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gofile - https://gofile.io/d/lmaqQ5

Ultimecia has very unique feet. Figured I'd show them off. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Might recognize the blowjob from this one. Probably not even as good as the SFM version of it, but I 'gotta go fast'. I'll probably return to it and clean it up at some point. Probably completely redo it, even. Position is kind of off.

Hint -




On no.... Lazy-sama.... (ಥ﹏ಥ) What do we do...?? They're getting there.... Please, master... what are your orders??? WHAT. SHOULD. WE. DO!? Beginning log. So today is Friday.... a guess was correct... I don't care about this character or the poses. But, I'll try to give it a proper critique... I'll take away my mask and try to be rational. Not much to say anyways so, let's start. BJ, Fine... the next pose is fine too... pussy grab...! Cool. The next pose is truly uninspiring... fine I guess. Not a fan of the last pose. I honestly get uncomfortable when males with bodies like Headless-chan's are bended, twisted, flexed, crossed, or put on other embarrassing positions. If this was a femboy, sure go ahead! But not this. I like female domination, but not this much. His legs hide her weird legs though. The pull out is nice. So Lightning and Fang -both the strong female type- have gotten no interest from me so far. And I have a theory. Ending log. Lazy-sama... we're in danger....


That’s gotta be Yuffie….


So I recently found out that overly serious, edgy, "capable woman" characters don't really activate any neurons in me. I usually just settle on them being cool. The only way they get a reaction from me is if they break or crack at some point in their arc. Now, I barely remember much from 13. So that might actually happen at some point. The only type of strong, dominating, female girls I like are baddies, fem fatals, or girls who clearly FUCK! Cool edgy characters don't fuck. Lighting? Never fucks. Fang? Doesn't fuck. Jihl?? Clearly fucks. Scarlet? Clearly fucks. Cloud??? He doesn't fuck. Leon?? No, evidently, he doesn't fuck. The Redfield bloodline continues to be in danger while he follows a wild pussy chase. Dante??? Well... Dante doesn't fuck... he gets fucked. Virgil did the fucking first. So yeah, that's my reasoning. Unless Fang or Lighting ever said "I'm not strong... I'm just suppressing my female weakness for COCK! Then my feelings will stay the same.

Backzilla Primordial Shitposter

Aight that's a cross but I can't think of anyone who is a priest so I'm just gonna have to stick with Yuffie. Lazy enlighten me if you will.


Plot twist: Its Whitemane.


I'm gonna guess Larxene from Kingdom Hearts just cuz of the positive and negative charge? Would honestly be a surprise. Of course, it could just straight up be Lightning lol, so there's my other guess. There might be an electric/magnetic lady I'm not thinking of. Or it's a trick lol.


Oh wait I misinterpretted the hyphen lol. Okay, so either Yuffie, a priestess, or Paine from X-2.


Do that feet got the stank tho For the next hint, the cross speaks for itself. It's gonna be our lord and saviour Jesus Christ. Please deliver us from the sin that is the soon-to-be Lightning video. Inshallah 🙏


A cross huh? Well I'm pretty sure Penelo got crucified at one point, so I'm gonna go with her.


Like how the hints started off as phrases or references, changed to a few words, then to a single word, and now just a symbol.


Just hold the line. It'll be fine. As for your reasoning, I feel like there's a character that fits that criteria that you like. Probably. Anyway, I'm not gonna let you live down the fact that you voted for Fang in that one poll a long time ago. I know you say you did it out of curiosity or whatever, but you did vote for her. Also, Dante isn't a cool edgy character. He's one part smart-asshole, one part over-the-top cocky, and one part a broken man with severe depression held together by the gluten from all the pizza he consumes. And he most definitely fucks, if the original DMC novel is any indication. He just doesn't fuck main female characters because then that would require commitment on the writer's part and they'd rather just leave things ambiguous.

Chanko Stew

I guess Rinoa for tomorough


I imagine you standing proud in the middle of a battlefield. With your men cowering behind you as I read that.... Now you're correct, on that day, I came to the realization that animation didn't do much for me... the Vanille x Fang was cool. And this animation kind of cemented it. And Laightuning or whateverthefuck's animation. AND other animators animations, not just yours. You know what? I kinda hesitated to add Dante in my explanation. Because he has so many qualities other than edgy cool. But as much as he looks and acts as someone who fucks, has fucked and will fuck... He gives me this try hard vibe. Like he's trying to act like he gets the pussy and that the pussy doesn't get him. Like... he fucks around, but he never dares to find out. His cockynes and immature attitude doesn't quit exudes.... experience... You know what I mean....? ( ̄~ ̄;)... Hmmmm....


