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gofile - https://gofile.io/d/cGTdiP

This honestly might be my favorite of the post pictures I've made thus far. I took Gentiana's photoboming skills and now you can apply her to any photo to bomb the hell out of it with her face. I considered having a less silly version, where she's just standing there and you could shop her into a picture in the background or something, but I liked this idea too much. It's very NOT Gentiana-like with that smile and what not, but I don't really care. I had the Blend file open when I finished it for pretty much the whole day, because I'd forget about it and when I'd got to alt-tab from something or another, I'd see her goofy face. Chuckled many times that day.

As for the animations themselves, I like them well enough. Nothing that really stands out to me, but nothing that makes me dislike them. I did remake the sideways crossed-leg animation from my SFM days. Surprised it took this long to remake that one, since it's one of my favorites from those days. As a small aside, I usually remake my old stuff after looking it up, but this one I did without looking at the original at all. That's why the legs ended up flipped, since I remembered the general pose and motion, but not necessarily the details. Just one of those very stupid 'lemme see if I can do it' things I do for no real reason.

Hint - Somebody set us up the bomb.




Man Gentiana vid was good. Funny when she open her eyes I mistook her for a black hair luna <3

Chanko Stew

F in the Chat for everybody who guessed Serah. Anyway this ones Jessie right? Right? Also if my memory serves me correct here, she did have a wedding dress preview, and considering that Lazy spoilered that the wedding dress will debut very soon, makes me pretty confident about my guess. Also why have these releases been 1 hour earlier?


I knew that Serah was too good to be true, and the hint could be misleading. I hope at least she is in this project


Day 14 out of 108.... Who!? What!? What the fuck..!? Whosda!? Where? Who in the blody-?? What-? Whomfromwhat? The fuck?? That...?! She!? She who is where!? 13-2??? 2-31??? What.....? Ok. Begwining lowg. Alright, well first of... her head looks oddly big... could be her hair, could be her anime neck. Is this an actual NPC? I'll mention real quick that this character has the best poses/motions so far. BJ, against the counter BJ? Amazing, just amazing. Frontal, not unique, nothing special. You know what? Moving on... The reverse, holy shit that left and right motion... that sway. It's hypnotizing. Finally, the final. And what a final. Feet on chest, yes... can't see toes, but I'll take everything I get. Once again, a pose our overlord should do more of... Again her head looks a bit big, or her body is too small... but fuck damn. This was good... He is giving way too much love to NPCs and I love it. But still... Who the fuck!? Continue--- After these commercials!


lmao I'm getting this "gentianna is watching you fap" vibe from the header pic. as for today's release, many people thought it would be Serah. we were almost correct, same game. I haven't played 13-1 myself but I knew it had to do with time travel. much like the Monica release, I'm just like who?? Next release is Jessie maybe??


Lol,thought it was gonna be Serah as well. Oh well. A fap is a fap. And the chick aint half bad.


Oh yeah, I remember her. One artist I followed way back was kinda obsessed with this lady for some reason. I think it's safe to say nobody guessed her. I'm just glad more obscure FF ladies are getting rep.

Backzilla Primordial Shitposter

This shit reminds me of FFXV's characters poster the one where everyone makes a grumpy face but the opposite. Also gotta say that her SFM are also still one of my favorite hope someday you gonna remake her Doggy from side angel the one that dim with moonlight make her pale skin glow is for sure one of the most artistic things I can think of. When I randomly says maybe it's XIII-2 never thought it wouldn't be Alyssa don't even know there's her model. Pretty sure the whole sector 7 also love her.


What you say?!


Gentiana looks so adorable and pretty in the cover pic 😵


You sly bastard. I can just feel your smug aura via Gentiana right now. THIS was the curve ball! Gosh dang it! I want to guess Jessie, but what if it's another curve ball?! But what if it's just a straight one?! I'm gonna guess it's her, just because of me mentioning her last post, but odds are that it's just a troll! Damn it, Lazy! Stop messing with my head! D:


Absolute chicanery. We've been duped fellas. I do wonder, did you expect so many people to get it this wrong? Was actually pretty funny, especially with that rather appropriate Gentiana pic Next hint... I'm actually stumped? I'm assuming it's referring to a character who says something that's a translation error, but I can't think of any big ones outside of Aerith's "this guy are sick". I'll just place my vote on Neon for that one guy's sake.


