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gofile - https://gofile.io/d/giLWMy

I wasn't able to spend all that much time with these, so excuse any glaring issues and/or the simplicity of them. It was only after the fact that I realized the Iris one was kind of already in the Gymin' with Iris pack. That's what happens when you get busy with RL stuff and are in a daze after the fact. You forget everything. Or is that just me? >_>




*SIGH*....Ok, how do I put this.... Commander's animation, is the best Commander animation in the internet hands down. EXGA eat your heart out. The fucking feet slightly off the heel... the pose... if only her right heel also dangled a little bit. Gentiana's animation? The best LOOKING Gen animation from you. The fucking, lighting...her fucking face.... Dude... what...!? Iris is great too but let's see what accompanies it later with the 2nd animation. Gentiana's too. (Edit: Yes... yes. They're fucking perfection. Perfection I say!!!!l Iris is going straightto college! And I'll serve lady Gentiana for the rest of my life.) This month has been ridiculous for you my boy. I'm so proud. (つω`。)


I dunno about the best. I kinda rushed the finish there. >_> The funny thing about the Gentiana animations is that it's literally just two lights. Sometimes I gotta finagle like five lights to get things to look good, but this time it turned out okay with just two. I truly do not understand lighting. ⊙﹏⊙


As much as I want these animations to have finishes, you don't really have to go back and add them, especially when you have some other RL stuff to take care of. Time to return to the "lazy" root. ;) Besides you've done so much this month you might just skip the entire November.


I'll probably take a slight break in November, since I'm not sure how long I'll be busy for. We'll see, though.


Look man, just like that lighting, simple, fast effort can have better results than one that takes months. Like I keep trying to be in your position and see this animations as utter lazy garbage but I can't. The Commander animation does end 2 seconds too short maybe. But thats it. You made her look hot as fuck. And I hope we get to see more of this Gentiana. Don't have to force a vampire gimmick if you want. Dark Mistress Gentiana is gorgeous enough as is. Again I wish Commander's right heel were dangling. You almost made exactly what I recommend some time ago. As for Gentiana's lighting. I propose a remake of her campfire SFW animation with this one light trick again. The red light would look amazing.


*Guy finishes fucking* *Salutes* "Glory to mankind"(Wrong gesture though) So why is the guy in the Commander animation loop keeping his hand up? Is he talking on a radio or saluting the entire time?


It was originally gonna be saluting the entire time. I rendered the loop first, changed my mind, and forgot to re-render the loop. >_>


I considered having the heel dangling, but it didn't make much sense to do that from a physics perspective. If it was slipping like that, it'd probably just fall off, so yeah... my mind couldn't accept it.


Ah, hell. Gentiana Cowgirl Riding and Iris School Outfit 🥵


Then I think from all the pounding at the finish. It could have slipped out a bit just for the end. You animated her leg going down and a guy saluting AND slipping the feet back in the heel. I think that would have been a small detail compared to the rest. Btw dude, get this men some clothes! Is getting cold! At least give them a tank top. Who are you going to put as a replacement when they call in sick huh? You're just going to take a girl and stick a dick to her? No! Respect your workers you bastard...! ( ` ω ´ ) Why is a teacher going completely naked to school!? What's this a Japanese porn movie?? What's next, time stop in a classroom and fucking every girl stuck in time??


I considered it, but I will say that I literally finished it while we were having the remake convo. I wanted to get these done before the weekend proper, because I want to relax over the weekend. x) It's okay, he survived a traumatic head injury. A little bit of cold won't hurt him. x) Nah, that scenario is too overused. I'll do a reverse of that and have the girl stop time instead.


Right, and make her pee on the faces of the girls. That's a classic. It would actually be funny to use your laziness to only animate the girl, and the male model is just completely static x3. Anyways, make more warm lighted stuff, looks great. Again Gentiana campfire animation REMAKE would be neat. Then remake the 2nd Aerith pack. It's starting to get old. And the first fanbox Luna pack could use a remastered port. People are really wanting that on switch and gamepass. Also steam, so we can mod Lunafreya into all of them.


