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It's that time of the year. The end of it, that is. Been a long, short, and interesting year. Hope everyone is doing well and had a good time with whatever holidays they participated in, or just had a general good time if they didn't celebrate anything. This year, for me, has simultaneously felt like a super long year, while at the same time a short one. Pretty strange, honestly. It might just be because this was the year I was probably my most productive, so while time passed quickly... my memories of it are filled with a lot of working and what not, so it seems longer. Still, it might not have been the most 'quality' of years, but I certainly put out a lot of stuff this year. More than any other year. I don't feel like doing an exact count, but I wouldn't be surprised if this year had as much content as the previous four years combined. From the beginning with various things, to the Anniversary, to more various things, to Halloween, and then Christmas. Lots of stuff was done this year. I don't plan to make next year as jam-packed with content as this year, but I'll be continuing my usual schedule of bi-weekly releases, and two polls a month.

(And yes, this dress, and the whole fireworks thing will show up some more. When I get a new costume like this I gotta put it on a bunch of characters. And might as well get the most mileage that I can out of the fireworks.)

I mentioned before that I do plan to 'downsize' the polls from five animations to three. Mainly because, sometimes, I just blank on poses. I can usually think of one or two really good ideas(to me, at least) per character, and from there it can be a bit… blank. There are exceptions to this, of course, but yeah. And that sort of blank just leads to lower quality. For that, and so that I'm not scrambling to animate anything and just for keeping my own mental health in good shape, I'm going from five to three. Will make things a lot easier/simpler for me. I do sort of plan to try to include some sort of finish/climax, but I won't necessarily promise that since they are quite a struggle for me mentally for some reason. Normal releases will still aim for six animations(though that is also subject depending on how into the idea I am), and there will probably be exceptions where I'm especially feeling the poll character and I sneak another one or two in. Though I'll try to keep that to a minimum so as not to play favorites.

But with that bit of news out of the way, there is some more news in regards to polls. Final Fantasy will return to the polls in 2024, and it will alternate with DOA for the 1st poll of the month. Since this past month there was a DOA poll, the very first poll of 2024 will feature FF characters. Who will feature? Behold!

Kind of a random mishmash, but that's just how the dice rolls sometimes. And considering I've got like 70 or so characters to draw from, it'll be all over the place. And you may or may not have a stray Alphinaud, Hope, Lotinging, and Big G in the pool, too. Not that they'd ever win, but you know. Just so you're aware. I made a list of my FF characters based on my Anniversary stuff, after all, and do you know how hard it is to remove a name from a list? It's very hard. It's like... three whole clicks! Per character! And, besides that, that list will likely grow in the future at some point. But don't expect XVI or Rebirth characters anytime soon, since who knows when they'll get their fabled PC release(otherwise known as the Epic Games exclusive release).

As for the second poll of the month, it'll remain misc characters from misc series. And by that, I mean your Resident Evils, Xenoblades, Tekkens, Soul Caliburs, and the like. No real 'set' selection of series, just whatever gets picked that month, as has been the standard for the past year. Depending on how I'm feeling, the list may or may not grow as time goes on. It will still be three characters per poll, as that feels like the best number out of all the various poll sizes I've done for the past year and a half.

Speaking of, I know I don't say it enough, but once again thanks for all the support you all have given me the past year and a half. It's definitely been very helpful and I very, very much appreciate it. I will do my best to continue putting out content that's enjoyable for as long as I am able. So again, thank you. And as always, look out for and take care of yourself first of all. I should be at the absolute bottom of your list of priorities, lol.

My awkward gratitude aside, let's talk a bit about this year. Many animations were released this year. Many animations. Not all were good, personally. The anniversary stuff is filled to the brim with rushed and poor quality animations, honestly. But there are some gems in there. Still, I kind of wanted to do a brief retrospective of my personal favorites from this past year. It probably isn't filled with my 'most' favorite of animations, but it certainly is filled with the most animations. And some of it is pretty good, I have to admit.

A general list of my top five favorite things that I made this year are:

Jessie's Mom(both Anniversary and non-anniversary)

Halloween 2B

Christmas Aerith Box

Marie Christmas

Mai Shiranui

Far from my best work, probably, but it's hard to judge myself objectively. And recency bias is a thing for some of these. There are some older things I like, too. Some of the early-in-the-year DOA stuff has some good stuff in it. Ryza and Xenoblade stuff also isn't bad in my book. But the ones listed above are the ones I had the most fun making, so I view them more favorably than some where I was just going through the motions. As for my least favorite? That's easily gotta be Big G. Or Lightning. Can't say which is worse, honestly. (´-ω-`)

Anyway, what else? Ah, yes, of course. The future will be here soon. And with it will come new projects animations. I already have ideas for what I want to do. I can't say when anything will come out. I promised Irelia and Akali this past year, and that didn't happen. But that's on the docket for this coming year. I have some stuff I started with Irelia already, so I just need to whip up some stuff with Akali, and then some stuff of them together. Beyond that, however, I've got a fairly long list of things I'd like to do. I don't expect all of it to make the cut, but I'll throw out some things I've been working on, along with some stuff I'd like to work on.

