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As far as updates go, the worst of things has slowed down and I've finally been getting some good rest again. I'm feeling as though my mind is clearer, and my groove is coming back, so hopefully December will contain some decent content. I have a tentative release schedule for what I want to do - it is subject to change depending on how motivated I actually am, but this is what the "plan" is.

November 26 - A small release - I have worked on a couple things, so those will be going up this weekend.

December 1st - Poll animations + new Christmas themed poll. Gonna be working on the characters for the poll this weekend, so there will be a fairly late tease for it. Have a guess at what criteria I'm using to pick characters.

December 10th - A small Christmasy themed pack of a certain character.

December 15th - Christmas poll animations + new poll(misc characters that I didn't rig from before)

December 24th - Ideally Christmas with Ayane, but we'll see how that turns out.

December 31st - A New Year Pack - who will it contain? I don't know! Well, I sort of know, but not necessarily the scope and all that.

That is the tentative schedule that I'm working around. Whether it pans out or not is a mystery.

Also, completely unrelated, how many of you found the secret gofile link in my Halloween ghost video? Been meaning to ask that, but I forget every time I make a post.




Wow that Tsukushi looks amazing. Please also rest, you are a machine in making releases, and we want you well above all.


I'm resting well, and anything I'm doing I'm doing because it's part of my resting routine. I do enjoy animating and what have you, weirdly enough. x)


holy shit, holy shit, holy shit. I see A2 and my first reaction is "ITS HAPPENING"


Hmm A2, finally. People probably won't have any problem with you using just the nude and "clean" model here in animations. Is Gladio still an action figure here?


The way you put the characters in such down to earth settings make them pop out the best! Wow. Just seeing A2 at the gym just makes it so aesthetically pleasing and it makes sense if you can get my meaning..I can’t describe it…the scene just looks right…even with the other characters.. I think we can all agree that having you rested and motivated is worth the wait in the content. Hint to the secret link?? I couldn’t find anything… I’m so blind….


I think what I’m trying to say is that your background settings leave out a lot of clutter and the focus is on the characters and not what’s around them.


Secret gofile link? Oh god damn it, time to go back to that video.


Even if I don't spend a ton of time on these, I do try to keep them somewhat in character. Obviously A2 doesn't need to work out, nor does she need to drink, but still. The hint: there are some flashes of the TV with text on them.


btw. found the secret link but have no idea where the character is from... OC?


From an MMO called Bless Online. Kind of an OC(though not mine) since it's just a mix-and-match of the player creation character stuff that someone else did.


That's quite a schedule for your usual routine return, I bid you good luck. I doubt it but, is the small release have anything to do with FFXV? It's anniversary is coming up on the 29th. To any and all who celebrate, Happy Thanksgiving.


Nah, unrelated. I honestly forgot that it came out around this time of year. Maybe I could squeeze something in there, though. Happy Thanksgiving to you, too.


You don't have to. Your schedule is quite packed already, no need to push yourself.


Okay cool beans, me and the gf searched and found it. Good shit as always bossman, gg.


Was wondering if you were going to show up to give some thanks. But I'll have the foot-age and the possible incest you provided us today. A2 is ok. Secret gofile link? In the flashes? All I see is M92... to many flashes and very little patience to check frame by frame in a 6 minute video. What does this gofile link has? I've really felt your "absence" this month. Looking forward for your -hopefully more refreshed- schedule. Though we know Christmas for being just red, green and white color clothing and backgrounds, I do hope you just do "comfy" animations. Basically, a dark room with only the light of a warm fire. The Aerith pronebone animation comes to mind. Would love more of her on those stockings. I want to feel the warmth of love making in a cold environment. (´ ω `♡)


The other one is during the climax. Not gonna tell you what's there, because it wouldn't be a secret otherwise. x) I'll be doing some warm stuff for the winter time, but I haven't started on anything so I don't know exactly what the content will be.


WTF!? Since when does that exist? Why so many downloads and no one leaked it??? I'm mad, don't do stuff like that, don't like missing your stuff.... Not fair.... Was there a hint? I saw those numbers and letters before, but I didn't know it was a gofile link... Look just do more Aerith... I miss her. And now I need some comfort... (⇀‸↼‶)


No hint - it was just something I wanted to see how many people would figure out. It did get leaked at F95, I believe. Before that, though, there were several dozen people who figured it out. I've been meaning to stick a hidden link like that in a video forever. This one I had planned since August, but I didn't get to do my original idea of having a password protected folder and a text file with some riddles that would need to be solved to spell out the password. I enjoy dumb stuff like that.


i found it.text divided into two paragraphs.but i didn't expect it to be a gofile link......hahaha


I probably should have done more to hint at it, but I was short on time as is with that project and I nearly scrapped the idea entirely.


