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PLEASE READ ~ About the Poll

This is essentially a battle for which set gets remade.

Aranea - https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/77142023

Gentiana - https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/78597797 and https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/75581467

They won't be 1-to-1 remakes, I'll make adjustments here and there as I see fit, but the general gist of the set will be the same. I wanted to do something a little easier than coming up with new poses and what not, and this should be that. I haven't been feeling the best as of recently(this past weekend I did basically nothing since I felt like garbage the entire time) which is why there's no DOA poll this time. Just want to chill for a bit. That said, I didn't want there to be nothing, and I remembered I had mentioned about remasters a while back, and while I did a couple of my own selections... I figured I'd bring it back with a vote. Let the people decide of a selection of animations to get remastered. By remaster, I mean I do plan to re-render the originals in higher quality, but I will also remake them in my standard length with my newer, better rigs for the characters. I've also given the option to select which animation may(as I can't guarantee I'll feel up for it) get a climax/finish. I've arranged them in the order of the posts pictures for easier reference. For Aranea, I've also allowed you to select if she'll have the original animations lingerie, or to go for a more canon approach with the armor. A no-vote will be taken as a 'do whatever' sort of option.

As a small update, I managed to make some solid progress on the Halloween stuff a bit after my weekend funk. More or less have decided on what the polls will contain - was kind of up in the air on that front. May still have some changes from here to then, but I'll probably announce them ahead of time in the near future to see what people think. I mostly just wanted things to be varied, without any overlap. Because a lot of my gut choices overlapped characters, and I didn't want to end up doing three poll sets of the same character. Wanted to spread the love, you know? That said, some of them do overlap with sets that will appear independent of the polls, but that doesn't bother me so much since those were gonna be done regardless.

Additionally, I had mentioned a while back that I had a set that was almost done and another that was a third done. Things haven't changed all that much, but I'm one step closer to finishing the one, and I have one more set that's further along than the one that's a third done. I will hopefully have the two done sometime next week, then hopefully get the other one finished in the week following. If things go well, more sets may be made, but I won't make any promises on the off chance I end up in another funk before October properly.




That's great!




Just take it as you feel, and I always trust your choices


Yes, Gentiana please 😍


My boy! I missed you! Feels like years since I've seen you. Was about to ask if you were still alive. But all I had to do was take a nap, wake up, and here you are. Now, since I just wake up from a nap. (。- ω -) My systems are a bit lazy, including downstairs. But this way I can give you quick thoughts about the poll animations. Very clean all around. Poses fresh looking. Nothing looks copy-pasted. Could be just the character, but you always manage to make these animations feel fresh. Except for the BDP of course, but the past is the past. Hope you get better. On my side, I've been completely consumed by FF14. I can't stop. I get it now. It all makes sense. Help me. Gonna go for those Genti remakes. Those are more cozy for me. I've kinda had my fill with Aranea. She's been getting a lot of stuff from someone. But if she wins. I'd say keep her lingerie. Her armor isn't that amazing looking. Imo.


Has been a minute. Probably will be on the quieter side for a little while longer, at least until I feel wholly better. And so I can hopefully finish the Halloween stuff. Not sure I'd be able to help you. Once you get sucked into that sort of abyss, it's hard to get out.


I hope Aranea wins. She's such an underrated and underused character. I wish more content creators made animations with her. Aranea's one hot bitch. I love seeing domineering woman like her get turned into nothing but fuckmeat meant to be ravaged hard over and over. Here's hoping she wins and gets creampied in the reclined position. Keep up the good work man, your animations are amazing.


I love you. But this actually helps me bring up a couple things. I've been wanting to ask if they would re appear. Was about to put lost cat posters. They always come back. Even if it's 4 months later. I also see you're practicing your patience for the remakes and the possibility of the thing. Great. Is that hair the hair of black Trish from DMC4? And on a side note. Currently hanging with Y'shtola, about to fight Titan to hear that nutty theme of his. But why did they have to bleach my girl?? The dissidia model and color is way better. But anyways great stuff.


Growing up, there used to be this ratty old stray cat that we would feed sometimes. Real grumpy, and a real badass that fought all the other stray cats. He'd disappear for months, then be back like nothing happened... but each time he had a new scar of battle. Lived for like 15 years, too. Cats do be like that. And yes, it's Gloria's hair. Technically, they darkened her in Dissidia as opposed to the other way around.


Man. Why you gotta make us choose like that. I like them both... Preferably on each side... Jokes aside will the genti remake have the ponytail you teased a few days ago or is that a completely separate thing?


