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This is an English translation of my work.

Recommended for those who are not good at Japanese.



Author: まに

Translator: Mosaic

In any world out there and during any era in history, as long as people are driven by their intelligence, they will also be dominated by the desire to "compete" against one another.

This principle is of no exception, even for women who are livestock.

Family lineage, appearance, academic ability, physical education, romance, sexual skills, and many other factors that make humans human can be made a point of competition, a tool to compare one to another. When subdivided, it can also be jealousy or opposition, but it can be said that there are no women in this world who have no such feelings inside of them.

Of course, harboring a competitive spirit inside of oneself is not a bad thing in and out of itself. Competitiveness is what makes people grow. As long as you can successfully sublimate your emotions and turn them into aspirations, there is no better way to reach maturity.

However, that is assuming that everything is "handled well".

Because when it comes to livestock, there were many cases of livestock who turned the rising competitive spirit in a twisted direction.

–––– People call it "Death Duel Game".

It is a kind of popular custom, especially among adolescent livestock. With a swelling competitive spirit, the two girls fight for their lives to decide each other's superiority and inferiority. It can be said that it is a custom that consists of a special view on life and death of every livestock.

What awaits the loser of the game is "death", without a shred of doubt. Not to mention that if you are not killed as a result of the duel, or even if you admit defeat halfway through, you must commit suicide on the spot.

It is a very dangerous act to perform, but nevertheless, many livestock try to prove that they are better than their rivals in it –––– and on the flip side, there are bound to be numerous contestants who will fail and die.

The superiority or inferiority is decided by life and death. It can be said that it is a perfect conclusion for any living creature.

–––– But, there is another group of people who say something completely different.

That this is no different from animalistic quarrels, and that "Death Duel Game" does not bring anything of value.

But we are humans, after all. If you want to decide the superiority or inferiority as a human being, there is no other choice but to participate in the "Death Duel Game", but you can always apply the special rule of the "Proxy Duel" to it.

* * *

"This is ...... Nhh ♡ ...... Ah, it looks like it's about to be decided ...... ♡"

"Fuh, nnh ...... Nnh ...... I wonder, about that ......"

–––– A duel field dedicated to the "Death Duel Game".

The onlookers were looking down at the two women who were duking it out with all of their might at the moment from the special glass-enclosed viewing room.

Both of them were beautiful and elegant girls, sitting in chairs separated by two small tables and watching the duel as it proceeded.

One of the girls had a gentle yet dignified look on her face, with glossy black hair flowing down her back.

The other girl was beautiful and with dignified eyes, her glittering blonde hair fluttering like pure gold in contrast to her companion.

–––– And both of them were playing with their pussies while watching the duel to the death that was happening right before their very eyes.

"Ahh, no more, no more ...... I can't stand it anymore ...... ♡"

While watching the duel play out, Myodoin Fujika was like getting drunk with pleasure while she was shaking her black hair and her body was shivering. Despite her elegant purple dress, which made her look like a princess appearing at a ball, the I-cup breasts that could be seen through the translucent fabric on her chest were really disproportionate to the rest of her body. Although she was rubbing her pussy with all of her might while modestly toying with her nipples, there was still some elegance in her voice and behavior, making it out to be an exquisite combination of both elegance and vulgarity.

"That’s right ...... They need to settle it quickly ...... ♡"

On the other hand, the blonde twin-tailed girl called Tsukihashi Hatsune was also keeping a cool face, but the way in which she was dressed reminded of a lewd red bondage gear, underlining her slender and sportsy figure. Her beautiful and soft massive H-Cup breasts, which were overflowing from the confines of her bondage-like dress, might not have been as rich as Fujika’s, but she was still groping them eagerly, their elastic shape distorting under the touch of her fingers. Her crotch was spread wide open and she was also gripping her clitoris tightly, which was causing her pussy to shake and tremble time after time.

What was reflected in their eyes was the sight of the duel that was still going on.

Down below, a woman wearing a kendo uniform and wielding a naginata was clashing with a woman wearing a maid costume with two daggers which she was swinging quite vigorously.


Suddenly, the two screamed at the same time.

The naginata wielded by the female warrior finally managed to reach the neck of the maid uniform-wearing woman, tracking a long red line over it, which caused her head to slide off of her shoulders after a short moment.

The body of the maid who lost her head splashed red blood from the gaping wound on her neck. Her sensual thighs cramped and convulsed violently, and she was incontinent of urine. Finally she collapsed to the ground and stopped moving.

While breathing heavily, her shoulders going up and down, the female warrior took her opponent’s decapitated head politely placed it in front of her fallen torso.

At the same time, an inorganic announcement rang across the duel field.

"...... It looks like I have lost this 'Proxy Duel', huh?"

Hatsune’s shoulders dropped quietly.

Naturally. After all, she was the loser of this "Proxy Duel".

"Proxy Duel" is a subclass of the "Death Duel Game".

The way in which it is carried out is that the two sides do not fight personally, but rather choose the champions that fight in their stead, competing for the victory or defeat.

If the champion dies, of course, the one who they were representing had to die as well.

But Hatsune's disappointment was not about the fact that she was about to die.

"Just like that, I’m the one who has to die, huh ...... And even though I was prepared for this, it's still kind of disappointing. Losing the 'Proxy Duel' is way more humiliating."

–––– Hatsune muttered to herself, her pride broken and her feelings in pieces.