It's hardly that cool. It's just I don't care if they win or lose, really. Still say there's probably an exception in your book. Probably. Maybe in DMC3, but past that he just seems largely uninterested. Like learning that he had a nephew turned him celibate. Probably had the thought "oh shit, is he mine?" and then was relieved when the Yamato bonded with Nero and was like "he's Vergil's, thank god". He spends his money on his dead friend's kids and all his other debts so he doesn't have the money to pay child support for his own kid. Can't risk it. It's why he's more flirty with demons than with humans. There's no such thing as child support in the demon world, that's the real reason why Vergil was okay with staying there in the first place.


You just did a poor job making it hard that's all. Would need to dig deep into cool, capable female characters to tell you. But nothing really comes to mind. Yet.... I'm of course speaking of characters with neutral sex appeal. 2B and other characters of the like don't really count since there was a clear objective with their design. To overshadowed their actual personalities. Could even dig into the Anime well here but, let's not. And yeah, that about describes my feelings for Dante fucking. After 1 and 3 he looks like someone who stopped chasing pussy and stared using condoms when forced to fuck. Dante is an old man... one who didn't enjoy his youth properly of fear of responsibility.


Well, let's just say there's a reason I made it fairly easy. If you hear fanboys talk about Lightning, she's apparently the sexiest character ever and the perfect woman and etc. Dude doesn't need a condom when he has ROYAL GUARD. But DMC1 Dante doesn't strike me as a skirt chaser, more just someone whose body is more alcohol than water. You can't tell me this isn't someone drunk off their rocker: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RkzjYJOsJWY


She's cool looking and sometimes can have a cool personality.... And some of the outfits in Lightning Returns does look cool on her. But if my younger mind ever thought that she was extremely hot then things have definitely changed since then. And Goddamn you right... The acting and dialog doesn't help his case either... X3 he's been through phases that guy. I'm still down to seeing him get fucked tho. I like A2 + Dante not because he was fucking her, but because she was fucking 'im...! But this no fuck policy is very common among majority of main characters in Capcom games, even in MH. Sure there are kids NPCs in Rise. But there's never romance between the main cast. No one sees your Hunter and go "Yo hold up....! You got my on turning...!!!" And this policy has reach ridiculousness levels in the RE games. As I mentioned, Leon... Chris, Chris is a broken man.... Jill and Claire, both capable woman characters. All of them soon to die of old age without a sign of an offspring.


I know Kamiya said he created Dante to be a 'character who doesn't need to curse, drink, or smoke to be cool', but still put like five bottles of Jack Daniel's bottles on his desk in DMC1... his blood is more whiskey than blood. That's really why he starts with 0 red orbs. Well, there's the whole affinity thing in Dragon's Dogma, which does have a payoff(albeit not a great one), so it's not all Capcom games. And Leon's just got his oneitis with the worst possible person in the world to pine after. Chris... Chris just has too much PTSD. And with those boulder punching arms of his, no one is safe when he goes off on one of his depressive drinking binges.


And you can kinda see what they are doing. Setting up for the new generation. The only main characters who've fucked in RE are Ethan and Mia. Who has now created a super-powered main character for the next generation. Alongside Sherry also super human. Speaking of Sherry.... She and Jake definitely fucked. Add it to the super-kids list. There's the girl from revelations 2 who is also special. The one with Barry. And yet ANOTHER girl, Moira. Not special, but now has seen some shit. As I write this... I start to see a pattern and realize what Capcom is doing.... Where's the boys Capcom??? What you doing....??? (¬‿¬ )


I honestly don't really like how RE now has 'super-human mutant babies' in it. The humans were already super-human enough, why you gotta bring in canon super-humans? It's fine when they're villains, but as MCs it just feels kinda lame. RE is becoming more like DMC with half-human, half-mold children. Although at this point they could put Dante in an RE and it wouldn't be weird anymore. Nero was/is the boy, but he's in DMC, not RE. Although I know some people want to see a Dante daughter, but I'd rather he had a kid that turned out to be an emo poetry reader like V. That way, Vergil's son is more like Dante, and Dante's son is more like Vergil. Just for the laughs.


