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gofile - https://gofile.io/d/L0Qu0n

Just figured it'd be funny to have Tifa kick while in the wedding dress. Not exactly the greatest pose of such a thing, but I only spent three minutes on it.

It's Tifa. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Hint - Pointy.




Would've expected "pointy" to be referring to ultimecia's hair lol


My thought about her hint is, your work on her is "once a year" lmao But srsly, i found my place to stay away of her contents here 😂😂😭

Backzilla Primordial Shitposter

Hehehe P A N T I E, I once got my ass kicked by a girl, hurt my ego a little bit not that weird of an experience to develop a kink. This hint sounds like it would suit Ultimecia's big ass horns more but whatever anything beside her I would think about Yuffie's Shuri ken if not then I don't know.


Woah!!! We got married to Ultimecia?? How that happened. She's a surprising fit for a housewife. Beginning log. Let's begin with the BJ as always, the old classic. Gotta say, I'm not one for size, but it would have been a bit better for headless-chan to have his regular thick D for this one. Looove the deepthroat at the end, and the full stop. Those are the type of animations I talked about many times. Next....common one, but... Lazy-sama... did you draw that...???? Or did she used her dark claws to sloppily draw that to show our headless hero- "Aim here~"?? NEXT......!!!! Meh... is alright, if her feet were on his chest it would have been better. BUT SPEAKING OF FEET...!!! Mama mia.... Yeh that's right! I'm down with some clawed, dark, evil queen feet. I said it... You think I think this be weird? Nah, fam. I want her to shove that in my mouth and threat me with piercing my tongue and throat from the inside if I don't give her my....SEED.... Huh... I'll write that down. ----->


Ultimecia in a kitchen is something I never thought I'd see. But I won't complain about more apron. There isn't anything amazing here, just the remake and the weird feet teasing. Oh and the uterus tattoo clearly drawn with a mouse. But overall is a good video. Hopefully no one got this one. And I can't wait to see cross dressing Cloud tomorrow. It was about time. Ending log. You should have put a field of white flower in the outside background. Or are they yellow??? Something like that.


This pic and the Yotsuyu pic would go together for some reason. Would make a great action movie poster….


Damn! Your Yotsuyu and Ultimecia are amazing! This one is a brand new favorite of mine! This animation really made me Ultimecia more now!


Fang has a spear and spears are pointy so it's obviously her


Nah you're not fooling me. It's Tifa again, but the PS1 version


Hint: Cater has pointy hair. I do hope it's Cater, but I'm not holding my breath. orz


Pointy huh? ......... Penelo.

Chanko Stew

Tifa looks pretty normal to me in that pic tbqhwyf. I dont see the weirdness. Hint is Paine, if you know you know


Partially. She's crazy, so kooky works in that regard, but I did use it since the original English translation liked to make Cs into Ks.


If you don't see it, you don't see it. But she looks weird to me without the shadows and lighting just right.


Several of the markings are hand drawn. The ones on her ribcage just ended on her original model after about 25%, so I had to extend those and I just assumed they'd end somewhere on the back. The other one you can see the very tips of, but there's no indication of how far down they go, what it looks like, etc... so I had to draw that one myself. You can even kind of see where I copied the original texture as a base and where I started, since they don't align perfectly. The ones on her arms are copy-pasted from her legs, and then - while it's hard to see in this video - I put Rinoa coat's 'wings' on her back(but blue), just as a nod to that whole R = U theory. But, as you can see, I don't do particularly well with textures. If I can't just copy paste something wholesale, I gotta do my own shit and it's not great.


Fuck, I never took you for a tattoo artist X3. I mean... 'A' for effort honestly. The only one I noticed was the uterus tattoo that looked very odd and shaky. Are the feet her og model feet or did you made them??


I surgically attached her original legs to the body I normally use, so yes those are her original feet and legs. Can't use her original hands and arms, since the dress covers them, but I assume they're similar to her feet in coloration and tattoos.


Oh so her hands are your doing!? You've gave this model a lot of effort... I'm almost sad we won't see her for a while. A cool animation of both her version combined would have been cool.


I mean, I did put her in the "SS" rank in my tier list. I didn't want to half-ass her. That said, there aren't a whole lot of other characters that I'd go to those lengths for, just because it's rather frustrating to do that sort of stuff. If I was really attached to the Au-Ra's from XIV, I'd probably still be trying to make them work, but since I have no connection to them I just ultimately gave up and pushed it off for 'another time'.


