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This will be the final teaser for Halloween, as the eve of October is nearly upon us, so the next post will be the first Halloween stuff. Regardless, let's talk about some upcoming Halloween releases. I've got four sets, with a fifth being a bit of a pipe dream at the moment. Not sure how it'll go, since I've not been feeling all that hot and because I've got the upcoming polls to work on and I don't want to overwhelm myself. Plus, never know what will happen, so yeah, I may poke at something but for now four sets are what I've got. I won't be showing off all of them, but I've already shown off one, so I'll do one more teaser for that, and then I'll show off two others with the final one still a mystery.

You can decide what's going on in this picture. I'm sure it's nothing lewd. But yeah, the cops, despite being the first one I've teased, was the one I struggled with the most. I only just finished it, and the who threesome angle is kind of missing in a lot of the set. Just couldn't really follow through on the concept, unfortunately. Did what I could, and it's not a bad set, just isn't as good as I think it could be. Whatever, it's done now so what's done is done. Part of it is due to the whole tease aspect. The way my brain works, knowing people are expecting something causes a form of performance anxiety. It's why I've been a bit more quiet and showing upcoming stuff a bit less, just so I don't get that sort of "oh god, people are expecting this to be good" feeling I sometimes get. And don't worry, it's not a crippling anxiety or anything, just me getting nerves still even though I've been doing this for nearly six years. It's not a big deal, really, just me over thinking things. Moving on from that, let's go to the next teaser. This has become somewhat of a yearly Halloween tradition. Everyone should know who I mean. I will say that I expect some people to be disappointed by what I've decided to do this year, since it is a departure from my past three years of what is essentially just some form of vertical cowgirl with some other stuff. I just had the idea, and wanted to do something a little different.

Essentially, I've gone the lesbian route and gave SuccubIris a strapon. Mostly just because I've been doing SuccubIris for basically five years now and I've never had her do anything so I figured it was time for a little change. Don't expect to go beyond this at any point, but maybe next time I'll do a threesome. Who knows. Not much else to say about this one, other than that it's different than normal. Again, I imagine some will be disappointed that it's not my typical sort of thing, but it's just been a year of experimentation and doing stuff I don't typically do. Maybe I'll render the Anniversary animations as SuccubIris just to finally start milking those animations. I dunno. Now, before I go on to tease the last thing(well, last thing of this post, which technically I teased in the start of the post), I'll go ahead and talk a little bit about the change to the third poll of next month. Namely the 'Cosplay' poll turning into the 'Trick and Treat' poll... what I mean by that is that there will be a poll that is two polls simultaneously. Essentially, there will be three choices for each 'side' of the poll, and you can vote for your personal 'trick' or your 'treat'. However, a no-vote for one side or the other results in a 'wild-card' vote. This wild-card vote is a mystery character. It could be one of the three choices on the poll... but it could be someone completely different. You won't know. I won't know. Because if that option wins, well... I'll just leave it up to RNGesus to decide. At the very least, the option will look like this.

Who is under that sheet? No one knows. I don't even know. It could be YOUR waifu! Or it could be a Big G. Who is Big G? Well...

For the record, he isn't an option in the three character choices. But he could be an option in the mystery choice. Or he could not be. It's all up to chance. And for the record, this applies to both sides. If the mystery option wins both sides... well, it could be anything. Literally. Anything. At least anything I've got a model for. It will be weighted a bit, in that the poll characters have a higher likely hood of being selected. I'll also weight in some of the 'runner-ups' that aren't making it to the poll like this one, as well as some characters I'd rather not do, like Lightning. And yes, the trick side is gonna be troll options, or at least troll options for some. Some will be totally on board with the picks, but not everyone. So this is a matter of picking your poison or hedging your bets, etc. Just a dumb, but fun poll where I get to do a little trickery. Big G was considered for this poll, but I honestly do not want to subject myself to that again. And yet I've given an option to have such a chance. It's essentially a chance to screw me over more than you guys, since you can just not watch it. I have to make it. That's kind of why the mystery option is there. A way for you to play a trick on ME. But I don't expect the mystery option to win either way. But here's another character I considered.

By now, you've porbably noticed I like to run the fact that Cindy is bald into the ground, so I was considering going all in on that with Cindy as Mr. Clean- I mean Agent 47. But I ultimately decided against it. Now, who WILL be on the trick side of things? Haven't fully decided yet. I know two for sure, but the third is still somewhat in the air. Same goes for the Treat side. I know two, but the third is still being debated. I've got ideas, just need to settle on them. Anyway, last teaser of the October stuff, though it's not everything that will be featured in the Oktoberfest.

That's all for the teasers for now. The final set shall remain a super secret mystery for now. Not a hundred percent sure which will drop first, but regardless the plan is this: First October release will probably be this Friday/Saturday along with the public poll, then the poll animations(of Ashley) along with the Duo poll will be the day after.



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