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Ever wanted to know what it looks like under Cindy's cap? Well bam!

There it is. Since some people don't realize just how big her bald spot is. And if you're curious, my shoddy attempts to rectify the issue.

Might not look terrible from a distance, but the closer you get in, the more you can see the seams and the weirdness. I might be able to fix some of the problems, but it'd take a while and I'm too lazy to spend a lot of time trying to fix them. And really, Cindy doesn't look right without the cap anyway, so yeah.

In other news, small update to the progress of my project. Still only at the 32/64 animated, but I've got the finishes done for an additional six characters since my last post, so I've done eight since I started on those. I actually forgot, but I had done a finish for a fourth character, so I'm up to 13/32. Almost halfway done for my first batch. I've also posed six new characters, so that's good too. Almost at the 8 character quota I set up for myself, but I might even go beyond it to ten at the rate I'm going. I'm very close to having almost all the characters I've shown off thus far posed by this point. Just need a handful more, two by my count. There are also a few in the first 32 that I did not show off, so I there is that as well. Admittedly, I've more or less passed the point where poses are really starting to get samey, since there's a limit to how many ways you can do a POV blowjob/cowgirl and make it interesting or different.

I am still trying to, even if it's a mostly futile endeavor. I'm reaching deep into the noggin' for anything I can do to spice things up. The above is more or less the most I can do to keep things slightly unique. Still, this weekend I'll probably be stopping animating/posing and stuff to focus on getting everything ready for the first couple of weeks. There's rendering and fixes to be done, so yeah.

Beyond that, I've been itching to change my banner and profile picture since it's been a while since I did that, just haven't figured out what I want to do yet. I did do this on a whim, but decided not to use it.

I'm sure I'll figure something out at some point.




Yes….leave the cap on!! LMAO!! I get a Moe Howard boner softening vibe from that pic…🥹🥹 To be fair, your repair job looks decent so maybe seeing it in action may be different..who knows, some trick lighting or angles could be cool….😂😂


And as an addition, that motel room seems just right for Cindy to be holed up in…”holed up” being a unintended term….


I would say the opposite is probably true. In motion it could look worse, since the movement of the hair will cause the clipping and seams to be more noticeable. It's a very hacky 'fix' at the end of the day.


I never knew Cindy was a Franciscan monk. It might be fine if you threw her in some robes :P The attempt is respectable, maybe it'll be worth the effort one day. Maybe if you take that bald spot screenshot and make it really wide, you could use that for your banner.


Well maybe the princess hat will work out better…😂😂😂


we will support you.


https://twitter.com/BlankOn22/status/1628039049293463552?t=uI2g9xVBFVx6UUoA6rkRtA&s=19 Check this out 😂😂


FR 🤣🤣🤣 Let her developed, she might made me forget Luna 💯


So an important point, about Cindy's hair, is that her hair under that cap is probably as fluffy, puffy and curly as her visual hair. So there is no way someone with your skills (lack there of) could possibly fix it. Especially since you don't really care about her to get any motivation. However, since you don't care. I'm surprised you haven't looked around other characters hair that are similar to hers and just swap it and make it blonde. Would it not look like Cindy anymore you say??? Who cares!? Hey, Tamaki's hair is very similar. Just saying... since this will probably be the last we see of her from you. I'd be totally down with a hair change. Plus I really want to see the rule34 comments. "This isn't fucking Cindy just a shity copy!!"


She's glued to that hat, so it's probably sopping wet underneath so it'll be matted down quite a bit. x) And even if I don't care for her as a character, I do strive for accuracy, so y'know I don't exactly go for things that are too outlandish.


You honestly didn't have to bother changing her shorts, it's not that different from that of this outfit to begin with lol. Is there any character still in the princess dress outfit at this point?


"Strives for accuracy" says the guy putting every character in bitchy clothes so they could fuck in shady hotels. Speaking of hotels. There's an A/C there. But you know... is clearly busted, so one would clearly start sweating like a melting popsicle. Every character fucking in this room should be sweating bullets. I mean look at that desert out there. What pose that you've done too much in this project are you ready to just be done with?? Do you see yourself doing those poses again right after you finish the project???


I was gonna use her shorts, but they're not as short so I went with these. It'll probably only be the one that I originally animated with the dress... but even they might get the dress replaced.