When I lost my male cat for ONE day after he chased another male cat. (Worst day of my life btw) he came back all scratched up, slept in his bed probably all day. Then tried to get back out immediately. Probably for round 2. He's been a prisoner of my home ever since. We adopted a stray cat girl. So he at least has company. I also found the room of that old Gentiana pack from SFM. The one in the castle. Kinda fun to see that. And I voted a BJ to have a finisher. You haven't done much of those, if any. And both of these packs have nice BJ poses for a long animation. Probably easy to do to. With the opening mouth at the end and all that. So, is probably too much to ask. And it is... so it's up to you as always. But maybe, re-render/make that very first cat animation you posted. But without the bush? So it can fit nicely with these. Or just enable bush for these ones! A better option for sure, an maybe even easier!! But again, up to you. ♡(。- ω -) Ps: Bobby's back spitting facts.


Sounds like a cat. They're sore losers, so he probably lost and wasn't gonna take it sitting down. BJs are harder to do, honestly. The only one I really willingly did was the Nayo one from a while back. The thing with hair particle effects is they are easy to break and thus they cannot be easily applied to other animations. Easier to re-render it without, but I'm not sure I will right now.


No, no. Not right now. Just something to think about if you wanna and when or if you wanna. No bush needed, just a joke. Then we'll see what gets it. Just in the comments here, it seems the opinions are split. So this indeed has become a death battle. They're both great classics. And I can't wait to see what they look like in current gen.


Well, I'm mostly just gonna try to finish up one ghosty first. I'm mostly just stuck on what pose to do. On the internal end... it's a bit more of a clear divide, honestly.


Still having difficulty with ghosty?? Is she really that hard to pose? Or is it just your intentions for her that you're just not figuring out yet? I was also thinking that if Aranea wins, that she should finally have an office uniform to go nicely with the lingerie. For clothes freaks, and a bit for me. Still waiting on them slick dressed grils. And for Genti. For the passage of time to still be featured. Love the sunset look of the split. Even night if your spicy.

gary wiseman

Tough choice, but gentiana is by far the cutest. (Plus she has an awesome game changing secret) aranea is pretty too. So it's either for me, but gentiana gets a double vote!


I mostly just don't want them to be 'by-the-books' and boring or standard. I want them to have a vibe to them, which I've only sort of managed thus far. My original idea for her was more horror-themed and elaborate, but the amount of effort required to accomplish what I had in mind was too much, so it's been toned down a lot and so I've been trying to put more effort into the actual poses and animations. That said, I think I'll just remake that one animation that got the resolution treatment for the final one. While they won't be following things exactly as the old sets did, I will be mostly keeping the same sort of feel going. And nighttime does suit Gentiana, so that may appear.


I was gonna say that maybe the crosslegs pose could be night time as a callback to SFM days, but alas, that animation already exists X3. So whatever gets the ender (if you do the ender) should definitely get the night time. Unless you go crazy and do a morning one too for the feeling of fucking all night long X3. I can imagine your struggle. I can't think of ways to make her creepy or unsettling. She's just... cute. Is like trying to make Marie Rose or Luna creepy. I don't see it. I also don't really know what she did in the game. So I have an even more blank brain. That one animation is a good start tho. Does any of the very unique poses that have appeared in the secret place serve as good material for ghosty?? There's a plethora of petite characters in there.


I actually think Luna would be easier to make creepy than this character, but I digress. As for those, it's mostly that a lot of those animations have a lot more... character to them compared to the sort of blank-faced, mildly discomforting presence of this ghost grill. Can't really imagine her doing a lot of those things. And like boring poses make sense, but I don't want them to be boring... you know? It's complicated.


Who would have thunk that a ghost girl would be your biggest challenge yet this year. The BDP was a breeze compared to this. ❬¬ω¬❭ Would of course try to help out. But since you're trying to keep Halloween content a surprise.... And I mean, don't be afraid to back out. Just give Luna her costume and haircut and you're set. Luna with dickhead cut?? Horrifying, man! You could also just give ghosty your own character. Forget about her OG personality. Just make her a creepy girl. Give her a psychotic smile and see if it tingles your bells. Watch the AKI trailer if you want references.


