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poll - https://forms.gle/FhK4dHEiLjBasb9a7

New poll, animations, yada-yada. Not much to say here, really. I did get kind of lazy with the threesome animation, but most of my ideas weren't panning out so I just slapped something together. The others are varying in quality, honestly, but nothing too bad.




Damn, is Halloween around the corner?? That almost look like Mommy Nioh disembodied head! Too bad Commander Luna didn't last, I was already filling my registration. Before I go through this allow me to state something real quick. Would you believe that not so long ago, seeing feet from you was as rare as a Blanka in ranked matches??? 3/4 of A feet... That was the joke. And look at you now.... Feet here, feet there, sometimes more than 2 feets. People CAN change. So the Doggy, kinda like the cloudy skies. And the pose of course. The only oddity is Headless-chan's arm wanting to bend backwards, and maybe the lack of Ayane grains of sand. But great pose either way. The Bewb Job, looks odd without bikini. But her bewbs could be so big that there is no need to add pressure with hands! Like the wetness in le chest. The Reverse. The return of feet and wet effect, good! Physics of the brach melons are the highlight. Spoons are always great, but lacks certain aspects to be my favorite pose.


Dhalsim is rarer, tbqh. I didn't intend to do the titjob without the top, but I felt like I was going to hear complaints if I didn't.


I'm very technically illiterate when it comes to rendering software and all that jazz, but I really like the shading that you use in your "anime" models. It really walks a fine line between the usual glossiness and a bit more realistic if that makes sense, the skin usually looks great and it stands out from the rest. Anyway, I'm voting for Ada because that Resi 4 fit is just fire and also because more Resi girls in the future, thank you.


I think I get what you're saying. And thanks. Still not super comfortable with dealing with all the shaders and what not, but I am getting more comfortable with the 'anime' style compared to before.


We'll see if I see any now that I'm in Platinum. And I'm actually surprised by the lack of bikini in the animations. A surprise but a welcomed one. I was also kinda envisioning Tatsumaki getting bullied in the trio. Hope she can breathe tho X3. It might be because I switched from lesbians to FBs, but lesbian stuff no longer has the same impact as it once had for me. But that pose, tho simple, is just good enough for fans of any of these characters. There really isn't a lot of movement for lesbian poses in general if you think about it. So these stuff doesn't need over the top actions. Lastly, now that I see the FF girl complete outfit... my interest rises even more. But still went for Ada.


Tsukushi, not Tatsumaki. x) Yeah, there isn't a whole lot to be done with lesbian animations in general. It's why I don't do them too much.


Them darned Japanese names!! Tis what happened when I'm too lazy to recheck their names. And it is why maybe you should stick to the use of toys, strapons and long nosed masks. To keep things interesting. A transparent magical dick for the succubi?? Nah, to close to futa. Hope your flame hasn't dwindled yet. And that you're enjoying yourself. I also Hope to see A New Hope soon, I Hope. ( ̄ω ̄) The tease showed me that Hope is not lost though, so the time will Hopefully come soon, but in Hopeful time. Otherwise I'll feel Hopeless. Hoping I can finish FF16 today, shit tone of last minute side quests. (-ω-、) But perhaps that is just pure Hopium.


Thanks to you, he could be my actual waifu. Lili, please step aside. I bet there's more, but I'm now entertained. Please continue with your work.


Oh, excitement got a hold of me a bit there. But I love the 2 introductory anims. Hope supremacy isn't just for the hots. But for experimental stuff as well. Love 'im.

Chanko Stew

Everytime i vote for the most popular character i feel like a basic bitch


Wouldn't it be husbando? And yeah, there's more. Quite a lot more, honestly. I'm just drip feeding. I'll throw something unrelated I've also been toying with too in a bit.


If you drip feed this between today and Tuesday/Wednesday... I'll have you know, you'd be giving me a sweet B-day present. ;3. Nice timing for you to go SUPER on our Waifbando. Also, if you happen to do more unusual stuff for Halloween like last year (Wolf x RRH) then maybe that would be a nice time to.... Advertise The Abyss for those interested. In your BC troll ways.... And I'm excited for Lady Luna's debut in The Empire Strikes Back.


I don't really plan to do anything unusual this Halloween. It'll probably end up low-key, despite the many ideas I have. Because having ideas is different than actually doing them.


And we all know what happens when you have too many ideas. (´-ω-`) As long as I get some sexy creepy girls I'm good. Or boys. (´-ω-`)


Dude, holy shit.... Now I know where the mental budget for the trio went... ☆*:.。.o(≧▽≦)o.。.:*☆


There will definitely be creepy girls. And if I'm feeling especially motivated, I may do something with the headlessness of Headless-chan. And yeah, it happens.


Every DOA girl should get this treatment :)


Headless-chan doing a Tamaki by recording himself with his camera head in hand comes to mind.


Tsukushi has pretty nice eyes for a DoA girl. Most of them seem very flat in that aspect. Too bad her design reminds me too much of Mei from Overwatch :')


Yeah, when Tsukushi came out I was definitely thinking "they really just copied Mei, huh". Prefer her, though.




loving that paizuri making a comeback XD


Come on Ada you can do it! Man this girl is super cute, she has a great face and body and the glasses me her look like a big titty library nerd which I love, the doggy position is very nice with her shoulders pushed down. Special thank you for including some ultra rare lesbian action, so cool to see Lei Fangs face on a pussy. I would be so down to see some more girl on girl action but I think not many people would favour that. My favourite post of yours since the anniversary event.


I'd like the name of the drug you're currently consuming. I actually need it right now.


I'm just happy that I can finally totally agree about something with you. That Hope is just pure fucking perfection. And there's still more.... These REALLY need some attention. But the secret aspect of it makes it even better. Doesn't seem like the other 5-7 lurkers know about these yet. But I'm curious, why the "okd" version? Also the pfp is disturbing. But you give her some "makeup" so that smile reaches all the way back and I won't hesitate to bang hard and fast. Bigger teeth too. Have you seen Garuda in 16??? I love me my freak grils with pretty smiles.


