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gofile - https://gofile.io/d/DBZ1hx

poll - https://forms.gle/wqcrRuDDYP4dGqFY7

The Lila animations from the last poll, which was quite awhile ago now. New poll, featuring some losers from previous polls, since I kinda messed up my RNG-machine last time and need to fix it. Not to mention I didn't want to make any new rigs, since I was on break. Too lazy for that. x)

Not a lot to say about the animations themselves. I wanted to do a reverse shot with her, but all my attempts were lackluster and not to my liking. Went with my gut and did the handjob instead. Got it done really quick, compared to the hours wasted trying to do something in reverse. It be like that sometimes. (◞д◟)




Polls says it doesn't take any answers anymore.


What's with the face, huh?? You just happened to post the instance I check my phone after finishing work. Seconds old posts don't grow on trees you know.... Lots of love for the chonkers here. But do they get a bit less balloonie in the nude version?


Cute Lila animations. Another poll where I’m torn on who to choose. Cassandra was one of my mains on Soul Calibur & doesn’t get enough content & Melina is one of my favorite Soulsborne ladies. You have a knack for giving me tough decisions, lol.


Mission accomplished, lol. Probably going with Cass as my vote but I wouldn’t mind seeing more Melina content. We shall see how the polls fare.


This one does feel like a wild card match, though Melina might have an edge due to ER’s popularity.


Well, they don't really change position from being released, but I think all the shading detail the costume has makes them look more rounded than the nude. It does look like she has very spherical boobs with the costume on. And your models have some "gravity" to them. You're holding your hand. Unleash the true anime spheres when the next chance rises! ((ʘϖʘ))


I'd say that would be more likely if we actually had a trailer for the DLC. But we don't, so idk. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Agreed, From is really dragging their heels with any info regarding ER’s DLC.


Hey great job with the Lila animations. I don't have strong feelings towards her but I'd say this is possibly your best attempt yet at the whole 3D anime thing? Neat environment, lighting and even the model looks great. Not sure if its just her skin color that works well with your style, but this looks hella polished And I feel like there's some Mandela effect thing going on. I don't think I've ever seen the other two characters next to Melina in any of your polls x_x


Thanks. The environment I made myself, sort of basing it off some images I saw of Atelier Ryza. There isn't much else to it than what you see, quite literally. x) Fuku was in the very first poll(well, second if you count the test poll that became real), while Cassandra lost to 2B.


The days of N64 trees and grass are over... (maybe) Ouf yea, both had it rough in their respectives polls huh xD


Gonna do PS1 trees and grass next time. Complete with texture warping. (*๑˘◡˘) Let's see if they have any more luck this time, lol.


Melania FTW


I know you’re joking but I wouldn’t put it past them, lol.

Backzilla Primordial Shitposter

Well dawg you did it again another hit with this anime style like the other said I think this is the nicest one so far nothing to flashing it's good improvement from the last by miles finally this one has a background, might be because her white skin looks really good with your shadings, what ever lazy shortcut you use this one looks cracked as hell, hope the next installment will bring something even better ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Also not related but if Melina actually make a come back before Ranni did after more than a few attempts to come back it's gonna be ironically fuck​ed up and I'm gonna commit war crimes ༼;´༎ຶ ۝ ༎ຶ༽


This is Melina's 2nd time in the polls, while Ranni has only been in the polls once. So that'll only count if Melina wins this one, and next time Ranni shows up she loses. x)


I would like to see “bushes”’and “grass” sometimes…🙏


Didnt expect to see a Lila animation looking through your older works, absolutely love it!