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Thank you all for your continued support!🙏✨✨

8月9~11日の進捗 Progress on August 9‐11

終わった下描き48/48 終わったペン入れ48/48

Drafts done 48/48 Pens done 48/48

仕上げ 0/48 fix 0/48

追加ページ ネーム1/4 Additional Pages names1/4 <✨New!

表紙 0.3/2

cover art 0.3/2




I worked on the following pages from August 9 to 11.

It was monotonous and hard to finish drawing because I was mainly drawing grass.

You can see that sheets and beds are easier to draw.😅


The four pages in the image below show the backgrounds and other elements that were added to the previous drawing of the characters.


↓The image on the right is the one I had already done in the last blog, and I added the hair and the background. The middle and left pages are corrections of the background. The grass was drawn in a different way, so I fixed it as well.😉


This completes the pen work for the original 48 pages. I will now finish the body shadows and other details.😊





And we are pleased to announce a new additional page.

There will be 2 prologue pages and 2 epilogue pages, for a total of 4 pages.

The reason for the addition is that I didn't include the height difference between the two of them at the beginning, and I thought it would be a waste to have only text to explain their summer vacation in the countryside.

Yesterday (11th), I first thought about the name of the first page.🤔



I decided to start the story with Jun arriving at a station in the countryside.

I was torn between this scene and the one where they are talking on the way home from school, but since school backpacks tend to be made into a mosaic in DL doujinshi, I decided to start the story from the point where they arrive in the countryside, wearing a normal backpack.🙂


I wanted to make the trip home from school to evoke the feeling of a big baggage on the way home from the end-of-school ceremony before the summer vacation (Japan has a custom of taking home one's own equipment before the summer vacation), so I decided to have the students carry flowerpots for observing morning glories (this kind of homework is given during the summer vacation in Japan) instead.😊


I'll start with the names for the remaining three pages today and try to quickly finish the additional pages!😆


See you again for the next update.👦👧



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