Breaking your no FF vow for Hope, I see how it is ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


The (Old) version is dead and gone. I accidentally saved over the blend file, so I remade it. And I'm the dude who has talked about Artemis from DMC5, so I know and like the freaky shit. But this is just a Yuna laughing shitpost. There's plenty of fucked up edits of Tidus laughing, so I felt Yuna should get the same treatment now and then.


Well, I've been toying around with other FF characters too. I'm just not posting any of it yet, though some of it is gonna be showing up this Halloween. ( ° ͜ʖ °)


Damn, remaking a thing before is even out. You got Capcom beat. So I'm starting to feel bad about the regular content and it's ""mid"" quality. Because you clearly spent all your passion in these... now I know why you said you were going to try to use some of that passion for Tsukushi. But this is something I really wanted after my awakening. Seeing you this passionate with something recent and fresh. And not something from the back of the freezer. I would honestly be ok if you just remade his BDP animations with this exact background and clothes for quick and easy results. I'll say again. If Hope was wearing the shorts they would have been my #1 X3.


I think this is the second or third time I've had to do that. It happens more often than you'd think. I typically start a new pose from the blend file of a previous pose in a set, and sometimes my Shift + Ctrl + S habit doesn't kick in when I do that, and then my Ctrl + S habit kicks in and I save over something. Thankfully it's usually only still in pose form with no animation, but it has happened with a full animation before(RIP Tamaki blowjob). It's more a difference between making something solely for myself vs making something for an audience. There's a stress/anxiety from the latter, whereas the former has no such stress/anxiety so I'm more comfortable making something. But anyway, I threw up some Halloween WIPs, so anyone seeing them can give me some feedback on the ideas. Still mostly just concepts, but I was trying to block one of them out and it wasn't turning out the way my imagination wanted so I'm gonna need to rework it at some point.


That's actually Koharu, not Leifang. Admittedly she looks basically the same, but then again most new DOAs look like someone else.


So, I'm down for the cops. Bad cop and influenced Bad cop. I have ideas now that I'm hot with Hopium. Gentiana's disciple is a great idea you told me once. Luna on a similar outfit to Vamp Genti has me in the clouds. Or the darkness... The last one was confusing for a moment, thought Iris was smoll. But she's just perched. I don't know what the scenario is, but this could be a chance for you to do a detailed close up of... whatever is happening there. I still like that one NICO pussy closeup with the detailed pussy motions.


It's definitely gonna have some thieving going on. They're totally legit cops, bro. I briefly considered going for a 'phantom thief' sort of vibe with those two, but I thought the idea of them being fake cops was better. It's definitely going to be in the same vein, but not exactly the same outfit. But it's gonna be a vampire duo either way. Yeah, the perspective wasn't working out how I wanted in my head. Want her to essentially be peeking in or just perched on a window or what not. It's rough right now, but it was just gonna be a duo with some Succubus action.


Do wonder if they'd be the bully kind of cops, or the ones that get bullied in the end. I do love how you've animated these 2 in the past. Cocky brats that kinda get owned in the end. But them getting what they want is also a nice thought. Cuffed headless-chan and such. AND the thought of more car sex, be it inside, outside, or on top. Interested to see what you come up with. If this is a duo, then it could possibly be the best duo yet. However, would this be the edgy teenage Luna I've been mentioning a ton? Or will she still have the same proportions. Just a question...! You know I love me some Lady Luna. And I mostly like the idea of it starting with a solo. Especially with that pose. Because of the possibility of wet fingers of all things. Remember my growing hand fetish??? Well, Luna happens to have very pretty fingers with perty nails that would look great greasy and moist. But I do like what you're thinking. You're definitely not wasting time working on these.


They're definitely gonna be bullies, but whether they stay bullies or end up bullied is up in the air. Well, it's gonna be a trio, but it's just a vampire duo. And I'm far too lazy to change body shapes for something like this, lol. I haven't worked on them too much, but I'll probably start working on them little by little soon enough. Gonna finish AO Iris first, of which I'm about half-way through. Then I got Marika and Irelia to work on, but I'll have some extra time if I can finish AO Iris tomorrow or so.


I like the cop idea. My 2 cents would be that Kyrie might look better in a blue costume? Yuffie, not so much. But I guess you'd want to keep consistency between the two. I do hope that there's some solo action squeezed in there because man, new Yuffie just isn't doing much for me x_x Not much to say about the other two, except that maybe keeping Iris as a Tinkerbelle in the background might be kinda funny


New Yuffie is definitely in the same boat for me. It's amazing how the bootleg managed to hit better for me, at least in terms of appearance. And while it'll be a trio throughout, I'll probably end up doing some 'focus' shots for the both, just because threesomes are hard.


Jesus that's right, we still have Irelia and the possible fun things you clubs do. You could even take some notes from your Hope stuff for Irelia, the starting presentation being one. And the double action fingering being another one. But first, wet dark queen and Marika's tits. We of course need to see more about the things that these girls will do. But even if it's smaller scale, this seems like yet another step up in QUALITY for Halloween. At least when it comes to ideas.


My main issue with Yuffie is that if you took away her costume, she would very easily pass for a random NPC in the game. Heck, there are many NPCs that look more interesting to me. It's probably a byproduct of almost every girl in FF7R looking somewhat Asian, which was the main thing Yuffie had going for her But yea, that sounds like a neat compromise. Also, you must really be in a huge multipeople action mood recently huh xD


I've got other ideas on top of these, so I've no shortage of ideas. I definitely won't get around to all of them, but there are always future Halloweens.


Yeah, although everything you said about Yuffie... I feel about Tifa too, lol. Of the three main female characters from 7 in the remake, Aerith is the only one who looks distinct without the costume imo. I mean, can you blame me? After the Anniversary project doing essentially the same four basic poses for 66 characters... gotta do something else for a change of pace, and what better change of pace than to add a third person to the mix.


