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gofile - https://gofile.io/d/gfQ1oI

Supporter poll animations. Nayo and Cindy, this time. Next time will be the winners, Gentiana and Iris, alongside the public poll versions as well. Should be good, hopefully.

No poll this time, but I do have a little poll/survey thing, just for my own curiosity: https://forms.gle/uUJ5ns9nZYDECkFC6

Feel free to not take it, or just answer one or two things. Everything on there is optional, so you can answer whatever. Or you can not take it at all. Just trying to satisfy my own curiosity in a weird way.




What was the difference between Characters and Character Choice in the poll? Also, what is the likelihood of us getting Gladiolus content over Lightning? ( ͡ ͡° ͜つ ͡͡° )


I was reorganizing things and forgot to remove it. Whoops. x) I don't know. It could or could not be a non-zero number. ( ͡ ͡° ͜つ ͡͡° )


Answer honestly or Gladiolus?? why you do this to us.


I can already hear the music that audio people will have on the background of that Nayo animation. Btw I hate that... I'll add my own music for the background without the awful loop thank you very much. These homoerotic Gladio jokes aside. More male characters for your animations would be great. Without their faces... or head! We got Noctis, kind of. We got Snow, we got Gladio-kun!!! We're getting there.


In all honesty, I might actually prefer Gladiolus to Lightning in an animation. Gladiolus not being the one penetrated, that is.


For me, it's the OG Honeybee Inn music. Should I just start putting that Dante model I have in everything? Put the endless joke of him being a an eternal virgin who doesn't know what sex is to rest?


Nah. Random dude is better for adding your own context. But I've said that Dante seggsin the little devils in your roster would be really cool. The RR succubus is a perfect first fit for that idea. If Vergil can fuck I'm sure he can too. Toss him a bone here.


What would you prefer. Succ Glad + Succ Iris? Or Glad + Noctis or vice-versa? ヽ(~_~(・_・ )ゝ Choose wisely now...


One of these days I will throw him a bone. He is, like, my favorite game character of all time after all. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Maybe Vergil can be sitting in his plastic chair observing and tutoring Dante while he does it. "Common Dante, show me your true POWER!" "Where's your motivation...?"


With all these jokes, people are actually gonna expect me to do something with Gladiolus. I might not have thought my jokes all the way through. ⚆ᗝ⚆


Tough one indeed. But why not all... If lazyp is up for it. He always likes experimenting with something new and different, right?( ͡ ͡° ͜つ ͡͡° )


Idk if there was discussion or something but I did see your tier list and I think both Lightning and FF13 get unfair hate. "Hallway simulator" or whatever was always pretty reductive of the whole game and it wasn't the first or last FF to have an obtuse plot or corny characters. Like you said Lightning gets to be the poster child of an era where old-hat JRPG fans were adjusting to more obvious linearity while the mainstream just didn't care about JRPG's. Also Lightning Returns on the flip side is one of the coolest and most fun non-linear JRPG's out there once you get past that initial difficulty spike. Story is absolutely wack tho. Enough ranting from me tho. Would love to see Lightning, but I'd love to see the FF12 heroines even more, Ashe and Fran.


Incest is a delicacy in hell. The sweetest sin a pair of sibling Succs could have. Start rigging that man, my son. *(´-ω-`( _ _ ) Trust me, it'll be worth it


There are honestly a lot of dumb meme ideas I could do. I've had plenty of them over the years. I had an idea with Ignis back when I started of him eating a girl out only to pull away and go "THAT'S IT! I've come up with a NEW recipe!"


I actually don't hate FFXIII - the Paradigm system itself is fairly enjoyable, just not as customizable as I would have liked. Hell, most people hate Hope but I never had issues with him. It's more just Lightning in general that I soured on over time. But I would like to do something with Fran. I just have been kinda hoping someone would extract the XIV stuff so I could use that as a basis instead of the PS2 quality stuff, but I don't think it's gonna happen.


Now the inner troll in me is saying not to, because people are now trying to convince me to it. ¯\_( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)_/¯


Don't even have to show face or animate talking. Just a 3rd person view where at the end the model just snaps his finger and stop to write the recepy down. Girl character looking extremely confused. Funny... Start a rough sketch of that. And keep me updated


No one who puts a buff man on a hot dress, does it without desire. It'll come, I know it will. |・ω・)........


