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<あらすじ> 巨大な女性が好きな男は巨大娘のネイルサロンを訪れた。 巨大娘が足にマニキュアを塗るのを手伝うのだ。 しかし男は巨大娘のマニキュアの色が気に食わなかった。 それを指摘すると巨大娘は違う色に塗り替えるが、男に腹を立てた巨大娘は容赦なく足の下で彼を踏み潰す。 <Synopsis> A man who likes giant women visited a giant girl's nail salon. His role is to help her apply nail polish to her feet. But he didn't like the color of her nails. She repaints it his favorite color, but she is angry inside. And in the end she ruthlessly crushes him under her feet. https://minimums-asmr.com/ws360ppfonailsalongts/



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