Oh geez, I'm starting agree about Tifa too lol. I don't know if I can ever say she looked distinct, but I did somewhat initially like her Remake's design since they leaned on "pretty" rather than "hot". But now, I don't know... That one blonde chick that got revealed in the new trailer just looks so similar to Tifa face-wise, that it kind of sours me on Tifa's design. It feels like SquareEnix is just trying to bank in on her popularity in the lamest way possible Still hoping for some day where a threesome animation finally gels with me lol. Love the idea, but there's almost always an pretty big imbalance in terms of how much I enjoy the 2 characters at display. I wonder if most people have this thing as well. I can only imagine the bliss of finally getting "the one" though


Well, Hope most of them pan out. And Hope for more Hopium in the coming days. And shit post pfps! Gotta finish these blody side quests! So I can get into FF14 (ಥωಠ)....!!!!!


I've always been on the Aerith-train, so while Tifa's appearance in the remake didn't bother me, I wasn't impressed with it either. I genuinely don't understand the obsession the internet seems to have with her, because she has always been rather generic to me. Is what it is, lol. I always just view threesomes as a 'bonus'. I typically like all of these characters to some degree, so having a third just makes it the cherry on top, so to speak.


Have a little extra Hopium the finish out the day. Good luck, I suppose. I hear the side-quests of XVI are very MMO like, which sounds like hell on earth to me.


Her outfit probably does alot of the heavy lifting. Just the right amount of entice to make players want to see what's underneath without being fully degenerate. Case in point: Rinoa. Looks pretty similar to Tifa, but not as many people go completely nuts over her


I'll inject this straight into my veins tonight. |[ಥ益ಥ]| Keep it coming!!! Or at least... I Hope there's... some.... coming... (͡°ω͡°)...... ..................... ...(͡°ω͡°) They are. A lot of talking and fetch quest to then more talking. Wouldn't be a problem for me the first time. But since I'm playing in JP. The dialog is sometimes completely different to the subtitles. And for someone who reads alongside the JP voice lines because I know a bit of JP... is extremely confusing sometimes. Some lines are 3 word sentences. But the subtitles are a whole paragraph and I literally have 2 seconds to read them. Or not....


She's also got bigger boobs than Rinoa, so there's that as well. And I will say her personality is nicer than Rinoa's, who is a spoiled princess as opposed to the 'nice girl'. But she's always been the less interesting of the two in the whole "Aerith or Tifa" debate. Although I don't giving a flying rat's ass who Cloud 'loves' like a lot of the internet.


There's more that I made, but whether there's that type of coming is another thing entirely. Sounds like hell to me.


Ok putting aside dumbass FF7 debate, the Hope stuff you dropped goes surprisingly hard???? Like seriously, some serious contenders for best positions I've seen you animate so far???? Lots of positions I'd love to see on a certain someone at some point... (ಥ﹏ಥ)


I mean, I'll likely do some of those poses again for other characters. But which certain someone are you speaking of? Because some of it comes down to the character and not wanting to do certain 'types' of poses for certain 'types' of characters. Like, I kinda don't want to ever do a full nelson for like... Aerith. Just feels bad, man.


What better chance to see disapproving Aerith than with a full nelson tho???


Nah, not Aerith. Personally, I'm pretty content with what we have of her thus far lol. Just need you to sell a soul or two to somehow get her dress to work in something and I think we would peak as a species But I think stuff like the Carried, FJ, Spooning would work well with someone like Serah, unless the skirt physics is too much to deal with


I might be able to get her dress to work nowadays. I have an alternative method of making physics work some now, which is in these particular clips. A skirt like that would normally be a nightmare to make work when it has chains and zippers and stuff, but through the power of surface deformities, it worked out. Bit glitchy, admittedly, but at this point I'd probably just release it glitches and all because who am I even trying to impress anyway. Same deal with Serah's skirt.


Just curious, is Nayo's skirt different to deal with or was that you going ham with the physics? Because I remember that one animation you did with her lifting the skirt to be pretty impressive I think even that one Nanami Hips thing to be a pretty cool flex with the physics lol


It depends entirely on the complexity of the mesh. Anything with detached geometry is a nightmare. To get good results, you need parts to be weighted so they don't move, like the waistband of a skirt or the top of a dress. However, if there is something detached from the part of the mesh that is weighted, they will also have cloth physics applied to them, but since they have no weighting(as they aren't attached to anything), it'll just fall off. Applying weighting to those parts, though, just causes it to remain static, whereas the parts it's supposed to be 'attached' to are moving freely. Aerith's dress has a lot of lace that is not physically attached to the dress. Serah's skirt has that band on the front, which is why all of the Serah stuff with her skirt on is from behind. Nayo's has buttons on the front, but the shot I did they aren't seen so I could get away with it. Nanami's skirt is just pure cloth, so it's a very simple 'turn on cloth physics' thing.


Interesting, I always thought it was something to do with trying to get the folds of the skirt / dress to flow naturally. But yeah, I can imagine trying to get separate objects on a flow-y piece of cloth to move naturally to be a hassle


That can be an issue depending on the type of skirt/dress, but once you know how to solve those issues(which usually is a trial-and-error process that takes a while), it's just a matter of tweaking a few settings and it's done. My method of cloth physics for things that have loose geometry is still very much a 'far from perfect' solution, but it's getting better.


Oh right haha, I only ever played DOA5 so my knowledge of the new girls is very limited. Love her licking it either way.




You did never post her animations to the public. Even in the abyss. Not even her raeepers abused her as much as you.


Right, so... if we add the angle Luna's hand was on her salute, we devide it by the length of Mommy's horns, multiple by the diameter of Riona's smile and we subtract the length AND angle of the elfs ears to the results!! Then we have a coordinate for the chest you buried with all your hard drives!!! I see the Cinque pose made a return. It's still unclear where the but ends and the thighs begin, but it's still a pretty great pose for slender waifbandos. You're freaking going all out here man! But gotta say, I wish there was more opportunity to see him with the panties still on, with the glorious... glory hole. I refrain from going into deep reviews with these because I know you're shy. (⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄)... but dang. Imagine this passion with your OCs. Specially with a partially hairy black cat. You've indeed never done this many quality animations so fast... somehow, you already overshadowed the BDP.


