the fabric of her swimsuit.

"We can't, Yuzuki! Doing something like this in a place like that!?"

However, Yuzuki didn't listen to a word that Eren was saying, forcibly putting her hand into where Yuzuki’s pussy was.

She even made a loud and wet schlicking sound and this could make me understand that her finger had entered Eren's vagina so easily through her swimsuit.

Yuzuki then started to put her finger in and out of Eren violently. A large amount of nectar overflowed from her pussy along with the violent wet sound, and Eren gasped many times because of that.

"Nhiii♡♡ That's... No! Not there!♡♡♡"

"I know you love it, and I love to see you like that...... You are so cute. Nnhhh~♡"

Yuzuki silenced Eren by pressing her lips tightly against hers. She put her tongue inside of her mouth as if she wanted to give her a rich and deep kiss.

When she pulled her mouth away, there was a thick trail of saliva left on her mouth, and this time she put Eren’s nipple in her mouth and started sucking on it.

Before long, Eren stretched her back and convulsed heavily, and she started moaning in a high-pitched voice.

"Aaaaaaaa♡ Yuzukiiiiii~~~!!!!!!!!!♡♡"

I wondered if Eran just happened to climax, listening to how high-pitched her voice was just now.

And just like that, she collapsed on the floor, and she seemed to be immersed in pleasure while her body was jerking and convulsing strongly.

However, Yuzuki did not give her any time to rest, and this time she sat on top of Eren and brought her crotch right in front of her face......

As expected, I thought it would be bad to disturb them, so I put up a "Cleaning in Progress" sign and decided to start cleaning starting from a different place.

* * *

"Eren, Eren♡"

"Ah... Gah... Yuzuki♡... Gugyuuhh♡♡♡....."

"Haah♡ Haah♡ Your pee♡ is leaking out...... My cute little Eren...... We are going to die together really soon♡ Kyuah♡ Kahah ...♡ Eren♡♡ Ugyu♡♡♡......"

* * *

Two hours later, I thought those two might be done and went back to that dressing room.

"...... Are you being serious?"

The two of them were turned into incontinent corpses. It seemed that love juice and pee droplets were leaking from between their crotches, and the inside of their thighs became all shiny and glossy because of that.

Apparently, after Yuzuki strangled Eren to death, she committed suicide by hanging herself right next to her. However, from their previous performance, they did not plan to commit lesbian double self-suicide in here. This is because, if they had a plan, being livestock as they were, they must have been in heat when they were talking to me before.

"Come to think of it, the two of them went to that toilet just now...... There's no doubt about it. It's the effect of that place! Could it be that the absence of users for a long period of time amplified its effect outside of the stall?"

I then reported the matter to my supervisors. After a meeting with the management company's superiors, including outside organizations, it was decided to open the stalls again so that the scope of influence of that place would not expand too much.




One day, a certain livestock appeared in the park who wanted to spend the night in this stall. It was Kanta Sumika, the daughter of the Kanta family, one of the prominent families in the area.

If she was to be self-slaughtered in a poor place like this one, there was a high possibility of that incident causing a whole lot of trouble, so I had to make sure that she knew what this place was and what its effects were. I also wanted to know if she was going to self-slaughter herself in there, to which she replied:

"I know what this place is. That's why I want to test it myself. This place is supposed to stimulate the will to slaughter yourself even in those who do not wish to do it now, right? I will show everyone that a strong will that has been forged through kendo and seppuku practice is stronger than some toilet! I am a livestock who will commit seppuku in public someday on a spectacular stage. Do you really think I would just sit on such a simple toilet bowl like that and cut my abdomen open!?

She answered confidently.

So, I made her write an affidavit to pledge that saying that in the unlikely event that something happened, it would all be of her own will and that no one would be held responsible for it.

And from my experience here so far, I was convinced that she would end up self-slaughtering herself for some reason anyways.

But it was also a chance for me to rape her corpse, the daughter of a prestigious family.

"Then, if you do end up self-slaughtering yourself, would it be okay if I received your corpse as compensation for the cleaning of the mess you would make?"

"Hmm...... I'm sorry. My corpse is supposed to be used for the sake of the Kanta family. Besides, it's impossible for me to die in a place like this, but...... in the unlikely event that I do, until my corpse is recycled, except for the vagina, you can use it however you want while it remains here. But! You are not allowed to hurt the corpse in any way! Not that it’s going to happen, anyways! And what if I don't die? ......Let’s see...... How about I’ll have you kneel down and beg for forgiveness in front of me?"

Sumika provoked me with her triumphant face, but as long as she is a livestock, my victory was as good as promised here, so I accepted the terms without even having to think about it for too long.

"Fufu, you'd better prepare yourself!"

And just like that she went inside the stall.

* * *

The next morning......

Surely she hadn't cut her abdomen open while sitting "on" the toilet bowl......

However, she cut her abdomen open while sitting "in front of" the toilet bowl and surely died as a result of that.

Her skin had turned pale as the blood in her body had drained, and her lips, which had been of a very charming pink color, were no longer visible as such.

Her face was sloppy at the time of her death, and she was unable to sit on the floor properly on her knees to maintain her position and she leaned her back against the toilet bowl.

