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Nothing really special for a picture with Nayo. Didn't have any particular ideas in mind for it, so this is the best you get.

I quite like the Nayo set. Can't say it's my favorite, since I'm waffling on that a lot and am not even finished all of them, but I like this one quite a bit. Definitely things that could be improved, and the front cowgirl is a bit basic, but nothing stands out as something I dislike. I did kind of rush through her animations compared to some, so the fact I like it as much as I do is something.

Hint - You've created a time paradox!




Her expression, damnit i love it man, u really go hardworking for all of this art, thanks LP


Serah next?????????????? *.*


Day 13 out of 108... Time changed, is dark as fuck, and it was supposed to rain. Temperature is surprisingly hot for a cloudy day. Beginning log. It has been a good time since we've seen secret identity Gentiana. We last saw her in her true form on October. This character might be a bit over saturated. But this is the first time I get to see Gen as naked as possible. No gloves, no long boots. Look at her naked knees! Those calves! BJ, decent. She has a very cute face. Next, the unique pose, the cross handshake. It presses the boobs in a very beautiful way. Quality expressions. Toes just out of view. Both just as expected. The reverse but sideways. This is perhaps the 17th time Gentiana has been on this pose. Nothing to note here other than once again toes being out of frame. Lastly the last pose. Common frontal, but the butt squeeze ads to her softness. You can almost feel them in your legs. She doesn't get a lot of finishers. I remember Luna getting much of the refills... Continue--


Oh damn please be Serah 😍😍😍 I was waiting for her day to come


Since we've seen so much of Gentiana, is hard to be impressed about this one. It would need a more unique situation. This would be a unique situation if there wasn't 64 of these. But no matter how many times you see her, she never stops being gorgeous. Not much else to say, will wait for the comfort of my home to inspect harder. Ending log. I know you said you didn't really have anything special looking for your common characters, so I won't ask why you didn't do anything more different for Gen. But you know what you could have done without doing any special pose? Anal. But honestly not even I can think of something "unique" for her.... Not to mention the POV constraints. Boobjob maybe....? I really don't know.

Backzilla Primordial Shitposter

Fr I like her maiden more than her casual set by far and the front cow girl also remind me of her first set that one by far is one of my favorite so good job. Also like Lex Luthor when he's in the Flash body I have no Idea who tf that is, if it time paradox my guess would definitely be Jack Garland as final answer.


Gentiana, my beloved 🥴 great stuff 🐐


Definitely serah


lazy flexing his new hair physics engine. Giving TressFX a run for their money.


Another iconic FFXV lady down. I know you already used this setting, but I love the lighting of it in this animation. Looks really classy and gives it an "FFXV vibe". As for the next animation, everyone is guessing Serah, so I'll be an outlier and guess Young Luna. "Time Paradox" is most famously known in the context of killing Ocelot's younger self, and banging Luna's younger self is similar enough.


Mmmm she is so sexy here, she looks well experienced in the bedroom - sex with her would be amazing for sure :) 11 girls 11 blowjobs yes! MY biggest wish would be a blowjob compilation of all all the girls once this masterpiece project is over. And yea it has to be Serah next ... which is just massively exciting for me. I suppose it could also be CHOCABOCALINAAAAAA


Real talk, is Freya on your list?


Lol ok, so it was Gentianna. I was mildly curious how you were gonna go about creating hints for some of these characters that are abit difficult to pin down to a single trait For the next one.... Serah?? Kinda surprised if we're getting her this early because I figured she wouldn't be a part of the original 32 characters that you have already completed Could also be a couple of other characters like Yuna or Ultimecia but XIII-2's plot directly concerns a paradox lol


Finally, show time for my favorite female character. The whole process is full of intimacy, and Gentiana looks so adorable in the cute shorts. Nothing but my sincere gratitude could I express.


This hint is a little too on the nose no?... Unless it's a trap lol. Dang, wasn't expecting my two big favs to be this early. Still looking forward for the runner ups on my list.


Also, just watched the full Genti animation, and I gotta say, this one has one of your better facial animations/expressions. I don't even care for Genti all that much, but this was noticeably really well done


Everyone's already guessed Serah so uhh Lightning?