It was an impeccable sense of defeat unique to all of the "Proxy Duels".

* * *

"Proxy Duels" and ordinary "Death Duel Game" are different in quality. Their weight is fundamentally different.

"Death Duel Game" is performed by one on one duels where the winner and the loser are based solely on the individual fighting ability of each side, nothing more than that.

However, those who compete in "Proxy Duels" put everything on the scales here, including their own dignity and everything that makes the contestant human.

Because this duel, of course, is all about the strongest champion emerging victorious. But in order to have a champion fight in one’s stead, it requires to have someone who is absolutely "loyal" to you. For the champion, the "Proxy Duels" are nothing more than a pointless act that puts their lives at risk of untimely death.

That is why the client's "human nature" is tested in the process of gaining the ones who are loyal to them.

Not only family name and fame, but also human nature, personal magnetism, centripetal force, charisma ...... all kinds of elements determine whether a stronger champion can be attracted to oneself.

Therefore, the victory in "Proxy Duel" is nothing more than proof that one has the "absolute superiority" over their opponent.

On the contrary, the way in which you feel after you have been defeated ––––

* * *

"...... Looking back, we've had a lot of conflicts over the past year."

The corpse of the fallen champion is carried out by the staff members and witnesses of the duel. Hatsune muttered sentimentally to herself, watching over it with a distant look in her eye.

Although the schools that the two of them attend to are different, their rivalry was so great that it was almost legendary, especially since they were almost equal in appearance, talent, and family lineage. They have met one another at a party about a year ago, and ever since then they have been competing with one another. It can be said that it was a terrible relationship to have with someone. At the beginning of their encounter, it was only at the level of simple quarreling, but the competition between the two gradually became fiercer, and finally today, it managed to find its culmination in form of the "Proxy Duel".

"Tell me about it ...... Hey, are you even listening?"

Hatsune, was lost deep in her own thoughts, as was with every person who was about to die, finally turned her gaze to the side where her rival was, her eyebrows frowning.

For a while now, Fujika hasn't spoken a word. Was she this immersed in the joy of her victory?

"Huh? Umm, y-yes ...... I, I guess I have won, right ...... ? ...... I'm so happy ......"

"...... Myodoin-san?"

She finally managed to get a reply, but Hatsune looked at her rival in an even more suspicious manner.

The appearance of Fujika was indeed strange.

Her expression seemed to be that of a winner who was pleased with herself, but her complexion was a little bit pale.

Her body was cramping ever so slightly, as if she was still in the middle of her climax.

"You, what are you ...... ?"

"...... Please excuse me, the two of you."

"Huh!? Who gave you permission to enter here without –––– Wait, you are ...... ?"

Hatsune, whose voice became very angry and she looked at the entrance of the room. But the one who she saw walking in, she quieted down immediately.

It was Fujika’s champion, the one who was dueling just now. Before becoming her exclusive escort maid, she was a young but experienced instructor at the renowned Kendo Dojo. Her slender form was clad in a female samurai costume, she was really tall, and her dignified silver hair and brown skin made her look like a beautiful young man.

Her escort maid walked straight by Hatsune’s side and stopped in front of Fujika, and bowed to her deeply.

"W-Wait, a moment ......"

"Fujika-sama. I dedicate this victory to you."

"Y-Yes, you did really well ......"

"It was an honor."

Her escort maid politely bowed her head to Fujika, whose forehead was still shining with the small beads of greasy sweat. This champion is unconcerned with her master's obvious perverse behavior, which seemed so incredible that Hatsune held her tongue.

"Well then, we shall proceed as planned."

The escort maid took out her sword, and Hatsune had to make a sound.

"Huh? Wait ––––"

"I’m really grateful to you ......"

The drawn blade shone with an unmistakable silver light.

"Tsukihashi-san ......"

Fujika didn't panic at all, and she glanced at Hatsune who was looking at her in confusion.

"...... I’ll be going first."

Then she gently closed her eyes.

There was no time for Hatsune to respond.

–––– For in the next moment, a flash of the escort maid’s sword flew towards Fujika's neck, sending her head flying into the air.

The figure in the finest dress, oozing out both nobility and lewdness, was instantly turned into nothing more but a lewd corpse.

"Wha ...... Wha ......"

That lewd appearance of hers was still reflected in the eyes of Hatsune, now completely wide open in astonishment.

She was having a really hard time to believe that this lewd wisteria once known as Fujika was now reduced to nothing more but an irregularly convulsing mass of raw meat that was slumped in the chair.

And every time a sudden ecstasy would assault her headless body, her I Cup breast would shake and sway under the thin cloth of her dress.

She was into a blood geyser while spraying pheromones with the blood. If any male would see her now, then they would surely end up getting hard on the spot. It was so odd and so irregular, but incredibly lascivious.

But above all else, Hatsune was finding this sight fascinating.

Fujika’s headless body that was still convulsing looked as though it felt so incredibly good, way better than from anything else.

She would usually wear a dress elegantly, but now, the skirt of the dress she was wearing was wet with urine and love juice. If someone saw this, they would be completely unable to imagine that this body was a rational and intelligent girl while she was still alive.

On top of that blood seeped out, staining her dress red.

"...... Hmm? Huh?"

Hatsune, who had forgotten herself and was fascinated by the sight right before her eyes, suddenly squinted her eyes in yet another astonishment.