I'm afraid they'll go too overboard and will be force to reboot the franchise. But if they just keep going with it I'd honestly respect it. Bio-terrorism on the moon, let's go! Never thought about a Dante offspring, really... And if they did a female MC right, it could be a very big "fuck you" to Bayonetta and Platinum. But a Dante daughter that acts and looks like Virgil.... Now that's a very interes- Oh wait....


If anything, they'll soft-reboot it again. RE7 was their response to the insanity that was RE6, so they'll probably just do that again if things start going south again. I don't think they'll go that route, honestly. They had enough issues with Nero coming in to psuedo-replace Dante, and then the reboot really did not help matters... and while more people are fine with Nero at this point, they probably wouldn't try to change things up this soon. Nero's got another game in him, since DMC5 really wasn't "his" game. Maybe somewhere down the line they'll try it, but it'd probably be another game or two before that happens.


So ok... sit down for a moment... I bring some DMC6 concepts.... So there hasn't really been a DMC game without Dante, he always slithers his way in. Now I know you said they wouldn't change much but hear me out. DMC6 starts with Vergil and Dante still fighting in hell. Either together or with each other. A new threat appears. Mundus is finally back like he stated in DMC1, and he's more powerful than ever because reasons. V and D can't hold him... They need help from the surface. But escaping is troublesome, someone has to stay to hold him off while backup arrives. Dante stay and urges Vergil to do what he has to do! Enter Vergil FINALLY as the actual main character of DMC for the first time.... but he won't be alone. He waddle his way to Nero's garage.... a familiar scene. Nero- "D-dad!?" Vergil- "Alright boy..... It's my turn... to play daddy.... And this time I'M hungry! Give me some food will ya...!?" Capcom now completely adds their experimental feature... Full co-op campaign!


It's kind of similar to my idea. Though my idea is straight up a Dante and Vergil coop trip through hell looking for traces of Sparda, since they don't officially know what happened to him. You can pick either Dante or Vergil to play, or play it entirely coop. They'd start off with their DMC5 loadouts, and get some new stuff along the way. While they're wandering around, they catch wind of stuff going down, take out various devils, and the game ends with them prepared to go back to earth since the demons are planning to invade since it's 'defenseless' with Dante and Vergil running around in hell. They make a bet on whether or not Nero is fine on his own and the game ends. Then DMC7 is a Nero game that deals with the invasion on earth, and gives him a chance to shine and 'take up the mantle' if you will. Albeit with assistance from Nico, as well as Lady and Trish(who actually do something in this game), and maybe Lucia from 2 if they're feeling daring.


But, even if there's an impending danger. There has to be passage of time. So either between 5 and 6 or 6 to 7. From 5 to 6 would be more fitting. With the excuse of Dante and Vergil barely noticing how time has passed or time flowing differently between hell and earth. This opens up opportunities for character to look different on the surface, for a reason this time. Nero finally grow his hair again. Lady and Trish have gone full lesbian now. And Kyrie has become a... capable female character... thanks to Nico's inventions. Therefore in 7 we have multiple campaigns like 4, 5. A section with Nero + Kyrie + Nico's help. And a section with Trish and Lady. This would be after a game with only one campaign in 6 with D and V. So now, Capcom being Capcom, they expand their vision into 4 fully playable characters + co-op. Not to mention the cross up between duos at some point in the story.


Well, in DMC5 there's three months between Dante and Vergil going to hell and them fighting in that cutscene. They'd probably spend a year of fighting before doing something else. But I mostly just don't mind if they build off DMC5 instead of starting over from scratch again. Reuse designs, enemies, weapons, etc while just adding on top of it. They don't need to remake the Blade for a third time. As for Nero, I actually prefer his overall look in 5 to 4. He feels more distinct - his original look felt off compared to his personality for me. He's more punk than emo. Also, not everyone needs to be an action star, so Kyrie is fine as is. Though it'd be nice to actually see her again instead of just hear her. I mainly just want them to actually give Nero an honest shot as the 'star'. He's always sharing it with someone else and getting overshadowed like the deadweight he is. Needs his own game to not suffer that. Trish and Lady can be the DLC or something.


Idk... they kinda killed Nero for me in DMC5. Sure you get used to it after sometime but he's sooo fucking different. A Capcom thing to do, and I don't think they'll ever fo back to their more stylised looks. But he does have a weird role in DMC5. It kind of feels like there's no meaning to anything he does. He tries to gets revenge, gets fucked. He tries to get revenge again, gets fucked again and after that point, Dante and soon Vergil takes all the spotlight and Nero just feels like he's trailing on Dante's path to chase him and meet his daddy. At that point every time Nero appear I go "Oh, right... Nero! What was he doing again?" Till the end of course... but he definitely takes the backstage in the later half. So I understand wanting to give him another shot. But just like Capcom won't go back to old design, they don't stick to the same ones either. So Nero will most definitely have some design change/evolution.


