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<あらすじ> 女は彼氏と一緒にカフェでデートをしていた。 楽しい時間を過ごしていたのだがだんだん足指がむずむずかゆくなってきて我慢できなくなった。 彼氏が席を外した隙にサンダルを脱いで無心になって足裏を掻きむしる。 そんな彼女の姿を見た彼氏は彼女に幻滅し別れを告げて帰ってしまう。 開き直った女はカフェでも構わず足を掻きむしる。 <Synopsis> The woman was having a date at a cafe with her boyfriend. But gradually her toes became so itchy that she could not stand it. When he leaves her seat, she takes off her sandals and innocently scratches the soles of her feet. Seeing her like that, he becomes disillusioned with her and leaves after saying goodbye to her. She defiantly scratches her feet. https://minimums-asmr.com/ws360ppfomizumushidate/



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