She stared at Fujika's abdomen, and ...... She noticed a red blood line oozing onto her abdomen, but it was not the blood coming from the decapitation.

"This ...... Is this ...... ?"

Hatsune approached what was left out of Fujika.

“–––– This is kagebara!? Why on earth ...... !?"

As soon as she confirmed this up close, Hatsune screamed out in a daze.

Kagebara. A secret seppuku.

For it to be quite like this, in this situation, she had to cut her abdomen open right before she entered the special viewing room.

In other words, Fujika had already decided that no matter the outcome of the duel would be, she would also die. And she was determined to suicide.

"But why ...... ? Why would she do that ...... ?"

"...... You surely don’t know about it, Tsukihashi-sama, but at Fujika-sama's school, because of the importance placed on the dignity of its students, private fighting is strictly prohibited."

"Huh ...... ?"

Hatsune was surprised hearing that sudden revelation. That fact was totally unknown to her.

Fujuka’s escort maid sheathed her sword as she said calmly.

"The punishment for breaking school rules is ...... the death penalty."

"Huh? But why ...... ?"

Hatsune was so stunned that she could only say those words while looking at her feet.

Fujika's headless corpse was still slightly twitching. She was no longer alive, and it was impossible to read her feelings from that reaction alone. Her corpse would not be able to say anything, it was just a lump of meat that was fueled by her lingering libido.

"...... This only goes to show just how much My Lady wanted to settle the matter of your rivalry, Tsukihashi-sama."

Instead, the escort maid spoke up. Hatsune looked at her.

"...... It was something more important to her than death. I wonder if someone like you, Tsukihashi-sama, can understand that."

"...... Yes, I think I do."

Hatsune nods her head. Yes, those words were coming from the bottom of her heart.

At the same time, she knew why she was defeated by Fujika.

"My resolution was not as good as that of Fujika."

"...... Fujika-sama has bet her everything on this duel. And in order not to bring shame to her school, she had to win this duel. There was no other way. Fujika-sama's kagebara is a proof of her determination for herself and others. Tsukihashi-sama, you were able to bring the competitive spirit of Fujika-sama to completely new heights. For that, I sincerely admire you."

"...... I'm a little happy to hear that, but I'm more disappointed, to be honest."

Hatsune thought of it as a complete and utter defeat.

Fujika was willing to die in order to protect her own dignity. Compared to Hatsune, who would have survived if she had won, the difference cannot be said to be greater than that.

But something like that was only expected. After all, she was her rival.

It was only now that Fujika was dead that Hatsune realized for the first time ever just how much she really loved her.

"...... Of course, I will have to follow My Mistress into death, now that it has come to this."

"...... Yes, I realize that."

"But I'm not going to be the only one. About two hours ago, all the maids who were attached to Fujika-sama hung themselves and died before her ...... And they did so right in front of Fujika-sama and myself."

With that said, for the first time Hatsune could see the escort maid’s cheeks that blushed slightly.

"I was embraced by Fujika-sama at that time. It was the first time for Fujika-sama to be so fierce. I was wrapped up in all of Fujika-sama and was being devoured by her ...... I would even climax five times in a row from that. Fujika-sama’s body was perfect. She would use all of her soft lips and mellow limbs effectively and go down hard on me ...... Ah, when we had sex after that, she gave me the sweetest, lover-like kiss.

"After so many kisses, our hot and passionate union would begin again. This time around, she would overrun me gently while starting to cut her belly. Just recalling that scene makes my body start to go into heat. When she thrust her blade against that white side of hers, Fujika-sama screamed, 'Ah......!' in a very lustrous voice.

"She must have reached her own peak at that point ...... And with all of the strength that she had in her hand, Fujika-sama pulled her blade towards the right. The cold blade broke Fujika-sama's beautiful belly skin in a horizontal line, and fresh blood flowed like a waterfall from that point ...... Eventually, it breached her other side of her lower right abdomen, and from there Fujika-sama's pink small intestines started to stick out ......"

The escort maid slipped her hand into her crotch over her female-samurai costume and grabbed her breast right in front of Hatsune, who was listening to her hot sighs and moans.

Although she was trying to stay humble, the brave woman’s body is no less attractive than that of her Mistress, Fujika. She would caress her body while tracing her hand all over its female samurai costume and twisted her limbs so that she could immense in the pleasure even more, and just looking at it seemed to convey just how wet and excited they were to have sex.

...... After a few seconds, the escort maid returned to her polite behavior, apparently suppressing her body aches and burning desires.

"Please excuse me for that. After that, I wrapped Fujika-sama's seppuku wound with a bandage, and Fujika-sama wore her dress. She looked the same as usual, but it would only last for a couple of hours at best. Over time, intra-abdominal bleeding would result in her death ...... So we immediately came to the duel site after we walked past the hanging bodies of the maids. The death of Fujika-sama, who loved me so much, was then decided ...... And at the same time, it would also spell my own death."

Then, the escort maid resolutely turned her flushed face towards Hatsune.

"This body has already died for Fujika-sama’s sake. I was able to win this duel because I was prepared to die."

"...... Now I completely understand. The reason why I lost, that is."

The maid, who was the champion of Hatsune, was one of the many maids of the Tsukihashi family, the one who was said to have the strongest fighting ability of them all, although the escort maid was an instructor at Kendo Dojo, Hatsune’s maid was able to put a lot of pressure on her.

However, if both the Master and servant are prepared to go so far, there is no way that the other party would be able to win without showing the same determination.

