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It's been a while since I did one of these, huh? Should be fairly obvious, since this is gonna be an all DOA poll. It'll be going up on the 1st of November, as per usual. Since there's no more poll animations in the waiting, won't come with any animations. Or will it? I dunno. This past weekend in between animating my upcoming 31st animations, I did some random stuff. Sometimes I try my hand at animating stuff that isn't smut, just as practice and because I find it therapeutic and fun.

I had also been meaning to post something for a few days now, but I don't have much to talk about that wouldn't count as a "spoiler" for the 31st animation, which I didn't really want to do. Want there to at least be something of a "surprise" there. And just rambling about idle animations didn't seem that interesting. Especially since I don't have a ton to really showcase. Only so much I can say about it other than "it's fun and good for practicing certain things."




Finally, some Rachel love~


DOA's role would have been a very good guess for me. XD


nyotengu misaki, I can't recognize the rest


Tsukushi, Misaki, Hitomi, Rachel, Amy<3<3<3


Please please please let the stars align and you use Hitomi, she is sorely underused but very beautiful.


Huh. Do you have a a bunch of non-smut animations just sitting around in some folder or something? Or is it something you've only recently dabbled with? Either way, would love to see these animations even if its just girls making random gestures or poses Also, completely unrelated, but since you're such a big fan of DMC, what are your thoughts on the Bayonetta games, if you've played them?

Backzilla Primordial Shitposter

No Honker!? Btw besides the usual Rachel is really nice cause I long since have seen the good models for her all of them look like an old cow for some reason. And also what's that about Marie!! So cuteeee, can't wait for the surprise. (oh and Sadako's banner looks good should have post it)


I have a couple here or there, but not too many honestly. A lot of them I haven't even rendered, as they're more about practice than anything. I've only played the first Bayonetta game, and I'm not really a fan. I've tried multiple times to get into the game and enjoy it, but man... it's just not that fun to me. DMC1 is one of my favorite games of all time, and I was looking forward to seeing what Kamiya would do when returning to the genre, but yeah... I learned how to Dodge Offset and got a decent way through Nonstop Infinity Climax the first time, but one day when I was gonna pick it back up I realized "I'm not even enjoying this" and so I didn't. Shame, really. It's not a bad game, I just don't enjoy it.


Honkers was in the last one, and so she'll get something eventually. Gotta let there be new blood sometimes. The banner can actually be found on the front page of my Fanbox. Just scroll through the images, it'll be the last one there.


Heh. I have a hate love relationship with the first Bayonetta too. Witch time is still quite possibly my favourite action game mechanic, and no other bullet time dodge implemented in other games can even touch it. Buuut I only really enjoy like 2 weapons in that game, and I hate all the fluff that comes with it, along with the ugly filter. Game is oddly difficult too, even on Normal. But overall, I think just having a dedicated dodge button made me enjoy it more than any game in the DMC series xD Bayonetta 2 on the other hand, is a complete masterpiece to me, though I know hardcore action fans hate it >_>


Is it possible that you might do another Dynasty Warriors character? Wang Yi might be a fun contestant for you.

Backzilla Primordial Shitposter

Certainly after all it would be a waste not to, gotta be honest though for the game that has the selling point as girls (ahem I mean fighting) (and has a shit tons of porn too) the fandom sure aren't great in the variety of it there's always Honker or Ayane (Marie too but she's great) but most of them just look oversized and weird. besides some of the girls models are just way too old for 2022 like have you even seen Christie recently cause I don't. This is why I'm looking forward for your model causes if it's not you I don't know who can make them look good anymore .


I could probably ramble on forever about Bayonetta, but I won't. I will say that I do hate looking at it. It's got that 360-era look to it that only a few games managed to avoid, and I hated that look. I've thought to give Bayonetta 2 a try, but since I didn't even like the first one I don't particularly feel like trying the sequel.


The funny thing is I barely do anything to my models. Just tiny little tweaks to some of the shader settings, and that's about it. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Don’t think we’ll get Leifang. Sadge. Hope it’s not Marie though.


If your issue with the first Bayonetta is the combat itself, then yeah... I don't think the sequel will do much to convince you, other than having vastly improved weapons But everything else it does, such as its art direction, perfect pacing, set pieces and spectacle just makes every other game in its genre seem amateurish, in my opinion. I still fondly recall this one fight in the game that genuinely got me cackling for a few minutes due to the sheer absurdity of its progression Overall, I would say Bayo2 prioritized spectacle over depth, for better or worse. As a somewhat casual fan of the genre, I didn't mind the sacrifices made in doing so


Yeah, that's more or less why I've never picked it up. There's just something about the base combat that didn't gel with me.¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Release the SFW animations and believe me there'll be fans crazy enough to commission sound for them.


