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Hello everyone,

It's already been two weeks since Slice of Venture Remake was released (it felt like it was yesterday to me.) I've been able to catch up with most of the things I've postponed so I can work on the game like I want now.

I will not publish many posts this month for a simple reason: the next update isn't going to contain many new elements outside story/H-scenes we couldn't originally put. So the posts about the post game content will come AFTER.

That being said, I still want to share with you how I envision this game (I will probably say things I've already said in the past so I apologize for the rambling if it's the case :x)

It doesn't look like it, but it's harder than it looks to not go everywhere randomly when you have so many possibilities in terms of H content than I have. Slice of Venture 2 is a very good example. Since I could do "many things", then I proposed "many things". Despite what lots of people say, I don't think the game is bad, but it won't necessarily appeal to the same kind of people. And it's something I've witnessed with the H games I've played (cause yes, I keep playing them, even if, to be totally frank, 19 times out of 20, I'm disappointed, even by highly praised games ^^'), there are lots of games who play the card of the "random sex". By random I don't mean "totally random" but it has this feeling of coming out of nowhere a bit. Despite being one of my favourite game, Vitamin Quest 2 falls in that category. Most of the scenes are set up by a couple of dialogue lines and that's it.

In VQ2 it works because the main character is a full nympho searching to give birth all the time. In a more "neutral" setting like Slice of Venture, it looks a bit weirder. It works in SoVO because the girls are spying most scenes, they're not the ones acting. And the majority of the game is built around their progression. That's what I tried to do with SoVR to keep that natural progression feeling. But then comes the post-game. I have the magic spell. "It's not cannon".

It's a double-edged sword. I can do whatever I want but at the same time it can look like a huge mess that could maybe satisfy people only wanting to see images but not me.

I don't know if it's the age or just a shift in taste, but the older I get, the more importance I attach to the setting. I think a H scene properly set up can be improved a lot. I'd even go further saying that a very well set-up mild-hardcore scene will work better than a losely setup more hardcore scene ^^'

So my whole point of reflexion around the post game content of SoVR holds in a single word "Setting"

There WILL be small random scenes here and there, of course. But they won't be the core of what I want to propose. In order to have a nice setting, you need a proper build-up. And to have a proper build-up, you need to spend the necessary time on it. That's why the post game content will focus on scenario-oriented content to have a nice setting for a good part of the H content.

My goal is to make 6 different routes with each of them having their main characters (Yuki and Ayame together, Yuki alone, Ayame alone, Naomi, Reiko & Anaëlle) and for each of those routes, there will be two main scenarios. I think this choice is the best for what I want to convey. But I also think this choice will make the development longer. As such, I definitely can't ascertain SoVR will be fully finished by the end of 2024 (especially now that the post game content will only start after June.) But I do believe that if I want to make SoVR a great game, it's necessary.

I didn't get lots of feedbacks (as usual :x) so I'm planning to post a google form at some point but I'll do it after the June release so that people can give their opinion on the overall main story part when it's complete (this way it will also give people more time to play the game for those who still haven't had the time to do so.)

I will probably make a small post about income (I have some things to show) and probably one big post about the content for the next update, but that should be all.

I'll see you next time o/




People lost their trust in you long time ago for your various unfinished works, stop talking shit and start regain their trust by finally finishing one single game first.


By "various" you mean 2, right? You do realize tons of creator earn 10 times what I earn with a single neverending product, right? The 6 games I made before are worth nothing I guess... People never "lost" their trust. They're just busy with their life. Otherwise, I wouldn't receive messages from patrons on Patreon 3 years later asking me stuff as if I was still there. I moved, they didn't and that's all there is to it. But your point is interesting. According to you, finishing a game will grant me a boost. Well everything I've ever finished led to a decrease. That's how it works. That's why some devs work on the same game for 6 or even 8 years (with full teams.) The peak of my popularity was at the end of SoV2 development. Had I continued to work on it, I'd have kept gaining more and more. But the release made me lose roughly 30% of my total income.


I'm not even talking about the fact that people are more and more using those sites as shops, making things more and more precarious for us. You have the right to dislike the way I work, but talking as if I was a scammer stealing people's money feels slightly insulting.


This is the firsr f95 comment I see on this site... This is sad. @GoreGoblin I sponsor H game from well over 8 years by now and I can say that in the last 8 years only 3 creator so far have deliver one game from start to finish, and no one else have deliver more than 2 complete game with other stuff on the side... without adding the fact that The Hunter and SoV are 2 different game too. TL;DR go back to f95, there is no place for dumb people that dont even know what they are saying


Promise I'll play the rest this week... after I finish not dying IRL e.e But I can say the first 30min were enough to get me wanna replay in order the games so good work so far \o/


So excited! This is one of my favorite games you've made, I'm so happy to see it remade! <3 Totally agree with what you said about H-scenes, proper build up helps so much, I can't wait to see what you make! I hope you get the support you very well deserve, thank you!


Finally had time to play it and now I'm totally re-downloading SoVO rn <3 Can't wait for more! (Bug-wise I spotted stuff that is already been reported on discord so good job? xD)


many horse bestiality events!