Indeed, "Proxy Duels" are a terrifying thing. Because "Proxy Duels" will compare the qualities of two duelists in virtually everything.

But how desperate would she had been if her opponent was not Fujika? At the very least, losing to Fujika would make Hatsune’s feel very comfortable.

"Tsukihashi-sama’s maid was also a fierce fighter. A very loyal one, indeed."

"Thank you ...... I'm glad if you say that."

Hatsune said that purely out of obligation. After that, there was nothing but silence for a short while.

"Can I ask you something? Just one question ...... What will happen to Myodoin-san's body now?"

"Yes ...... It will stuffed according to Fujika-sama’s will and donated to the ◯◯ Museum that Fujika-sama used to frequent a lot when she was still alive."

"I see ...... Thank you."

Hatsune then clapped her hands twice.

Immediately after that, a maid with a poker face entered the special viewing room. She was the Head Maid that was directly under Hatsune’s orders.

"Please excuse me, My Lady."

"Please arrange for a corpse recycling practitioner ...... I will be committing seppuku right here in just a moment."

Hatsune tells that to the Head Maid in resolute tone.

"I want you to stuff my body for exhibition and donate it to the ◯◯ Museum. As an added condition, the museum must place my body right next to Myodoin-san’s body."

"Certainly, as you wish."

The maid's poker face didn’t change at all when she heard that.

"Also, please tell my father that this duel ended in my complete defeat ...... I'm sorry I changed my mind on the spot like that, especially since I originally wanted to give this body of mine to him after I was slaughtered."

"As you wish, My Lady. Now, please have a comfortable death ...... I will always adore you, My Lady."

"Thank you."

"Well then, please excuse me."

With a slight bow, the Head Maid left the room.

Hatsune turned towards the escort maid now that they were the only ones who were left in the room.

"...... I was wondering if I could ask you for your help with going through with this?"

"Yes, certainly. I would be honored to do so ...... I sincerely believe that it would also make Fujika-sama even more delighted if you were to die through committing seppuku."

"...... As a sore loser, I think it's only natural to pay homage to Myodoin-san like that."

Hatsune laughs softly. And then she sat in chair elegantly.

"...... Could you please pass me the dagger?"

"Yes ...... Here you go."

"Thank you."

After the proper method was decided, the movements of the two were fast and smooth.

* * *

As a respected member of the high society, Hatsune naturally knew all about committing seppuku. She had no hesitation when it came to doing it herself, either. As her escort maid held her sword, Hatsune thrusted her dagger into her belly without a moment’s delay.

As the tip of the blade touched her soft abdomen, Hatsune immediately felt her body being lit ablaze.

Originally, the death resulting from a "Proxy duel" was supposed to be a really miserable one.

However, the satisfaction of losing to such an esteemed opponent stimulated Hatsune's livestock instincts to go through with it.

She was going to die. From now on, she would become a flesh that incites sexual desire in others just like Fujika. Her excitement was raising even higher thanks to that realization, especially since Hatsune always had to control her urges because of the status of her family. Her seductive body that everyone around her would long for started to ache painfully.

Her excitement right now was so great that the escort maid in front of her would even swallow hard seeing her become like that.

"...... Nnnhhh ––––"

Hatsune then pressed the dagger’s blade to her abdomen.

Her lewd body emphasized in her bondage-like clothes bends over and her breasts trembled softly because of the sudden shock.

Her toned abdomen was stained with fresh blood and tightened up and looked extremely beautiful. Her soft belly tightened with a shudder, looking as if she was tempting someone. The erotic flesh of her thighs rubbed against one another, also fueling onlooker's lust further. To think that this usually beautiful and proud Hatsune-sama, referred to by others as a "Queen", of the house Tsukihashi is right now committing seppuku –––– If this look was seen by other people, there would probably be countless people who would start rutting.

Just then, a climax-like sensation shook Hatsune’s entire body as her face was twisted in a sharp sensation of pain that only lasted for a single moment.

The blade, which tore through her thin skin, sank into her flesh, and Hatsune cramped once again from that.

That felt good. So good that she thought she would die from it.

Up to that point, Hatsune was trying to maintain her elegant and dignified image, but she couldn't resist the blissful pleasure she had already felt, and she slammed the blade even deeper into her side and pulled it towards the right instantly.

“–––– Ah ♡♡"

TWITCH! At that moment her whole body bounce in a vulgar fashion.

At that moment, the pleasure dominated her entire expression. The pain she was feeling, her soft belly, and the blackness of the internal organs that were slowly being revealed. Soon after that, there was a huge tide that gushed out from between her closed thighs, signaling that Hatsune had climaxed just now.

A beautiful blonde girl who just climaxed from committing seppuku ––––

She looked extremely attractive and lewd, for she was a young lady of high society who had spent her whole life in a particularly rational way, so this look now set her off even more beautifully. Unlike Fujika, who was decapitated on the spot, The convulsions on Hatsune’s approaching death were a mixture of pleasure and anguish, but still maintaining her reason. If some men saw her like this, would they start jerking themselves off on the spot? And if some women saw her like this, would they decide to follow in her footsteps? That’s just how seductive her appearance was just now.

In order to feel a more unconstrained pleasure, Hatsune parted her legs widely.

She then thrusted her blade vertically, cutting her belly in a clean cross-section.

An unnamed pants and moans filled the special viewing room.