Honestly, I feel like Gentiana would do something like this; more humanly side of her. Or in the Lazy universe, this is a film set and before shooting the crew took B roll footage of her. As a reference to her character, they took that photo. Didn't see that character coming at all. Never expected a side-side character to be used lol...


Yeah, not gonna google that hint lol. Gonna go ahead and guess Jessie, which is funny cause even though we are almost half way in, her mom is my only personal S-rank lol. The rest just pale in comparison. Hope our personal favorite hits before the long break... ( ˘▽˘)っ♨ *sips*...you know the one...


I'm surprised she had someone who was a fan of her, since I feel like everyone forgot her when the game came out since she, you know, ceases to exist by the end of it in a literal sense.


Yeah, I thought of those portraits from back when FFXV was announced as FFXV while making it. Just gotta chop off half the face.


Kind of. I originally had "ceases to exist" as the hint, but I felt that was even more obscure. But, in terms of characters, I knew Alyssa was gonna be a real "who?" character. Probably more than anyone else, so I was expecting her to not be guessed. Especially since I never previewed her.


I think Alyssa is probably the biggest curve-ball I've got. I can't imagine anyone else being quite as obscure as her. At least in terms of my... normal characters. x)


Do you know "all your base are belong to us"? That's where the hint comes from. Ancient internet meme from the early 2000s. I was there when it became popular. I'm old.


Daaamn, I used the interwebs in the late 10s and I feel old. Anyway, I googled and a certain Mechanic showed up...? Could it be HER?


I'm surprised you even have a character like Alyssa somewhere in the back of your mind


Not entirely sure what that's implying but I believe you ≖_≖


I love the hand on head BJs! Definitely need more of those. The only bomb I can think of that involves a lady character is FF7, either Tifa or Jessie?


ok hear me out, neon protect the fire crystal. Fire can create explosions, bombs exploded A.K.A its neon third times the charm ez money.


You know what you doing. Take off every Zig.


Main screen turn on It's you ! ! Although, I have no idea who that is. I did not play the FFXIII sequels, and I for sure don't remember a side character from them. Despite all that, and all of our so close but so far guesses, this anim set is actually really nice. The facial expressions in the reverse and finish scenes are on point, and I will never get tired of the reverse angles in general, especially one that turned out as good as this one. Speaking of facial expressions, oh you Gentiana ( ͡ᵔ ͜ʖ ͡ᵔ ) Also I know we just did it yesterday, but seeing All Your Base memes two days in a row has got to be a huge rarity in this day and age. For the guess, FF7 is too obvious. I'm going out on a limb and saying it's Yuna in reference to the FFX novel where Tidus kicks a blitzball that is actually a bomb and dies, and Yuna set up the bomb. Book it.


I'm keeping the torch alive for dead memes. So that us old folks can get nostalgic, while others call us 'cringe boomers'. It's my small contribution to the internet. RIP in pieces Tidus. You truly were the Final Fantasy X.


Holy shit I thought of Alyssa but I thought there was no way it was her lmao. Goddamit


I'm guessing Cindy? I do shamefully confess I had to google though since I only know the most well-known phrase from the meme


They just don't make meme's like they used to. Memes back in 2006, now those were the good days... What would kids do without some shit like KnowYourMeme? How many of our old good ones would be gone, like tears in the rain? I am saddened that Tidus is paying the Final Fantasy X-2.5: Price of Eternity for this one. Never 4get.


I actually thought that it couldn't be Serah because the hint made me think about a XIII-2 character, love Alyssa but stupidly didn't comment lol. Really like the animations, specially since Alyssa really needs more content. No idea about the hint, the idea of a mistranslation and bombs makes me think about Jessie, but watch it be Mutsuki from Type-0 in the most unexpected move ever.


Gone, but never forgotten. Shine on in heaven you crazy diamonds. O7 Speaking of FFX and Blitzball, am I crazy for thinking that that was one of the best sidegames in a Final Fantasy? Like I honestly spent more time playing that instead of the actual game -- I only proceeded with the story to get more Gil to pay my players. Is that so wrong?


Honestly, Blitzball was fun, but I had more fun with the monster collect-o-thon in that one cliff place. Forget the name. Blitzball was neat, but I did get a bit bored after seeing the Jecht Shot for the hundredth time. x)


Alyssa is one of my favorite characters actually, so thank you for doing something with her. She gets zero love most of the time. Speaking of "zero love", hoping to see some Type 0 in this set. That game is how I found your animations in the first place!