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gofile - https://gofile.io/d/0zGANb

Just another random "FFXV character as a DMC character" like Iris. Trish isn't really that fitting for Luna, but I couldn't be arsed to put her in Eva's dress or something.

Anyway, today's bonus is... 2B. Not really a surprise, considering I had her as my banner/pfp for two+ months now. I finished her before a good chunk of the cast, and she was originally going to be part of the 64 but with the additional XIV characters I got, I was able to fill out the 64 without resorting to too many 'outside' characters. I kind of held onto her for the longest as the 64th character, especially as a backup in case I really didn't want to finish the 64th character. Because if you think about it, I had finished 65 characters(2B and A2 included) before I finished my last official 64th character. If I was just so fed up and sick of it, I was just gonna quietly replace the final character with 2B again.

A2 was also kind of intended for the 64, but she was dropped from the roster before I started animating anyone, and only came back as a bonus. That's why she was in the gym outfit I gave her. Easier to use that instead of putting her in one of the outfits.

Anyway, tomorrow is the day Lightningchads. Get HYPE!!!!1










2B & 2P was in ff14, so it still would've counted lol


Logic virus/yandere mode.... Ya I'd fuck with that.


Fuck... gotta update my pfp now. So... beginning log... Lazy-sama, of all the shoots I was tasked to supervise, this one is by far the most bizarre one I've witness... None of the dolls you've send us for testing has ever showed this behavior. Some were a bit crazy yes, but... it was part of their program. So allow me to go through the process. So these two stated ok, with a BJ. And like most BJs, it was a BJ. However, it seems this doll was already increasing in temperature. Please notice how she lifts her arms. Already exuding some heat from her armpits. Continuing. See!? Here it is again. She takes off her shirt while still having her arms lifted. It was at this time where this... weird scents started to fill the room... It was like... a burnt febreze... and the pussy seemed to be also exuding some intoxicating scents... whatever lubricant your people gave her was burning inside. Our headless automaton didn't seem to be to bothered by it. Reading stayed stable. Continue--->


So, up until now everything was going mostly fine. Pretty good material, weird heating aside. And next pose continues being great. However, even though her overheating kept increasing, she refused to take off her boots. Allow me to say that the temperature in the room, increasing dramatically. Her sweat was 57% hotter than normal. And we were getting a bit dizzy recording this... What substance your people gave her for cooling??? I had to sit down for the rest of this... however.... it was quite pleasant... Now... this is were we realized we had passed out... and we woke up to this scene... one us didn't make it... there was blood coming from under the bathroom door. And my other partner seemed to have been ra*ed and violated... She spared me for some reason... the subject escaped after the events that transpired... our headless model didn't seem to be bothered by any of it. But it does seem she took of with the camera. We're going to need a new one.


Ok, so back to reality. Great stuff. Yes, I'm about to say this. I prefer her leotard. But this is still a goddamn treat. That last scene was amazing. Would have liked if most of the animation was that, instead of just the end. The last pose has a problem. Weird flickering shadows. And the head she's holding seems to be a camera-- Oh wait... Now, I'm terrified of doing this after what happened. But I can't keep limiting myself. It doesn't hurt to at least mention it. THIS animation NEEDS a 4K version. Just this one. Because of her skin and sweat detail. Weird shadows aside, the Lightning is cool. Is almost as if a storm was approaching. She be coming... But in what way a wonder? ( ಠ ͜ʖ ಠ). Will comment more on the animation after I see it in the comfort of my home.


(♡⌂♡) l like her kiss. there's an ″天邈汉化组″ on the game interface.(ㅇㅅㅇ❀)


JFC bro…..that ending……should have saved that for Halloween!!! Is she holding his head??? Wtf…. I tried squinting but damn…😳😳😳


Those camera movement are insane improvements. How hard are they to pull off? Are you gonna incoorpate them in your future work?


Maybe do 9s for next April Fool


The wave at the camera by headless guy at the end lol


maiden... bored

Backzilla Primordial Shitposter

Oh boii I'm sure have I been missing something huh. And you're right tho Eva outfit would suit Luna more while someone like Aranea would looks perfect in Trish outfit and Cindy I'm sure I don't have to say what would suit her it's painfully obvious lastly put Gentiana in V outfit right now.


yep, this one is definitely on my most favourite LP animations list ✅ can't go wrong with 2B 🥴


Love the rain and lightning effects! Hope we see the Commander in hot pants one day, keep up the great work!


They're pretty easy, as I just attached the camera to her hands. As for whether I incorporate it, it depends on the animation. I personally don't like a lot of camera movement like this - prefer just relatively static cameras. This is just one idea where it made sense.