The ecstasy felt by Hatsune was unusual, and her head was burning white with pleasure and endorphins while she got to taste the most powerful of climaxes over and over again.

Above all else, her appearance looked really brave and risque opening her crotch and spilling her internal organs from her belly cut in a cross-section like that while moaning in pleasure.

She wanted that whoever was watching her would see her absolute everything.

Fujika's commited kagebara with only a single horizontal wound.

So by doing yet another cut into a cross-section, Hatsune could outperform her rival.

Or in a sense, that was her idea of paying her respect to her.

A lewd and sensual appearance with the belly cut open in a neat cross-section ––––

From here on out, forever ...... With her, with Myodoin-san ......

Right beside Fujika ––––

"...... If you’ll excuse me."

Hatsune climaxed while thinking of Fujika and spasming, at the same time, the escort maid enthusiastically said that to her.

She then brought her blade down onto Hatsune’s smooth nape without any deviation or resistance.

The blonde hair of Hatsune danced in the air.

In an instant, the beautiful lady’s body turned into a pile of meat, splattering her blood from her neck all over the place.

Just like Fujika, her corpse convulsed abnormally.

Just how lewd this room was at the current moment? With two tables in between them, with a pair of headless corpses –––– one of them stopped trembling completely, while the other was convulsing –––– staining the floor with their blood. Fujika’s escort maid could no longer stop her pussy from getting hot and bothered.




Eventually, everything came to a stop.

The remaining escort maid politely corrected the posture of the two headless corpses sitting in their chairs, and placed their heads on top of the tables.

"...... It looks absolutely wonderful. Please, continue to get along from now as well."

She spoke those words quietly.

The escort maid was the only one who knew the relationship between those two more than anyone else.

For the two of them, there is no one in the world who can make them gamble everything in a fight –––– as well as to make them approve something –––– like one another.

And now that the two of them have been freed from the shackles of this world they would surely be drowning each other’s arms, loving one another like mad.

* * *

The escort maid was watching over them with respect for the time being, until Hatsune’s Head Maid visited once again.

She was staring at the faces of the two girls whose heads were separated from their bodies for a while, her poker face still as strong as ever.

And then she said:

"...... Thank you for your hard work. You have really magnificent skills. Both of them have the calmest expressions I have ever seen."

"Thank you very much."

The escort maid bowed her head slightly.

"So? What are you going to do from now on?"

"I've done everything that I could. Now I can die with no regrets…… I guess I will just end myself and follow in their footsteps."

"As you wish. There is still an hour left before the corpse recycling practitioner is going to arrive."

After she told her that, the Head Maid turned around and headed towards the door.

When she opened the door, several maids stood side by side just outside of the corridor.

The facial expressions of the maids were the same as that of the Head Maid, and they were all keeping their usual cool.

"...... Those girls are also the ones who were serving Hatsune-sama. And we were already prepared as well. From now on, we will follow our Lady and die in this corridor. Now then, if you’ll excuse me."

The Head Maid bowed her head and left the room.

The escort maid who was left all alone had no choice but to admire what she just witnessed.

Even though they are about to die, they haven't broken their pride as maids in the slightest.

They have been blessed with a wonderful master like Hatsune, but Hatsune was also blessed with wonderful followers like them. While staring at Hatsune’s headless corpse, she could not help herself but to think that what they had was the perfect Master-Servant relationship.

She was also temporarily immersed in this feeling.

With that in mind, the escort maid naturally followed after them.

The maids, led by the Head Maid, stopped by the window in the corridor.

There was the body and the head of Hatsune’s champion there, who was beheaded earlier by the escort maid.

The Head Maid kneeled down in front of her and lifted her head.

Her calm and hollow eyes stared at the Head Maid.

–––– Then, Head Maid’s expression became deeply moved and her eyes became moist in a single moment.

"Thank you for doing your best until the very end. I shall join you soon enough."

She whispered those words and then kissed the head on the lips affectionately.

She then closes her eyes and placed the severed head back on the ground, letting it rest.

The Head Maid then stood up and pulled a long string out of her maid outfit’s pocket.

She untied the string and hung it on the handle of the window opposite of her.

There was a ring at the end of her string, and she passed her neck through it without a moment’s hesitation.

It was a sight that anyone would instantly recognize as hanging. But this was not nearly tall enough for any normal hanging.

The Head Maid seemed to have chosen to die by sitting hanging.

"Well then, everyone, let's get started."

Said the Head Maid calmly.


The maids replied with a very calm attitude, and then they faced each other.

They were kneeling on the floor of the corridor with their knees in close contact with each other.

From non-standard big breasts to perfect big breasts, from beautiful breasts to small breasts, each type of attractive breast was now crushing against one another in two pairs and changes their shape sweetly.

It was something that should not be considered lewd or erotic, but the maids began to caress one another, stimulating their pussies with their hands while they were at it.

A number of sweet sighs and moans started to fill the corridor.

Their lips would also naturally seek another pair with which they would get connected, and stick to their partner violently.

"Nchu, nnnh, hamuh –––– ♡"

"Lick, Churu, Nyure ...... ♡"

What followed was a myriad of deep and wet kisses.

The kissing sounds of the young maidens was an extremely stimulating sight.

–––– And then there was also the sound of cold metal rubbing against the hot flesh that was mixed in with the kisses.

They were pulling out small pistols from the holsters at their hips while rubbing against one another and kissing.

