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To very little surprise, Mai wins. Can't beat the classics.

Still, NiCO came pretty close. They were within a few points at the end of Saturday, but then Mai pulled in a few big votes and the gap widened. I was fine if either one won - not really feeling Ivy at the moment, and Morrigan wasn't even gonna be on the poll originally(since my preferences was toward Irelia lol), so it works out for me. I'm sure I'll get around to all of them eventually.




Just laughing at the disparity in weighting between NiCO and Mai. Same number of votes but all the big bucks clearly flowed to one side


Pretty much. NiCO actually led by votes for most of the poll. It was only yesterday and today that Mai pulled it to a tie, while also gaining a big lead in the process(it was a smaller lead before, like 10-15 or so points).


Some dude sensed it and called in the cavalry lol


Meh, whichever won was fine. Didn't really had anyone I wanted to win. The one I would have voted got saved by "future plans" Still dislike the predictive results tho... Last poll was a very needed surprise. But I guess people don't like Ivy... if you do SC stuff you could honestly just skip her. I'm guessing you already have a remake in mind???

Chanko Stew

I honestly just voted Mai over NiCO because you hadnt done her yet.


Yeah, Ivy has been the worst performing Soul Calibur character to date. Cassandra got 2nd and came pretty close to beating 2B, while Talim got 3rd in a 5 character poll. Ivy has always been last place. x) And perhaps.


It's kinda refreshing to see a Mai model that isn't overly glossy too. No idea what's up with that


Yeah the moment I saw Mai, I knew she'd sweep that poll.


Well, don't know what people recommend for boob-ass girl. But if no one recommend boob/ass eating... Then what's wrong with them? Real quick about the last post. A lot of things about the animation wasn't clear but through our fucking around you helped me get the full picture. And yes... I thought of that as we were talking. I once recommend you to try rain and lightning effects. The lightning is good. Maybe a bit basic... not flashy enough, but you're getting there. But I will take responsibility for the rain if I must... Though I'm guessing I mostly meant actual rain, not shadows. I never expected you to play with shadows like that, so again, I commend your actions. No, don't stop trying and improving. You just happened to experiment with my most anticipated animation from you for months. One that came out actual being- Here... get a little closer- (´-ω-`( _ _ ) EXTREMELY FUCKING GOOD...!!! So dumb little defects like those hit a bit harder. But you did a great job with the anim.


It does seem to be a trend, just browsing through a few pages on rule34. No clue where it started or why, really.


I've got some ideas and there are some decent recommendations that I should be able to whip up something decent. My only piece of advice on ignoring the problems you see is this: "it's not a bug, it's a feature". 乁( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)ㄏ


I'll give you that her being wet from the rain amplified the anim. Still makes no sense she's still wet at the end. 乁( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)ㄏ Or why she's wearing shorts. But you took of her boots!!! But they're in shadow... But hey, Virus 2B! Just at the end... I could keep going. But again... wine aging. It'll only take a couple days, don't worry. I'm hoping for both Lightnings tomorrow now. So after all the mockery I aimed at her. She and her namesake are my last hope for tomorrow X3. Oh, and maybe you could have gotten a bit closer for the kiss?? Unless the FOV is pulled back and the 'camera' is actually closer than it looks


You know you'd complain if she wasn't wet at the end. C'mon, son. ( ͠° ͟ʖ ͡°) Part of it is the FOV, part of it is that it's not quite that appealing getting that close up with a moving camera. I'd rather just give the implication without possibly inducing motion sickness.


X3. Could still try it in a finisher in the future. When there's less jumping and humping. Oh, and btw my clock for a more crazy and 'disturbing' 2B has reset. The more I see this one the more it grow on me, but I was genuinely expecting an earlier turn. Nitpicks aside, that is the actual downer of the whole thing. And you already have stuff planned for boob-ass girl, but let me give you my quick recommendation. If there's sweating involved. Either she fans herself (preferably her boobs) or she fans headless-chan. He doesn't sweat I know. But you can find an excuse for that (≖ ͜ʖ≖). The other option is headless-chan fanning her. You know I always like giving you ideas for prop/weapon usage. That's all I ask for boob-ass girl. No, the fan on mouth for a remake doesn't count.


