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So, I've had a few days to animate thus far. It's been going well, honestly. Making good progress each day. Been rather productive, albeit with a rather lazy day yesterday. Which is fine. The main issue, and it's always been the main issue, is that the sheer amount of content is... too much. To quote George Lucas, "I may have gone too far in a few places". I still plan to go through with it, but yeah. I may reconsider a few things... it's a complex situation I find myself in. A situation of my own making so I can only blame myself, but hey. I've been a cagey mofo about my project so I don't even really need to tell you any of this and no one would be the wiser if I cut things in half or whatever. I'm just perhaps a bit too honest at times.

But really, rambling about it on the internet is part of my stress relief, so if anything it's a mutually beneficial thing.

Still, I'm surprised at myself for being as efficient as I have been. Haven't quite reached my speed ideal, but that's mostly due to me actually putting effort into some of these. This one isn't original or anything, since it's mostly a remake of my original Aerith blowjob animation, but it ended up more high effort than I was aiming for. And some of my other stuff so far is... a little more high effort than I originally was gonna be aiming for. I think that for as lazy as I am, and for how much I do procrastinate... I work harder than I might think at times, since I can't seem to just completely half-ass things even though I'm actively trying to. I'm... learning... about myself... I guess.

I was considering revealing the name of my project, and what exactly will entail from it, but since my rationale is desperately trying to get me to change some things, I'll hold off for now. I will say the troll on my shoulder is just telling me "do it" like Palpatine, so I'm not sure what will win. My rationale or my troll. Usually my rationale wins, but my troll is getting stronger. For better or worse.

Either way... today, I'm gonna work on Nanami before I forget about it. Will be fairly simple. Also more or less know what my next proper release will be, so I'll probably prep that while I'm at it. Mainly need to find the textures and crap, since it's a model from before my computer upgrade, and hard-drive changes and additions resulted in things being all over the place and going through my files and finding everything can be a major annoyance. Best to get it out of the way now.

Beyond trying to guess the mystery character in the main preview, I've got one more bonus for everyone. Since Nier: Tomato has gotten an anime, have 2B in the short shorts and top. Because I can.




I find that to be the magic of any and all creative processes in many cases, is the weird and wonderful realizations and epiphanies we have during the process. You think one thing and come out with another, or realize you put a lot of a certain part of yourself into certain things, or that what you thought was personality quirk X also manifests as trait Y. It's fun, if sometimes daunting and disorienting. I think, for my part, I identify really strongly with the sentiment of hard working laziness. They feel like contradictory qualities but. Sometimes you can really just be full of both. Like I'm big on follow-through, even if getting things going can be difficult. Once it's started I sometimes go too far. This is the first time I heard of a Near Tomato anime. 2B looks really cute in that outfit. I wish you luck in wrangling your inner troll. Sometimes a little trolling is good. Huzzah for blowjobs.


Yeah, there's varying levels and types of laziness. I have a bit of everything, I think, but I would definitely say my main source of laziness is just a lack of motivation. It can be hard to work up the motivation to do something, but once I'm actually doing it I can keep it going. And then if I'm actually motivated to do something, I can't really stop until it's done. Object at rest stays at rest, object in motion stays in motion sort of thing. Yeah, I heard it announced a while back, but the first episode dropped yesterday I think? Not totally sure, since I haven't watched it. Just figured I'd throw something out there.


Heh now 2B gets to be "best waifu" in the 2d world. we're being fed breadcrumbs here and there and I'm all for it. It builds hype (that aerith one tho.....)


Look man, if you want to really want to make a huge FF project. Then you should maybe go the Remake route and make it parts. Also like your DoA ride fest. If the amount of stuff you want to animate is holding you back from taking your time and effort where you want it, then split it. Aerith looks great, I love the "aged" look for the mommy. And the shorties keep looking hot. I can kind kind of see the mystery character. But can't think of who it is.


It's not so much that it's holding me back or anything like that. It's more that the amount of content being released all at once feels... overkill? A waste? Overwhelming? Just trying to decide if I want to dump it or drip feed it, so to speak.