Then they would point the muzzles of their pistols under their partners’ left breast without hesitation.

They would die wanting to rejoin their Lady. It was an act that made you feel that they were as prepared to die as the maids who died for Fujika.

These maids are qualified to serve Hatsune, so every one of them is an outstanding beauty and now their lewd lesbian caress was truly bewitching and beautiful to witness.

The Head Maid was the only one looking at the scene all alone.

She then noticed that they had another person watching the maids’ performance, and she could only smiled bitterly to that.

She then said:

"I'm sorry for exposing you to such an unsightly appearance of ours."

In the eyes of the Head Maid, there was a reflection of the escort maid, who was breathing really hard.

"As you can see, all the maids of the Tsukihashi household are lovers. It is the rule of Tsukihashi household that if one of lovers is facing slaughter, the pair must both commit suicide. My lover has already passed away, so now I’m all on my own like this. I will hang myself and die alone. But please, do take your time."

"...... Yes."

Upon hearing her escort maid's reply, the Head Maid sat cross-legged and immediately dyed her pale expression with a deep tinge of red ecstasy.

As her white neck was being strangled, she moaned and began her masturbation with her beautiful porcelain-like hands and fingers, sneaking their way inside of her mini-skirt.

Her skillful masturbation showed that she knew all of her own erogenous zones really well. The sight of a beautiful woman rubbing her pussy was truly a stimulating one, no matter if you are a woman or not.

Within minutes, the Head Maid sprinkled her urine and thick love juices from her crotch with a spraying sound.

The sound, which seemed to show the strength of her pleasure as well, was also the signal for all other maids.

A number of gunshots echoed in the hallway, as if following the Head Maid.

The intense impact of the ammunition pushed the maids to their peaks. They screamed all at once, squirting blood from their chests and collapsing while hugging each other, becoming lewd corpses drowning in waves of intense pleasure.

Eventually the Head Maid’s face turned all blue, staring at her lover's severed head with her hollow eyes, and she died quietly just like that.

The maids all turned into lifeless corpses cramping in the pleasure of death in the sea of their own blood.

The Head Maid died in a way that looked like her whole brain was flooded substances that make people feel happy.

All the while the escort maid was looking at it with her own eyes.

...... She eventually closed the door slowly.

Inside of the quiet special viewing room, the escort maid couldn't stand it anymore.

"...... I shall follow you as well."

The escort maid took off her outfit and kneel right in front of the two corpses. Her clothes accentuated her brown breasts neatly.

She took out her dagger from its scabbard and cuts her belly without hesitation with her own hands.

She stuck the pale blade into her soft abdomen.

"Oh ...... oh ...... ♡"

The blade goes right into it with little to no resistance.

–––– After that, the room was filled with the moaning of a lone woman.

Blood spills out of her abdomen, dyeing her smooth brown lower abdomen in deep crimson.

The escort maid's plump breasts shook and her sensual body dances to the rhythm of her spasms.

Kneeling in front of the two beautiful heads of the two ladies and their lewd headless corpses, she trembled and climaxed many times, inserting the dagger’s blade deep into her body.

She moved the blade, which she held in her sweaty hands, in search of even deeper pleasure.

One line across her abdomen ...... And then a beautiful cross-section.

Eventually she cut her belly into a cross-section, and her ecstasy was finally at its maximum.

Her lustrous internal organs spilled out of her wounds.

At that moment, the escort maid tightened her pussy tightly, climaxed violently one last time and collapsed in front of the two ladies.

Her breasts pressed tightly against the ground and a wet spot appeared on her crotch and she snarled and made hard convulsions for a while longer.

And then after a while all the convulsions stopped and the escort maid ceased to move.

After that, there were just three lewd corpses quietly occupying the special viewing room.

It goes without saying that the soon-to-be-visited corpse recycling practitioners desperately restrained themselves from accidentally raping the corpses like mindless beasts ––––



Side Story

Two beautiful girls were having a passionate lesbian sex, furiously rubbing their pussies together.

...... If only their genitals were rubbing against one another in close contact.

However, due to two factors, their actions were the most lustful, their bodies are full of extreme sexual desire.

One of them was the fact that this was the contest that the two of them were currently engaged in.

And the other one –––– Their bodies were so lustful that it seems to be created solely for incite the sexual desire of the viewer.

"Ahh, Tsukihashi-san, does this place feel good? Anh, aah ♡♡"

"Kuh ♡ Myodoin, -San ...... t-this is, that feels ...... Aaa~~~hhhhn!! ♡♡"

–––– Their intertwined thighs were shining with a nasty luster.

Their sweaty, long, healthy-looking, and fleshed-out thighs are pressed against each other as if they were licking their tightly-squeezed skin against each other with passion.

The feeling of their thighs must have been truly exquisite, for their scissoring pussies reacted to it by letting out even more of their love juices, staining their plump and sweet flesh.

Just then, both of them pressed their genitals against one another even tighter, entangling their soft but elastic privates in an even closer union.

But it was not only the lower parts of their bodies that were pressed tightly together. Their swaying hair was beautiful, and their bouncing chests had the softness and elasticity that was causing them to overflow from between their fingers.

One of the two beauties engrossed in their rough scissoring was the classical Yamato Nadeshiko with glossy black hair –––– Myodoin Fujika.

The other one was Tsukihashi Hatsune, a dignified blonde girl who hated to lose more than anything, she was trying to make panting Fujika feel better as hard as she could.

