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<あらすじ> 身体が小さな少年は母親の友達2人と留守番することになった。 しかしその留守番はカンタンなものではない。 彼を見失った彼女たちは彼が椅子の上にいることに気づかずに何度もおしりで押しつぶしてしまう。 さらに彼は彼女たちの巨大な足裏で何度も踏み潰されそうになる。 そんな困難を乗り越えながら留守番しやっと母親が帰ってきたがその母親も自分の息子が椅子の上にいるとは知らずにおしりで踏み潰してしまう。 <Synopsis> A small boy stays at home with his mother's two friends. But it's not an easy one. They don't realize he's in the chair, and they smash him with their buttocks over and over again. Furthermore, he almost gets trampled by their huge soles many times. After overcoming such difficulties, his mother finally came home, but she also trampled him on the chair without knowing that he was on the chair. https://minimums-asmr.com/ws360ppfomamatomo2crh/



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