Just elaborate on what didn't make the cut in the documentary so we can be salty about it. But seriously, I don't think any of us would mind having you split it if it means not burning yourself out or compromising just to meet deadlines you set on yourself That being said, I wonder, do you feel a sense of satisfaction going back to older animations with more refined skills? I usually find nothing more satisfying than going back to old drawings from a year or two ago and redoing them. It's almost like shitting and gloating over myself. Pretty fun stuff


I think pick the ones you love the most first, then the others in whatever way you want. But then you'd probably get very lazy and give up on the rest. There's definitely no waste nor overkill here. You're making something great here with a lot of random characters. Just take your time. I'm down for splitting it if you want. Perhaps drip feeding the remaining through poll releases and regular packs. So you know, once a week. To drag the hell out of your celebration. X3


I don't think I'll be burning out any point soon and giving up on anyone. Not yet. Probably won't happen for a while, either. I'm kind of limiting myself from going too overboard on work and taking my time when I don't feel quite like doing something. The nice thing about having so many characters is that if I don't really feel like something at one moment... I can just start something with someone else. Helps to let the mind refresh when it gets stuck on something stupid. I do that sort of thing regularly, but usually I don't have such a huge plethora of choices to swap between, so I eventually get stuck in a rut. Haven't had that happen as of yet. Which is good. I know I said things would be fairly simple in terms of positions, and that hasn't changed... but I've done some things I haven't done with those positions so far, and I've got more ideas lined up for some other characters, so if nothing else it's been letting me be a little more creative than I might


Also for the mystery character... I think it's Lightning? Think I can kinda make out her face from the refracted stuff


Ohoo more from Mrs. Raspberry and Scarlet 😩. Ayo check this out https://twitter.com/BlankOn22/status/1611536509538291714?t=tWmCvm3EXxMeqR56FP8KLA&s=19


Heh, there's probably a few that would get the cut quickest, if you catch my drift. x) But, right now my concern isn't really burning out. It's more just like... "should I really release this much?" Because how the hell am I gonna live up to this level of insanity after the fact, y'know? There's a bit of that, from time-to-time. This one I definitely prefer, since those first Aerith animations I'm not very fond of. x) Then there are some things where I'm like 'how the hell did I manage to make something that good with so little effort?' I cannot replicate my success with kissing since that Marie and Honkers animation. I've tried, but that was just beginner's luck. ༼⁠;⁠´⁠༎ຶ⁠ ⁠۝ ⁠༎ຶ⁠༽


Aight good. There's no lack of motivation then. You just don't know what the meaning of life is, or what is it you're destined to do. I get you. Is the next regular release this month? I think you've said that we'll only be getting the Nanami poll animation and maybe 1 pack this month.


Hey now, I've never denied the fact that Luna is essentially a cardboard cutout. I just find her physically attractive. x)


Might be too philosophical for what I'm feeling, but yeah. More or less. 21st, thereabouts. Unfortunately(for you), it'll probably be something you won't have interest in. x)


Thats funny, because if anything, I thought animation being somewhat more routine means you would be able to replicate stuff a little more easily


Some things definitely are more routine and easily remade and what have you... but some things are so persnickety that the stars have to align to be done properly. At least for me. I'm a weird one like that, I think.


So anime, or thighs. As long as is not just those things individually. There's hope. To play along a bit. Is the mystery character someone you haven't shown?


Edea... EDEA! What!? I don't remember ever seeing smut of her , she must one of one the most holiest of grails in all of FF. Its quite bizarre to see her in regular clothing haha, but I do like it, she is a wild card for sure.


Only unfortunate thing about the model is that it's just Ultimecia from Dissidia with an Edea paintjob... essentially. Still pretty good, but some small details that aren't a 100%.


God bless that top and shorts combo. Especially with the boots from 2B are you kidding me? Yowza. Do you have a name for your project? I just considered it to be Final Fantasy Fuckfest or something like that, considering what's going to be happening in it. Fuckfest also shortens to FF! If you do end up cutting stuff, obviously we won't know about it. But then later on in the year you can add it back in as a Director's Cut of sorts. More publicity for it! Marketers love it!


Scarlet... wow... only seen her in her normal attire or nude. She really looks like a milf here. *wipes sweat meme*


Releasing it! After that you’ll still be known as the lazy procrastinator so it doesn’t matter!! Be the legend your were destined to be lol!!😂😂😂😂 Will there be any finishes included in these animations? I don’t know if you said so or not but I don’t recall. The previews so far are killing me and woooo…the shorty shorts have been a great choice…


is it released on this week or next week?can't wait🥵


I'll be waiting for scarlet in lingerie (>‸<)


No, this is for my anniversary which is around March 1st. It's gonna be a lot of content, which is why I've started so early.


They say the more you stare into the crystal an angel's face shows up...in the middle top left...but that's just the sayin in the streets. Anyway, decided on what character is on the 21st? At least from what seriers?


So hey.... When are you going to give solo masturbation a try??? Animating I mean. A girl I mean....! Lesbian action is hard because you're animating 2 characters So why is 1 character hard? Is it sad...??? Too depressing...?? Everyone starts somewhere you know. Not everyone is so lucky.... And too much dick and pussy could cause infection.! Even disease!!!! So why? (-ω-、)


Angelic... yes... x) Yeah, I've decided the character. Won't say who it is, though. I might tease it closer to release, though.