Both of them are the type of ladies whose bodies could be described as the epitome of nobility and both of their familes were fully worthy of their bodies.

"Nhh ♡ Now then, looks like you’re the one who came first ♡ Nhh ♡"

"What are you saying? You are obviously the one who came first here, Myodoin-san, oohh ♡"

–––– This rivalry between the two girls has been going on for eleven moths straight now.

The two rivals have been competing in various ways, but they haven't settled their dispute as of now, and finally they decided to settle their dispute by having a love duel like that, staking each other’s pride on the line.

The place where they were currently at was a large tatami room in a hotel.

The more the two try to make the other cum, the more their female flesh would react to their frantic love-making.

Fujika leaned forward and hugged Hatsune tightly while she was squeezing her pussy with her own while also pressing their thighs together closely while maintaining their scissoring position.

Temporarily their pussies would separate from one another, but the thread of a thick love juice would still connect them.

As they were just now, Fujika matched her own lips with the lustrous lips of her rival and gave her an extremely deep kiss.

"Hmm ♡ Hmm, huh –––– ♡♡"


The abundant breasts squeezing one another and their nipples drawing circles around each other, they would stick to their partner with the entirety of their sweat-covered skin ...... On top of that, the noble tongues of the young ladies were entwined so wildly as if they were trying to devour one another.

Of course, it’s not like the two of them were in love with each other, or anything.

They were just rivals. The graceful Fujika and selfish Hatsune although their personalities were complete opposite of one another, they both had their pride and would see the other one as the worthy rivals.

Nevertheless, the two of them are holding each other tight.

Their tongues thoroughly entwined while as if they were going to melt their bodies into one.

This is just a competition that is about victory or defeat. It is nothing more but a competition based on who could make the other one climax more.

However, the sweet sighs and moans of the two who had their tongues intertwined and tasted their sweet saliva was a sign that they were both greatly enjoying this.

"Nchu, pu~~ąaah, Tsukihashi-san, please come for me ♡"

"Kuuh, hmm ...... Uhh ...... ♡"

After an amazingly long kiss, the two squeeze their boobs together again as they began to scissor their pussies once more as well.

There was no need to even discuss in advance, Fujika and Hatsune held the bamboo dagger and repeatedly did the action of cutting theirself abdomen.

The two were mere livestock. And strangely enough, both of them hoped that they would both die as a result of committing seppuku. So it was only a kind of sexual habit to indulge in pseudo-seppuku state while trying to make each other come.

Two young ladies with the best royal bodies there were, were now sliding the sweet and lukewarm blade of the bamboo dagger over their soft and glossy bodies again and again, imitating the motion you would do when committing seppuku.

The movement of the blade, which seemed to trace the lascivious luster of their abdomens, made their wombs ache all the way inside of them, causing them to contract, greatly filling their desire to cum with every single moment.

"Fuuhn♡ Nnnhhh, now then, Tsukihashi-san ––––"

Hatsune was in a disadvantageous position. She was already at her limit.

–––– But despite this, Hatsune struggled to resist Fujika, who tried to make Fujika come first.

“–––– Nkku ♡♡"

"Ah !? Ah, Tsukihashi-san, ah, ah, ah –––– ♡♡♡"

Contrary to her proud nature, Hatsune climaxes easily when someone tries to make her feel good. But despite this, her competitive and hated to lose personality now helps her.

So seeing that there was an opening in Fujika’s guard, Hatsune assaulted her pussy even fiercer than before, hell-bent on making her cum.

Fujika’s black-haired swayed, and her soft-contoured female body twitched strongly around her hips. which was seductively constricted, and her lustrous abdomen, which had slid down on the bamboo dagger, tightened in apparent pleasure.

"Hmm ♡ Oooh ♡♡♡"

Fujika’s black hair swayed greatly and then she climaxed violently.

Fujika bounces and spasmed many times while keeping her pussy in close contact with Hatsune’s. Her blissful hug, yet to be her perfect style, it all caused Fujika’s breasts to shake even more and writhe in strong convulsions.

–––– It would seem that the 99th duel of forcing one another to cum ended in Hatune’s victory.

"Oh ♡ Oooh ...... Haah ♡ kuh ♡"

"Ah!?-Nnnhh!? Haah!?"

However, Fujika immediately responded with the counterattack of her own, and the high-speed pussy-rubbing that made a rapid splashing noises, an action that drove Hatsune, who was always weak to such actions, to climax on the spot.

"Nhi ♡ Ntsu ...... ♡♡♡"

As their positions were suddenly reversed, Hatsune was spasming and her moans were fairly faint and weak.

Their score was now equal –––– 50 wins vs. 50 loses each ––––

Just when the 100th match ended with Fujika's victory, the two of them realized that they were on equal grounds once again, and became ready to have a go at it once more.

"Hnnh, next one is going to be my winning streak, Tsukihashi-san –––– ♡"

"What are you talking about? I’m obviously going to win from now on. ♡"

–––– Both of them wouldn’t give up that easily.

However, they also felt that the seeds of their climaxes that existed in them were inevitably swelling all over their wombs even as they spoke.

((The next orgasm is going to be absolutely ...... amazing ...... ♡♡))

Two violently lewd girls who rub her pussies against each other ...... and with each of their spasms, their perfectly proportioned bodies twitched.

Their duels were sure to continue. Probably until one of them would faint from exhaustion.

