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I wish I didn't have to make such a post, since it's honestly something I wish I didn't have to deal with, but it's just one of the realities you gotta deal with at times.

The only websites I am on are pixiv, pixiv Fanbox, Subscribe Star, and porn3dx. I have a Newgrounds account when I wasn't sure what site to jump to from Tumblr, but I've never used it. No other. If you find me or someone named LazyProcrastinator elsewhere, they are not me, or worse, they're a fake. And there is such a fake right now! There is currently someone going around with my name on Patreon. That is not me, and you can tell it's not me by the preview of their inaugural post! I don't like to insult people's writing skills because English is hard, especially if it's not your first language, but you should really gain some basic English literacy before trying to impersonate me. When the first sentence is filled with grammatical mistakes and poor spelling, you're doing something wrong.

It's not even the correct reason. But what can you expect from someone impersonating someone. They're obviously not the sharpest tool in the shed, and they're looking kind of dumb with this whole thing. Couldn't even be assed to try to get an AI to write something for them. SMH.

Usually, this sort of thing comes to my attention later and after someone tips me off, but I have a small habit of checking various websites for possible comments on my content. Yes, all those people saying "Lazy will never see your comment why are you requesitng x" and what have you? Complaints about something in the animation? All the cringey role play? I seent it. All of it. One such website I check regularly is rule34.xxx, where I actually used to post my work to directly before I got sick and tired of tag editing(and thank you to the many reuploaders, since it saves me time). Well, some brainiac decided to start changing the "sources" of many of my works to this Patreon link. My first instinct was that it was just someone confused, since it has happened before, but no. It's a patreon page impersonating me. I've changed all the links to appropriate ones, including the links to various audio people's twitters/patreons(that I could find easily - one person I wasn't sure what their twitter was, sorry about that), and in this person's infinite wisdom and perhaps infinite ignorance, they have persisted and do not realize tag edits, including link edits, are public. I can see your username, and making a new account isn't gonna help, and you can see my account too changing things back. Good job~!

Now, I'm not here to start an internet crusade against this person. I don't like e-drama, and I don't like being the center of it even more. People can report this account if they want, but the person would probably be best off shutting it down themselves since they also seem to be trying to grift off the 'pixxx' stuff as well. The reason I don't use Patreon is because some of my content is a bit too 'spicy' for Patreon(hell, last I've heard Marie Rose is kinda dicey on the site, though that might be just a few cases. I don't really know). So not only will you be posting spicy content, you'll be impersonating someone. Your time is limited, and making a few bucks off it probably isn't worth the risk. Because maybe one day you'll grow as a person and become someone who can actually make something of your own for a change, something you're really proud of, but by then you might not have access to these sites. Wouldn't that be a shame?

But, this is more or less all I'll be talking about this, since I'd rather not give this person any more attention. If any more such cases occur, I will make another public service announcement. In fact, I will state this: if I actually make the decision to go to another site, it will be stated as such in a post and I will have an appropriate link on my existing pages. If you find someone else with my stuff, it's not me. I would also like to say that just because someone is named LazyProcrastinator, it's not me. I've been asked if 'x account is me' before in relation to Twitter, and the answer is always no. I refuse to get a Twitter for (mostly)personal reasons. So don't bother anyone with the name outside of the four websites I listed before. It's not exactly the most original name out there, so asking some rando about my porn isn't exactly... a great thing? Don't do that, please?

So, that's about all I'm going to say on the subject. These sites are there for you to support me, not to access my stuff. I've been posting my stuff free for these past five years, and I don't plan to stop. If you like my stuff and want to support me, you can. But it's always optional. Thank you, and have a good day!




Why wouldn't they just copy + paste all your profile descriptions / news posts and just roll with that? Seems dumb to try and type your own stuff when impersonating instead of just a simple Ctrl C + Ctrl V. Foolishness. I bet they don't even use x), what a bad fake!


there will always be such people


The rest of their posts are from what I can tell, but that was one they typed themselves, and yeah... they'd have been better off not doing such a thing.


Why is it so easy to create a patreon account? If they used identity verification this would not happen


It's not like I really have my identity tied to this, since I don't really want my identity tied to this. But it's one of those things that's relatively easy to fudge anyways, so it's a double edged sword most of the time.


Yes, but that way patreon would be safer But I think patreon is the worst platform I've heard of creators getting their income withheld for months and sometimes never getting paid


Yeah, it's one reason why I've not gone there. It's the most mainstream site, but being that mainstream can often lead to... issues.


Demons. I hope you can fix it There are several creators who suffer from this Recently an artist I follow (BreadBlack) announced that his father has cancer And you don't earn enough because they publish your material That would discourage anyone. I am an amateur artist and for reasons like this I have not tried to monetize my work


Well, a quick update: the Patreon page is now gone. I don't know if they deleted in themselves, or enough people reported them that they got banned, but at least that's some good news. And trust me - I understand that reasoning all too well. It's why it took me so long to open up these pages in the first place. It's just a headache to deal with.