Solo stuff is actually much easier to me. I started learning animation by doing solo play, because you don't have to deal with multiple characters and the problems that occur from two models colliding with each other and what have you. I mostly don't do anything with it because it feels too easy and simple. Also never know where to squeeze something like that into a pack or what have you.


Common man, we get it you're amazing and solos are for amateurs and peasants!!! (・`ω´・)But don't underestimate the power of a girl pleasing herself. How to fit it in a pack?? Have them look at the camera, she's getting her engine warmed up for headless-chan. That's one way, there are many. Have you seen real porn? You know the classic homemade POV where the girl touches herself a bit at the start. Perhaps the dude CARESSES a bit? Don't over think it. Try one at least at some point. ;3


God bless, you mad lad

Backzilla Primordial Shitposter

My therapist has been advised me to tone down my Star Wars reference for a better mental health which this post absolutely didn't help at all. So the reason you haven't revealed the name of this big ass project is because you keep changing things huh, so as one might says "Perhaps the archives are incomplete"


Quick question Lazy-sama. I always stop myself from recommending poses you don't do much because I knew there's a Lazy reason for it. But what is one "sophisticated" pose you like a lot and find hot that you haven't done because of your skill or patience capabilities?


Not that many I can think of, though Full Nelsons can be a pain in the ass. Any sort of stand and carry can be, too. Sure there are others, but that's what springs to mind.


Right, so I might eat my words when this project is released. But perhaps it is time you stop taking on Big Dumb Projects. And instead go to the mountains to train a bit your pose diversity....???? Even if a full nelson takes you 3 months. It can become the new update post! "Post #5: the left leg finally stopped twitching." "Post #17: the dick finally stays inside... Solved a problem where the girl's teeth separate from her head..." Now, your poses isn't really the main appeal, is the characters and the way they look (literally). But I think I've seen you write that you even realize you might be doing the same a bit too much. I mean have you seen the diversity in the ghost tape??? All are very flawed and clippy, but there was something there!


Just so you know, I do practice various things on the side. I do better with sporadic practice here and there over trying to grind something out. Regardless, now isn't really the best time for me to be thinking about pose variety and what have you, since... you know... I'm working on my big dumb project.


No, not now you dork!!! Also don't be shy to share your practices. Some of us might motivate you if we see it decent enough for a practice.


Well, you're bringing it up right now, so in order to reply I would have to think about it right now. It was just an explanation as to why I have no comment.


You really need a vacation after this... (-ω-、) No, I know you're working on the project. And can't do much extra thinking. Just wanted to know what hard pose you wish you could do. I'm sorry. (-ω-、) I'm surprised you have the power ro make a pack for this month. Unless of course is something you're craving. In wich case.... it IS thighs.


I've barely started and not feeling the need for a vacation at all. Poll animations are done. Even next release is done(with maybe one more animation). Me not wanting to write a reply is just how my brain works - for you, these sorts of topics are probably pretty easy to talk about. For me, however, I can't think of those things without actively thinking about all the surrounding problems - camera work, lighting, posing, animation, how to deal with physics, how fast/slow, etc. I've always been cagey about these topics, project or not, because it's not an easy thing to talk about with someone without going through my whole thought process. Limited amount of characters + a lot of technical stuff to explain = "I'll think about it"


Poll...animationS? Well, at this point there isn't much to know about your animation thought process. You express them a lot in your posts. So I'll be considerate next time. (-ω-、) Why wait so long for something that's done though? Wouldn't be better to drop it this weekend, that way is more in the middle of the month? Sorry if I'm once again reaching here... I just didn't think you'd have all that done already. You multitask more than you let know.


Just a scheduling thing. I don't plan to skip a normal release once I post the next one, so that's 3 releases before the Anniversary pack. If I post now, I'll have to shuffle things anyways to get 3 releases instead of 4. Since I've already announced the 'break', it doesn't make sense to reshuffle the schedule I've already set up.


Also, just wanted to say that I'm not upset or anything by the questions. Just not the best time for me to be discussing them, since I'm trying super hard to laser focus on the project and I can be very easily distracted by other thoughts.


Too late... I felt scolded. ( ╥ω╥ ) And I'm grounded by having to expect a beach bich (animationS), and something " I won't have interest in" Tis are dark times indeed... (-ω-、) Thankfully I have Sora, Donald and Goofy to make feel loved...


Dumb question but would you be using your old rig for more of the minor animations while using the main rig for your project?


Nah, just the new rig. Old rig takes up too much space and even if it didn't, I don't really have a desire to use two PCs for this sort of thing.