You can go more in depth if you want, just keep the cringe restrained. x) And the thing about me and quality is that I could spend hours and hours on a single animation, but if I don't care about the contents(as is often the case with a lot of characters I do only for polls/because people want them), it will turn out shit. But if I'm into the animation, the character, and I'm in the zone... I can spend an hour on something and it will turn out quality.


Ye, this is a clear example of how the quality raises the fuck up when you're INTO it. There's barely any bad Luna and Lady Luna animations. Aerith has those horrendous first animations - those hellish things - Gentiana is also all bangers. Is not hard for people that have been following you for years to see when you're passionate or not. But for the regular folk, the "mid" animations of characters you don't really care about are just fine. And even if I'm not totally impressed myself, I can definitely see the appeal and the quality for newcomers or casual viewers. So yeah, about Hope sweat and soft c@$&. I just love seeing it dangle and it makes me want to give it a slurpy lick-- No. Honestly man, is Hope-kun about to be your most posed character?? Like OMG... the variety, the angles, the everything. And there could be more. Who knows. It is selfish to ask more after all this goodness. But at this point all I'd ask is to see him in a wedding dress/leotard. Make it official, you know?


I would also say Iris is a typically higher-quality character. It's pretty obvious where my biases lie. I do wish I could just 'turn up the quality' for everything, but unfortunately that isn't how I work. Is what it is, I suppose. Yeah, there's the cringe I was talking about. x) And I doubt it. I've got stuff unreleased of other characters still, even some more recent stuff of Luna and what not. Honestly, this was just me using my 'speed' that I gained from the Anniversary stuff. Though in other news, I am shocked at how close this poll is.


Oh, oh... you ready to replicate Nodu's jelly butts??? Weebs versus Borings is what I'm guessing the battle is. Unless FF girl is not going down without a fight. So would your lineup of grils that lost the poll in your "I'm motivated" list?? You did well with Kyrie, Fiona turned into an orgy. And at least that one pose for Iris looked promising. Are you feeling forced to do Iris and Marika before you get to Irelia?


Anime vs Real is basically what's going on. I'm almost expecting it to be a tie, because it has been tied, and places have been traded multiple times. AO Iris I've been enjoying working with. I had four poses made ahead of time and I finished those yesterday. Will probably do a couple more, just to bump the numbers up, but I slept poorly last night so I'm kinda feeling like doing nothing today lol. Marika... kind of lost interest in. Irelia... I also don't know. Because I just saw RyanReos's new model that he's working on being Battle Bunny Akali, and I'm debating whether to wait for that to release so I can do a duo of her and Irelia. Like, I don't care about LoL, but having another model in that same vein when I'm kind of on a threesome kick? Very tempting.


Toss me a link to that new model. If you're interested in waiting. Then that means you have one less character to worry about. Replace it with one you're currently hot for.


This was what popped up in my pixiv feed: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/109979902 I think it'll be releasing somewhat soon, but not sure when exactly.


By the time you would have worked on Irelia I'm sure she'll be out. And if you're having doubts about Irelia, then just wait. Use the time to work on something you want. She does look great. We gotta see what outfit she'll be wearing, something bunny related in guessing. I'm actually not that hot for tattoos on girls but you'll never see me complain about back tattoos. Maybe give the other RR models a gander while you wait. When was the last time we saw Primrose??


Both Irelia and Akali are based off this artwork, so this is more or less what she'll be wearing: https://rule34.xxx/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=4173140 As for what I may do instead of Irelia for that 'time-slot', I'll think about it. It's a month away, so I've got time.


Ok, just wait. Looks very promising. Only problem is that the casino background will not fit Akali color scheme as good as Irelia X3. Weird observation I know. But speaking about color, let me go back to Hope-kun real quick. I guess we both agree he got a beautiful face AND eyes. But the one odd thing about him is how de saturated his eyes are. Like, even his pupils blend with the rest of the iris.


Irelia came with three different colors, and I'd assume Akali will come with some alternate, so there might be a more fitting color scheme. I can also edit it too, since again, I don't care about LoL and being accurate. x) Just how the textures are. Nothing I can really do about it, besides changing the textures to another one, but meh.


No is ok, just something I noticed a lot about him. Hasn't stopped you from giving him the best facials. The fact that this scene here is officially longer than GYM Iris is amazing. The only thing that's left is to see him sweaty. ♡(。- ω -) Oh, and yeah. You keep denying my final fantasy. But since you're into it lately, I would love if a "third wheel" entered the event. In the shape of one of your OCs. But if a trio were to actually happen. The actual fantasy is and has been the TWINS! Time will come someday I'm sure. Speaking of Final Fantasies. 16 is done. Even with it's flaws. It's official the best FF I've ever played. And probably the best FF honestly. Standalone FF that is... The FF7 saga is honestly in a different ranking. And Remake is still high up there. About to pull the trigger on the Pixel Remasters. As I street fight with my OC cosplaying as Mitsuru. It looks, pretty convincing x3 at least during fights.


Just not that into my OCs at the moment. Even Hope at this point has cooled and I'm moving on to other things. There's still a few more, though. Grats, I guess. All I'll say about Final Fantasy is... tbh, it's not even a top 10 series for me. I like the girls, but the games have always been pretty whatever to me.


I gotta be honest, if it wasn't for the music, FF would be like just another JRPG series. Music is VERY important in games for me. And 7,8,9,10,13,(14 I'm sure), 15 and now 16 have nailed the music every single time. I'm not really a fan of turn base either. And I like Persona only because of the music, and with P5 because of the style and art as well.(and the everyday life gameplay) FF16 is my current game of the year. Choking up because a boss fight was extremely fucking cool isn't normal. Neither is me showing emotions in games. I'm pretty stoic and can stay dead serious even in the saddest of moments. In games. After all you've done, I think Hope got the best treatment. And I'm definitely satisfied with all of it. New, fresh stuff is what I wanted and you delivered, with a bit more to come apparently. Happy Fucking Birthday to me...! You definitely fed your abyssal critters this weekend. ♡(。- ω -) All 7 of them.

