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Hello everyone,

As promised, here's a post to explain the status of SoVO.

Let's cut the suspens: I'm late. Reasons are multiple and I'll explain them. But if I wanted to finish SoVO for the end of September, it's not going to happen.

I'm aiming for a mid-october release. That's a rough estimation. I have two full days to finish and I still haven't finished the 13rd day (which is the day Jezabelle arrive.) Add to that the fact that even if it's the ending day, I have to work a bit on the 15th day too.

The problem is that I'm reaching the end of development so there are minor things I've postponned that need to be finished in terms of polishing so for now, I'm working on those. There are always bugs, of course. I keep finding new ones x)

And if you want an example of stuff taking time, someone noted in the last update that SoVO was missing a gallery. And I had TOTALLY forgotten about that. So it took me three whole days to create it ^^' But at least, the game now has a proper gallery!

The good news is that the majority of the scenes will be unlocked if you're taking an old save. The bad news is that it's "a majority" so not 100% of them :/ A couple of scenes had no switch triggered when they were finished so those will be shown as locked with an old save.

So that's the kind of things "in-game" that make me late. But other work-related reasons are the fact that 1) I'm taking time to work with Peak and Hime about Slice of School 2) I'm taking time to work on something else I can't mention yet 3) We're spending A LOT of time with Hime on improving the site. Some of you maybe noticed some changes. We're showing what we can but there are things that we're keeping and we'll release at the last second. And considering we're both BAD at site designing we're probably taking more time than we should. But all of those are adding up. The goal being to have the site complete and operational for Slice of School launch.

Now there are also personal reasons. No fear to have but I've been chaining health controls for the whole month of September (when to the doctor or the hospital or making echographies 7 times this month and I still have 3 appointment to fulfill ^^'). I just waited a single moment to deal with all my problems at the same time (I suck at taking care of my health ^^') so that's why I'm stocking that up and it takes a bit of time :x

I also had different stuff to deal with that took me full days of work away. Basically, this week is more or less the first week where I can work everyday since the beginning of September ^^'

So as you can see, there are many reasons explaining why I'm late on SoVO. I'll try to finish it asap cause the majority is done, it's really just taking the time to write the countless H scenes of the last two days as well as polishing the game. But I'm used to it now. Finishing a game is ALWAYS the hardest part of a game development ^^'

Anyway, I'll see you tomorrow for another SoS reveal!

See ya o/



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