What a loyal soilder. And Iris in the lazyp universe does seem to be the kind of girl who would rather fuck the teacher to pass the course instead of studying harder. Or that's a guy in the class who helped her pass? It's theory time again.( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


I considered that for April Fool's, but I think it's been done before. Yes, yes, you remake happy fiend. ( ° ͜ʖ °)


She's actually bullying the poor guy. Look at the grin, that's the grin of someone who's gonna torment her target. (ಥ ͜ʖಥ)


Aight thank, gotta go to sleep already, is almost 1am and I can't sleep. Good shit tonight good sir. Hope we still get something for spook night. I want to be visited, by a cold,wet bi- Uhh... "Jinrui ni eikou are!!" ~ヾ(・ω・)


Oh no... My poor guy, naked, cold, and sexually bullied. What a difficult school life for him.(༎ຶ⌑༎ຶ) Any context for Gentiana animations? A brave, mighty priest exorcising the vampire possessing her using the ultimate power of sex or trying to fight off a powerful vampire by penetrating her with his wooden stake? Mine are pretty lame.


Aight sorry for the dumb question. And hopefully with no release next week you can have some decent rest. (´;ω;`)


God I would let Gentiana bite my entire hand off. Great animations, for both these and the public animations. Can a man without a head still salute?


Have you ever considered doing VR versions of your animations? Seems like it would be a perfect fit.


Ok so I'll like to ask a bit early about - not Christmas stuff - but winter stuff. Spooks are almost done and you'll be relaxing a bit in November I suppose. Thanks to this month, NNN will be possible. I'm wondering if you have winter fitting clothing and costumes laying around. Like hoodies, warm clothes, warm boots, gloves. I definitely have something for girls in puffy clothing, especially when they're half naked. And I thought of an example... the clothes Aranea wears in episode Prompto. Is that available? I'm sure there are some DoA stuff with winter clothes too. If you can't find any interest in celebrations with red and white, then at least a temperature themed animation would be neat. I bet you don't have any snow themed backgrounds. A cabin in a snowy mountain? Would be something fresh and unique for you. This month showed girl can look great in different clothes. At least DoA girls in whatever cold costume they have would be neat.


Dark Dreams VR converts his work into 8k VR versions. Would highly recommend you check it out. That’s how I found out about LP!


What good things did we do to deserve you, my man.


I really like the commander and genti animations this time around. On the topic of horror, are you into resident evil and silent hill? Some stuff just got announced recently. I know other artists will be doing them, I'm eyeing new Ashley right now.


I imagine a man without a head can salute. They'd feel the phantom pain of their head and know where to put their hand, roughly.


There's some heavy/winter clothing, but I don't know if I'll do anything with it at this point. Winter, where I am, doesn't come for another four months and lasts about a week, so I'm not really thinking about it.


I like Resident Evil, but I frankly don't trust anything Konami puts out so I didn't watch anything about the new Silent Hill stuff.


Shame, then at least I hope we get some Christmas ninja action. Or at the very least the sweetest characters you have being highlighted like Marie, NICO, Kanna.... Luna...? Or hey, if you do have some heavy/winter clothing laying around. Then maybe it could be a one off poll for December. Also I wonder were are you located. You most be in a very hot area.... some sort of desert? You gave a hint of your general location a couple eons ago. When a certain weather event happened. I wonder if I'm right about my guess. ┐(* ^ ω ^)┌


Do you think the headless man ever has trouble finding the hole sometimes? It's a real shame he can't enjoy how beautiful these ladies are. At least he can still fulfill his directives and salute superiors.


Again, not really thinking that far ahead. I'm also not really thinking in general, since being busy = having less time to think in general. And when I do have time to think, I don't feel like thinking. So yeah, I know you're just spit balling ideas, but it's not something I really want to think about right now. I won't confirm nor deny any location. I've also thrown some false information in here or there because I'd rather people not know where I'm from. Just one of those things, y'know.


I think you did in the Marie Nico threesome animation and he doesn't seem to have any trouble finding the holes lol. Sorry if I ruined the humor here.


Sorry, didn't mean to add stuff to your head. Hope that your real life troubles go away and you can rest a bit in November. I'm actually going through some shit myself... Porn is one of those mindless things I can watch to try to clear my head. There'll be cool stuff to play this November, so I'll appreciate if you can lay low for some time so I can concentrate. (^ω~) Also I don't believe you... I refuse to believe you're some sort of mastermind. You can't hide from me. (↼_↼) But what is your comfort space for when you're stressed with real life stuff? You're not much of a gamer if I've learned correctly.