She's been a problem for a number of years. I actually intended to do a set for the 2021 Halloween. It's a case of liking the way she looks, but the character itself giving me issues. It's actually not an uncommon issue for me. Speaking of AKI, I find her face and hair to actually be very unattractive... but I gotta admit, the schmovement actually managed to make her hot. Very rare. And her claw things are what I wish Dr. Faust was in DMC5 - I always wanted the hat and cloak with the red extendo claws the Fausts have as a weapon, but instead we got a bargain bin cowboy hat that shoots red orbs. :(


Is her white hair and eyebrows I think. I can take weird hair. I'm still in my SF6 retirement. Gave up hope in getting any better at the game. But I'll buy her and fuck around a bit. Never played an annoying character in a fighting game. Who knows, I might slay with her. Weird that something with the same name have completely different function. But now someone can make Dante in SF6 and use AKI's style. Hey, is something.


And eyelashes that basically are invisible, as well as the big grin and longish face. She's honestly genuinely creepy, which is good. She's the creepy-crazy that Juri tried to be but fails at. Her alt is also nice. To be fair, Dr. Faust is an artificial weapon made by Nico, and her sense of style is...


'Merica girl. Though is clear Dante is into cowboys too. Is still cool that Capcom is trying to be weirder and unique with their female characters. Marisa and AKI aren't your perfect anime dolls. Still waiting for those alt costumes man... this time I'll definitely skip the fighter pass. I just want costumes.


Yeah, but the actual Faust hat is very Vampire Hunter D. Would be cool if it was shadowy and what not. Plus, it's kind of a small cowboy hat. By the end of the game, there will be so many alt costumes you'll need to take out a loan to get 'em all.


If V was an actual character. He would kinda be a good fit for an actual Faust weapon/style. Since he has shadows. Maybe a combination of Griffon and Shadow. Griffon would be the cloak and hat thereforehe making V float around. And Shadow would be the claws. Since he can become spikes. V also has a cane that he uses to stab enemies. He's like the perfect vampire hunter. A very emo one. So as always, after sometime I start noticing things I like in your animations. And there's this mouth expression you do a lot that I honestly love in certain characters. (5s into the cowgirl one) don't know what to call that expression.


There are a lot of DMC enemies that'd be great V summon companions. I will admit I'm a little peeved we didn't get Phantom as a summon, but he admittedly is an asshole so it kind of makes sense. Not sure what to call it either. I just kind of call it a slight grimace.


Nightmare could have had a Phantom form if anything. Though, I would have preferred Phantom over Nightmare. Don't really use him much. And btw, I might just jump into 5 and stop my DMC4 Vergil playthrough. I think I suffered that game enough. And I have a lot of games on my list. Trying my darnest to finish FF16 in NG+ but I'm being slowed by FF14, DMC, and 16's plethora of 2nd half side missions. I also notice the expression reuse in this pack X3. Again at the 5s mark. It's ok, lazy. It's ok. And as always, would love nothing but to go in depth on the cat. But it being secret and this being a public space complicates things, at least on your part. But I'll say this, the TJ2 would have been a good you know what from Headless-chan's part. I'll try to learn Morse code for next secret dump.


A choice between Gentiana and THAT Aranea set? My friend, I have never chosen faster. Or harder.


With this fresher perspective, I hope you can understand why I don't regard DMC4 very high compared to the other DMCs(sans 2). x) I did make a few adjustments here or there, but yeah... I'm very lazy and it speeds things up considerably. It's honestly annoying just tweaking sliders for ten-fifteen minutes straight. You can if you want. It's whatever at this point. And I thought about it for that one, but I was feeling lazy.


Is like... DMC4 has the best combat from the other 3 so far. But if wasn't for the combat this game would be just one point ahead of DMC2. DMC2 is impressively bad. 4 is just tediously and boringly bad. DMC5 is what 4 wanted to be. And thought I like Nero's DMC4 costume. I think I prefer his DMC5 face more. But is there a way for the facial loop to be in a different portion of the animation?? Like at the 15s mark? Or even mid loop, thought that one makes sound edits weird. Well, good response to start. Our boy needs some relief as well. Damn... now that you tell me is ok in drawing a blank... X3. But curious effect I noticed. I had to see through the animations to see how his eyebrows were like. Because the part of his hair that covers his eyebrows almost look like his actual eyebrows. I thought they were super thick. But then I saw the end of the M one. And no, they were light and slim. I wonder if you see the same thing.


I just prefer DMC5's Nero in general. Except for the Devil Bringer - DMC4's Devil Bringer was cooler looking, and it was cooler than the robot arms imo. But yes, DMC4 is the worst of the 'good' DMC games. I'd only rather play it over DMC2. Its troubled development really shines through. I said it once before, but DMC5 is the sequel to DMC3 that I had been wanting since DMC3. DMC4 was alright, but it felt like a beta rather than a proper game. I can swap things around, yeah. I'm just exceptionally lazy. Not really, since I've had to work in bald mode. But I do find the exposed eyebrows a little weird looking, hence why I tried to minimize it as much as possible.