I always found DMC4 Nero to be generic and not very interesting design wise. I did like his Devil Bringer, but he was honestly 'generic shounen protag' to me. I prefer his alt in SE to his default look, but it also doesn't really 'fit' him even if it is a dapper outfit. But I also wasn't a fan of Dante's outfit, either. But yes, DMC5 was kind of billed as "Nero's game", but it's not. It's not even really Dante's game. It's Vergil's game. Even with the ending fight against Vergil as Nero, it felt very last minute and trying to force Nero back into the story since they didn't know what to do with him. I imagine it'll change, but if they're use the same guy for the face, it probably won't be drastic. I just kind of want the Devil Bringer back. Make it so it's half Devil Bringer, half Devil Breaker and can go back to normal on a whim. He grew it back, so who cares at this point.


I know you said to make the girls DLC but common... let's add some girl power to DMC that isn't on some side content. Let's actually make them relevant for a change. Without since dumb backstory and origins. Also, just noticed Hydrafxx new animation. Hot damn. Still weird to see Leon fuck. He doesn't fuck, he just doesn't.


Like I said, they'd show up and be doing things in the main campaign, but their actual playable role wouldn't be in the main game, because they'd definitely outshine Nero in a case like that. If not for that, I'd do more with them, but DMC5 doesn't really set them up at the well, and I mostly just want them to consider doing more with Nero instead of him sharing the spotlight every time he appears. They can show up in a DMC8 where the 'real' threat of the events of 6/7 shows up and the whole gang has something to do, idk. Various directions they could take. And I expect none of them to be taken, really. As much as I want that Dante and Vergil Divine Comedy shit, I honestly don't expect it. They'll probably veer off in some other direction. Leon fuck... ing cries himself to sleep every night while hugging his home-made Ada body pillow. He certainly wouldn't fuck Ashley. Man shot her down at every opportunity.


And what did I say about the constant panting and moaning in the game?? He's actually using Ashley's in-game moans X3. Even pros got the idea. I'm honestly thinking all these ideas could fit in one game... and you're here going as far as 2040... They could easily do a 3 parter campaign with the 3 groups. I'm sorry to bring it up... but like RE6.... or a better example. RE2 Remake. Not a first time for Capcom. D and V's adventure through hell doesn't really need to be 10 hours long, at the very least narrative wise. They could go the "Meanwhile..." route for each group or the "follow up" route after each campaign ends. But if we stick to co-op then Nero would need a fighting companion. Either the girl from 2 wich would come out of nowhere or... Nico finds and invents a way to battle alongside Nero. Or, someone new. 3 campaigns.... 6 MCs.... Devil May Cry 6


I personally don't like the disjointed multi-campaign structure. I want to start and end the game as one character. I also don't like them spreading the development time across multiple characters resulting in characters feeling half-baked like both Dante and Nero in 4, or V in 5. RE6 is not a good game to take examples from, either. It was a mess. Not to mention, each character was fundamentally the same, so you can't make the same comparison in regards to the character count. I'd rather they focus their efforts on making a fun game with a specific character instead of trying to throw in a bunch of characters in at once. Dante and Vergil both have had 3 games to be playable in at this point, so their gameplay foundation is solid and don't need any major changes, just expansion. Nero, however, kind of becomes a mess at the end of DMC5 with two separate Bringer options, a dedicated Buster but also a Buster arm, DT on D-Pad, etc. He needs more refinement and work, imo.


Well, is honestly hard to know what they'll go for first. There hasn't been any DMC game without Dante in it.... but they also seem to be setting up Nero to be more powerful now. So a Dante and Vergil game, or a game with just Nero are the most likely options. But I highly doubt they won't have more than character. If even Bayonetta is doing it, then Capcom will just do it again. But Dante will surely fill that second spot. Or maybe it'll be as simple as just Nero, Dante and Vergil. With Nero being the one truly leading the charge story wise this time.