Chanko Stew

Dude, dont you think Hope as had enough at this point?


What are you talking about? What this world needs the most is Hope. What's the point of living if you don't have Hope?


I can enjoy turn-based combat, honestly, but none of the FF games are usually more than just mildly fun distractions for me compared to being something that has actually impacted me in some way. I actually enjoy the combat of Persona 3-5 for the whole fusion aspect and making dumb, overpowered (lame) demons, as opposed to dumb, overpowered (cool) demons. Using Jack Frost in the end game is fun. I was gonna move onto Luna, but I think I'm gonna move onto Jessie's Mom instead. Imagine I just up and dump 20 animations or so of her on one of my normal releases out of the blue? Would be baller.


No, post them in the abyss. That way we lurkers keep telling you how good they are. But outsiders start wondering. "Wait... What are they talking about??? What I'm I missing??? What is this abyss thing??? Tell me pls!!??" No better add campaign than that X3. But yes, would be nuts to see 20 animations of a mature queen suddenly appear. But careful not to set expectations for outsiders X3. Even I understand you were just hot and bothered with Hope. And I don't expect this with your regular stuff X3. Would me exclusively having only hot female personas till end be considered in the "lame" demon category??? Because that's what I always do X3. I don't care about the other 80+ unique looking personas.


If the Anniversary didn't set people's expectations, I don't think dropping a 20 animation set of Jessie's Mom would set expectations either. In fact, it'd probably be one of my least "Liked/Favorited" posts to date. Which will make me do a 40 animation set. Then an 80. Then Oops! All Jessie's Mom! I guess it's lame. Maybe a different type of lame. But if you've got a Pixie in there it's all good.


Well... Pixie is one of the first ones to go x3. If I had the patience to grind my low lvl personas I'd drag the MC's persona throughout the game. Shame, however.... They to get disposed very early. Excited to see that pent up excitement for Jes Mom be released into the world. What better way to switch from sweet pp to pewsy than with a perfectly aged pewsy??? From a Rollercoaster to a water slide, Am I right?


There are ways to 'back' fuse Personas into older Persona to give them better stats and better abilities, but it is kind of tedious. Easier in 5 than the earlier games, though. Honestly, I'll probably rip off some poses from the Hope set, just because there are some good poses there. I do have to say I really like Jessie's Mom - one of the best 'new' things to come out of the remake, along with Kyrie and Nayo for me. Back when it first came out, I always had it in my mind to do her mom first, which ended up being how it went. But I didn't expect to like her quite as much as I ended up liking her after working with her. Just wish she had an actual name...


Cloud- Claudia. Jessie- Jessica. We could go with that. Or just Jes Mum. ❬¬ω¬❭ But yes, I share your love for her. And that love will grow even more when I see her in more than just the shorts. The Anniversary stuff was a good starter. But she has so much more potential. And I Hope you can see that potential. Gotta say, you're swinging from young to 3rd leg to aged wine in a heartbeat here. The hots got you steaming. Your cooking with a pressure cooker, and the steam is sizzling! Keep it up! Don't have work tomorrow or Tuesday. So I'm glad I get to enjoy these Hopium drops in the comfort of my home. ♡(。- ω -)


I just need to settle on an outfit with her, then I can go ham. Office Lady is nice, lingerie is nice, but it still isn't tickling the extra funny bone in the right way, if you get what I mean. Yeah, I'm all over the place in terms of taste. I feel like most people have their strike zones and they very rarely deviate from it, but I'm all over the map with no real rhyme or reason to why I like something. And it varies depending on the day and time of year and what not. Very weird.


And you're taking me along your taste journey. As someone who's been watching pron for 10+ years, I need all the venturing I can get. I'll still stay away from furry boulevard tho... and sometimes gaze around the futa park when the flowers smell pretty. But that's about it. But I'm down to venture into the depths with you. As long as our transport doesn't implode. I think the lingerie and the office outfit are too obvious for her age and looks... so as much as I hate the shorts, I believe something with the same impact is necessary to make her look juicy and magnetic. What do you have in your wardrobe that could fit her? Or not...! Probably even better.


I tend to circle around in my tastes. And even in my degeneracy, I don't go too hard on it. Maybe it's just because it's my stuff and I'm biased towards it, but my stuff still tends to be very... vanilla despite the content featured. I dunno. I could go exotic, I suppose. Belly dancer with veil, perhaps? Or stick her in a school uniform for the extra unfitting nature of it. Ballet leotard? Cyclist? Maid? Turtle neck sweater and proper blue jeans? Many things to choose from, really.


You call it vanilla, I call it tasteful. Would her wearing her daughter's costume be too triggering, you think? (ᗒωᗕ)


I considered using tasteful there, but it felt too self-fellating. I don't like Jessie's costume, tbqh. So while I have thought of it, I crossed it off the list almost immediately since it isn't something that gets me going.


A good Halloween costume to give people the spooks tho, at least as a simple image in a post X3. Start playing dress up wit our mum. Until the bone starts aching. I'm here going through the beginning chores of FF14. Ahh... mundane as fuck... but since this is my 3rd time playing from scratch, it feels quite nostalgic. (。- ω -) Might try some FF1 later. And look up myself a guide.


I'll probably start on that this week, since I'm now finished with AO Iris and don't have anything else pressing to do this week. They may show up in the Abyss throughout the week, we shall see.

Backzilla Primordial Shitposter

RIP my SD card just died I have lost almost every single one of your works that I saved since the SFM day.


Will the poll results be posted today? Or can I go all out?


Ok, so.... how was it man? How did you manage to do 22 poses AND animations of a single character in a blink of an eye, with no apparent loss in quality in any of them?? Was the desire to do whatever the fuck you wanted that intense?? Kinda feel like you're feeling a bit restrained in the "public" side of things and wanted to let loose in the darkness. This kinda feels like what could have been possible if you weren't restrained to POV angles in the BDP. And if you would've just choose 5-10 of your favorite FF girl and given them THIS treatment, you probably would have enjoyed that nightmare a bit more.