Oh yeah, that tier list.... at some point I gotta recheck that and see how well you did with your higher tier characters animations. You did pretty well with Ultimecia, but I just noticed something. You did well by covering her body with tattoos, sure. But her chest ends up looking very empty in comparison. I'm seeing images of her. And I noticed that she's missing that thing that hangs from her dress right in front of her chest. That filled the void present here. Wonder if the designers thought the same thing when making her and put that thing in the middle with the rest of her tummy tattoos and necklace.


That thing is attached to her dress, so having it just floating there would look weird(to me, at least). But I did leave her necklace, which helps a little, but the biggest loss is the lack of her feathers/wings imo. Those balance out her entire design, and removing them kind of disrupts it. I can add them back relatively easily, but then there'd be no nipples and I'd probably get yelled at for that.


Oh dude, yeah I can see that.... bro that would actually look pretty hot and cool. It would look weird with the apron and shorts. Black feather combined with the white of the wedding dress would have kinda fit. Is it possible I could see what she looks like with those feathers on and naked body??? Because I think I see what you're seeing.


I'm gonna throw a hail mary and say it's 5 from Drakengard 3.


DUDE!!! HOLY SHIT!!!! Render a version of her animation of RIGHT NOW!!! for us on the dark side....!!! May the dark 4th be with you!!! SHE looks great. (☆▽☆) Nipples be damned, she really does loose a lot.


I'd have to animate the wings, which I don't feel like doing right now since I'm working on the final characters. Five left to go. x) But yes, the wings and feathers are hugely important. It'll probably be something I do down the road when I 'remaster' these.


Your lazy ass got me simping for Ultimecia in a blink of an eye. She looks very, primal.... godly, ancient... without her clothes but with the fathers on. She gives me vibes of the Summon Siren from the save game. With her bush and fathers covering her body. Put a pin on it and don't forget about it. Maybe even a more fitting background if you feel like it.... Uhhh.... or nighttime at the kitchen. (☆▽☆) Damn, she so HAT!!


There's a reason I rate her so high. Despite looking kind of ridiculous, there's something quite attractive about her. Then again, I do have weird tastes. I do like monster girls, after all. And I don't really need to remind myself about it, since just looking at Ultimecia without those wings is instantly a "wings should be there" for me.


Ahh.... monster girls... Isn't there some FF14 girl with bird feet??? I remember seeing someone like that. Are bird legged girls to much for you??? It is for me, because you know, feet. However..... Meteion is her name. Now that I see her. She does look cute. Don't know if she has a model though... I did see porn of her so there must be.


Oh, ok. My bad, didn't think your library would go that diverse. 14 more..... Man.... You're, a mad man. You're actually about to finish this madness. You didn't quite blow up in fame as I thought... don't know how much your numbers have increased. But you did something no one else has ever done. (Well there might be some MMD animator out there that has done this, but they are probably just copy-paste) So just for that, I'm proud to be one of your loyal followers. Me and whoever downloaded feather Ultimecia before me.... Where you at!


I'm mostly just trying to not comment on who may or may not be coming up. Trying not to give guessers any advantages. You know how it is. Numbers are about the same overall, which I expected from the lack of new polls/payposts and what not. I also didn't expect to get any boost in popularity from this, either. In fact, my posts on pixiv have been doing worse than average, which I also kind of figured would happen. People honestly seem to prefer my simple loops over the video format, and the character choice is largely niche so even if I bring in a couple of new people, most people won't care about the characters in general. It's fine, though. I didn't start doing this for anything like that. I was doing this to troll Lightning fans from the beginning.


I'm sure there could have been some poll involvement in between all this, like who would get an early 4k in the middle of the project, angles, clothing.... but I understand you being completely overwhelmed at the time to be thinking of doing more stuff in the middle of it. But if you do another (shorter) marathon like this one. Finding a way to squeeze polls in it would be a good idea. You still have to milk all these animations, so they could still rise your fame with any of their 4K, individual, remastered versions.


Yeah, there's gonna be a new poll coming up with the Tina stuff(and I threw a preview of one animation for Tina in the folder, just to get some thoughts on it), but March was non-stop working for me to try working polls in. I finished like 26 characters that month. Bonkers, really. And in regards to the poll, I'm like 99.9% sure I know who you're going to vote for in the upcoming poll. At the same time, I'm like 98% sure on who is going to win and it's not that character. You're definitely gonna get salty. I'll also probably do outfit changes for many of them, mostly to their official costumes or some such(provided it's easy enough to do). Just to make things more 'canon', which I do think a lot of people like as well.