I know who all those are trust me. I just don't know some of them by name. To many Japanese names. This is one of those polls where I don't really care about the outcome. But I'd be surprised if Rachel wins. Though I haven't seen anything from this Amy girl... she new? These idle practices animations you do could be nice intros for long animations. Like imagine that gym Iris drinking image animated. That or just practice for pose changing without cuts. Like you've done a couple times now. And how is it you haven't done Marie in that outfit? Everyone loves 2B in her leotard, but seem to have gotten bored with Marie in her leotard. Is mostly her maid/princess outfit.


I might go for winner and loser here, just because Rachel is probably gonna get bodied here. Might not be as big of a blowout as I think, but I kind of expect one tbh. And Amy is pretty new, yeah. Second newest of the Venus Vacation OCs. I would have liked to animate Iris drinking, but water physics are hard. Not in a position to do that at this point, unfortunately. 2BH, I'm not big on that leotard for Marie for whatever reason. She's got a ton of outfits and swimsuits(as all the DOA girls do), so there's usually something I prefer over it.


Hey that's make an awful lot of sense. Why the hell didn't I think of that lmao. Some did add in-game sound files to your normal animations though. Not working particularly good, that is. Again, love the jittering hair in the gif lol.


Yeah, in-game sound effects don't typically work for my... type of content. For something SFW, I can see them working out well, though. For this one, I have no clue what's causing the jitters. I tried jacking up the quality really high since it's a short clip, but that didn't solve it. Probably some setting I'm forgetting about. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Whoa there...! Nooo water physics...! Hold your horses... just give her something you can't see through and make an insinuating drink. Calm down. Hell if you ever want to mess around with idle animations. Use these poll poses as starting point. And make something as simple as this Marie tease. Or something similar to a character select screen in a fighting game. Small sways, arm/hand movements, and in your case facial expression. If you're ever inclined on releasing these neat practices of yours. Making neat short little intros to animations you've done already and make them stand-alone for SFW purposes. Would be really cool. Like that iris gym. The recent SuccIris, that kind of stuff.


It looks great. x) How fast can you make a short clip with a style similar to this? Probably way shorter than your standard output?


Yeah, they can be pretty quick, so long as there isn't anything too complex. Walk-cycles, for example. Those are a pain in the ass.


Yeah but then I'd have to make another type of waterbottle that isn't see through ꒰•⌓•꒱ Maybe I'll do something like that. We'll see. I mainly don't do intro animation sort of things because if I can spend time animating a little intro... I can usually animate another loop entirely in the same amount of time so the latter wins out in the end.


Tsukushi, Misaki, Nanami, Don't remember name but Ninja Gaiden character right, and Amy Kinda sad the only one I can't remember is a character that was b4 Venus Vacation.


>Sometimes I try my hand at animating stuff that isn't smut, just as practice and because I find it therapeutic and fun. I wanna see your non smut folder. Does it contain hand holding and kissing???


Yeah, walk cycles. Something considered staple for certain artists but never seen such thing from you. I guess you've tried the idea out before but it just fell through?


I've made a few, and they're not... bad, but they're also not great. It's just something I don't do frequently enough to feel comfortable doing. I attempt one like, once every year.


Oh really? That's... interesting.(I feel like I'm saying this way too much but that's just how I feel (༎ຶ⌑༎ຶ)) Did you make them all in Blender or there are SFM ones as well?


Alright I'll just say this. The fact that some of us are actually interested in you doing this simple 5-9 second animation where the characters can emote and express themselves. Shows that we don't just love you for your smut, but also your animations style and the way you make characters look and express. If you're not in the mood for porn, but find animating this stuff fun and therapeutic. Give my recommendation a try. Nothing fancy though. Who knows what you might learn doing this dumb little things.


Would love to see Lu Lingqi, she's so gorgeous and gets like no content.


Do your animations have noise?


Alrighty just curious 😊. I just joined a few days ago and I gotta say your animation is absolutely amazing 🤩!!!


Guess Misaki will win, but my Vote goes to Rachel. Blonde always be my weaknesses 🥴


Audiodude gets a lot of requests to add sound to your animations.


The pixels are pretty easy to figure out, but the avatar image is pretty hard. I see a hime cut, but a red ribbon? Not sure...BUT MAYBE... And The Ring(TM) girl is way better with normal skin tone then a gray one. Also, this is coming next week so I'm guessing nothing for this weekend?


Hey also - and I know this is weird coming from me - but if you make a naked version of any of the girls wearing a jacket/hoodie. Take everything out except that. I have a thing for girls only wearing opened tops. Especially Amy's short jacket. - and keep the headphones. Andshowfeet- Anyways that's it.