I'm sure there will be more opportunity for crazy 2B in the future. I already plan to incorporate the fans when and where I can. No worries on that front.


Ok, ok, last one, last one.... That camera should have had cable/tendrils hanging down from it. |・ω・) Took to long adding GUNK to a fake window instead of thinking of more important details... |ω・)ノ That's all. | Oh!! |ʘ‿ʘ)╯ And I killed a random Griffon yesterday!!! |ω・)ノ OK that's all bye! | |_・)..... If I don't see pp tomorrow I'll kill you. | |_・)....... |


I didn't add the gunk to the window. That's just there. x) Good job griffon hunting. And I already said I don't do non-canon dicks. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


SE never confirmed her genitalia, don't know about this canon you speak of. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) And dude... you could have started with that X3. Then 60% of that mess wasn't your fault! Common man... talk to me. I threw shit at you for no reason X3. I mean, you could have still removed the window or something. But I just thought all of that was your doing.


Good news and thank XD


That’s one of the main reasons why I think your skin aesthetics are great. Your models are not glossy but have that great natural look to them plus the lighting makes your just animations stand out better IMO.


Oh thank goodness, I don't have to eat my hat, PHEW. That is a lot of NiCO though, which is surprising but also a little bit not considering the fanbase here. Ivy getting absolutely dumpstered again makes me think she's just not gonna get anything at this rate. How about someone like Taki? Or just bring back Cassandra and not throw her up against a powerhouse like 2B :)


It came within like... 5 points at one point. You almost had to eat it. x) There will probably be some more SC characters coming up in polls at some point. And hopefully one that isn't Ivy. x)


When you said there might be a surprise I did indeed get worried. Also googled what would go well with Hat, and how the best I could cook it. Was thinking of just dousing it in BBQ sauce and grilling it, but I was not looking forward to it. Thanks for pulling through Mai. I wonder what causes Ivy to do so poorly. Just the fact that out of SC characters, she probably has the most exposure? And always fucking a lizardman? It's curious. Would be interested in seeing some others in the future though, SC does have some nice characters, albeit the games sure do suck lately.


I had a feeling Mai would end up taking the W, but I had a hunch NiCO would be close. Closer than I think most people would expect. Though if I had gone with Irelia... strong feeling she would have won out in the end, but I could be wrong. Might be the overexposure. Outside of her, does any other SC character really get anything? Though that also didn't really stop Mai... who knows, really.


Well you were right on that front at least. Maybe cause you're also one of the few people who does NiCO content? Cause most people would like to forget that DOA6 actually exists...and yeah I definitey would've voted Irelia if she was in this one. That model is so good hnnnnghhhhgh. Honestly, I can't think of that much SC stuff in general. I know it's mostly Ivy, and then uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I think I've seen a handful of Hilde or Tira animations here or there, and some Taki as well, but yeah that's about it. Is it just not that popular anymore, is there something wrong the the models, or what?


Still a bit surprised that Ivy isn't doing so hot in these polls. Fatigue, maybe? she seems like the most popular SoulCal girl by a wide margin. Anyway, another vote for remaking the OG cowgirl, out of the old-ish animations that's probably my favorite.


Mai Shiranui totally destroyed my childhood's innocence. It's her fault if today I am who I am. I love her.


Ivy lost so badly 🥲


Me being one of a handful to do NiCO stuff is probably a likely reason. The SC models are kinda not great. They're not bad, but they are pretty low poly for a 'modern' game. They also kind of comically large eyes, which is kind of a detractor at times.


The disrespect for Ivy. Expected but still sad.


Will you be a Nico again? He was buried by the stop update of doa6. He is a great girl.