Hints are kind of all over the place, so it's whatever I think of first in most cases. Some are hyper specific, some are less so. Just depends on what I can think of that sort of works. x)


If only we had Admiral Ackbar on hand to determine. Just kind of worked out that way. Trying to balance out each week is kind of hard, at times. x)


I've already done a boobjob with Gentiana, so that's not terribly unique. The sideways one is a remake of one of my old SFM animations, so while I've done a lot of crossed leg stuff with her, I figured it was high-time to remake that particular one. I probably could have done something more unique with her, but by this point I was trying not to force 'unique' stuff. Up to that point, when I tried, I didn't like the results(Ryne being a good example), so I was playing it safe. I'd rather the unique stuff happen organically than try to force it. Works better that way. That said, this week will be kind of... run of the mill until the end. A few characters I posed around the same time, and there are some similarities that can be easily seen, so bear with me. x)


Well, so far I think they've been pretty intuitive and fun, so props for that Also, sort of off tangent here, but I just discovered something deeply tragic regarding Yuna's model: https://twitter.com/Dreamboum/status/1635310410206433280?t=mEDu2yj5DNtuyJNhv0cybg&s=09 What we could've had man...


doubling down its neon, cant be wrong twice in a row.


You and I both know that there can only be one true hint for Jack. *turns on Limp Bizkit and walks away without elaboration*


It actually hurts so much knowing that a really good Yuna model that's not even expensive CG is locked in some vault. Like honestly, this is one of the prettier SquareEnix face models I've seen, even in an era with FF7R :')


Right, I noticed later you remade that one. However if I were to prefer a different remake, it would be of this one. https://rule34.xxx/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=2783354 The only reason I might be a bit down on this day is because is just Genti. I get more excited with new/ rarer characters on your part. Aranea got a higher scoring because of lifted footsies. As long as it is a uncommon character, the similarities won't really bother me. They could bore me... but I won't be angry.


Just how SE does it, it seems. I will always be sad that I will never get my hands on the Brave Exvius CG models. x)


If I had to guess, gonna say Lightning is the very last character of this marathon to troll all the Lightning beggers lol.


The animation I remade is probably my favorite of Gentiana's from my SFM-era, so that's why it got remade. I've meant to remake it several times, just never got around to it. x)


What are some of the CG models there that you want? I think you mentioned Celes as one of em


Beyond Celes, the Terra, Rinoa and Yuna's CG models in that game are all better than their Dissidia models. Then there's Faris, Ibara(some BE OC who hits a lot of buttons for me), and probably some others, but those off the top of my head.


I think most if not all Dissidia models look worse than their CG counterparts, since they're basically watered down in a strange way. Faris is an interesting one. Pretty crazy to see some of these characters get their 3D debut in some mobile game lol


You could have even made a remake of her BJ animation. Hand in head, and her hands on the male's thighs and that's it. Though she's kneeling here, not crouching. To note some things after seeing it a couple times. First, I see you're really fucking around with those hair physics. You're doing that a lot as of late, at least on this project. Are you comfortable with it? Second- Damn man, I just suddenly really realized how adorable Gentis eyes are. They are so dark they give her these puppy eyes. Don't know what her age range is maturity wise. But she's honestly cuter than some 15 year old looking girl. Third- Couldn't you have switched that black couch looking thing for the bed?? You really kept that from the white void days? Lastly, it is really a shame you never took out her boots before. There's definitely a sense of nakedness here that I never felt with Gentiana before.


I didn't think the BJ was interesting enough to really remake, but the pose I went with was sort of in vein of it. Just not an outright remake. I'm getting more comfortable with using cloth physics on hair. Have been using it more frequently, even before the project. It's just the project has more characters to use it for than some of my older stuff. But it definitely got a fair amount of use during the Halloween stuff. Gentiana is Shiva, so she's like 2000+ years old. x) And wait until tomorrow's post. I made my favorite picture to date. Should have many use cases. Bed wouldn't work from a height perspective, and there isn't much in the room that works well for that height. So I just went with the lazy way.


Finally I got it right! It's always a treat to see Gentiana from you. Though I'm personally more looking forward to Iris and Luna. Aranea is also great but not at the same level for me. Luna and Iris are definitely top tier for me. XV's ladies in general were great. Makes me a bit sad we only got 1 Blender pack of Cindy, because she's great when I'm in the mood for something... Juicy. But I understand why if you didn't feel like it. Same thing goes for Jessie. Although I AM expecting her to appear in this anniversary, so you can't run away forever! But enough rambling. Next up should be pretty obvious. There can be no other answer than snake. A snake. And Serrah. *wink wink* ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


That's why I said maturity wise. As in what age does she look. She's in like the 40-50 range. And hopefully I can find something fun to do with it. Since you really can't see the guy's legs the height wouldn't really matter I think. However I've noticed that gentiana doesn't like to fuck on a bed. (The Luna x Gentiana isn't canon) So for that reason I'll let it slide.


