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I don't know why 2B suddenly started being a thing, but she did so here she is I suppose.

Very high class, but still eating pizza. The true way to do it.

Regardless, starting tommorrow will begin my "5-Year Anniversary" extravaganza. 64 characters(probably), one-a-day(with exceptions), all Final Fantasy(or is it?). It'll start with Aerith, and there was a pre-view for supporters not too long ago. I've done some bug fixing, since it had some issues, and I did adjust the lighting... don't know if it's better or not, but I'll upload the new version and keep the old one up there for people to compare I suppose. But, after that, it'll be all new with a bunch of characters, mostly selected at random. I'll be posting a hint to the next character, and if people guess enough characters correctly, there will be a bonus at the end of it all. That said, I won't confirm or deny which character for the guesses, so you'll have to find out if someone was correct the next day. Additionally, I won't be having previews of the character per post, and instead will post relatively random pictures. Transparant shots of some of these characters for photoshops, wallpaper material, scrapped poses(of which there are a handful), something completely different, shitposts, etc. We'll see how things go.

I would also like to say that I do plan to take some breaks throughout. Every Sunday I'll be compiling all the previously posted characters into a post on Pixiv, so that will be a break day for me(where I will most definitely still be working on making stuff), but I've also decided that every 16 characters, I will be taking a week and two days off. Why a week and two days? Well, at six characters a week, three weeks would result in 18 characters. However, this week will only see four characters. Two weeks of six characters and a week of four results in 16. This lines up perfectly in a cosmic coincidence of the start date(at least "my" start day. Times will vary for people in different time zones). And since sixteen is a quarter of 64, it works out in the end. So yeah, this is gonna go on a long time, but it should all work out in the end.

Lastly, I am going to start scheduling release posts for the Anniversary here on Fanbox/SubscribeStar, just so the time will be consistent each day. If I do it as I normally do, where I just post things whenever I get the first chance, it'll be very inconsistent. I typically don't do scheduled posts because if there's a mistaken link or something, I want to be there to change it as quickly as possible, but yeah. Consistency would be nice to have, so I'll do it that way so people can expect it at the same time, every time. With that said, I won't always be around at the start of a new post. There are a few posts I definitely want to be around for, but for a lot of them I won't be around. If things change in regards to this, I'll let you guys know in one of the posts.

Oh, and before I forget. Here is 2B.


A pizza.

A borger.

Some noodles.

A doughy.

A popsicle.




Are trying to pull a Pierce Brosnan with 2B?


I just had soda go through my nose reading this comment….😂😂😂😂


Now this is interesting... That character at the top, looks a damn lot like 2B. However... they teached me at in school that many, many time. That 2B isn't 2B without that leotard. So then I kept asking "Well then the leotard is called 2B! So what's 2B's real name. I was put in detention every time. Currently 3 grades behind, because they just keep failing me. I won't be brainwashed by their ideals however.... No one will break my beliefs! I do really like the environment this character is in. She must be dating Dante, since only he would order a pizza at a 5 start restaurant. She must have learned about A2. Incredible this character made a move before 2B though. She must be working at the kitchen making sure none of the food is poisonous. Give me an estimated countdown from whatever kindom you're from. Hopefully it'll be your usual after 5pm on my side. To enjoy the premieres at home.


Action game protags gotta eat pizza. It's a law in my book. Not sure exactly what time the posts will go live, but I was thinking on the earlier side of things.


Hey, having a boner while at work never hurt anybody. Except my concentration for the rest of the day. Btw, I see 2B likes her doughnuts whith nail topping. I heard is good for iron consumption. I have an idea of what to do with these 6 dumb little thing. But I have to look for the resources. Can't do anything to detailed because the pfp sizes are TOO DAMN SMALL! AND COMPRESSED!


Good news! Glad you are still going with that plan. Personally I'd always prefer quality over quantity, aka bigger videos with more angles, instead of "too many" shorter videos as many animators do, but that's just me so don't let it get to you. Just do your thing, which you already do great. Cheers!


Congrats on finishing your project!


awwwwww shit. here we go bois. 2B was always a thing, but might have seen a bit of a resurgence cause of the anime.


Anyways, excited for the premiere's updated look. I'll be sure to point out anything wrong with the animations. In case you're interested in fixing. Won't be any good at guessing. So I'll leave the bonus objective to the others. Also interested in seeing what isn't FF in this project, unless that's the bonus. You wouldn't put a wild Kaine as a reward bonus, so I can delete that from the list of possibilities. X3


The guesses aren't gonna be super crazy or anything. Fairly straight forward, so even you might be see it and be like "oh, I know this" sort of thing. x) Nah, bonus isn't content in the strictest of senses. Like it's not gonna be a whole new character or anything like that.


I got them brainrot, don't mind me. 2b is always welcomed. I'd love to see a nier set eventually when you're taking a break from ff stuff.

Backzilla Primordial Shitposter

Normally when we go with numbers as high as this I'd say it's sounds like absolute hell clutching nightmare and more fixing to be done later on butttt that's just sounds like you normally so I won't worry about it too much, and besides never have anything against hair coming out neck or something like that so I don't expect it would be too bad. Can't wait to see those hints hope it's gonna come out the most hilarious way possible.