"Well then, as promised, I’m going to use you really good. And surely, I would not want to damage that beautiful face of yours......"

I lifted her face and observed it, and the expression she made after her death.

She was a daughter of a prestigious family, and she was quite a beauty because of that. And just now, I was about to rape that precious flower’s mouth......

First I kissed her and licked her mouth. When it was wet enough, I stuck my already stiff cock right into her mouth.

Her body was cold, so naturally her mouth was cold as well, but it only stimulated the desire to dominate her in me even more and it felt great.


After 5 minutes of stroking my dick with her mouth randomly, I couldn't take it anymore and ejaculated inside of her mouth.


And then my semen overflowed from her mouth.

"Aahhh...... I can do whatever I want to this high quality livestock while treating it like a mere onahole...... I can’t get enough of this feeling......"


I slapped Sumika's cheeks many times with my cock, and when it got hard again, I thrusted it into her mouth, ejaculated in her ass, and violated her as promised until the Recycling Practitioner came by to collect.





One day, I was suddenly called by my boss, Orizuru Akubi, and was told that I needed to report back at her office, and when I arrived there she told me something that surprised me.

"It was decided that this public toilet is going to be demolished. Hmm♡ The Miyanomori family...Uh♡ Kanta family and others...There were a lot of complaints from the famous local families...ahhh♡"

It seems that for a long time, there were people who were trying to get rid of that toilet. In particular, the local Police Company seemed to have been the enemy of that toilet for quite a while.

However, the decision to go through with the demolition was solely on the management company’s side. And surely a reason like “Many livestock committing self-slaughter in that public toilet” or other urban legends like that should be impossible to persuade the company to go through with it. However, it was quite a different story when many prominent local families were involved here.

Complaints were received that `The house's slaughter plan was disrupted because my precious daughter was tempted into self-slaughter,'' and the like, and the company was unwilling to argue with these prominent families, so this decision was finally greenlit.

Of course, the company has dispatched many investigators on their own so far, but all the women have self-slaughtered themselves there, and nothing has happened to the men dispatched. The mystery could not be solved after all because the equipment such as the cameras were also found broken.

"That's why...... Haa, haa♡ As the last investigation to be carried out...... I'm going to investigate it myself as the district manager. Please come with me...... Ahh♡ It's overflowing so much~♡"

Orizuru-san said so while staying under me.

I don't intend to hide that she was my Senpai when we were still at school, and she helped me to get a position working at this company.

Since she suddenly said these strange and complicated things, I couldn't help but want to "check her health" immediately, so I stripped all of her clothes, pushed her down onto the office’s sofa and listened to her speaking while simultaneously ramming my dick inside of her.

"Understood. I will accompany you during the investigation."

At first, while we were still students at school she looked down on me for my lackluster appearance, and always made fun of me together with her cronies. So as a means of getting my revenge on her I trained her thoroughly to be nice and obedient, and while she was still cold and strict with me in public, but when we were alone together, she was the cutest little thing that was so obedient, and even though it was not that I had any special feelings for her, I got somewhat attached to her, so I would be a little unhappy if she was to slaughter herself and go out of my reach.

The two of us went out to investigate, but as always, we couldn't find anything.

"Orizuru-san, does getting slaughtered feel good or what?"

"...... Not at all. I guess it must have been an urban legend after all."

Orizuru-san said so with a smile on her face.

"Are you perhaps worried about me? That your boss and sex slave will be slaughtered in this toilet without your permission? Is that it?"

"This is......"

"At that time, you promised me that you would slaughter me. My body and mind are yours now, so don't worry about it."


"Come on, let's go home already."

And it was already evening when I returned to the company, started writing a report, and finished it.

"Well then, it's about time to wrap things up here, so thank you for your hard work. Chu♡"

She praised me and kissed me, and that’s how today's work ended.

* * *

She didn't show up for the morning assembly the next morning. Thinking that it might be possible, I served as the facilitator of the morning assembly instead of her, finished it quickly, and stepped into that toilet first thing in the morning.

"Yeah, I thought as much......"

I don't know what happened, but sure enough she was dead. Her shirt had been taken off, her hands tied behind her back and her neck bent in an unnatural way. Her slender back was spotless, same as her white skin, and her shoulder blades and the way her flesh was attached to them were so beautiful that she seemed like a work of art, and I couldn't help it but to get an erection.

Her big boobs were laid bare, her nipples were erect, she was looking at me with her upside down face dripping both tears and drool, her panties were dripping with her pee and love juices, and they would occasionally fall onto the top of the toilet bowl in thick droplets.

Her shoes were neatly arranged, and on top of them was her folded white shirt.

"Orizuru-san's house should be in the opposite direction of this place...... So why are you here, in this public toilet? ...... Oh well, like I care."

She was already my sex slave, so of course I had the right to do whatever I wanted to the corpse. I hugged her cold body, brought her to her morgue and raped her as much as I possibly could.




A few days after Orizuru-san died in that public toilet, a student at a school near the park asked me for an interview about that stall. Before that toilet was going to be demolished, she, who belonged to the Occult Research Club, wanted to investigate that stall as her research material.