It's rain, not sweat. The flickering shadows is rain on the window and what not - they're moving constantly, so they aren't perfect shadows, but that's what's going on. All four animations have it.


ah ok...I see it now....headless guy waving his hand...priceless! Erotic in a disembodied way I guess.... Great effects as well...


"Impressive. Very nice. Now let's see Lightning's animation."


Yeah.. I noticed later.... is... not great. I would just remove the rain shadows off. Neat idea but without sound or constant lightning anyone outside of this fanbox will think is some graphical glitch. Like me. That and I don't think rain shadow are THAT visible. Perhaps the shadow of water sliding down a window would have been more accurate. But harder to do I presume.


I'm compelled to see what the chef's been cooking And who knows? Maybe the almighty squint tech can help me see Serah if it's vanilla


It is mostly stuff on the window. It's just heavy rain so it's moving constantly. I know it's not great, but I think it's fine, not bad enough to remove.


With how critical you're with your own stuff I'm surprise you think so. Oh well. Now that I see it clearly without the light of the burning sun, And noticed that unfortunate detail, is not ranking up in the ranks. But I also came to the conclusion that the skin detail should stay for now on. 2B's uncovered eyes are easily better, and virus 2B should be the only 2B you ever do. No one does it, or better than you do. Regular 2B doesn't do it for me anymore, or not as much as it used to.


Think of it this way: I spent the time to actually attempt it, and it wasn't even something I just threw together in a few minutes but something I actively spent time on and tried multiple methods to accomplish. A lot of it is engine limitation, since shadows have a size limit in EEVEE and become pixelated the smaller they are. It can't do caustics. It can't do shadow refractions all that well. I am overly critical of a lot of my stuff, and proclaim it low effort or no effort, but I still release it. Why would I remove something I actually put effort into just because it's not great? It's a learning process, so of course there's going to be issues. And I genuinely don't get why Virus 2B is so underutilized. It's almost as if... most people who do art of 2B didn't play the game all the way through. 🤔


I mean virus 2B is just 2B dying. Your take is cool but that actually never happens. Do 10 2Bs try to peg 9S at the end? Sure but they are just 2Bs not the actual character 2B. Virus 2B is actually a very sad and more softer 2B. So yeah I understand why. Virus Commander however... now there's something YOU are not doing. 🤔 Is almost as if... someone didn't play till the e-- JK. Not really, get it together. Now you see... I get it. Always worth trying new things. Is hard to get you to try new things. But not to be mean, I'm not trying to. But it just looks distracting and off (avoiding real hard to say bad). I genuinely thought I was helping you spot an issue. And even when I noticed it was supposed to be the rain, I still didn't think that was something you were ok with. For me is a detracting from an otherwise AMAZING animation. But you right, live and learn. Now, if you don't hate me after that. (/ω\) there's something about shadows I want to ask about.


The idea is there, even if the game doesn't go that direction. I dunno, I just feel like with the internet's obsession with yanderes, the whole Virus thing would have just been one of those things people would have jumped on. Even the other characters, like 21O, don't have much of it. And I have meant to do Virus Commander. I just haven't as of yet. My old crossed-leg animation actually was intended to have the eyes, but I decided my first Commander animation shouldn't be Virus Commander, and back then I didn't want to do multiple renders. I barely notice it, tbh. Only one I can kind of notice it in is the first. The rest look fine to me. And I'm not upset or anything, just laying out my reasoning as for why I'm okay with it and keeping it. Just trying to actually go outside my comfort zone and experiment and actually get feedback instead of just keeping it on my hard-drive for years. And sure, ask away.


I can't even imagine Gentiana in V's outfit. Never was a fan of that outfit. I actually liked V, but the outfit was... not great. Vergil picked the worst guy to steal clothes from.


I'll gladly give feedback to your entire hard-drive whenever you're ready. But yes, the reason why I thought this so called 'rain' was a bug was - well... first thing first- watching it in the day light, while hiding my phone, in a bouncy car. So, my eyes didn't notice the noise, or the... so called 'rain' after the last pose. WHY!? Please, watch from 1:13-20.... look at the shadows on her right arm, or her entire body really. Can you see how the shadows look either; Baked into her body, move with her body, move with the camera OR it looks like the... so called 'RAIN' stops in time and the falling motion isn't conveyed properly?? So that's the question. Why does that happened? Are your shadows, projected shadows? Or are they "fake" shadows. I've seen these shadows before in your stuff that look like they're painted over the model. And are mostly noticeable with the movement of the model or the camera. Oh, I found an example. The Iris school doggy. Notice Headless-chan's body.