Honestly, clipping doesn't bother me much in general. I'm pretty used to it at this point that I barely notice half the time.


https://twitter.com/BlankOn22/status/1630708134976311297?t=IgMq1_omYzSOo9dD1l-3dw&s=19 Your thought on her ?

Backzilla Primordial Shitposter

Since someone brings up FFXVI what your general idea on that game cause seriously I don't watch the trailer and probably won't be playing when it comes out cause I'm broke and PS5less but besides the things involved Kamiya with this game I only know about the girls from it and by far only saw 3? Like the mom , the Garuda chick and the Heroine maybe I like her Shiva form better.


I have zero interest in FFXVI, to be honest. I'll probably play it when it comes out, I'll probably even like it, but at this point I'm completely uninterested and not paying any attention to it.

Backzilla Primordial Shitposter

Can't deny the potential though maybe I'll will like it better than XV that's remains to be see but pretty sure by the time it's come out I still be playing the other things and don't have time for it.


I barely have the time to play games as is. I want to play Wo Long when it drops in a few days, but I doubt I'll really have the time. x_X

Backzilla Primordial Shitposter

That would be me by the time RE4R come out gotta get my ass back to college and all pretty nervous and even tho I don't know when but pretty stoked about Elden Ring DLC.


Oh yeah, RE4R. Kind of forgot that was coming out, too. Might try as well, since RE4 is one of my favorite games and it actually looks pretty good. And yeah, saw the announcement and surprised they actually are making an Elden Ring DLC. Was thinking they'd roll it into a new game instead, but that'll probably pretty cool. And probably be another half year before it comes out. x) Anyway, good luck in your courses, whatever they may be. (~‾⌣‾)~

Backzilla Primordial Shitposter

I'm surprised myself that Bandai didn't squeeze it out of everything it has but I guess Fromsoft win them out in the end. Thanks and let just say it's something involving me saving people lives.


With how big FromSoft has become since the Souls series, they can probably pull their weight around more than some studios. Well, good luck with that. That sort of field was too much responsibility for me to dare going into, lol.


The 2B anime is amazing so it’s actually the perfect time for more of her content. Only issue with the anime is the episodes don’t come out fast enough lol.


I probably should've mentioned this sooner, but regarding the last time I talked about the lighting on the Aerith video -- Seems like the issue for the most part was on my end. The device I used to watch it had an OS update that tampered with the vibrancy and saturation of colors on my screen 💀 But hey, if its somehow improved beyond that, we all win, I guess? Still, sorry if it took much to readjust what might've been an invisible issue on your end Anyway, good luck for the initiation of D-Day o7


It's fine. I've done some readjustments to it in so far as making the background outside the window a little more vibrant, adjusted the color temp(although I did make it cooler in the end. Less evening glow and more of a morning look), and adjusted the lights on Aerith herself. May be worse, may be better. Who knows? But it's no big deal. Can readjust things again somewhere down the line, I suppose. x) And thanks. Five years and I'm still getting the nervous butterflies lol. x)


My body is ready


I'm excited fam. I hope you are too now that it's time to begin. Good luck overall! Hope many nuts await! 2B in the background just enjoying a nice snack or meal of anims when? I mean I knew she gotta get those thicc thighs somehow. Personally my favorite is still the tomato, although noodles is a close 2nd.


More or less. Bit nervous too. Just how it is. x) Never know. I have thought to do some 'lounging' animations at some point for laughs.


I don't know why I find "A tomato" so funny, but I can't help but giggle uncontrollably every time I read it. The visual pushed me over the edge into hysterics. xD


Understandable, it's like how you feel right before doing a big presentation for class. Just pretend like we're all in our underwear or something when you go up there to present, ez. Those definitely feel like they would be fun to see. I've noticed that I keep asking for all the shitposting and non-porn animations. How strange...


what time zone and when?It is EST?


Funnily enough, once I get up in front of everyone my nerves disappear. But the lead up is the worst. Sometimes porn gets a little boring, y'know? ;)


Butterflies in your stomach? Feeling of nausea? Wondering if you'll get cold feet and leave us at the altar? Don't do that one please, at least not with all the bridal dress anims awaiting Sometimes porn seems so mundane, you just wanna see someone animate an android eating a slice of pizza. Or two. Or an entire deep dish on their own. Just make a real meal of it!


Just a bit of butterflies. Mostly gone at this point, and I don't plan to leave anyone at the altar. Although the first bridal gal might not show up until week 3. Haven't decided yet. x) One thing I've actually thought to do is have one of the girl sitting in a comfy cafe booth or something, and just drinking from a cup every now and then while reading a book. Put some lo-fi music to it, and you've got yourself a winning formula. x)


Oh no the brides have cold feet! Time to bring in the one princess! Hey now there’s a great idea. Lo-fi beats to study and animate smut to. I’m on board with that idea. Let them drink!!


Princess is getting saved for a special occasion. ;) One of these days I'll get around to it. Maybe. ಥ ͜ʖ ͡ಥ


2b eating is cute and sexy. I first found you by your Aerith stuff yup, cool to know that more stuff is coming out. Also like your Kyrie animations, keep going champ :)