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gofile - https://gofile.io/d/P9HJd8

gofile(Patty Poll Animations) - https://gofile.io/d/u4h0YO

I can't believe no one got who was in the box. The answer was right there. BOX! It was so obvious! How could no one get it?! It's Snake! SNAKE! SNAAAAAAKE!!! (ノꐦ ⊙曲ఠ)ノ

Jokes aside, I'm not spoiling who is in the box. I will just say that Dante got guessed more times than the actual character, which is hilarious to me. You'll have to find out the surprise yourself. And don't be a coward! No waiting around for people in the comments to spoil who is in the box. Trust me. You won't regret it. For that matter, you won't regret clicking the link in general. You'll find yourself at a crossroads after that link. Five paths in front of you. You're free to walk them all, for you see, while I have often neglected Christmas in the past, either due to being busy, having little motivation, or just not being that interested... this year, I managed to surpass all other Christmas releases combined. This year is my Christmas Magnum Opus. My greatest Christmas present thus far. It's all downhill from here. (っ◞‸◟c)

While the Box shall remain a secret, the other four I will spoil for you here, though they're also kind of apparant based on the titles and past posts. No real surprises there. But, the second is, of course, Marie Christmas.

Marie got guessed a lot. Want to say she was the most guessed in that survey. Probably because of a cheeky reply I made in the impromptu poll post. The issue was that I had mentioned in that post that "I honestly started getting too many ideas for different characters and scenarios, and there may be one I just do," and Marie Christmas was that one "I [may] just do". But, it seemed to have misled people into thinking that she was in the box. She wasn't. She just decided to wrap herself up under the tree just for (You), no box involved. So, while a lot of people guessed correctly that Marie would show up... she was not who was in the box. Sorry.

After that, we've got the Ghosts of Christmas. Which is the winner of that impromptu poll. The main issue is that I couldn't really think of much to do with the theme. I just did three animations, and then rendered them as 'past', 'present', and 'future' versions. Past being normal Kazumi, present being normal Kazumi with red eyes and horns, and then future being Devil Kazumi. It... works, I guess. Definitely the weakest of the bunch.

But, what I really wanted to do from that poll was Miyoshino. So I did Miyoshino.

It's essentially a horror themed pack involving a home invasion from a yokai woman and what horrors await you when you're awoken in the dead of night and see her. Not for the faint of heart. You've been warned.

Lastly, I also had a little bit of time and decided to do Queen Jayne as well. While there ARE new animations for this pack, I decided for the final release of the year to FINALLY repurpose the Anniversary animations in some capacity. I know. With Queen Jayne of all characters. But it made sense, I started her Wednesday when I was done with everyone else(save for rendering Kazumi's variants, which were kind of a nightmare for me, since I'm stupid). While I managed to crank out a few animations pretty quickly, I figured since I had those available to me, I'd just use them for filler... sort of. I did extend one for a finish, which turned out fine. I was gonna do a Mr. and Mrs. Claus sort of thing with this using Danta Claus, but with such little time for these, I couldn't really get it working the way I wanted, so I went for something I'm more comfortable with. There's still a little bit of Danta there, in the end. (´-ω-`)

And there you have it. My last release of the year, and my Christmas magnum opus. Quite happy with (most)of these. I do apologize for slightly shafting the proper winner of the poll compared to the losers, but sometimes you gotta follow the motivational directions. At the end of the day, the poll ultimately forced me to do Kazumi in the first place. She was a last minute "I need a third choice", and I basically had zero ideas for her. The rest were all for Miyoshino and Queen Jayne. So yeah, it worked out I suppose.

Anyway, that's about all for this mini ramble. I had a lot of fun making these. The most enjoyable Christmas animations I've done thus far. Normally, I"m just kind of going through the motions around Christmas, but this time I enjoyed myself. The excess amount is how you know I was having fun, and the quality is a bit higher than normal because of it I feel. A good send off to the year, I think. At the very least, I'm proud of it. d(・ω・)

There will be one final post for the year. It'll be before New Year's, and it'll be a sort of retrospective of the year, plus some vague musings of various characters I would like to do next year. Don't take it as anything concrete, since plans change, but it'll be who I'm thinking about.



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