The 'rain' that is stopped in time/on her body is dirt on the window(inside texture - it's got gunk on it). As for your question, they are cast/projected shadows. They're not baked in or anything like that. This is just a literal trick of the light. Shadow is being cast from a super far away light source(ie, the sun), so the shadows are completely static. The reason they look 'attached' to the body is because the body is not flat. It's got curves, so as the body moves, the shadows being cast warp along the skin. This is especially noticeable with things like blinds. I know it looks weird, as it's something I noticed very early on(back in 2019) and tried to 'correct', but the more I tried to correct it, the more the brain goes 'wait, no, that's wrong'.


Is Kaine on the horizon? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


WHAT!? Gunk!? What GUNK!? Is... GUNK!? Σ(°△°|||)︴ Alright... let's stop beating around the bush then... You're not good with shadows...(nah, to harsh) X3. But I completely understand now what you were going for. But my man... Shadows shouldn't be that sharp while so far away from the window. And don't tell me. "Ah, you know...There's just a lot of light hitting it directly.... yeah." It is NIGHT TIME. it is raining cats and dogs! (Thank you P5) the moon shouldn't be out in the slightest. "Ahhhh... There's just a lamp post right outside the window, beaming straight into the room... yeah." Buddy... no. "Uhhhh stage lights, this is all fake..." No. Look, I get it. I honor your experiments. Let's forget about the rain shadows for a moment. The NOW so called 'GUNK' looks waaay to messy on that part. Add the 'rain' the 'GUNK' to her already spiky 'natural' shadows, and it just looks messy. No angry btw, actually having fun discussing this shadow problem. |・ω・)


Gunk. You know, dirt, smoke stains, mold and mildew. The works. It's a cheap, seedy hotel. You think they clean up, ever? It is NOT night time. It's a daytime storm, so it's darker than normal, and since there's a single, small window... the lighting condition is pretty dark. A perfectly normal thing to happen during a daytime rain. If it was night time, I'd have to light the room from the inside, but I wanted there to be actual light coming in from outside so that the shadows could be cast in and give it that low-light, humid vibe that accompanies a storm. It's scene setting, it's mood building. And while I agree with you on the sharpness, EEVEE is no Cycles, going softer is genuinely a worse look.


Have you ever heard the definition... of ins(wiping exuces out of yer a--)anity??? (ʘ ʖ̯ ʘ) Ok... so now, it's apparently... day time..... ( ఠ ͟ʖ ఠ)....( ಥ ʖ̯ ಥ)...( ಠ ʖ̯ ಠ)....( ͡° ʖ̯ ͡°) ...( . •́ _ʖ •̀ .)....(・・ ) ?.... ( ̄_ ̄)・・・( ̄~ ̄;)..... (-ω-、).....(´-ω-`).... (。- ω -) O. KEH. Let's end it this way. This was the most hyped I was since the Femboys. Was really looking forward to it. And though the content is great... the more I learn about this animation the more it irks me. Let's put it this way- It feels like being about to get fucked by a hot girl... only to find out she smokes. Wips one of those thing out, lights it. And THEN she puts it in. Is she still hot? Yes... did my dick just went limp??? Absolutely. So, I'll tuck 2B to the side for now. Age her a little. You know how it is... Besides, I'm fucking antsy about tomorrow... Is it going to rain? Will I get home by 7pm? Will I look at my phone by accident??? No space for porn in my mind. ・゚・(。>ω<。)・゚・


It's not now apparently day time, it always was. This is not an excuse I pulled out of my ass, I was aiming for a daytime storm. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ It's fine. But I will point out this: this is why I shoot down your ideas so often. Just because I'm okay at animating and making something look decent does not mean I am actually skilled. I am good at faking it, but I am a D-tier Blender artist. I don't do a lot of things because it will look like shit, and people will claim something is distracting so I just play it safe 99% of the time.


Either the Commander, the Operators, Devola and Popola, hell, Red Girl would be fine too.

Backzilla Primordial Shitposter

I imagine Vergil are quite a fashionist​ judging by his normal clothes and stuff but never knew that his true self wanted to dressed like a slut and by all accounts I still think it would suit Gentiana pretty well that girl was about all black.


i second the twins. severely underrated whether its the replicant model or automata


Curious why I didn't see 29~36?


lady luna nice !!!


oh no you made me like Luna more Anyway, I believe Lightning is a duke and weave. You're really gonna give us Penelo of course.


Oooh! This one is very well done!


Is there Sound to this?