This is just my usual cycle of going from depressed to not-depressed where I have a sudden and major burst of motivation. It comes in different forms, but this time it came in a bunch of easy to make animations, as opposed to something more elaborate or whatever. I also cut plenty of corners, such as reusing the same face animations for basically every animation outside one or two(which is something I started doing since the Anniversary. Before then, I tried to make each animation unique, but apparently people don't actually notice that). One other thing that sort of helps is that the model quality is lower, so things render quicker, and animating itself ends up quicker since Blender doesn't lag as much. And the intention of the Anniversary was never about quality. It was about quantity. I just wanted to get a bunch of FF characters out of the way and say that I did them while shitting on Lightning.


Sometimes the same face animation can look different in different angles and poses. And if you happen to watch real life porn of a girl for a long time, you'll start to notice that she has a specific way of expressing pleasure. One doesn't think "Damn, I've been reacting the same for 20 videos, let me try to completely change my face and the way I open my mouth..." so the reuse of expressions isn't that far off from reality. Thus, why people don't really notice it. Like me! And yes, I was going to bring up that your depression can get the best out of you sometimes. But I didn't want to sound mean or something. Still don't like knowing you're having a hard time. But at least you always come back swinging. You've officially filled my appetite for the cute FBs. And I can enjoy this for a couple months.(More is welcomed of course) But now I'm ready for our next spicy journey. Wich according to the general populace, it's a perfect and beautiful aged mother.


That's more or less why I've come to do it. I do make some minor adjustments here or there depending on the animation and if a reaction is appropriate, but yeah... people tend to smile the same, laugh the same, etc. so I use it as my excuse. Eh, it's fine. My depression is just me feeling like shit and wanting to do nothing. I actually slept horribly again last night, so I'm feeling a bit like that today. There will probably be something else tomorrow. Not FB though. Something I was doing before Hope, but got a little bored. Also, what'd you think of the invisible man shot? That was actually the first animation I did, and I did it like a week before the rest. And speaking of her, take another gander. My funny bone was tickled enough to mostly be settled, but you can judge I suppose.


If you mean the mating press Ghost Trick, I think is a smart way to let us see the important things. Brings me back to the ghost arm in the old Nyo animation. It could maybe use with a VERY transparent headless-chan body. But since it's for our own enjoyment it wasn't distracting or off putting. Now if you could do a lot of ghost PPs in one of the Halloween animations.... X3 Probably with someone who can do magic. Or perhaps someone with demonic magic to please a lonely Luna. But ok, time to rate our Mum. Dress Shirt: Probably one of my biggest hidden kinks. Just a loose shirt that covers everything. I really like this one, become it gives vibes of coming back from work straight to fucking. Hot/10 The sporty one, yes. Reliving her prime. The perfect valance of impactful yet grounded. I get why it be your pick. The school clothes. Gives a lot of cringy school porn video vibe. Not bad, but a bit lower compared to the others. Turtle neck. Simple, elegant, motherly. Pretty great too.


I did start with a transparent body, but it was too distracting to me, hence why I went with full invisibility. In the pronebone one, it wasn't too bad, but it did inflate the file size to enormous degrees. I do like the dress shirt too, but it's a bit one-note. I also don't have an open version, so I'm a bit more limited with it since it's harder to make it open, whereas a shirt I can lift up over the boobs if I want pretty easily. My second choice would probably be the turtleneck, but I'm pretty set on the sporty one. It tickles my funny bone enough that I haven't done any additional outfits since I did that one.


And how about the colors? I am a basic bitch, and most of the time when color is customizable I go with the classic monochrome here. But maybe there's other colors that will strike her even more?? I'm down for the sporty one btw (Not that it was my choice x3) I've gotten enough Hope feet and toes to take a gander at stockings. But I'm conflicted between black socks or white... I mostly like white when they're slightly see through. But black can sometimes be a bit boring. What say you?


I tried various colors, but I found myself drawn to the overall white color the most. Black is too dark, and then things like dark red or dark blue or what have you just doesn't... pop quite as much.


It's all good. Just making sure all the ingredients were in order. Now it's time for you to start cooking. You could honestly use the same background you used for Hope. Unless you have other modern rooms around. I would think bright lighting for this outfit would look good. Night time could also work. But she needs good lighting to highlight her belly and thighs squish. Anything that looks different from her BDP animations would do fine. Damn... ingredients aren't even in the pot yet and I'm getting hungry. (▰ω▰)


I'll be trying to find a good room to use for her, and I'll either do lighting similar to the Hope stuff, or I'll do some night time moody stuff with bright backlights and what not. But I'll do that later on. I am very tired so I think I'm gonna nap, since I'm doing nothing of real import anyway lol.


I just woke up from one! FF14 has put me to sleep 4 times already. Is just very comfy and chill.


Late to the party, because I was getting myself some birthday presents. Raising my weeb figurine collection. But I saw your SF6 profile.... and you got me mad jelly.... 5 star platinum!? Really.....!? I've barely gone past halfway from 1 star.... Go to EVO man!!!


Happy Birthday! I honestly should be at Diamond by now, but I had a really bad losing streak. x) And nah, I'd go out in pools. Although, I might be able to get out of pools in UMvC3 despite my rust, but still nah.


25 years without dying. Now... if only the world could not go to shit for another 60 years... And thank you. (´・ᴗ・ ` ) Are there win streaks in Platinum??? Because I've gotten to 4 and I still get raised by 50. And my win/loose ratio is about 4:8 So what I win I loose next match. So, what is your favorite moon phase?


You know, I was already full on cynical boomer by your age. Good luck. x) No win streak bonus in Platinum and beyond. You do gain/lose more points depending on who you're up against. I went up against a Diamond 2* and only lost 30 points while going up by like 70 on winning, I think. Full moon, since I like how you can actually see sometimes and the shadows the moon casts are cool. Otherwise, crescent moons are cool.