Yeah, I might be the only one here that has been vocal about the SHORTS but I betcha a lot of people aren't that interested because of the clothes repetition. At least those that has been following the journey from the beginning. As for the previous. That is a surprisingly fresh angle for your "style" haven't seen anything like that from you before. I think it looks great and I'm ok with it (if you promise she'll stay barefoot) But I will say... There are people who has issues with seen the make anoos. Or males doing very.... how to describe it... flexible posing??? But headless-chan is my bro, our bro. It's like sharing the showers in the military or prison!!! Is like water being wet. We're used to it. So that's an OK from me. And for the poll... let's just hope it's someone you like too, and that you'll eventually do something with them.


I've thought to do this position with Tina for years. It's a riff on her 'losing' pose, where she sits on the floor like that. And it's just one animation of four, and the others don't have male taint. A couple of the others are significantly more wrestling themed. Though, ironically, I didn't do any POV Cowgirl with her - which everyone seemed to request. I started one, but I just wasn't feeling it after the SIXTY-FOUR other POV cowgirl animations I've done as of late. There is a reverse cowgirl animation, but it's from the front. Or behind? Basically not from the POV of the dude. Probably my least favorite of the bunch, though. I'm fine with any of the characters. Though I'll be honest, I'm partial to the character that I expect to win. You'll know who I mean when you see the selection. x)


Can't wait to see. My north and south brain has undergone some mutations while going through this hellish limbo. So I might like everyone, who knows. I can envision a very good POV Cowgirl from you... but I completely understand X3. Not just you, I'm sure A LOT of people that has been here everyday could probably use with some POV cowgirl rest. But glad you went the wrestling route. And I love me some contextual pose... This possibly being 2 fighter fucking each other every time one loose is very appealing to me. What is Headless-chan's fighting style though? (´-ω-`)


Yeah, it's not like I couldn't do a POV Cowgirl, I just didn't have the will. I don't know what sort of style he'd have, but considering he has no head, he'd be very hard to KO in a fight since he doesn't have to worry about brain damage when he has no brain.


He's immune to overheads and highs. Any grappler who grabs by the neck or head will find themselves open for a punish. There are so many fighting styles, I can't think of an appropriate one. The only character that uses her head in combat is Alisa from Tekken. But Headless-chan is headleas and it is -to my knowledge- not a robot/android. But if murderer 2B ever becomes a thing. Then Headless-chan WILL be a robot, and WILL have a head that can be grabbed and suspended.... So, we're getting somewhere.


He will become as gods. (I prefer the Japanese version...sorry not sorry) I shit you not.... when SF6 comes out.... we could actually make Headless-chan in the single player X3. Since I think you can mix and match special moves from different characters.


Heh, that'd actually be kinda funny. But can you actually behead characters in there? Or replace the head with something?


No headless option unfortunately. ..But perhaps a mixture of smallest head possible, or helmets of some kind could work somewhat. Headless-chan do sometimes 'wear' a head. So a cool head accessory could do the trick. I actually haven't dived into the character creator in the demo more than once. And I believe is out on PC now, so even you could fuck around with it.


If you can somehow replace the head with a camera, then it'd work out just fine. If not, it wouldn't be canon I'm afraid.


Really, here?! Not two days ago when I guess Ultimecia then? lol


How pissed are Team Lightning gonna be if they fail the challenge by one? lol


She kicks high a huh huh huh Man I don't remember the last time I've seen Ultimecia porn. Probably cause Edea is more prevalent in the same game, and not as...Ultimecia looking. Love the markings on her though, it really does look like she got some womb tattoos. As for the hint, it's obviously Cloud :)


Realistically, it was probably the last time I did Ultimecia. So... 2020, I think. x) Final Fantasy can be underrated as is when it comes to this type of content, and characters like her are even more so.


Goddamn... I think you're turning me into a Ultimecia believer. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Saw Fang already guessed so... Maybe Seven? Her whip sword has a pretty pointy bit, I suppose. I got nothing else.


I've always found most of the Dissidia NT models kind of... odd looking, but I think Ultimecia's model is pretty much perfect. Would be time compressed by her. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Yeah, that honestly sounds about right. I feel like the amount of animated Ultimecia porn is pretty much just relegated to whatever you create. It's a shame, because these types of characters are great to use for lewding purposes. I wish we had more characters like her, instead of just...whatever it is we have now.


Sex position 4 was the GOAT


This one's file.io location is bugged i believe


Think it's an issue on gofile's end. I can load it when I click that folder, so I'd give it a while. They have issues like this from time-to-time.