This unfortunately happens to most smut creators I know after a point. Didn't think it would strike even you considering how you don't really gate your content in the first place Well, I think the Patreon's already down, which is surprisingly quick


Yeah, it's kind of weird. I release all my stuff free, and I've been on record with not caring about my poll animations getting posted elsewhere, so it's all very strange. Not sure if deleted or banned, but either way: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8k5oAaXINX8


God. I can't believe patreon finally does something good I hope you can at least contact that person and work things out. It is not possible for artists to suffer from this By the way there is an even worse place I have mentioned it to several creators to see if together they can close it On that site they put in the work of all the artists (I don't want to name the site for obvious reasons) but it's an injustice 🤬


Kinda wish the dude could've at least copy pasted this post as well before taking it all down


Hey and how do you deal with the piracy of your work when it is published by large companies? An example would be those ads that appear on porn sites But I'm on subscription sites that are very well known and post the work of various artists and I can bet they do it without permission.


It happens, unfortunately. Not much I can do about the ads and what not, and I don't have the will to try. I only brought this up because it was someone impersonating me. For those, best you can do is use an adblock on those sites.


If you can block the ads but they still use your work to make a profit Well, although I really don't know if you can do something since the characters used by the artists do not belong to them Well at least you have one less problem I hope you don't have more 🙏


Yeah, it's kind of weird situation. The characters and often models are someone else's property, so it's kind of mess in general.


That is what I said For the first time, patreon heard the complaints and banned an account Now we have to find a way to eliminate another 20 sites that profit at the expense of the creators 😃


I don't think a Patreon employee banned the account (unless Lazy had a big fan somewhere in there lol) What likely happened is that the dude deleted it himself


Well assuming it wasn't new Maybe he had been doing that for months But you are right patreon is very inefficient Right, the 20% that they take from the creators is almost a robbery


Also I just realized you said you actually read all the RP stuff under your contents in other sites 😭 How do you not only resist the urge to gouge your eyes out after reading some of them but still continue going through them 💀 I swear that sort of shit has kept me from browsing 95% of those site


They actually started on Jan 28th. So about a week. Not a really long time, and I thankfully caught it pretty quick before it could get worse.


I've been on the internet a long, long time. I've seen things you people wouldn't believe... the amount of cringe that puts rule34's comment section to shame. Content that puts it to shame. If anything, I find them quite tame.


I used to find it entertaining when there were like two dudes really going at it, and another comment pops in and goes like "wtf" But after a certain point it was just RPers without anyone else to ground the weirdness of it all And yeah, there's definitely worse stuff out there especially in 4chan, which I think is the single worst cesspool of the internet


Well, that's why i don't read the comments on Rule34 and Reddit before i puke myself 🤢 But all of that are still better than the comment section on every generalbutch works in rule34.paheal.net . I mean dont even think about it 🤣


You still get that on occasion, but it's usually just not worth it at this point. Sometimes the ones who call out the RPers are the ones who get reported and their message removed, so there's also that.


Yup, it's messy. These NSFW content are uploaded to PUBLIC (not private) sites, so there's technically nothing against people using said content. You can only file a claim or takedown order if you own the content, which in this case Lazy does not own the rights for these characters. If anything the game studios will have to step in which will also cause Lazy to be in hot water as well for defamation of characters. TL;DR We the fans will have to look out for Lazy to bring these problems to a minimum so it doesn't cause outside attention for actual takedown orders.


looks like the fake's patreon account got nuked already


Yeah. You should try Gelbooru. Quietest and peaceful website i know. 🤣


I'm gonna start posting the worst shit under every one of Lazy's anims on rule34 now :)

Backzilla Primordial Shitposter

Dude that's suck people nowadays are so bad at making money that they resorts to this and even worse at covering it up I'd say, besides that I all your stuff are free the only real benefit we have from paying are the discussion we're doing here and a bit of voting sometimes no one really ever needs to pay for your works to have access to it, so I hope not too many people fall for their scam. And holy shit you read those!? Especially R34 that's place is fucked up and not joining the other sites are definitely the right decision I'm specifically talking about twitter that even worse than R34 for sure 💀


They flew too close to the sun. Should've at least changed the name. LazyPr0crasinator. Nah that probably wouldn't have fooled the search engines enough.


Honestly, even the discussion is free. Besides the poll posts, I suppose. I'd be chatting with normal pixiv comments more if it weren't for the 120 character limit, or whatever it is. What can I say, I'm a glutton for pain. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SfDxpP2iGvU


Rip old XBL. I miss you bro ;_; Peak gaming experience right there


True. I got a good amount of funny(and mostly salty) messages throughout the years, and now they're all lost to time... RIP.

Backzilla Primordial Shitposter

Yeah sorry about that I'm not being specific it's "most of the discussion here" and hey good thing I heard that they already scram for what ever reason. I'm all thankful that most people choose to have civilized discussions here compared to out there ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Nothing for me to say here that hasn't already been said. So I'll just say that I can't for the love of me completely read a Rule34.xxx comment... I always sonic read them for entertainment. I make sure to not read them for more than 2 seconds. Because my cringe immune system is extremely fucked and every letter that my eyes consume causes me extreme epilepsy, pulsations, low blood pressure and a small pinch on my right nut. Anyways glad stuff got deleted. I was going to recommend you to make a chili spicy pack as a deterrent. Young Noctis and Young Luna 10 animations pack!!!! You're have a better chance at avoiding an actual nuke at that point.