She doesn't look quite that old to me. 30s, maybe. But I've always sucked when it comes to guessing ages, so don't take my word for it. She's very pragmatic. It's easier to clean up a tile floor or a leather couch than it is to take all the bedding off and give them a wash in the laundry. (͠≖ ͜ʖ͠≖)


Patience, you just gotta have the energy to keep doing this till 2075! Surely 3D remakes of 1-6 will show up then


I feel it'd be more likely that there's a gacha game with graphics good enough before that point. Maybe 10-15 years from now. x)


But she cleans Luna's mess every time... I guess she doesn't mind the cold feeling of the floor and the uncomfortable feeling of a sticky leather couch. Or setting her butt on a table. She might be clean, but she definitely ventures places. I love her. Also now that I see the animations in the comfort of my home. This animation fucks. BORING maybe, but good looking boring. It honestly needed some god rays in the last part. Or a sunset as a callback to earlier blender animations. Again, her fucking bare legs.... what have you been doing all this time...? Also, while on the thinking room call the shower, I really started thinking about that special day... Getting ready you know...? But a certain thing you said earlier in this project and a certain someone appearing in the build up to this thing... Has me wondering...... Hmmmmmm ( ̄_ ̄)・・・


She's Shiva, so the floor only gets colder when her ass is touching it. ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°) Maybe I can do that whenever I do my followups, but there will be some 'scene' transitions for some characters in the future. Not a ton, but some. I usually just stay lazy and leave it. I don't know what you're referring to or what certain someone is appearing in the build up. But if you're referring to the character tomorrow... trust only your eyes when you see the character with your own two eyes. You should have learned this lesson by now. ( ͡ʘ ͜ʖ ͡ʘ)


No... You said somewhere that there could be something non FF related somewhere in this madness. And the 2 characters who could appear in the 1 speciAl day are both from FF... so I wonder.... Tomorrow? Don't care for tomorrow... Some... Que Sera, Sera or some bullshit. Don't know what people talk about sometimes, they just keep repeating names. Some sort of TikTok meme probably. I bet it even looks like one.


Hmm, only mentioning Cindy, huh? Very ominous for Jessie... Veeeery ominous. ⚆ _ ⚆ All jokes aside, I'd love to compare Jessie with her mom, now that we got her at least!


Perhaps you're onto something. Or perhaps you're not. I don't really know, but now I think I might know, and so I'm being cagey intentionally. ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)


Well, Jessie herself was mentioned in the post where Jessie's Mom was the preview picture. So I felt it redundant to mention her. x)


Hmmmm....hmmmm....??? I've got to use my head and THINK...! Hmmmmmm....Hmmmmm!!?? Hmmmm.... You know what I know.....???? That I'm having my main party harem. I can't stop at Rise.... I must side fuck everyone! Even the Tomboy!!! Porn of course spoiled that last character for me x333


I'll just say this. Whatever number of characters you think are going to be in the very special day, it's probably wrong. I avoided mentioning her because I wasn't sure if you knew, but I suppose if you've seen any porn of P4, you'd probably have seen her. x) I had said Rise might be my favorite, or it could be another. The other was her. I waffle between the two on which I like more, and it depends on the day honestly.


I usually dislike characters who are horney for the main character from the get-go like Rise. But I like how this one is handled. But for a moment, I really thought him being a her was just internet depravity. But when I saw the theme of her dungeon, the puzzle piece started falling into place. Doing my best to play as much as possible. The P5R itch is starting to bite hard at my ass. Then Strikers, then the dancing games!!! Have you heard or played Strikers?? That game's ost slaps.


I've played Strikers. I actually really liked it. Gameplay is a bit shallow, but the story wasn't bad(even if a bit of a re-hash), characters were still great, and the whole road-trip aspect of it made it super comfy to play. And of course, the OST is a banger. Not a huge fan of the remixes, but everything new in that OST is awesome. Also, don't forget the P4 fighting game. x)


Nah, skip. The only anime fighting game I've liked is Guilty Gear Strive. And I gotta watch the animes too... These I care less about because it looses the feeling of character control. I feel like I'm watching someone's playthrough of the story. That and canon names SUCK!