Oh... Thought he's been like this the entire time. When exactly did the tragedy take place? And how can he still pull off the cunnilingus position after he lost his head? Or it's done by the Invisible Man? I better not think too much about all these.😬


I'm doing okay. It's not so much troubles as it is just being busy with a lot of different things happening at once. Like I said, it's nothing major, just a bit exhausting. November is definitely gonna be slower. I may push my normal release off until the end of the month, but I haven't decided yet. I am a master baiter, my friend. You'll never know if what I say is true or not. ◥◣_◢◤ Honestly, animating is a good stress relief. It's why I was so hesitant to monetize it. I didn't want it to become a source of stress, but so far it hasn't which is great. I do game still, but I mostly play older or indie games. I've been playing Dead Cells again, and I started getting sucked into Mount and Blade: Warband again(modded, anyways). I just animate more than game, nowadays.


I actually kind of forget when it happened. It was around there, though. Might have even been crazy 2B, I don't remember. Regardless, I won't explain everything. A magician never reveals his secrets. ;)


I recently bought the entire classic Castlevania collection, and I've been surprisingly having a blast with those ancient games. I only touched a couple of them in an emulator a decade ago or so. But I didn't know at the time how important those games were at the time. I was but a young boy... Currently going through 4 and damn, these games are just relaxing fun, simple and effective. Can't wait to get to the iconic Symphony of the Night. Granted... if they didn't have save states and save scumming... I would have given up on the first game xD. Wonder if I'll see more Miriam from you before I get to Bloodstained. (>ω^)


Ah, Castlevania... RIP. Great game series. The originals are a bit obtuse at times, but still good fun. I don't have any immediate plans for Miriam, so you've got time.


And I'll need time because after playing the RE8 DLC. I'm going ALL the way back for a full series replay. Mainline that is. I've been having more fun playing and replaying old games and series than new games. I think I'm getting old....... (-ω-、) Playing the N64 zeldas on switch... instead of finishing BotW.... I'm in a old games frenzy right now.


The lore of the headless man is better storytelling than any AAA game we've gotten in the last 5 years


I'm already old. Most new games just don't interest me. Plenty of decent indie games, though. I will say that seeing Persona 5 releasing on Steam is really making me want to replay it again. One of the few games in recent years that I got really absorbed in.


I've replayed that game 4 times. Not paying 60 dollars for a 3rd time....Once the other 2 are out. I'll definitely give it a revisit. But please do play the game. That aughta get your brain pumping with inspiration...! Also wish I had the interest for indies that so many people have. My ps plus monthly free games is a dump truck full of them but I can't get the motivation to play them. So much other stuff to play. And our time in this earth is running out................ (⇀‸↼‶)....Damn...!


I've only played it twice. Once for vanilla, once for Royal. Might fire it up at some point if I've got the time. Maybe November will be spent on/off playing it while relaxing some.


Iris is adorable and Gentiana is gorgeous!


Is this weekend's update Halloween number three?


With all the terrible shit happening in my life recently... Seeing you update your profile pic and banner, still sparks a flame in my heart. I do have a question though. How many inches does that TV have? 4k? HDR? 120Hz? I'm looking for something comfortable my girl can come out of and give me a nice cold visit. (´ ω `♡)...


I haven't actually measured the dimensions of that TV. I can always look later when I'm back at my PC. But it's big. Really, really big.


Do you think her hips and breast dimensions fit on a 43' TV? Also quick thing, is her skin still blue-ish gray? She looks kind of... idk....Alive? Is this a prequel? Did the headless man did something to her!? Or will....!? (ᗒᗣᗕ)՞


Oh yeah, that should be big enough. This TV is an 80 incher, apparently, and you could probably fit like six of her through it at once. I did make her less blueish and more whitish/grayish. I referenced a few particular ghost movies to get the tone closer to that than the blueish look. It'll be more noticeable next to our headless hero.


Ah... Then that TV must not only be an OLED, but also have a really high quality HDR. So much so, she came out with more accurate to life colors. I'll fall asleep with my room TV on in Halloween night (whenever that is...for me Halloween is just all of October x3) so that she can give me some cuddles in these hard times. (´ ∀ ` *) Also I'm guessing that's a NioH waifu in the pic? Or, something different?


Shizuko from the Ring scared me when I was younger…this version you have on the profile pic?….meeeeeeow….


Something different that won't be seeing any content from me. I just wanted to change my profile pic and didn't know what else to do. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Oh so it's a troll for people that know. Well I got nothing to loose then x3. Anyways our TV girl is looking very pretty. But I hope she's still scarry as before. (´ ω `♡) Still think these OC of yours are all very good looking (even though this one is based on many a ghost girls) Does this version of yours have a name? Or is she still just Ghost Girl for legal reasons x3


I can't say if she's scary. I wouldn't even really call the original scary, but we'll see I suppose. She's just a Great Value Ghost Girl. x)