You should get that checked. A full body cringe a day keeps the doctor away, I say. Heh. Throw in a werewolf for good measure.


Young Noctis Werewolf, here we go!!!! Also, been some time since the last "add what you want" image or video. So why don't you post that image up there? ;3 Hey, even add a bored school Iris while you're at it. There's still shit I could do with the Nanami one I have. But the more the merrier. (´-ω-`)


Do you want it with just the chalk board blank, or do you want the background fully transparent? Cuz I can do it either way.


C̴̯̫̥͖͖̠ͥ ͔͈̈́͒͘I͍͚͖͈ͩ͝ͅ ̺̤͚ͯͦ͑͝V͈̳̣̜͍̘̱̈́́͌̈́͢ ̶̲͇̲̮͍̖ͪI̢͙̩̻̫͖̞̜̔͒̍̆ ̻͚͙͔͖̹̘̰͛ͦ͝L̡̩̙̇ ͮͭ̊̐͏̭̤̞I̝̠͎͙̫ͤ͡ ͖͈͐̇͘Z̳̱̰̬̤̫̱̾̀ͥ̀ͅ ͔̟̖̗͉̒̇̓ͤ̀E̩̘͍̺̜̬̻͋ͦ̏͝ ̭̻͖̱̎ͯ͜ͅḌ̶͚͍̘̾͛ͤ ༼ ▀̿̿Ĺ̯̿̿▀̿ ̿༽


So, like Scarlet by herself you mean? I think the image by itself is fine. But the chalk board being transparent could be useful for a projector kind of thing. So your options are: Just Scarlet and transparent background. Just like the one on the top. Or transparent chalkboard. If you feel like doing more than one option, pls go ahead. (* ^ ω ^)


I support the creation of the "chili spicy" suggestions above. Side project for a rainy day?


You're... an amazing human being... You are fast doing stuff. Since I somehow managed to give life to both these and Luna's image... I'd say my salt for the boring poll girl has gone back to the sea. I'll see what I can do with these. But tomorrow...!!! Now is time to dive into the realm of dreams. (っ˘ω˘ς )ZzZzZz...


Thank you. The benefits of EEVEE's super fast renders cannot be understated, either. x) Good night. Don't let the bed bugs bite. (~‾⌣‾)~


When they added in those like, avatars, that's when it started to go downhill. Before that with just the gamertag, your pfp, and your points? Cream gravy. All the shittalk and salt from people in Halo 2 multiplayer and shit. Can't replicate it man...


Ah yes.. the Mii rip-offs. It may have already been in a downward swing, but remember the Kinect fail at E3? Those really were the good ol' days.


How could I forget that horrible flop? Kinectimals, Milo, all that non-game nonsense? What a shitshow. And let's not even talk about the Playstation Move. Man they had such a good thing going with the 360, and it feels like it's all been downhill since. The game pass is nice at least though, since I don't need one of those stupid consoles just to use it.


Game Pass is pretty nice. Too bad games nowadays are kinda mid, though. x) This might be the first generation of consoles I don't end up getting the console for by the end of the generation. Nothing on PS5 or the... Series X or whatever is really interesting to me.


Too true. I’ve been thinking of trying Hi-Fi Rush on the pass though. I keep hearing really good things about it. There’s almost zero reason to buy a console right now. Especially a Series X. I honestly can’t name a single xbox exclusive that isn’t on game pass on PC also. What a sad state of affairs, especially when consoles are like $500+ right now. Last console I got was a PS4 very late in it’s lifespan, and now that’s just a Netflix/blu-ray machine!

Chanko Stew

Rule34.xxx's comment section is one of the most underrated cesspools on the internet. Definitely a location that no cringe tourist would want to miss.


Yep, I was in the same boat in terms of PS4. I played FFXV and Persona 5 on it, and that's... kind of it. Very sad.


I hate people doing that! Attempting to steal money that really should go to you because its your work. Glad it hasn't faze you too munch.


rule34.video.com is a good website as well. it's easy for people to find your links there. also I didn't know you don't have patreon. i thought it was really you.


I left a comment on Rule34 one time and I had to get shots….😂😂😂 The only time I go there is to get the audio versions of your stuff unless someone can send me to a more definitive site that has it….


Damn given the insane amount of re-uploads of your content by people trying to make followers I'm surprised this has not happened earlier :/ Hope that guy deletes the Patreon or faces sanctions and becomes a better person


I've used rule34video before, and it's not bad. I'll also try to do better with communicating what is and isn't me in my posts from now on, so that this hopefully won't happen again.


Hey Lazy! Have you been adding the poll poses to the gofile link?


No worries! Just a quick reminder. Also I'm not getting any ideas for the Scarlet tutoring. X33 Not funny ones anyways.


It's Aerith's birthday today!!!! Quick! Leak something from the BDP!!!


I miss me some good ass Aerith animation from Lazy-sama. (´ ω `♡) I hope she's first to compensate the lack of animation for her big day.