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It's that time again. As you can tell by the preview, you can see who won, but it wasn't an easy win. It was honestly pretty close, and easily could have gone either way(or both ways, even).

Mythra actually led by thirty points for a while on the 2nd day, to the point I actually expected her to maintain the lead, but Ada came back and held onto it... sort of. They were tied for a day, then Ada got a lead, then Mythra would start crawling back, and then Ada would get a boost to create another lead, then repeat. I was kind of actually hoping for a tie. I've got ideas for both Ada and Mythra, so having an excuse to do three for each of them is certainly not the worst outcome personally. Alas, it did not happen, so I can't use this picture.

Still, poor Tsumugi never stood a chance, but hey at least she got triple digit points. Honestly, with how close this was, it probably should have been a one-on-one. It's actually interesting to see - between Ryza and Kazumi, and now Mythra and Ada, I could see a possible 'anime vs real' one-on-one poll being a thing at some point since it does seem to get close. Not sure which characters I'd go with in such a scenario, but I'm sure I could figure something out. Nia vs Ashley? Could happen, I suppose.

Anyway, haven't been posting many rambles as of late, mostly just because I've actually gotten my animation drive back, and I've been kind of in the zone in that regard. Trying not to disrupt it too much. As a point of reference, I've actually finished the animations for the release after the one tomorrow, meaning I've got a whole scheduled release finished a full release cycle ahead of schedule for the first time in a long time. Well, it's like 98% done. Gotta do some physics clean-up and what not, but other than that it's done. This next week I'm hoping to get Ada and the release after the next done, which will give me plenty of buffer room to start working on Halloween stuff, because it is getting to that time of year again.




For once, evil looses. Chaos has been defeated thanks to us warriors of light. It is time to see what a REngine creation can look in the hands of the ProCrastNator. Oh and hey, you have Marika already done! Good job. Wonder what made you work on them so quickly. Old age hasn't slowed you down one bit. But you know what to do. Somehow, someway, implement Mythra's utter loss into the Ada pack. A poster of her getting tentacled in the corner of a room comes to mind. An office?? Perhaps something in a PC screen. A body pillow, maybe.


Evil won. It's in the name, after all. I just wanted to get ahead of things while I'm still in efficiency mode.


Damn, thought Mythra would win. Ada isn't even the hotest RE character. Weebs in shambles lol. Also, it's weird not knowing what's the roadmap releases are. You posted multiple previews of what's cooking in the backend (iris, marika, jessie's mom). Can we get a hint if it is something we've seen before?


I'm fine with Ada but since most if not all your animations are realistic I wanted Mithra for a change.


Therefore!!! I must be quick about this. Ada is probably done already!!! First! How many individual pieces of clothing can you remove from a costume/outfit?? Specifically for Ada. Why do I ask this? Well, I like me my nudes. But also partly nude. Specifically partially nude with SPECIFIC pieces of clothing. So basically... Can the dress be removed but the straps and belts stay.... And gloves, AND BOOTS!! Keep all the leather and away with the rest. Second!! When Pewposterous announced he would do RE4 Ada he asked for recommendations. And I said, that anything flexible would work -like I did for you-. But I also suggest if something could be done with that one pose she does as she flies away in the helicopter. The one pose that everyone who saw it said "Damn...!" That's it. You're probably rendering the animations already.... But I still wanted to try.


Haven't started on Ada - like I said in the post, gonna start on that this next week. I slept horribly AGAIN, this time because of a crick in the neck, so I'm just taking it easy since it's on my mouse hand side and I don't want to exacerbate it since animating is like 75% mouse and 25% hotkeys. That said, all the stuff can be individually removed, but I like me a sweater dress so I'm not sure how much I'll remove. I'll try to do some variants, I suppose.


The wong choice won! But that is the right choice too. Happy.


Oh, I love me some too... Don't get me wrong. This would also be a nice opportunity to see how far up you could lift a turtleneck sweater. If you fancy. One fully nude animation wouldn't hurt either. Like I always say, you do a good job with the progressive nudes. Even if it's like you said, a variant. I also happen to love her boots. First thing I noticed in her design honestly. That's why poses like the one I mentioned to showcase those legs would work wonderfully. Also interested if you might try to translate the fartsy into an animation. Your very first tip kissing?? But first, hope you recover from that annoyance soon. ~(ᴗωᴗ)~ Gotta keep the kitchen cooking while the stove is still hot.


That was closer than I thought it would be.


thought I would get cheeky/coy answer, and not a no-fucks given one lol. Are we in the dark arc?


Just remembered, what was that phase of changing your pfp multiple times?


I didn't know what to change my pfp to, and made several and just cycled through them. I like this one, though.


Oh hell yaaa.


Hell yeah


Kinda wanted Mythra to win but the sweater dress is way too powerful.


Am I going insane or was the black haired thing just recently added to the back of Kanna


Yeah Ada! Such glorious news!




Damn, I kinda wish to see the tsumugi and fatal frame stuff. (Sadly I don't have money to spare lately due to financial woes). But I know whatever you make will be golden.


Will there be Nico's works?😞