Yeah but animations? Ok, Now I have to learn another porn website apparently... must be a fucking black market if these stuff wasn't posted in sankaku or rule34. You see... one of these could have gotten sound by now if they weren't hidden. Will you make them public now just in case someone is interested. This a fine character. Only one male fucking an elf is lame... but blowjobs and standing doggys are always a W. Anyways... I would love to see what a dark skinned character looks sweaty, Yshtola or Iris could work if you're up to it. What's more flexible than a cat?


I'll probably make them "public" at some point, but I'll save them for another time. All in due time. Also, snakes are more flexible than cats. x)


Secrets are fun, but not when not even a little hint is given. I didn't know how gofile links worked or looked. Never thought of looking... Look just give me any BBC (Beautiful Black Chick) that you have and let me see how chocolate looks when is melting. I can barely see the sweat on these glasses of milk without zooming the fuck in. Dark colors... reflect light better after all


I'm from an oldschool era where secrets meant humping the wall spamming space-bar while Doomguy grunts because there were no hints as to what was secret and what wasn't. So blame that. x)


Yeah, but you were humping walls because you knew somewhere there was a secret. I didn't know shit. (-ω-、) Locking 2 amazing animations without even a hint...The nerve... No fun if I can't partake in the secret...till a month later.


I'm just a troll that way, sometimes. I was fully prepared for the possibility that no one would find it. ( ͡• ͜ʖ ͡• )


If it's not found, it doesn't exist. This didn't exist, till you brought it up. Today! But still hurts... I saw those numbers and didn't think it was a "link". at least a "/" would have helped. A floating yellow file floating by? Something...! Ghost girl playing Mario Kart on a ps4 at the 3...2..1...GO! Be more creative!!! But first the animations... I need your regular content injected into mah veins.


Like I said, I kind of ran out of time for doing something creative. I was gonna do something more creative with it, but I didn't have time for it. Even keeping the idea of having a hidden link in the video was super last minute. Like genuinely before I started editing it all together, I decided to go for it and threw those animations(that I did a long time ago) into the folder.

Backzilla Primordial Shitposter

Ahh noting better than some A2 in the morning, regardless non pattern skin still looks beautiful. But this month must have been real rough for you huh cause you rarely show up with your usual ramble well I hope you get better with your burnout next month Christmas awaiting. And also why AM I the only one around here who can't seem to find any of the clue except at the end. ಠ_ಠ


I already feel super better, and I've only been free from most of my stress for a couple days. If you want to know how much better I'm feeling, I mentioned I'd be working on the models for the poll over the weekend, but in the time since posting this, I finished all of them and have their pictures done. I could post a preview right now, but I'm gonna wait until tomorrow. The other clue is right before the hand. :)

Backzilla Primordial Shitposter

Man you would be the only person I know that would relieve stress by making porn which is quite understandable since you are very good at it and it's also earning you money but at the same time also sounds kinky and cool af. Regardless nice to know you got better. And since It's almost that time of the year again what's do you have in mind this year hope it's some longer animation again would be great end for this year with some L/I/G trio 4 some. ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ A guy can dream right.


Your not alone…I have the clues but have no idea how to make use of it via gofile…I tried inputting the characters but I’m not getting anything…😩😩😩😩…I’m so clueless…


Never mind…finally figured it out…😂😂😂😂


Do you have a schedule for voting resets for your old animations?


Yesss more A2 pls!!

Backzilla Primordial Shitposter

Finally after a long while (which aren't that long) I have found to formula that lead to an anti life equation ᕦ(Ò_Óˇ)ᕤ


I'm guessing that at some point you'll choose your favorite gyming girls and do a pack of individual animations of them, 20s each? If you didn't have the inspiration this month, you'll definitely get some motivation eventually.


Definitely got a kick out of A2.


Try to find the secret file but that vid still scare the shit out of me so I guess Imma have to pass. Too shame...


Foursome is out of the cards at this point. Having 3 girls on screen is kind of impossible without one of them basically doing nothing at all, and that's lame to me. So I've say don't expect that for a while or ever, at this point.


That I'm unsure of. I can't imagine it'll be for super long, since I don't want it to get too repetitive. Maybe until I finish Nyo's gym adventure.