Yeah I do remember Square Enix just overselling her and treating her like their baby for so long it was oversaturation. Even growing up with and loving FF13, I was sick of it by the time Lightning Returns came out and never revisited it til like 2018 and I'm glad I did. I think an HD trilogy for them would help put those games in a better context without having to deal with that era. They can instead deal with Square Enix's current era which is... great. And aren't the Zodiac Age models a bit touched up at least? Idk I feel like the FF14 models tend to be just as doughy and off looking. You're the expert tho. Have you considered the DQ heroines? Apart from DQ11 being the only one with modern models there's the heroes games maybe someone has pulled from.


Square-Enix is kind of weird, because there's some good there but also some lingering problems. They also announce games way too early still. They might be, haven't really looked. It's mainly I want Fran's armor/outfit, where the 12 model the outfit is literally just a texture on the body, so I can't really use it. Could also probably swap out the hair and ears, which are also a bit lower quality. As for Dragon Quest, I will probably eventually do some DQ11, and I may dip into the Heroes models as well. Just not sure when.


I'll probably go with the idea at some point. Been thinking about it since my SFM days. One of these days, the idea worm will need to be made.


to the guy asking for help on his homework, what's the subject my guy. i can't help without the subject.


Ah yeah I guess that does throw a wrench in things besides clothes-on sex. Well great work as usual love the Cindy


Stuff like that is what distinct you from other animators. You've proven you can be funny or "detailed" without TOO much effort. Proven by Gladio's "The fuck your doing with my sister you bitch!!!!!!" vibe at the end. A regular Iris version of that ending would be nice too if you have Le time. Minus the cute Gladio and waking up part. Btw Aranea should be the gal getting eaten. For old times sake. Imagine her "what the fuck are you doing" face at the end... "4 other hot dudes and I chose you...for this!?"


Its funny because i answer the the poll from deep of my heart, when the poll itself are hilarious 😂 I mean seriously, RR need some love from many artist.


Well, I try to keep my "humor" as nonintrusive as possible, so going low effort helps with that lol. I would probably go with Aranea in that scenario. Only one that, realistically, Ignis might go for.


I will say. I've been wanting to replay FFXV for the 4th time? I do like the game aside from the slog parts. And though you've done God's work with those characters. You've kind of ruined them for me when I try to play the game and take it seriously xD I can't see Luna without seeing... your stuff. And all the female characters in that game x3 I would say your animations showcase their characters better... But I don't think square left any hints in the game that these girls are sex lunatics... Still fun to have a visual representation of that fantasy though. ♡(。- ω -)


They shouldn't have called it Final Fantasy. Been having fantasies about these characters forever. (⁠ ⁠´⁠◡⁠‿⁠ゝ⁠◡⁠`⁠)


I appreciate you putting Lightning on the poll despite your opinion. The Glad option had me laughing, though I wonder if it will throw off results, lol. I agree with a few others that XIII gets too much hate. I saw you said it wasnt the game, but I think specifically Lightning received way too much unfair hate. I mean, I have seen people complain that she solves her problems with violence. Like...really? Double standard much? So do basically all the other characters in FF! Obviously people like what they like. I would be probably talking about Lightning as a company too if I had just launched the original XIV.


The game doesn't do a good job painting Lightning in a great light, tbh. Lightning very early on punches Snow twice for no real reason other than she's angry with the situation and him. None of the other MCs in the Final Fantasy games do that. Considering the game basically just started and we don't really know the characters or the relationships of the characters by this point, all it does is make her seem like an impulsively violent person as opposed to someone who has reached the breaking point due to the events going on. That sort of scene should have come later with more context, as opposed to happening right as the game starts. It's a scene you build up to, but the game doesn't have any build up. It just drops you in the climax of the first act essentially.


I disagree. Its a pretty common storytelling technique to start in the middle of things. I remember when I first played wondering why she was so angry and lashing out, but it does get explained with context later and I think thats fine. Cloud is a total jerk for the first part of the game, basically telling people like Barret that he doesnt give a crap about anything. All that is also explained later, but Cloud gets a pass.