But it's a P3 and P4 crossover, so you could at least watch it. x) Honestly, the animes feel too condensed and cut down. These are freaking long games, so cramming everything that happens in the games into an anime isn't possible, but man... they just don't have the same feel.


They don't. 1 to 1 game animes don't really interest me either. I've yet to see a single episode of Nier Automata. I know there's some new shit in there. But, I don't know it feels odd... like I wish I could play the story instead of watching it.


I honestly don't watch much in general. I either read or play games. My brain can't handle just sitting there and watching something. Not sure why, but yeah.


Same... I honestly wish I had the same desire to watch anime that I had pre covid. Used to watch them at night before going to sleep. ...... Now porn has taking that space.... And gaming till 11pm. And the new animes coming out now are uninteresting for me, and overhyped wich is a problem for me. Persona is the only anime in consuming at the moment. Wich is plenty honestly.


Persona games are the best anime, for sure. You got slice of life, comedy, drama, action, adventure, romance, horror, etc. all in one whiplash of a journey.


I don't know why, if it's just the character, but your Nayo sets are always a favorite for me. Jessie's Mom was a good one too.


Mmm Gentiana. Always love seeing her. Really like the set on this one as well, and there's the classic crossed legs I expected for her. It does feel a bit weird not seeing her gloves and boots or some variation on it though, but I still won't complain since neuron activation outfit. So I'm curious, we've seen the short outfit, and we've seen the apron a few times, but we haven't seen the wedding dress one at all yet. Is that one saved for special occasions? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° ) Everyone's taken what I would've guessed, so I'm just gonna throw out Vanille because why not, it could happen and I wanna cover all our bases :^)


Nayo is the right balance between cute and sexy. Hard to explain, but she's definitely one of my favorites too.


Mostly just trying to figure out where to stick them. There will be a wedding dress featured soon. Very soon. That said, it'll probably be the least used at the end of all this. Just because it's kind of a headache to work with compared to the other two. All your base are belong to us. ◕‿ʘ


You're saving it for Lightning you sly dog ;) Was the wedding dress also kind of like the princess dress where it's just like "Actually this kind of sucks to use well?" At least it looked better than the princess dress, that's for sure. We are on the way to destruction ಠ ∩ ಠ


It's not quite as bad as that. It's just more effort, and if there's anything I avoid, it's effort. What you say?! ☉Ô☉ [this will all make sense tomorrow btw]


I mean when you're cranking out up to 64 animation sets, I think adding more effort is probably the thing you should avoid most, so I get it. I know we'll have Iris in it based on the preview images, but I don't remember if there was anything else...still saying Lightning will be in it. You have no chance to survive make your time (⁎⚈᷀᷁ᴗ⚈᷀᷁⁎) Comment section making me feel super old again remembering how old this meme is. Also related to CATS...? I'm changing my vote to Y'shtola, for reasons.


There are some animations I did put more effort into than others... but they'll probably not be the stuff people think I put more effort into. x) I won't be confirming or denying anyone. It's up to you to find out! Move zig! ͜ಥʖ̯ಥ I feel like that was one of the earliest internet 'memes'. Doubtfully the first, but one of the first ones that kind of infected the internet at the time. Good times. I won't say why it'll make sense, just that "all your base" was on the mind. ≖‿≖


We won’t know until the end probably! Unless one of your posts specifically says you put more effort into it. I just assume everything takes an immense amount of effort :) Yeah definitely part of the super early days of the internet. Trying to think what might be earlier, Badger Badger Badger? Probably other stuff from Ebaumsworld/SomethingAwful I’m intrigued but I know I’m on the complete wrong train of thought…I blame DST changing


I'm weird in that it feel like the more effort I put into something, the less good it becomes. Might just because I invest more time into it, and so I'm more critical of it. Hard to say. Yeah, I honestly don't remember. I feel like Badger, Badger, Badger came after? But I might be wrong though. Memory getting fuzzy. ●﹏● Well, you'll find out soon enough. x)


Kind of like, the more you tinker with it, the more you think about it. And the more you think about it, the more you start disliking it? That makes sense, I get it. Kind of best to just go with the initial run-through/idea, and then just fix problems in post? I’m going to try not to think too hard or I’ll feel super old again and I don’t want that :D. The memory of ancient memes ain’t what it used to be


Pretty much, yeah. I used to tweak things endlessly over and over and over again, but I've kind of grown out of that habit and just power through and fix any small little details after the fact. Better for my sanity. x) I feel ya. Don't need another existential crisis so soon after the other one lol.