Well, they still look like the character, even if they're in different outfits. x) And the exterior changes depending on the character, just an fyi. Honestly, don't really know. Even if they're technically the same pose, there are differences between each character. Like some the girl will do the movement, others the guy will, some move more fluidly and others move a little more stiffly depending on the character. So there's variance even when it's the same, it's just the pose itself isn't terribly unique.


What about that mystery character all the way back? Is she/he still in the princess dress?👀


I do worry about any pose/angle that make the perspective really far away like some of the Aerith's one. I know you said you'd do 4K later but those type of shots will be the ones that makes me go "Damn... I would love to see this in 4K... her eyes are just 4 pixels...." That's the one mistake I do believe you made. And that was making this POV exclusive. You could have had more creative liberties. As for your looks, you said you'd figure it out. But just wanted to comment that both your banner and PFP always serves as a "Hey..... Look who I put in my PFP....(´-ω-`)(´-ω-`)(´-ω-`)(´-ω-`) Sorry... I don't have any plans for her.... She just looks good...(´-ω-`)(´-ω-`)(´-ω-`)" So anything that can give us that (Fuck you!!!!) feeling would work just fine. As always.


I would say to save judgment until you've seen everything. Just saying. I honestly want something a little more robust than my typical banners, I just don't have the time to really devote to making one right now.


He's evolving!! He wants to improve!!! And yes I know, I've seen the previews, I know what's coming. Just a bit concerned that's all. That "would have been" banner looks good. Has me craving for some Nioh grils. Don't much like smoking tho so ghost gril just got lower on my list.


Eh, being restricted by FOV or POV isn't that big of a deal. Art through adversity and all that. It's done a lot to try as much as I possibly can, and there are some animations I really like due to being forced to really try. Then there are others that are kinda... That pipe is canonically Nyotengu's, btw. Comes from her original, default outfit. x)


It's Cindy and also Kyrie too right, that are bald underneath their caps? ... Just keep the camera below their foreheads at all times lol


Yep. Kyrie might even be worse than Cindy in baldness, but someone did make a model of her hair without the cap, and it's leagues better than anything I could do. Not using it though, since I like Kyrie's dumb little hat. Gotta go for an extreme angle in that case. Will give a nice good look up their nose. x)


Right, It WAS hers. Is good to know she quit smoking and gave it away. That's why she's best birb. She's strong willed!!!


Hey now, whenever I decide to bring Geisha Nyotengu back, she'll probably be back to her old smoke blowing tricks. x)


Everytime Square makes a new game with a character wearing a hat, I'm just gonna lose it knowing they're bald.


Heh. I think that's true for most games, though. Unless you see that hat come off in game at some point, they're probably bald to save on system resources. x)


Poor Cindy. Her raunchy outfit was just there to not get people to look too close up her hat And yes for evil kidneys! But where are they potruding from? Always thought it was from her sides/back


Square-Enix truly are evil masterminds. x) They do come from her back(although they're an individual model that have no connection with the actual Cloud of Darkness model), but I'm taking some creative liberties in order to get them a little more cooperative in terms of animating them. And to not have them look weird. Her normal arm cloak things tend to cover their starting point, and without them you can see things you shouldn't normally see. x)


Yea her original outfit is basically gunk stitched together, so I figure you'd have to make some changes to add the tentacles here. Though I gotta say, just that addition kind of made her look alot more "normal" lol


They definitely bring a sort of 'balance' to her wacky hair. They are weirdly integral to her design, which is funny in a way. Then again, I feel similarly about Ultimecia's big ol' wings, which are much harder to work with since they're so big.


Oh my God Cindy's bald!


Would still hit it.


In Ultimecia's case, her wings balances out how horizontal her head region is thanks to the hair. Imagine having so much hair that you can make a horn out of it


And not just one horn, but two in opposite directions. x) But it's interesting how, for as weird as some of the designs can be, there is a method to the madness.


Damn Cindy do be bald, no cap fr fr Zoomerism aside, I really do feel like she just needs a hat of some kind at all times. She just looks so weird without it, not including the Friar Tuck she got going on up there. I think Cindy gotta be one of the biggest characters that I started out finding very attractive, and then she just nosedived as time went on. Not even sure why, it just happened. I think the majority of us would be fine if this was literally just the same animation 64 times but with a palette swap, but the fact that each character is getting (somewhat) unique posing is pretty nuts. Keep up the good work you madman!


