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Thank you all for your continued support!🙏✨✨

7月25~26日の進捗 Progress on July 25-26

終わった下描き48/48 終わったペン入れ28.5/48

Drafts done 48/48 Pens done 28.5/48

表紙 0.3/2

cover art 0.3/2


On Monday (25th), I was feeling down and went to bed early after pen work only on page 22 (top left). On Tuesday (26th), I decided not to work on this page and to proceed with the other pages first. As a result, I was able to work on 5 and a half pages as a whole, so I was able to minimize the delay.😓


What I worked on yesterday was around their confession scene, and I would like to finish it up by trying to create an effective screen.🙂


自分用メモ:26ページ髪の毛に艶描くの忘れてる 目の周りだけの抜き出しシーンはバランスに注意。艶入れた段階で再確認すること。セミの作画もう少し丁寧さが必要かも。

Note for myself: I forgot to draw gloss on the hair on page 26. Be careful about the balance in the scene where only the eyes are extracted. Reconfirm when you add the gloss. The drawing of the cicada may need a little more care.


Page 25, bottom left Jun's face close-up crop, maybe you need to make it a little bigger to get a better view of her face line?


The overall and Seia's Happi around her waist should be changed, including the process on the previous page, as the waist part must be twisted to make it shorter.🤔



I hope to be able to advance about 4 pages today, including page 27 in the bottom right hand corner. I'll keep working hard today to get it done!😆


See you again for the next update.👦👧



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