Since COVID The world keeps getting worse and worse. The extreme heat being the current event. Things aren't looking pretty for my generation. But anyways...!! I'm yet to get any better in the game. I'm kinda like the platinum wall for other people. If you can beat me, congratulations! You have a bare minimum skill to fly past me x3. Gotta hit the dojo. But the patience, man.... the patience.... Ahh... the full moon. When I get to look at it, Be it night or day. I can't help but just start thinking. "Woooow..... That.... is soooo far away.... like.... that's a planet.... or a moon.... it's not just us.... there's so much out there. And the moon is only the beginning... there are planets in our solar system that could eat our planet..... Yoooooo..... Dude...." Same could happen with stars but there aren't that many visible where I live. And I'm not going outside my apartment to go stargazing in the middle of the night. Hell nah. So anyways, that's some good as Moon you made there.


You know how they say there's nothing new under the sun? The world getting worse is no different, so there's your dose of optimism for the day. :) My main issue is dealing with corner pressure against certain characters. But, as I've seen in watching top players... they also tend to get fucked in the corner, so I don't feel too bad. I've at least sort of gotten the hang of doing my own corner pressure, since JP does have some good corner pressure options. And yeah, light pollution sucks. I'm a night owl, so I enjoy the night, but not a whole lot to see at night these days. It was what I was working on before I jumped to Hope, and then the La Luna stuff was gonna be what I worked on after Hope, but I'm now working on Jessie's Mom so yeah. All over the palce.


Since my last message I've lost 5 times and won 1. K.... time to go back to FF1 x3. Oddly hooked with that game, and it's getting me interested in SoP... since it's based on FF1. Queen Jayne has a pink haired sprite tho... And, you were somehow doing 10s Luna animations, and then you went and made 22 20s Hope animations... Will the continuation of the other Luna stuff and our Mommy have the same 20s treatment??? And I stopped myself from saying it, but I gotta mention it. Thank you for the 2 abyss foot jobs. You don't get it but you get it. It also seems Luna doesn't want us to cum. Or get prematurely cummed! Does that outfit have something to do with Succ Iris??


Sprites have always been kind of arbitrary in deciding hair color in the older FF games. That's how we got green haired Terra. I was just doing 10s stuff because the render times of an XV character takes quite a bit longer than an XIII character. I also wasn't 100% sold on the idea, so I was just doing some quick test stuff for it. Jessie's Mom is already at 20s loops for the three I've finished. I did find a suitable/fitting environment for her that gives enough variety that I can do some fun stuff with it. Admittedly recognizable if you've played the game it comes from, but eh, who cares. You can take a gander in the abyss. And no, it doesn't.


Oh, oh... Drake....! What are you doing....!? X3. Without high tech graphics and lighting this room really looks bland X3. But perfectly fine for some mom love ( ̄ω ̄) Is the TV and the PS1 in there too??? Reeeally love your abyss activity as of late. It's actually becoming a secret place where you can post whatever the fuck you want in secrecy and for people that won't bitch about it. Well... some have questioned your post.... but they aren't true believers. In fact I think I'm the only vocal lurker. The others never come to comment on them. 3 already huh??? So. Where's she going?? Public segs??? Or dark alley segs??? Wanna surprise the haterz?


I could do more to light up the environment and make it look better, but that does introduce longer render times and if people are looking more at the environment than the character featured... I've failed as a smut artist. x) But the TV is there. Don't see a PS1. Guess whoever converted it didn't include it. One of them is more a messager than a commenter. Proper secrecy, and all that. I mean, in the house?


I mean if mommy will be a public post or an abyss thing. And no problem with the lighting. But yeah, there's plenty of stuff in that room for multiple poses. Counters, sofas, TV, tables(I think), does the fridge opens?? X3. Imagine a standing doggy while trying to hydrated x3. Could still put her hand on the handle to insinuate such a thing. On a side note. Have you any interest in PlayStation IP girls?? Not me. I actually enjoy those games and pornofying them isn't really for me. Pewposterous did make a Sif animations from God of War Ragnarok and I was extremely skeptical I would like it.... but dang... he changed my mind... just like you did with Aerith for me.


Oh, full public. Even if I finish it soon, I won't release it until I've misdirected enough people to think something else is coming(and enough people have forgotten about it) and then I'll dump it on the poor, unsuspecting masses. Yeah, gonna start with the sofa, but I'll be moving around the room for variety. I hadn't checked, but surprisingly the fridge does open and it's got stuff inside, so there is that. Honestly, the house to use was a toss up between this one and Franklin's house from GTA5, but I felt this one was a slight bit more apropos. Not really. Haven't played many of their IPs. I only played Uncharted 4 because it was bundled with the PS4 I bought. Can't say I've played any of the others.


Perhaps Marika could be the bait if you end up giving up on her. Just the one animation you teased. Use it as the header image, but the gofile link is just 20 Jess Mom animations. "Where's the Marika link?" a comment will ask. X3 whichever troll you choose I'm ready for some mom action. I can already see the porn add. "Click here to start fucking your mom" "Moms in need of cock in your neighborhood" Wich Franklin house?? The ghetto house or the Hollywood house?? And good. Unfortunately, the most porn those games get are from a a certain type of character.... So PS porn always has a bad look for me.


Nah, that's too soon. I gotta find the right time for it. x) But you could definitely use Jessie's Mom in a "Hot moms in YOUR area!" ads. The ghetto one. Don't think I have the Vinewood one. I think I know what you're talking about, lol.


You're saving her for the biggest jumpscare?? Understandable. Something I forgot to mention about her costumes. The one downside of the sporty clothes is that we can't see her veiny chest... that's oddly enough one of the reasons I love your "mature" body models. Could take of her top, but still a shame to even do that. I've actually been paying more attention to visible veins in cosplay girls and such... weirdly attractive, too see a girls insides..... That got a bit morbid. Save the ghetto for a more appropriate character x3. Like some bitchy DoA girls or something. And yeah, I'm sure you do. Damn... now that's ruining a character and an emotional moment.


