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A bit early for this, but I'm gonna be a bit busy next week so I won't have a ton of time to post this then and I just wanted to give people a preview. Shouldn't be hard to guess who will feature in this next poll. I have a feeling I know the direction it will go, but we shall see. Regardless, I was thinking to do the poll a little differently. I'm either going to do the most voted and least voted again for the absolute mess it could turn out to be, or I was thinking to have two polls - one for supporters as usual with weighting, but also one for everyone, just to see if things are different, and to just kind of gauge who is the most popular among my general audience. Not sure which route I'll go. Doing two polls has a chance of the same character winning, while the most/least guarantees two characters.

This is a small little preview of the fourth animation I've made for the 1st of October. Should be an easy guess. I was aiming for four, and I've already finished 3 of 4, so I might do another one or two if I've got the time. I've got a couple other ideas to work with. I am taking things pretty easily, but have been making good progress overall. Although I'm probably gonna take this weekend off from animating, except maybe for the 2B animation.




is that nyo?


Are the middle 2 in their default outfits? Only Nyo seemed like the obvious one x_x 2nd to left's hair looks Aerith-ish, but that's where the similarities end


They're all in costumes since it's the first Halloween-themed poll where it's just characters in costumes. 2nd to the left is indeed Aerith.


Luna, Aerith, Marie, Nyo? Don't know what that tease is. But I honestly want to be spoiler free as much as possible for October animations. I really miss the surprise aspect of your releases before fanbox.


Yes on all four. I'm probably not going to tease anything more if I make more for October 1st. Will be a surprise if I make anything more or not. x)


Welp that's certainly an interesting outfit. Basically all of your Aerith stuff has been fully nude so far. I know you've already done Aerith plenty of justice, but I still kinda hopes she wins (still no clue how "big" the other 2 unknown ones are) just so we can get in her in an outfit, especially one with a skirt lol


Now there's a balanced poll, see? All stars, all greats, whoever wins I'm happy. When I get a good look at the costumes I'll make my choice. Anyways, I've done my job... Going back to sleep... ( ̄ω ̄) Talk to you later! ♡(。- ω -)


Funnily enough, I think 3 out of the 4 are probably characters you're pretty well known for. Marie is certainly up there, but probably not to the degree of the other 3. Though she IS the most popular DoA girl if I'm not mistakened, so it all balances out


Yeah, main reason I went with Marie is because I wanted an even split between DOA and FF. She definitely has the star-power to compete.


Hmmm so you ultimately decided to make a Lulu animation. That's the witch Lulu rig, right?

Makima x Denji

Hoping for a surprise Tifa or Melina animation.


Ah hell yeah, is that some Lulu? I love the Witch Lulu anim you did, and even all the old ones from back in your Tumblr days. Will be good to see her again. As for the Bloodbath, I mean, predicting FF to win hasn't failed yet, so gonna keep that train rolling. Hope it's at least a close one.


costumes from the left: Red Riding Hood, Sailor Moon (could be original?), Alice in Wonderland aaaand Easter bunny (OG too?).


Feels like Aerith has a better chance imo 🤔. I believe most of your fans love your lunafreya takes, but the popularity of Aerith in general would be a mountain to climb for lunafreya though.


I more or less agree, but I also sort of made a name for myself with FFXV, so I can't completely count out Luna.


I would like to think Luna has a fighting chance. But kind of like when Yuna was in the poll, I think Aerith is just going to run away with this one. Those FF7 girls will always be crazy popular.


OMG is that Alice in wonderland?


It’s an early Christmas for me if you added Marie in that line up!


So! Aside from poses... do you have a somewhat "unique" scenario for any of this girls planned if they win? Something to fit their costumes? Like.... is it Luna's turn to get drilled by a wolf? Is Marie going to get fucked bunny style? Is Nyotengu going to get Nyotengu-ed!? Is Aerith getting the good stuff back stage after her Diva concert? (Don't know what she's wearing but it looks kawai) Again, these are all well known characters from you and somethings to differentiate this singular animation from a pack animation would be a nice touch. The costumes Luna and Aerith are wearing are cool already, but.... Do you have anything creative in mind? I'm expecting no, but is always fun to ask.


I would say Luna may have a bigger chance in supporters only poll since she's your ffxv signature(I suppose?), but jury's still out in the case of this absolutely bonkers roster and the possible most/least method which might turn the whole thing upside down. Personally I would want to see her win though. Oh btw I think the costumes might be the turn-on for some people as well, so that also might be an influencing factor.