"A mysterious toilet room that arouses the desire to be self-slaughtered by livestock...... Eleven years ago, that famous actress Minatsuki Midori self-slaughtered herself...... Last year, the same thing happened to the beautiful and as unattainable as the stars Miyanomori-senpai, ...... and three months ago...... For some reason, that dignified and strong-willed Kanta-senpai also succumbed to the temptation of self-slaughtering in this stall. A whopping number of 276 livestock have self-slaughtered themselves in that stall. A further 23 livestock used this stall as a slaughterhouse. In other words, in the 11 years and 10 months since the Minatsuki Midori’s incident, a total of 299 livestock have been slaughtered at this famous spot for slaughter.

"What kind of mystery is hidden in this stall? Now I, Kominami Ria will definitely solve this mystery under the name of Occult Research Club! So please tell me everything that you know!"

She announced cheerfully all of that to the recorder.

When a cute and polite girl asked me to do that, I became enthusiastic about the whole thing and guided her around while talking about the livestock self-slaughtering incidents of the past years.

"Then, does that mean that those 299 livestock...... were they all slaughtered in this toilet?"

"Yes. And when I find a corpse of a livestock, I can do whatever I want with it, unless I was specifically asked not to do that."

When I said that, she reacted like she was very interested because she was a girl of the age that was ripe for slaughter and it was natural that she would be interested in such things. It was a very naive reaction with a bright red face. ......Maybe that's...? With that in mind, I guided her to the morgue.

"I am placing the corpse right here on this bed, and then I can use their mouth, pussy, and asshole until the Recycling Practitioner comes to collect it."

"Then this is the so-called necrophilia room......"

Her neck and ears dyed bright red, she was staring at the bed, all restless. Ever since Orizuru-san died, I was a little bit sexually frustrated and horny all the time, so I hugged her from behind without thinking.

"If you're so interested in it, why don't you try the experience of being a slaughtered livestock that is about to be necrophilia raped?"

"Huh?!~~♡...... Y-Yes......♡"

In this way, I was able to get myself cute high school virgin and solve my problems with my sexual frustration at the same time, and Ria was able to learn the pleasure of being raped as her very first sexual experience.

"Ah♡ No♡ So rough!♡ Nnn♡ Ah ah ah ah ah♡♡"

She seemed to have a very sensitive constitution, and she was very lustful, not at all like it was her first time having sex. Moreover, it seemed that our compatibility was quite good, because she started to convulse in the climax just after I myself ejaculated twice.

"Ah, thank you very much...... Thanks to you, I was able to learn a whole lot......"

She blushed and shyly thanked me.

"This toilet will be demolished in just a few days...... Are you going to investigate it until then?"

"Yes, I will investigate it until the very last minute...... Ah, but I will stop and go back home before it gets dark, so don't worry about that."

"If you were to self-slaughter in this toilet, Ria-chan, what would you like to be done with your body afterwards?"

"I-I would like my body to be put on auction, and the money to be donated to some volunteer organization. I even have my will all written down just in case."

"Hmm, I see. If Ria-chan was to be sold at an auction, I would definitely want to buy you."

"Thank you...... But I won't die here! I still have my dream of chasing after the various mysteries of the world and solving even one of them!"

Saying that, Ria-chan left while waving her hand at me.

* * *

The time has finally come for the toilet to be demolished. That stall was already closed and out of service.

Come to think of it, since that day, I haven't met that girl named Kominami Ria again.

"Don't tell me......"

With a strange hunch, I entered the closed toilet and stood in front of the stall......

The inside was tranquil and quiet, but my feelings were whispering that someone was in fact still in there.

I gently opened the door of the stall.

...... As expected, Ria-chan was there.

Her hands were tied behind her back and she was hung in a crouching pose over the toilet bowl.

Apparently she had just died, tears and saliva were still flowing from her face while her mouth was shaped in a smile, and love juices and pee were dripping down the toilet from her crotch.

On her smooth white abdomen, obscene words were scribbled with a permanent marker.

* * *

At an auction held at a later date, I won Ria’s corpse and added it to my corpse collection.

A few weeks later, an article written by Ria was published in an occult magazine that was her so-called posthumous manuscript.

The writing was so high-level that it was hard to believe that a high school student could have done it on her own, but nothing that seemed to be a conclusion was found in it, and all the mysteries remained mysteries still.

But at that moment, a certain line suddenly caught my eye.

[Beginning in the self-slaughter incident of Minatsuki Midori, and ending on the day that the public toilet was demolished, the number of livestock slaughtered in this stall reached 300 livestock, including the livestock who used this place as their slaughterhouse.]

300 livestock. This was the number of people including herself.

Thus she did not manage to solve the mystery, but she became part of the mystery herself instead, and she became the last victim of that public toilet......



Creator's Note: As a side note, the creator intentionally left the truth behind the "Mysterious Stall in Public Toilet" blank. It's not that it's not revealed, it's not even conceived. What's going on, why and how are livestock committing self-slaughter? The answer to that question is left to the reader. I hope that your imagination will be free to create as many truths as there are people reading this story.





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