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Not a huge surprise that A2 won, but it was definitely closer than some might expect.

In terms of raw votes, it wasn't, but once adjusted for points it becomes a lot closer. Nier's popularity is pretty high. Ivy got utterly destroyed, though. Like, damn. Wasn't expecting her to be that low. If I'm being honest, I would have expected Patty or Ultimecia to be in last place based on these five, but Patty was a surprise close contender. Angel was also pretty popular, but I kind of expected that.

All that said, I will be having a public version of this poll this coming release, with a small twist. A2 will be removed and replaced with another character, just because I don't want a repeat winner situation like the Halloween poll. I could just reduce it to four characters, but I decided on a replacement instead. Who it is, well... you'll find out in a couple of days.

In terms of who won the "Choose Your Fighter Option"...

Technically Headless man got the most votes, but Dante and Danta are one in the same so they won in my book. x)

Not gonna figure out who really won based on tiers, since it was mostly a joke option anyway. I don't feel like modifying my program to tally Dante votes, after all. I have too many projects and things to work on, don't need to distract myself even more.




Is it just me or does A2 not look happy in your post? She's so done with it, kill me now look lol


She looks like she was rode hard and put out to dry up....


So the public version... is it going to be released on 15th? Or along with the main release a week later as usual?(if it all goes as planned)


Do you mean the public poll? That's going up this weekend. If you mean the animation from this poll, it'll be on the 24th with the next release. If you mean the public poll animation, then that'll also be the 24th.


K, not quiet a W, but not so bad to be an L either. Never really attached to her in a porn sense. Cool video game character but due to her og design, never really had dirty thoughts of her. This is a full flesh version so it saves it a little bit. Thought DoA girl was gonna win. Really thought Angles was going to be last. Maybe this shows that is time for a KoF pack? To get our fill? Devastated headless man won. Waste of fucking potential here. People probably thought Dante's face would cover 50% of the shot. Should have clarified your intentions... Danta would have had a chance. No ideas for A2 to be honest, like I said PP doesn't feel like getting up. But if possible -and if climax is added- you should make the hat fall of at the end for a cute moment. Backwards so you can make any tech trick you want. Putting you back in the bag is also an option. If you feel spicy.


I've already got an idea for A2. Just need to... model something first. Shouldn't be too hard, but we'll see. As for KOF, I do plan to get around to it, along with Soul Calibur. It's all just a matter of having too many projects on my plate right now. Got Christmas, New Year's, Nyotengu, and my super secret Project in the works. Along with the various polls. Just a matter of finding time for it, really.


Model something from scratch? Interesting... I expect nothing but the lowest quality possible. Just like the deflated balloon A2 is holding. (´-ω-`) Gotta say all this planing ahead is definitely showing signs of limiting what you can do at the moment. They always pay off mind you, but your backlog keeps growing. Ayane will hopefully be taken care of this month. Only 5 more projects to go, wich includes of course, your April fools joke. Unless the big project IS an April fools joke.


Ah sorry misunderstood your post a little. My stupid question made me look like a moron. (・ัω・ั) Kind of surprised by your decision to do a public one though, given that you have multiple projects to work on.


Only the lowest quality goods around here. x) It's honestly why I hate planning things and why I usually try to avoid it. I'm a live by the seat of my pants type of person, so planning ahead always ends up a clusterfuck. I'll manage, at least.


A2 in her red trashbag winning is probably the least surprising thing from that poll. Ivy getting absolutely dumpstered is very surprising though. Like, losing to Ultimecia too? Wild. I guess out of the 5 options she has the most work out there? Also if I don't see a Dante or Danta or Dantea face in an upcoming anim, at least somewhere in it, I'm going to be very sad :(


Well, you'll just have to wait and see. I've got a plan, but whether my plan pans out is another thing entirely. x)


This pleases me :)


The little details like this is pretty cool. I see it, your work is noticed. I think it'll be fun/funny if you render your winners like that. Or have them scared/shocked of thoughts they're gonna get lewded. 4th wall breaking humor I guess. Then again that's another render work you'll have to do so idk.

Backzilla Primordial Shitposter

A2 definitely regret signing up for this but that being said it's not like she has a choice, and not including her in the public poll sounds like the right choice might give Patty a chance to win or for the new characters to win instead. This is not related but I said I'm not interested in Cissnei that much, but damn I gotta change that cause Cissnei in Réunion are fine as hell what a glow up.


For me, it largely depends on the character. Someone like A2 is definitely gonna have a stronger negative reaction than some. Least how I view it in my head.


I don't think the new character will be quite as popular as someone like A2, but we'll see. I feel like the public poll could swing in a lot of directions. I still find the Reunion Cissnei to be a bit weird looking, as do most of the characters. I'll try to make her work whenever I get my hands on the model.


Hmm, I thought Angel had a good chance, but still a bit far. Can't stay mad over an A2 win tho, glad we finally got her.


Oh noes poor Angel and Patty. :(


Oh no Ivy got crushed. I would have expected her to win but your community of followers often provides unexpected results. Ivy is the only one if those women I am interested in. The people have spoken though haha, let their voices be heard.


Yeah A2's reaction is perfect. Now I'm just imagining how these girls would react if they googled themselves. Like Aerith would have over the top mortified reaction lol


I honestly love the skin textures/tones you use. For some reason they make your animations very unique to me as compared to some others.


Honestly I would've been surprised if A2 didn't win. Wanted to see Ultimecia but I expected her to be dead last. I was wrong there too.


Hey Lazy, have you started working on Ayane Christmas action yet? Or are you waiting a bit for it?


Not quite. I more or less know what I want to do with the set, but I'm gonna finish up the poll animation first. Almost done with it, will probably finish it up later or tomorrow, and start on Ayane over the weekend.


I see, is just I was browsing through the dark web and came across ye old Fluffy_pokemon Christmas Ayane animation. And since you love doing that position I thought it would be neat if you did something similar as tribute. I'm probably wasting my time writing this... because you do that pose in almost every pack you do XP. Anyway that's it, continue working on what you're working.


Well, there will be some cowgirl going on regardless. Like I said, already got the general idea of what I'm going to do. Could change some, but probably not significantly. Wouldn't mind doing a tribute to Fluffy, but not sure if it'll sneak its way into this.


Any plans on doing something for the loser this time around? First Rachel and now Ivy, I cant take this anymore T_T

Backzilla Primordial Shitposter

Aight now that Elden Goat has won goty any plan to use Ranni and Melina agian would have been a waste for their models just lying around.