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To no real surprise, the winner is 2B. That said, I was surprised at how close it was.

2B - 208 points - 59 votes

Cassandra - 180 points - 50 votes

Elf - 23 points - 6 votes

For a while there, Cassandra actually took the lead and they traded that spot several times before 2B slowly started pulling away again. I more or less expected 2B to win, but it was a lot closer than I expected. Might have been the 1v1 aspect, might have been because I mentioned I expected her to win, or it could just be Soul Calibur is that popular. Who knows. Will have to do further poll experiments at some point.




Nice result and I like 2b but if YorHa Commander ever gets a run I'd be all over it.


Narrowing down numbers of character in a poll sure gave rise to a kinda interestingly different result(in terms of point distribution) So iirc the next poll will have 4 characters right?


Oh man..... that's a real bummer. Guess people don't have the new vs old mentality I have So? Is there something unique planned for her? Or just the usual? With new and rare characters, the fact that your animating them is already a win. It can be anything, it'll be nice no matter what. But for an overly saturated character you've already done before, many times.... I learned that her clothes are glued to her skin so no matter what it can't be removed, only way to seggs her it to grab some scissors and cut a circle on her crutch. So the only other possible thing would be a unique/interesting scenario. Did you got anything on mind? I have nothing... I'm bummed. (-ω-、)....


I'll probably go for a fairly staple position that I haven't done with 2B yet. Even if I got Cassandra, I wasn't going to do anything special with her. It's my "take it easy" month, after all.

Makima x Denji

2B blowjob, paizuri, assjob there are many things you did not make with her so hope you will be a bit more motivated to work with her. Pov view please^^


I was just thinking like if there were just one more character added in this poll(don't even have to be a DoA or FF one) the result might end up vastly different in the way that Cassandra might get way less points(just my speculation). It's indeed fun to experiment with poll in different means. So in all the Halloween related polls coming up will there be characters that already appear in regular releases?


It probably would have, yeah. The most popular character doesn't lose as many votes compared to the less popular characters, I think. Would need further testing, of course. The next poll for sure. I haven't settled on what the poll after will be, something I need to do before I get caught with my pants down, but I'm being a bit lazy with that. >_>


was a close one for sure. i know nothing about soul calibur so i voted for 2b despite there being content of her out there already. i left the pose portion of the poll blank but i wouldn't mind seeing more work with a "finish" as opposed to just loops. (i realize you mention below, its your take it easy month)


i recall lazy doing a pov style a few months back and an "infected" version. that was definitely something else i haven't seen before


It was still Cassandra though... Anything would have made many people happy. I'm probably wasting my time asking this but... Will this animation have a nude version? Boring I know... (¬_¬;) But you'd be like the 5th animator out of the hundreds of artists that has her without her clothes. I'll even say it would be groundbreaking and that's something at least.


Aw, for me she is the most overused and unappealing girl in this scene. Its the face rag for me, it completely kills the mood, will you do version where we can see her face? She's nice like that.


She doesn't really have big enough boobs for a proper paizuri. Regardless, I haven't decided what I'm going to do yet.


Soul Calibur is not that popular. As a hardcore fan, I've witnessed the gaming community shun it more and more over the years. It's the second most underrated fighting game franchise after Darkstalkers. Cassandra probably only did so well because people were tired of 2B. I wouldn't be surprised if her success was merely a "protest vote".


Ah sorry for not making meself really clear. By saying "regular releases" I mean regular Halloween releases. But if you get the meaning and was replying to that then damn in this case it's not hard to see why it'll be a massive bloodbath......It's definitely gonna be a hard choice for me lol.


Yeah, the very next one is gonna have some... popular characters. I have a feeling I know which direction it will go, but it could very easily skew elsewhere. You'll get what I mean soon enough. Will probably post the pixel preview on the weekend.


Eh, I feel like Soul Calibur is only really shunned by the fighting game crowd, whereas it has a decent casual following- enough that I've met people who don't like fighting games who have talked about it It's certainly not a Darkstalkers - that's more of a Virtua Fighter sort of thing.


Nier Automata is my favorite game but 2B has enough animations floating around. Meanwhile Cassandra is best Soul Calibur girl and there's a dirth. A DIRTH i tell you


Shame about Cassandra. I feel like Soul Caliber, Samurai warriors and Dynasty warriors franchises have the best girls yet they're the most under utilized


I do plan to do Soul Calibur as a normal release eventually. Although personally I gravitate towards Hilde more than Cassandra.


I've always voted for you to do fresh stuff..... Don't keep hurting me... I'm already dead...! (ᗒᗣᗕ)՞ I'll say my opinion about this poll though - I really never cared who won in any of the previous polls because they were all rare character. I had my favorite but I was intrigued to see the other ones too. But a poll with two really interesting characters and the one winning is Miss Porn herself.... really hurts. There's almost no point in having the poll in the first place. Now THIS, Is bias incarnate! Poor FF and DoA got left out... for this...!? what did this proved...? What did we fight for...? Why so many had to die....!? 2B sucks..... XD Sorry not really....but yes. At least remove a glove! You lazy bastards! Or shit...! No one has made an animation with her skirt on! At least give me that...! (҂ `з´ )


There's a lot of that in general. Tons of great girls out there that get no love. I might try to give a lot of characters love, but I am but one man and there's only so much time in the day and motivation in the mind.


You're still aiming for doing only one character for next poll right? Cuz I believe some people wouldn't mind seeing two or more characters for that, myself included😳. But just one is good also, and probably better this way. Btw wow just saw tons of people getting bummed out by the fact that Cassandra lost.