It's because Cindy has never been seen without her cap officially, so it's just a part of her. Can't separate the cap from Cindy without it looking weird. And I was never that into Cindy, personally. She's hot, but not so hot that I'm super into it. Don't really understand it either. I did, at one point, consider just copy/pasting the animations for all the characters. That was back when it was an April Fool's joke. Even considered commissioning audio for one of the videos and using it for all characters, lol. It certainly would have been true to my name. x)


Wooooot! Cloud of Darkness looks hot!


That hatless cidney looks good honestly, but I guess when you are animating the faults start to show. Also, new banner hype. IMO the current is more revelant for the anniversary so maybe have something with the tag line "5th anniversary" with some/all characters coming in the next month or so.


My brain just seriously can't do it. Have you seen the image that's like, imagine an apple, with a rating of how realistic you can imagine it? I'm a 0 on imagining Cindy without a hat. And yeah she's like, attractive hot, but that's kind of about it with her. She never did anything for me outside of the initial reaction to her. What a weird phenomenon. That would have been absolutely amazing if you had just used the same audio for the entire project. Just loop the default moans from the skyrim sex mods, boom project finished and you don't even need to grab a VA. Would make a lot of sense with DOA characters since everyone just calls them copy and paste anyways. Damn, I'm a bit sad we missed out on that hilarity :(


lol, I can imagine her without the hat, but the hair quickly ends up morphing into Goku or something. She just doesn't exist without the hat. x) Well, there might still be some funnies this April 1st, and there are more opportunities for trolling in the future. You never know when I'll bust some troll out of the blue.


The closer it gets, the worse it gets. And then when movement is added into the mix, it gets even worse, so yeah.


Super Saiyan transformation Cindy animation when? I bet Vegeta would still job to her. I eagerly await seeing what hellishness awaits us on that day, and maybe other days as well. On another note, nice unused banner image. Classy but still sexy/slutty is always a nice combination.


Hello LazyP Did you know Lufenian from FF origins ? PS: I love all of your work and hope one day you will make the 3 girl royal family FF origins + Lufenian. And because of you i started the animation on sfm and blender. Good continuation


In the end... I went the shit-post route for my banner. x) I'll probably change it before the end of March, lul.


Damn, eats it raw instead of making sauce. She doesn't get it.


Well, her spilling tomato juice all over her is as close as I'm getting to seeing her covered in blood. For now.... Also side thing. SF6 showed their last characters today. And oh boy... I'm getting desperate. If only Capcom could make a DMC game with characters that look like that instead of real people.... One, could dream.


To be fair to 2B, she isn't biting into the tomat. She's licking it. Little hard to see when it's downscaled like that, but that's what she's doing. Might still happen one day. I could see licensing people's faces being an issue for them at some point, as it has been in the past, so it could see phasing out in a few years.


Well the good news is that SF6... is making me appreciate THIGHS. So. Many. Thighs! When Cammy gets her classic costume when the game comes out.... I will ascend!


Can't begin to describe how deeply upsetting it is to see someone attempt to munch on a tomato as though it's an apple Why would you do this


She has to be as near to that tomato as possible. That means eating it, and this is the quickest way. Sorry. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Unironically one of the worst things you've ever rendered :(


Speaking of thighs, when is 2B gonna crush that tomato with hers?

Backzilla Primordial Shitposter

"To Eat or Not To Eat, That is the question" -Shakeass or something I'm not good with poetry. Nah fr wtf is this, this shit aren't Nier: automata it's Far: manually.


Nier: https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Ftse1.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3Fid%3DOIP.yiCRuB1uh6UZ__iyJUCwCwHaIt%26pid%3DApi&f=1&ipt=cf4cafc99198201095f11a6b13153226ef7f3c5f1c6b7b10ca6e5eab078308a5&ipo=images


Somewhere in my mind I assumed 2B would be a chicken sandwich eater vs a burger eater…😂😂😂😂


Man your really trolling…😂😂😂 Nier: Instamata…🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️


Do you release them separately or together?


Thought I was seeing shit lol. Pizza, Instant Noodle, and now Burger. Took me a good few seconds for your banner, Nier: Tomato


Well, first day it was tomato, then pizza, then burger, then noodle, and today is a donut actually. I'll be posting them tomorrow in full resolution so people can see them in all their glory. x)


The calm before the storm…..🫢