Either way, it'll be a good judge of what is most popular among my audience, I suppose. That said, this sort of poll with the heavy hitters will be super infrequent since I can't imagine things will change much with time.


I may or may not do animations inspired by the costume. I have some possible ideas, but I won't confirm anything.


Actually, first thing first... How many of these won't have their skirt on in their animation? I know you have problems with skirt physics and clipping. If they'll have a nude variant, like you've been doing... then it would be nice to see the skirt present if it fits with the pose.


I don't know. That's a decision that comes with the animation and if I have trouble, so I can't say if they will or won't have the skirt.


A quick sweep through your stuff shows that you haven't done any messing around with long skirts since SFM, the longest skirt you've done in Blender is Luna's dress but is always in a static position or moved to the side. And I guess Serah's skirt. You used to mess around a lot with skirts in SFM. Iris had hers most of the time. And a couple skirt lifts. But you've gotten more picky about the way things look now so you haven't had them since you started using blender. Ps: really would love to see Iris full outfit in blender. (´ ω `♡)


Understandable, like I mean one of the reason to have polls is to do the justice to those less utilized characters right? Just 2b appearing once sparked enough debate already. Now I think about it, if you have a poll for everyone either Marie or Aerith is more likly to win since Marie is like one of, if not the most popular DoA characters of all time and for Aerith, some people identify you as the Aerith-guy just like you yourself once said.


Not all skirts are created equally. Many of them have loose parts that don't play nice with physics. Back in the SFM days, I had to manually animate the skirts, and I always considered that to look like ass and it was a pain in the ass to do but I didn't care as much about the overall quality because the overall quality was lower to begin with. Physics gives nice results, but if there are loose parts(buttons, zippers, tattered hems, etc), they will detach and that's a very obvious problem. There are workarounds to this, but they are often very noticeably glitchy and require more setup that I want to deal with.


It is possible, although based on the amount of views/likes of my works, Aerith is no question the highest of my work, with Luna, Nyotengu and Marie getting closer numbers. A part of me wants to see the results of an "everyone gets to vote" poll, but I have a feeling it's gonna be the same result for both and I kinda want to do two different characters instead of just one. I'll think about it some more, I suppose.


So the only way you'd keep skirts this long in an animation now a days is if there's isn't any action down there and you can just do the bare minimum? So like BJ, Boobjobs, handjobs? The less clothes the better for me. But even I think it's a shame that we'll only see 2/3 of those costumes But it's ok, there'll be a day where you'll feel 10% less lazy and you'll have the power to work through it. o( ❛ᴗ❛ )o


You thinking of animation the one that gets the most votes from the DoA side and the FF side?


While not a bad idea, that isn't what I was considering. I feel it wouldn't really be fair that way unless I split the two polls up, which I don't want to do since I want to gauge everyone's general opinion as opposed to separating FF and DOA. I also want to just gauge my general audience, and not just supporters, just out of pure curiosity, but doing that runs the risk of the same character winning and I do like my variety. Like I said, I'll think about it and I suppose I'll surprise everyone when it comes time for the poll.


It mostly depends on how simple the skirt is. If there's a lot of frills, lace, buttons, strings, etc. it's going to be more likely to come off. Something simple, like a pleated skirt, is very rare for these characters so I rarely get to do anything like it.


Eather way, all this spice you're adding to the polls makes them exiting. For good and bad reasons. X3


Apologies if you've mentioned this already. But when is the 2B animation dropping? And when will this poll animations drop? I haven't been following your explanations for this month's releases. XP


15th and the 1st respectively. Those are always the planned dates for anything poll related, barring a schedule change due to circumstances beyond my control.


Alright, thanks. And there'll be no other pack for this month right?


If only it was November... (# ̄ω ̄) Gonna feel lonely this month.


Hey now, there were the two poll animations on the 1st, then 2 Sice, plus 2 of the OC, and then two scrapped animations, and finally the 2B poll. That's more than I used to do in a month.


The 1st feels like ages ago! XP Imagine what a full 3 weeks will feel like to me. But I hope you're making healthy progress to your October projects.


once again...I dont think you know the meaning of procrastination...LOL! I'm not complaining! Always anticipating new releases from you. Im glad your doing characters that dont get to see much exposure..so thanks man! keep up the great work!


You know what would be nice for this month? RANTS! About anything! Games, animation, life... if you have the need to let something out, let it out! We'll help you go through it. (^ω~)


Good... You're mind being at ease is good for productivity. Spooky productivity.... ( ̄ω ̄) If you have any projects you didn't really like how they're turned out for October, remember.... Give it to us anyways, those are usually the best stuff. ;3