Apparently you already added Rayman!! 😂😂😂😂


It's common, but it wasnt done particularly well is all I'm saying. Additionally, being a jackass is a little different than punching people when you're angry. If anything, you can make that argument about Barret, but Cloud's most egregious act of violence is beating up Aerith while being possessed. Something that happens like ten hours into the game, not one. I don't think Cloud would be viewed the same if that was one of the first scenes we get in the game. First impressions matter a lot, even if later context explains them. And for the record, that scene isn't why I dislike Lightning. It didn't even bother me, because a huge dude like him getting decked by a chick with twig arms and falling on his ass is actually pretty funny.


Haha, I also thought it was funny. I hope its not coming across as me trying to convince you. You feel how you feel. I would disagree about Cloud though. Blowing up a Mako reactor (and all the damage that comes with it) with an eco terrorist group is one thing. Doing so just for a payday because you supposedly dont care is worse than punching someone who is being kind of dumb. At the end of the day the two games have a similar flow, and Lightning as a character becomes much more human as the story goes, like her or not.


(I also think starting in the middle WAS done well in XIII, but we can agree to disagree)


The funniest thing about Lightning is that she's supposed to be like the ideal form, but man even her body isn't that hot. Pancake ass, mediocre chest, she really is just pink haired Cloud. Hell I'd probably rather see a Cloud animation from you than a Lightning one. I just never really understood the appeal of her. And I probably never will, even when they gave her more of the sexier outfits in the later games. Any hints for what the Misc poll option would be? It was tough to decide between a known like DoA and a complete unknown like Misc.


Nah, if anything I'm just arguing devil's advocate. As for Cloud, that is reasonable, but that's getting deeper into larger morality than just the way the character is portrayed and perceived. As a whole, while I did enjoy XIII, I felt it was a mess narratively, but that is another can of worms.


That's the thing. Even I don't know what will be in Misc since I'm randomly rollin'. x) But it'll be things like Dynasty Warriors, Nioh, Nier, Soul Calibur, etc.


Man that Cindy is hot and that pose and outfit makes it even hotter!! Too bad she’s bald..😩


Now all you have to do is switch that into Y’shtola and I’ll be occupied for a awhile…🥹🥹🥳🥳


I guess that's true! I honestly don't remember what I voted for now and I can't go back and look. It was probably DoA since Nyotengu has to win a poll eventually, right? Misc is always fun though!


Cindy looks awesome! 🤠 Nayo too, but blonde cowgirls are a weakness. Also I like Lightning, never played the games but she's cute in like a tomboy kinda way... (Pls don't kill me)


Well, all the vote really does is move one up, so it doesn't matter too much. Just determines who gets a first shot. x)


Oh noooo I can't believe Misc will never get to be chosen ever again cause I picked DoA for this one ;_; Anyways I didn't mention it earlier, but these animations are both good, mostly the Nayo one. The Cindy one I keep thinking about how much I would not want my ass to be naked on a hay bale like that. Good jiggles though!


I was thinking the same thing tbh. I was gonna give him some chaps too, but they're all assless so I realized it wouldn't help. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ But, it's all 3d fiction, so none of us have to rub our asses on hay, thankfully.


Yo, I just noticed SF6 beta models are already circulating.... (´-ω-`) Are you... going to look into it...? Or are you waiting till the full release?


Lightning is also a good girl! Hope not to give up her.


I forgot to add to when you asked what I would like to see added: sound


The problem with those models, the in-game models, is that they are really thick and stylized in the thighs and leg department. I don't know if you can replicate that look with your usual models. Just wanted to bring it up that's all. It looks like we'll be seeing SF6 porn before we even know the release of the actual game x3 Humanity is fucked.... (# ̄ω ̄)


Really miss nyotengu and irelia🥲,can’t wait they next animation


Nayo and Cindy definitely needs more representation. As for Lightning, eh. She’s hot. But way too much futa stuff with her. Defo not a fan of that.


I agree! Nayo has that nice but yet devilish look about her and Cindy just oozes sexiness.. Both yummy .


Cindy! YES! Thank you for blessing us to Miss Aurum, she is so fun I love her, I know you are not her biggest fan yourself but im glad you made her for us. Cindy just seems like she would be amazing at sex, so purdy =D