Hey now, as the maker of these polls I've only gotten to work on the character I most wanted to work on once, and I had to bend the rules and overwork myself with four animations to get that one lol. You win some you lose some, that's just the nature of a vote. I think cakeofcakes did a skirt on animation way back when. I have thought about it, but there might be some annoying clipping to deal with.


I'll see how it goes. Maybe I'll do two - maybe I'll 1st and last again to really throw a wrench in the works lol. Probably the most disappointment I've seen to one of these polls.


IF YOU REALLY WANTED TO DO 2B THEN JUST DO 2B OUTSIDE THESE POLLS YOU FUCKFWJRUFOFPD!!!!! (ノಥ益ಥ)ノHnghhhhhhhhh!!!!! (凸ಠ益ಠ)凸 @#%$×@$!!!!!!!!! Alright, this dumb little thing is actually making me grow unwanted hatred for this character. Don't really want that... at this point in her existence she's stale as fck for me but she's cool. But I'll tell you, in terms of clothing, what I really would like to see. I really like the idea of naked from head to butt, but with her boots on. And alternatively, I also like her with her full top but without her boots. Eather barelegs or with the stockings.. I'm a fan of removing one piece of clothing or the other to see how good it looks. Something I practiced a lot in Monster Hunter with the armor. And in Soul Calibur with the characters customization. Talking about SC6... I can make 2B wear Cassandra's outfit... and she'll look even better!!! Well..! Time to hop back in!!!


Well you said 2B was in your mind, in your dreams, in your thoughts... You did a really poor job rigging the poll to make the elf win.... I'm disappointed... You should have stopped the count before it was too late!! (・`ω´・) Alright, to shake hands after this awful war crime. It would be nice after you choose the background for this anim, if you could do a pinup of her poll pose and her winning pose with that background. Unless you deleted the pose files already.... Would have loved to have a pinup with previous poll preview poses as well. What do you think? Would be a nice extra thing to get from this things, since you already have the pose is just adding the background.


There are tons of girls I think about and would like to do, but I've yet to do any of them. Just because I'm thinking doesn't mean I'm going to do something. ಥ‿ಥ Maybe. I know that I have "everything there", but it'll still take about 15-30 minutes to actually do as I get scenes imported, lighting adjusted, etc. I could be using those 15-30 minutes to do nothing instead, you know?


If you actually do the first and last method again this poll is going to be wild, like real wild man, especially with multiple popular characters. Can't imagine how the result would even wind up. I'm all hyped up for October now, looking forward to the poll!


That's fine, that's fine... just keep stabbing me in the gut... I just finished replaying Yakuza 0-6 and I know getting stabbed or shot in the gut is completely survivable.....! ............ Actually, hold on...... (×﹏×)


Hopefully October will live up to expectations. I feel a lot of people have gotten really hype about it, lol.


Then just release them as PNGs...... (눈_눈) You lazy fu- I mean... you busy man!


I'm not surprised really. Pulled for Cassandra just cause of rooting for an underdog, and the Elf was way too much of an underdog to root for that one, even if she does look good. But I still like 2B, so it's a win-win really! I loved your previous 2B animations (That Thigh-Job one, OOF), so I'm excited to see this one, even if it's a lazy (lazier?) month.


Well, all the "winner" images are available in full resolution on my SubscribeStar. Here on Fanbox, I have to make the post an "image" for that to be a thing, but then that screws with text formatting. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I'm leaning towards using one of my favorite poses since it's easy enough to do something I've done before, but we'll see how it turns out.


Dude stop.... just add them on gofile when the animation comes out... Trying to leave it in a peaceful note here.... ( ` ω ´ )


There'll be a troll up your ass if don't cooperate....! ~ヾ(・ω・#).... That aughta give you some inspiration for an elf animation! ψ( ` ∇ ´ )ψ kekeke!!


I never claimed to be making factual statements. Just my observations based on experience.

Makima x Denji

Is the pose you are talking about this one? https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/93371657 You used it a few times and I like it a lot.


My vote went to Cassandra out of pity for the comment section lol. Never cared about Soul Calibur and likely never will. I don't really care much for 2B either so eh Pretty curious about the next poll since you sorta described it as a bloodbath. Guessing its mainly comprised of heavy hitter FF girls?

Makima x Denji

Last try. It is this one. I'm pretty sure. https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/81938136


Is what it is. I was pretty ambivalent in regards to who won myself. Wasn't expecting quite the response this one generated. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ It's a mix of FF and DOA. I have a feeling it will go a particular way, but it also might not. We shall see.


I was lowkey expecting Cassandra to win if Im being honest. Like yea, 2B is popular and all, but I think you've attracted a decent sized audience who probably wants more "out there" character choices / picks. Far from the best example, but I believe if you put Aerith against Tifa in one of your polls, the former would easily win lol


It's been done a billion times, so not really lol


While Aerith might have the edge among my audience, tbh I still get a ton of Tifa requests so I would genuinely say Tifa is more likely to win, especially since there is a notable lack of Tifa content from me compared to Aerith. But I may be wrong, of course.


Yeah I'm not surprised by this outcome.


Lol, of course. Voted for Cass but i guess you can’t beat the current r34 icon


The only thing that surprise me is, its not even double digit of vote difference between them. And yeah ofc not the Winner since we all know who's gonna win 🤣 But yeah, hope SC got attention they deserve. Not only about Ivy, Taki and Sophitia, but Hilde, Talim, Amy, and others.


I guess Cass didn’t have the ass that 2B brought from behind….😃


damn unfortunate. Even if Cassandra got the votes from the Elf we still would be 5 points shy.


can we see irelia in next time🤔


2B is just too strong.