Don't you get his actual DB look after beating the game? Or does it go back to robo arm?? I did like how his DT form is just his DMC4 DT Stand. I played 5 first before the rest. So it was cool when I found out. And now more than ever notice all his Vergil lines. Was it ever a question that Nero was Vergil's baby boy before 5?? It's ok Lazy, it's ok. I actually that intense and thick look the hair gives to his eyebrows. Probably just a visual glitch. But I love it. There's plenty of problems in all of these. But as I once stated, damns weren't given. Perhaps the clipping on the thigh job one can be distracting. But thighjobs in FB is just... magnificent. Works as a God size comparison too. The solo one makes it look sizable, then comes headless-chan... And no matter how "bad" the shots look, it's still a great thing to see. Just imagine FB stuff if you actually did water simulation... oh dear....


Pre-release of DMC4, it was kind of up in the air. Lots of theories surrounding his character, but I don't remember if him being the son of Vergil was the widely accepted theory(it was the one I always assumed) until it was confirmed through a DMC4 novelization by the writer of DMC4. Although some people still refused to believe that Vergil had sex, but they were a minority. There's some classic size manipulation going on there, too. And I could have fixed the clipping pretty easily, but I just didn't feel like re-rendering it.


Yes, is so weird knowing any of them had segs. At the end of Vergil's intro cutcenes in 4. There's a woman that stops to look at him. Very weird thing I noticed. Maybe a hint. Don't know if learning who's the mother is important to Capcom. Though it could be used to make Vergil even more likeable. Unless it was a one night thing... then it's just boring. But I don't thing they would want to make Nero, a son of a bitch X3. A re render for another time maybe. I'm loving these thighjobs and after how nice the previous one looked, it is a shame this one had that issue. But for side content, is tolerable. As for size, it seems you like to play around with it. They have the same power that headless-chan has. But on that old cat animation. I thought it neat they looked much bigger than the rest you had showed at the time. Especially with their color. But then the beach images showed it was just a cute """"little"""" thing. Still don't know what I like more. Smoll or slong...


Well, in the novel the Order assumes that Nero is the bastard child of a prostitute, so... either way, unlike Dante, who has ROYAL GUARD, Vergil had yet to understand the importance of protection since he never got the talk from someone. And they could go any route they want, but I'd prefer they just keep things kind of shrouded in mystery. It's like the people who want a Sparda game - sometimes legends are better left to the imagination. It largely depends on my mood, and how much I can be arsed to adjust things. It can be an easy thing to 'break', in an almost literal sense.


Hard choice to make ‘coz both Gentiana and Aranea are my favorite girls. Hope theirs both get remastered one by one, and this time just let Gentiana come earlier after I fought fiercely in my mind to make such a decision.


Oh, yeah, the loser will eventually get their own remasters. This is definitely just to see who gets it first.


No way they don't make a game focused on Sparda. At some point daddy is going to resurrect. Maybe even as a bad guy even tho he is supposedly a good demon. Capcom are CapGods currently. But I don't think they are strangers to unnecessary narratives. I mean, I love Monster Hunter. But those games don't have great stories or characters aside from looks. Well, great juicy gift all around. I'm happy this is a thing now. I never expect it, but always appreciate it. One day could be an image, the next, 22 animations. Love it. So btw, how does the direct message system here work?? Is it like a chat or something? I noticed you can send images. Wich could help suggest poses for this spicy stuff. And to not spam this comment section with stuff 95% of the people don't understand. I'll gladly spam DMC talks here tho.


I don't mind if they bring him in somehow, just that I don't want a Sparda game based on his rebellion against Mundus, which is what has been suggested for two decades now. It was even rumored to be being made at one point as a PSP game. Yeah. I think whatever they do for such a game would turn out crap, so better leave it as a mystery. It's kind of just like a chat thing, yeah. It's nothing fancy like a Discord or the like, but it works.


It's cool that Dante's alt in DMC4 is what daddy would have looked like. The DT is even Sparda himself! Would love to test it. But tomorrow is DMC5 time... I'll give it a quick try. Not something I'll do constantly. Just if there's something I want to mention without freaking people out.


aranea must win for sure, fav character and her vids from you are the best


loving the fact we were getting paizuri anims. thanks :D