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I was gonna come back with the poll, but I figured it'd be better to come back with a public message first so everyone can know what's going on. I'm officially done with my break, though it comes with a small caveat. While my break was a restful one, it also came with it a variety of things I've got to do in the real world over the next month and a half, beyond my usual holiday stuffs. So, things will be sort of slower around these parts. Stuff should still be coming out at the regular bi-weekly intervals, but the amount of content will probably be less than normal. Same deal with the polls and the total number of animations from those. It's harder to work up the motivation to animate when I've got a bunch of things going on and what not. Some of it is just poor time management on my part, and some of it is just my procrastination habit rearing its ugly head when juggling different responsibilities. It just kind of happens. End of the year is always jam-packed full of fun and "fun" for me, I'm afraid lol.

Still, tomorrow there will be a new poll along with poll animations. Not gonna tease the characters, just because it's gonna go live so quickly that it won't really matter. Regardless, I figured I'd do a little ramble on something. First of all, my banner. I know it's a bit early for Christmas, but with my break it's closer now than it was at the start of the month. It was also just a little brain worm that I did for fun. But that's not really important. What IS relevant to the ramble at hand is the character in the background. The one in the angel outfit. Who is it? Well, a month+ back I had the craving for some tig ol' biddies. But I wasn't really in the mood for any of the characters I had with tig ol' biddies. So I made my own.

Just a cute girl with tig ol' biddies. I normally name these characters at some point, but I've just been calling her tig ol' biddies. Don't really have a name that sticks out to me for her. I'll probably give her a name at some point, but regardless, there really isn't anything special about her. Essentially my own version of Honoka. The only noteworthy thing is the honkers. But there is something interesting about her, but I'll get to that later. Instead, I'll mention that I've done some other characters for funsies. The first of which being:

You can probably tell who this is just based on appearances, but much like my 'realistic' Mitsuru, or prior 'realistic' Rukia, I decided to do a 'realistic' Yoruichi. Because why not, she's hot and I was in the mood for something different. And I also decided to do a companion character to go alongside her.

Of the two, Soi Fon could use some improvement I feel. But this isn't me just showing off my 'custom' characters or anything like that. This has a purpose in terms of the ramble. You see, I want you to take these three and decipher what they have in common with each other. Because they do share something in common with each other. It's not a "well, Yoruichi and Soi Fon come from the same series" either. No, you see, all three of these characters share one thing in common: they use the same face as a base model.

Aerith, a very versatile face. Honestly, this is just me being amused by this fact, since I feel like people probably aren't immediately able to tell. Even with being told, it's kind of hard to see. But yeah, that's why I put tig ol' biddies and Aerith next to each other in the banner. You can kind of see the similarity there, since they're far away and you can't really see the minute details in their face. But yeah, these three aren't the only ones I've used her face for. Some of the other 'OCs' I've made that have shown up here or there have used her face. Just kind of happens. That said, my 'Real Mitsuru' doesn't. She uses another character. You can guess who if you want.



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