Like I mentioned in a previous post, this shirt I can actually lift up over the boobs if I want(and which I will probably do at some point during the set). It's not that difficult compared to opening up a buttoned shirt. x) Maybe use that house for the Totally Real Cops Bro. Isn't there a rule34 site that has a tag line about "Rule34, ruining your childhood since x" or some such? It's just in the nature of the internet. To ruin and destroy. And at this point, there are people who know or like FFXV only because of my stuff, so I've done my own ruining and destroying lol.


Well, it'll be fun to go through FFXV when I get to it (Yes, I'm doing a full series playthrough + 16 NG+ + 14.) It'll be hard to see any of those grils with a straight face. When Luna is a cheating bitch who fucked plenty as I was getting to her. One who also fucked plenty in her early years. The pure hearted Iris who's actually fucking all the guys as revenge for turning her "It's like a date💗..." down. The mysterious Gentiana who suddenly appears in the hotel room. Aranea who fucks you whenever she pleases. And Cindy who accepts dick in the middle of the road as payment when your gil is low.... Yeh.... gonna be fun. Oh, and the whole nights getting longer and all that shit. Perfect use of background. Honestly, a bit of a scary situation. Fake cops invading your house and doing bad things? Fitting for Halloween Shirt lift is probably one of the hottest things to look at. There could have been shirt parting with the loose shirt. Turtleneck would have been a interesting lift too.


Honestly, it'll probably be easier for you to disassociate yourself than you'd think. My versions are quite distinct form the official versions, in that they actually have a presence instead of being there for a few minutes and then fucking off forever. x) At least until they start the succing. (͠≖ ͜ʖ͠≖) It's just hard to manipulate a buttoned shirt, since a lot of geometry simply does not exist. Turtleneck could have been fun, but it definitely didn't get my almonds activated like the other one. And considering I finished a fourth... yeah, I made the right move.


Damn, not only are you cooking... You're the head chef of a restaurant right now. Food coming out in bulk. Just dont let them touch the weed. (͠°ω͠°) It's not that hard, sure. But one of the first characters you see in FF14 are them elf twins. And I couldn't help but feel awkward. Like recognizing a girl from a porn video in public. Doesn't help I still don't know who is who. And you know who is the important one.... (͡°ω͠°) If there's something we could have had the chance to see with the turtleneck and the shirt. Is the whole "riding without seeing the action" kind of thing. Not seeing, is surprisingly effective sometimes. The A2 + Danta comes to mind. Hey! If animu girl wins, there's some potential under the cover of the skirt action. Unless is actually pretty short...


Gonna try to get a fifth done today, and it'll be your favorite thing. Although maybe not with the stockings on. x) Easy to tell who is who. One is blue, the other is red. Blue has hair in front of right eye, red has hair in front of left eye. Blue strikes true for you. On the topic of the poll, one has pulled far enough ahead with the votes coming in so slowly that I think they've cemented their win. Actually a tiny bit sad, since I was looking forward to a tie situation, but I suppose there's a few more days until it's confirmed. x)


It would have been fun to see a tie between animu and realistic. So you could do a lazy duo just for the lols. I don't think anime models look that bad without the shading. And hey now...! I said yesterday I'm down for stockings. What would increase the kink even more is if she was wearing shoes or something before doing it. Doesn't do much when they're just fresh. But even without that, still effective. Mommy giving a possible FJ? The feet will be the lowest priority... (͡°ω͠°) Also, I keep noticing. That new lip bitting kink you have?? I 100% approve. But stuff like that get repetitive in short loops. I know, I know...!! Quick lazy thing for the private eye. But still good to mention for serious stuff in the future. But please, MORE bitting. I better see some lip bitting with a certain black haired and red eyed duo. (͡°ω͠°)


If nothing else, I was gonna have the post image be them glaring at the other ala pre-match SF6 sort of thing. You and your (fake) sweaty smell fetish... It's not really a new kink, as I've been wanting to do them since SFM, but it takes a certain level of effort to get a good lip bite and I'm lazy. The one I've been doing is my 'lazy' method and it could look a lot better with some effort, but I mostly just stopped caring essentially.


Cool idea, remember the silly faces. No, no, no... hold your horses there. It's mostly about the warm, and moisty part of it. Not the sniffers. (ꗞωꗞ). Don't make this weird.... I mean unless they smell clean of detergent... NO! DON'T MAKE THIS WEIRD! I think is looking good enough. Maybe the lips should flick a little harder when released.??That's all I could tell you. You don't need a diploma to make a lip bite look like a lip bite.


I am slightly disappointed JP doesn't really have a "silly" face compared to some of the other characters. He does have hair clipping through his face on one though, which is good enough. I mean, I said sweaty and smell fetish. Sweaty is the warm, moisty part of it. Flicking is part of the hard part, along with just making sure it doesn't just clip through the teeth at some point in the initial bite or the release.


Can't have the bad guy be too goofy looking. Imagine Bison doing silly faces. Let's just stick with sock FJ being good enough. I can't wait to see it. And dang it, every time I think I'm going to be done for today...! Have you ever thought of having removed clothes around the environment??? You did it with that one Luna animations were her dress is on the floor.


I mean, Bison's default face looks silly as is, and when he grins he looks even sillier. Every expression he makes would look goofy. It's something I've done on more than one occasion, it just depends on the scene in question. I need enough room that the characters won't hit it while also having the camera frame the scene in a way that gives a good look of the character without too much superfluous stuff. And some clothes work better than others in being 'discarded', so it depends on how easy it is.


I see. Just a neat detail I've seen sometimes in your stuff. I'm also a fan of Marie's hanging panties from her leg in that one old animation in her gym clothes. Or the lifted feet from the heel in the commander anim. Be it discarded or barely hanging. Cool detail/physics with clothes always does something for me.


I was actually gonna have the panties around Hope's ankle in the 2nd 'handjob' animation, but those panties are a nightmare to work with so I scrapped it. x) And it's something I like too, but yeah - some are a headache and I'm laaaazzzzzy.