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Long read, but if you want to know my future plans then I am laying them out below :)

So it's been just a little over a month since I started all this stuff up. I've been trying to put out stuff on a very regular basis. The way I was approaching this was creating content same day or day before and releasing it. This approach is pretty unsustainable and quiet exhausting. Mix this in with recent things such as fixing every post link multiple times over to fix hosting issues, file type compatibility issues, password issues, and multiple other things has led to a big headache.

Going forward I will be creating a backlog of content before releasing it. This will hopefully help relieve some of the pressure and also allow me to put more effort into the quality of things and more quality control on the files themselves. I also need some free time to learn new things in not only VAM, which is pretty much the only thing I have been using, but new software such as DAZ, ZBrush, and Blender. Otherwise my content will never see any consistent progression.

For an outlook of what is coming up, here is my game plan. All of this will begin to be released starting next week, with 1 piece of content per day. I have had a somewhat steady stream of new fans from putting stuff out on a regular basis, and this will probably make me lose some, but it is what it is :-|

This is my planned order of release, but any of this is still subject to change:

1st: Video - Loli D.Va and Adult Mercy play with each other

2nd: VAM Scene - Release of above as scene

3rd: Images - Loli Alita photoshoot release

4th: VAM Girl - Loli Alita release

5th: Video - Loli Alita doing something. Haven't figured it out yet.

6th: VAM Scene - Release of above as scene

7th: VAM Girl - Loli Futa 2B

8th: Images - Ellie Beta 2 doing something

9th: VAM Girl - Ellie Beta 2

10th: Video - Ellie Beta 2 and Joel doing special activities together :)

11th: VAM Scene - Release of above scene

12th: Back to my regular girls. Continued rotation of Scenes, Videos, and Images.

In the free time I will be working on short tutorials like the previous ones I have released and a new girl that is Jordans age. Also general fixes to already posted stuff as issues arise. I appreciate everyone who has left comments letting me know if something is broken. Redoing posts and links multiple times can start to get confusing and human error kicks in sometimes :-P But as time goes on I will get into the groove of things and be able to eliminate these things from the getgo.

If you ever have any problems, are confused about something, or have any other issue, never hesitate to let me know. I always check messages and comments on a regular basis and stop what I am doing to address issues and concerns immediately. I don't want you to feel you have wasted your money on something broken.

Thank you all! :-*




Thanks for the update and outline of future activities, it's appreciated. Most of all, thanks for the amazing work !!!


And thank you for the support! Without it I would have to do normie things instead of making cool stuff for you to enjoy :-D


I appreciate your time and effort. Images and video are what I can see for now , vam is beyond my talent and time available. You're very talented and keep up the Great Work 🥰👍


Thanks Spark. I always appreciate all the comments and feedback you leave :-D You should definitely pick up VAM at some point cause it is very much worth it.


You've been doing a great job since you've been here, it's precise, quality, you even take the time to explain, to make tutorials, it's just amazing. I'm impressed with how you're coming on in force with everything you're sharing. Go at the pace that comes best to you, take your time. It's great what you're doing but don't let it get too exhausting. Thank you for all that you do. ❤️❤️❤️❤️


I'm like a train. Can't be stopped. Choo choo lol. May and June were the time for learning, now it's time to put that to use and get organized and have a plan :-D Thank you so much for the love you've been sharing <3


You're putting out things too often... it's getting difficult to keep up with you, just downloading and installing stuff (VaM VR). I don't have the time to look at stuff (yours and other people's) every day, so for me personally having something released every day isn't really a selling point. I'd say save stuff up at least a few days, then release related things in somewhat of a batch. And/or spend more time on each individual part. Other people don't release stuff every day, so you don't have to either. Plus you do have to be careful of burn-out, even if it doesn't feel like it's a problem now.


I know I thank you all the time, but I really wanted to hit home how fantastic I think you and your work are. Every piece of content you release has so much heart and soul put into it. I had no idea you only started Pixiv over a month ago, and you're already this good at cooking up and cranking out content. Its beyond impressive. I'm excited to see the new releases and to see what else you have in store on this naughty erotic road <3 <3 <3


I respect that, but not all my fans are subscribed to just the VAM release tier. Also I would assume some are only here for particular things so if I just post something every now and again and those few things are not what some are interested in, what would be the point of staying with me? I personally drop subs to people who rarely post stuff because when they do get around to posting something its usually something I am not interested in. This is my main income right now and I am treating it as such. Hopefully you get to catch up at some point :-P


I feel like you are my first fan. lol. Or at least the first one to have every commented to me. Hopefully you stay for the foreseeable future and we get to grow together in our creations. Loving how much you've progressed so quickly :)


Thank you so much for your kind words!! <3 I would not have progressed as far as I have without you, truly. You're probably the nicest and most helpful person I've met online, and Im very grateful that I found you and your fanbox <3 I'm not going anywhere :)


Do what you need to do. You produce some amazingly high quality content and that is definitely worth waiting for. Last thing I'd want is for you to burn out or something and we lose your excellent work.


Quite New to your Fanbox, not new to your pixiv. What you put out in such short amount of time, I am very pleased with that. Of course - and that is to be expected - is not everything to my taste, but I still became a "Fan". First and foremost, to show my support. The Bonuses and extras that come with it are, understandably, more than welcome. I am one of those, who don't mind waiting a bit to "get something". I am used to folks putting out stuff like twice or once a week. So, you do you, don't overdo it, don't overestimate your own health, don't push yourself too hard. Getting headaches thinking about your work, your art, is not worth risking. I look forward to more of your Art and Animations. Thank you for all you do and thanks in advance for all you will do.


Thanks for becoming a fan! <3 I understand some people are not expecting frequent stuff. I'll probably slow releases slightly, but not to the extent of once or twice a week. Probably knock it down to 4 or 5. I like making things and learning new stuff so it doesn't bother me so much to be frequent with things, it's just doing it while learning the ins and outs of Pixiv and Fanbox has been the real issue which is the main cause of stress. Entire days have been taken up by just correcting posts and files on both sites while I am wanting to make stuff instead of doing that boring stuff :-P I think the extent of my headache and feeling rushed comes from me having to do these in between things which takes away from actually making stuff regularly like I would like to do. Hope to see you stick around for a while :)


Thanks! I think I've gotten most stuff squared away and figured out how to do stuff a bit more efficiently so hopefully it will lead to less chance of burnout lol. Hopefully that doesn't ever come.


After discovering your Ellie and Sarah i was impressed by the effort you put in. I've seen other versions where they do a quick conversion and don't really put effort into making it great, the textures are off or something. Will you be doing mini Jinx, i have already tried making one by converting the adult version. She makes a real cutie. Also Harley quinn is one i've tried to make a mini version of but i'm total beginner, i don't think they look nearly as good as your work.


I probably will do more than the already planned ones in the future. I am getting a drawing tablet so I don't have to use a mouse for creating textures in Photoshop and also so I can actually sculpt models instead of using sliders. Once I get the hang of things I'll probably give game/movie characters another go round, including Jinx. Harley might be fun to try too. But that could be a couple of months :)


It seems common new creators (new for paid content) post a lot early on, but then experience burn out (and use up any backlog of stuff they made before making an account). Just pace yourself! Balance listening to subscribers with making what YOU want. Simply sharing with others the awesome stuff you've created and enjoyed because YOU wanted to, will lead to the best content in the end.