I haven't done a proper set for Kanna since 2019. I will be changing this in 2024. The year where Kanna will do her best to beat her ultimate rival(one-sided) once and for all. The end to the millennium-long competition(that only Kanna signed up for) against Nyotengu. Can she do it? Probably not. But she'll try her hardest! ᕙ(๏ 益 ๏)ᕗ

Beyond Kanna, I do have something with NiCO planned, which will probably show up before Kanna even. Nyotengu will also likely show up sometime after Kanna, because Nyotengu will have to retaliate against the offense of Kanna somehow. I also may mess around with some other DOAs, like Momiji, Tamaki, Ayane, Luna... can't promise anything, but they're on the mind at least. Beyond that, there will still be the DOA polls every other month, so I'll get around to some of the others that way.

Outside of DOA, I'd also like to touch on Nioh more, beyond just doing more best yokai mom anyway. I perhaps(read: definitely) have a bias towards her, but I'll probably venture into territory of, say, Fuku, Maria, Mumyo and the like. When? Dunno, lol. But I do have Fuku rigged already, so I have considered doing her, especially with her recent loss.

There's also some other characters and series I'd like to touch upon. Won't say exactly what they are, just because I want some surprises to be there. And also because I've mentioned them in the past, and I stiill haven't gotten to them so I don't want to do that again. But there will be a mixture of things. Some more 'anime' style stuff, too.

And of course, Final Fantasy has already returned after the Anniversary with Halloween and Christmas. But it'll return next year too. I've got plans for Luna, Iris, and Gentiana from the staple XV. But I'll also likely do some Nayo, since I want to do Nayo, and possibly some others. I've also been in the mood for a cat.

Obviously not very canon, but like I said before, I had to stick this on a bunch of characters since I could. And no worries, I do have something more canon. I do take some creative liberties with the costume, but I do have her latest black dress to work with. This cat will almost certainly see some more action in 2024. Maybe the rabbit, too, if I'm feeling it.

And then, of course, the elephant in the room... Mitsuru. I've been teasing her for a long while now, and I do apologize for that. I mostly just haven't ggotten that 'lightning bolt' of inspiration. And since I really like Mitsuru, I'd like her to have a debut set that's on par with something like my recent Christmas animations. But I can't just flick a switch and get that level of motivation on a whim. Gotta let it come to me naturally. So I'm just waiting on that front. I might touch on some other Persona characters before her, just to get my feet wet. And speaking of Mitsuru, I do plan to do both her 'proper' model and my custom 'realistic' model. Because she dserves it.

And speaking of my custom model, I'll also probably do something with those Yoruichi and Soi Fon models I did a while ago, and I might make some more characters here or there. I've been replaying Ace Attorney recently, and I kind of want to hack together a model for a certain whip happy prosecutor. (͠≖ ͜ʖ͠≖)

Lastly, I can't forget someone else.

Commander will also most likely get something. There are a few characters I'm thinking to do some mini-series of, like Jessie's Mom but maybe not that huge. Or maybe that huge. I don't know. Commander is a consideration for that. And there is one character I know for sure that I plan to do a fairly sizeable set for.

First, there was Gymming with Iris. Now it's Yoga with Luna. When will it happen? Dunno, lol. But I plan to work on it here and there, in the same way I did with Jessie's Mom and then just dump it when I'm happy with it. If Luna's birthday was earlier, I'd say then... but that's a bit late in the year, so probably not that long from now. Probably. I could end up being very lazy and it only releases on her birthday... in 2025. (つ﹏<。)

Finally, two other things.

First, a small survey if you feel like taking it. Not terribly in depth, since I got lazy when it came time to make it. Just a few questions and what not. Feel free to skip it, since it's literally just a survey of curiosity and not one that will affect anything. https://forms.gle/kBLyPfNus4VmLGDX6

And second, I may be skipping next week's release for the following week. After the Christmas stuff, and with Christmas shortly after, along with New Years in a few days, I've just been taking it easy and not really focusing on animating and what not. So the first release may be on the 12/13th. Probably, anyway.

Still, that's about all I have to say for this year. I'll be back soon. ヾ(´¬`)ノ



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