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<あらすじ> 生徒会長の女子生徒はずっと不良グループを更生したいと思っていた。 そこで彼女たちの身体を縮めて罰を与えることにした。 不良生徒たちは小さな身体で一生懸命逃げきろうとするが 生徒会長は巨大な足で追いつめ容赦なく踏み潰していく。 <Synopsis> The president of the student council, a female student, had always wanted to rehabilitate a group of delinquents. So she decided to punish them by shrinking their bodies. They try their best to escape from her with their small bodies, but the student council president catches up with them with her huge feet and stomps them mercilessly. But she catches up with them with her huge feet and stomps them down mercilessly. https://minimums-asmr.com/ws360ppfohuryocrh/




I really love this story