Aware of that fact, they instinctively realized that this orgasm would be one of the greatest ones they have experienced so far.

With that in mind, there was nothing else they could do about it but to let themselves be swept by it.

The toes of their long legs were all tense from the stimulation.

They also couldn’t stop sliding their lower abdomens against the smooth texture of the bamboo dagger. It is as if they have completely lost their rationality.

Their sensual thighs trembled with convulsions, and every time their breasts devour pleasure from one another, they would sway as if sprinkling pheromones all over the place.

"Ahhhhh –––– ♡♡"

"Ah, ah, ah –––– ♡♡"


Fujika and Hatsune screamed and trembled violently as the two of them climaxed at the same time.

While matching their vaginal opening that swelled as if they were trying to deep kiss one another, their toes were strongly tense and twitched as the waves of orgasm washed over their bodies.

Two noble ladies, now behaving like horny beasts, held their scissoring position, tilting their head back and spasming in orgasm. Seeing the looks on their faces, one could even said that they have gone stupid from the pleasure.

Just like that, they would sit there and silently taste the pleasure of their orgasm.

By the time the climax convulsions subsided, the soft, sweet pink heat leaked from their mouths.

At the same time, a completely new wave of pleasure blown over them and they happened to climax once more right away.

...... Their bodies squirmed strongly and the two ended up fainting at the same time, when they have reach their peaks for the 101st time today.

Their Intercourse Duel, the 101st time to be exact, ended with both of them fainting at the same time.

* * *

"So in the end, it was a draw again, Tsukihashi-san."

"...... After all, we will have to duel again."

"Yes, let's settle everything next time."

"If I want to beat you, Myodoin-san ......"

"If I want to beat you, Tsukihashi-san ......"

"Even if it was to cost me my life ......"

"I shall happily throw it all away if that’s what it takes."

"And if so ......"

"Then our next duel is going to be ......"

""Let’s make it a 'Death Duel Game'.""

–––– That was exactly one month before the "Death Duel Game" was held.

A story when two rivals applied for a Death Duel Game at the same time and were accepted together.

They hugged each other naked, and continued talking while their hands were caressing the other girl's body.

"How about we schedule the duel to take place in a month's time?"

"Yes. Of course, if you want to have a 'Proxy Duel', I won’t mind that, either."

"I understand ...... So this means I won’t be able to see you for an entire month, huh?"

"Yes ...... We won’t be able to see each other for a month."

"And the next time we meet ......"

"It will be the time for one of us to die."

Of course, the two are not in love with each other.

They were just rivals. The graceful Fujika and selfish Hatsune had different personalities, but their pride was high, and they were looking at their opponents as competitors.

Nevertheless, both of them had a sweet look in their eyes when they gazed at one another.

–––– Unknowingly, their lips were attracted to one another once more.

"Hmm ...... mmm, chu ...... ♡♡"

"Lick, lick, slurp ...... Nchu ...... ♡♡♡"

Fujika and Hatsune then had their 102nd duel that day after licking their tongues greedily.

And that 102nd duel was also their very first duel that was entirely non-competitive.




NAME Myodoin Fujika

GRADE/WORK Senior Student of Third Year, Kuro Yuri School

Height 167cm

Weight 49kg

3-Size 103I/65/101

Frequency of Masturbation About 5 times a week

Number of Sex partners 25

First sex partner A female resident tutor


The daughter of the prestigious Myodoin family. A prim and proper girl with good looks. A so-called Yamato Nadeshiko type. She’s a member of the Flower Arrangement Club, and her beauty alongside her black hair and huge breasts has made her popular alongside both men and women in school. She’s also an idol figure in the Flower Arrangement world. She is a hardcore lesbian who surrounds herself with many girlfriends, maids and escorts in order to create her own personal harem. Her personal magnetism is so strong that she is admired by women in her harem as their absolute Mistress.


One day when she meets a special person worthy of taking her life, she wishes to commit seppuku alongside her or to commit seppuku right after that special person.


She was supposed to perform a "Death Duel Game" with a student from another school, but it was then decided that it would be a "Proxy Duel" between their champions. To motivate her champion, she committed kagebara before the duel and was beheaded immediately after her champion victory. Her body was then stuffed at her request and donated to a museum exhibiting other stuffed livestock.


NAME Tsukihashi Hatsune

GRADE/WORK Senior Student of Third Year, Le Songe School

Height 165cm

Weight 46kg

3-Size 99H/63/100

Frequency of Masturbation About 5 times a week

Number of Sex partners 47

First sex partner Her father


A member of the prestigious Tsukihashi family. Perhaps because she was spoiled by her parents and her surroundings from her early years, she grew up to be arrogant and self-centered. She belongs to the SM Study Club and is treated as a "Queen" by other students. Her blonde hair and huge breasts inherited from her mother and her sexually attractive perfect proportions make her to be adored by everyone in school. She has a lascivious temperament and is a basically lesbian, and although she has relationships with quite a number of women out there, she actually has a very strong father complex. The only man who could make love to her was her father, and she would count herself amongst his many mistresses.


She is ready to die at a moment’s notice should her father wishes it. She wants to be slaughtered in any way that her Father would deem appropriate for her.


She played a "Death Duel Game" with a student from another school, but was utterly defeated. As punishment, she is forced to commit seppuku. Her body was afterwards stuffed at her request and donated to a museum exhibiting other stuffed livestock.





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