I’m assuming there isn’t a lot of models for King of Fighters girls like Blue Mary, Vanessa, etc…I know there’s a glut of Mai Shiranui but hardly it at all seen any of the other girls from that series…


Ah fuck I should have have released the outfit was different, fuck me could have had 4 out of 5.


Thank you for reminding me that Amy exists. I've really lost track of all the VV unique girls, how many are there now, like 10? 12? Tamaki and Misaki definitely my favorites of them. Would we see any of the non-smut stuff in the future? I think you see that people here want it. Might be fun to tide the days over between smut releases.


My avatar isn't gonna be getting anything, just something I had on hand and is loosely "spooky" related so I used it. I might release the supporter animations on the weekend, so they don't get buried under the Halloween release.


I've got the KOFXV models, just haven't gotten around to doing anything with them, plus they require semi-anime shaders which I'm still not super comfortable with? But I'm getting there, I suppose.


16, by my head count. There was a new girl that was released very recently. Shandy, or something. Tamaki is definitely the GOAT of the whole bunch. Well, I've got several avenues for NNN. Happy little mountains, and non-smut animations. Maybe I'll do both for a release in November just for the troll of it. x)


Has it really been that much? Where do they keep cranking out these girls from. I haven't really kept up since...Nanami I think? Though I do recognize Elise. Amy kinda cute tho. I would definitely love to see the happy little mountains and scenery release. You gotta get us through the month unscathed!


😂 Ahahaha there's 3 my fav tag : Blonde, Evil, MILF Ah yeah, based on FF preference, at my Top 3 there's EVIL on Jihl, MILF on Madam M. For Kyrie, well, i like her design-wise.


But if based on DOA, and we talked the tier list, My Top 3 are : Helena, Christie, Nyo. There's Blonde, Evil, MILF 😂😂😂


Just to set expectation, is Halloween release only the banner character?


I was too tired last night to wait for your answer. But I did wanted to inform you that through my surfing of the web. I've seen a lot of people with the opinion that Commander's right heel should have been dangling or fallen off. Seems it wasn't just me. But I did distract you with remake talk at the time and you probably didn't got the time to do it. So you know.... we both made mistakes that day and took a huge L. It's not to late to patch it though, it's still October. XP


I didn’t realize they were up to 15 already and I looked up the character designs and frankly I’m sad they went that way. It’s like what they did to the original Street fighter characters and made them so muscle bound it became grotesque to look at Chun li…


Let's see if I can name them all from memory without looking it up on the wiki... There's Misaki, Luna, Tamaki, Kanna, Fiona, Tsukushi, Elise, Nanami, Sayuri, Nagisa, Koharu, Amy, Shandy, Monica, Patty, and Lobelia. I struggled a bit here or there, but I legitimately managed to remember all their names. Sure, I glanced through the wiki yesterday, but that's still pretty good in my book. I have a feeling my happy little mountains will be kinda crap, but we shall see.


I don't think they're that bad. Some of them are a bit on the bigger side, but overall I think they look alright.


Very, very likely. If I've got the time and will for it, I might try to sneak something else in there, but it's kind of unlikely at the moment. Not a whole lot of time, since I haven't even properly finished the main event.


Like I said, the dangling didn't look right, and having it fall off is much harder than it sounds and I wouldn't want to mess with it even if I did have time. Especially since it would throw things off for the ending of the animation I did. Too much effort just to appease the feet peeps. ( ͡ ͡° ͜つ ͡͡° )


I don't think is just about feet. A heel dangling is just very appealing. But please, I know you are not one to use the same pose more than 5 times. But do revisit this pose more. More leg lifts in general. And more hip grabbing, or grabbing and caressing overall. He is headless, but he still has hands, or one. You could still just remove the right heel and have it laying on it's side on the floor for the 20s version. But thats secondary... I'm more worried that my dead girl isn't looking too dead anymore. I'll wait for my judgment until I see her. But she should be almost camouflaged in front of that TV. You know those, rise or lower the brightness until the image is barely visible? Well that.... ( ̄ω ̄) Her HDR settings look a bit messed up.


That's pretty impressive being able to name them all. I would not have gotten Koharu, Amy, Shandy, and probably Elise off the top of my head. Tamaki definitely clears them all though, they peaked early. Hey man, have confidence in those mountains! There are no crappy mountains, just really nice looking hills! And dress them up with some trees and some pretty snow. You got this!


Honetly, Hitomi is so underused, she needs to win here. The rest of them are more or less in every animation out there.


Alright my man, the time is near... Many have laid their hands on our cold, dead girl this year. Be it rendered or drawn. Now it's your time to shine. No pressure. You'll be fine. (◕‿◕)♡