I've got no clue what they'll actually go for, but I've already said what I'd like for them to do. I'm okay with them not focusing on Dante, but I'd really like to get one final game where I can play him all the way through. Mostly just because of the reboot. I want a proper Dante DMC game just one last time. And I find it hilarious that Bayonetta has gone that route as well, btw. I feel vindicated, in a way. You see, as a long time DMC fan, there's are those small, annoying 'clusters' in the fanbase. One being DMC1/Kamiya purists. It's a small portion of the fanbase, but I've had my spats with some. They'd often talk about how the series went to shit without Kamiya, and that Nero is the death of DMC and that it'd still be Dante-only if Kamiya was around etc. etc. Considering Kamiya rarely does sequels, I'm pretty sure I said once: "yeah right, Kamiya would probably kill Dante off and replace him with the son he talked about at the end of DMC1". In a roundabout way, I was right.


Well... if you want one last Dante focused game without forcing him in the current time-line... Then guess what game would fit your need perfectly.... (´-ω-`) I'm not a Kamiya preacher myself. Everyone treats him as a god and I don't know why. I know his origins and his work at Platinum. But when I think of Platinum I think of the whole studio. And so much for not liking doing sequels. People say the story in B3 ends terribly, so maybe that's a sign. But anyways Lazy-sama, it was fun talking about DMC for 5 hours. (´-ω-`) Somehow we went from Fang not spiking my stick. To A discussion about Dante's fuckeries, to our hopes and dreams for the sequels. All while trying to play RE1 and only doing 1 hour of progress. The amazing wonders of free speech... and free will! ♡(。- ω -)


DmC doesn't count. I respect Kamiya's work, and I do think he deserves credit for DMC1 since it is a great game that kind of birthed the genre, but I'm not a superfan or anything like that. But in regards to the sequel bit: he's never directed a sequel to one of his games. He'll sometimes do the story, but let someone else direct. Bayo 3 seems to be the first time he has some sort of directorial role in a sequel, even if he isn't the main director of it. So yeah... I, fortunately or unfortunately, could talk about DMC forever. I think about DMC too much, honestly.


Oh, I meant the possibility of a DMC1 Remake, but SURE!! Replay that baby!!! (。- ω -). Now you see... if we didn't spend so much time talking about DMC, I could have done some serious progress on RE1 today and I could have fit its sloggy spot for another sloggy game called DMC3 tomorrow!! But it seems I'll have to put my replay of that slog in the back burner for now. Where the stove is off and cold. (´-ω-`)(´-ω-`)(´-ω-`) But in all seriousness I really want to play that game and beat it to continue my DMC journey and talk about those games with you from time to time. And who knows, if I see it cheap. I could see what this Donte drama is all about. (´-ω-`)


My stance on a DMC1 remake remains the same. It wouldn't be a new game, so it also doesn't count. I could probably have beaten DMC3 twice in the duration of this conversation. (⁠ ⁠´⁠◡⁠‿⁠ゝ⁠◡⁠`⁠) Honestly, at this point DmC is just more... funny than anything. The only sad thing is that if you get the definitive edition, you will miss out on literal fedora wearing Vergil.


You know I am a little shocked that with Ultimecia's very unique feet and hands/claws, we did not get any feet or hand related animations. Imagine the feel... Not the biggest fan of Fang, but the anims are pretty nice, and I always love a good amazon position. This is the first time it's came up so far in this set, right? Not counting A2 that is. For the guess, man big shrug. Is there just like a standard Priestess in FF that has a model? I'm gonna go with an XIV WHM. Yup.


Gotta have parity between characters, so no handies or footsies. x) I think it is, yeah. Can't really recall at this point. 256+ animations, so my brain is a bit fuzzy.


Keeping the obvious handsies and footsies away from the obvious characters, you sly dog! Yeah that's honestly why I had to second guess it myself. I was like "Surely this is the first...right...?" But it's hard to remember with so many animations we've had so far. How are you feeling about it overall? You're ready for the project to be all done huh?


Well, you know me. x) Yeah, definitely ready for it to be done. Still got five more characters to finish. Will be poking at that over the weekend and finish them next week. But definitely looking forward to doing other stuff, soon. x)


I wouldn't have it any other way at this point ;) Is it still set for the 64 characters, with those 5 being the last ones? I will admit, it has been a fun journey, but yeah maybe in a way 64 was a very ambitious number. If you're really kind of over it, could you just drop the remaining anims all at once just to wipe your hands of it for good? Or seeing it through all the way til the end?


MMM Fang <3 You use this rare and precious lady again Fangk you. She is super pretty, the hair and face combo is amazing for her and she has some of the most beautiful eyes in the franchise. I have the biggest smile right now watching her suck dick ,what a treat! Funky final position too. This series has been insane, thank you especially for making every girl suck it.