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I went out today looking for a day of fun. Nothing else. As far as that goes, I can't call the day anything but a success.

I met many friends, and switched between crowds depending on how it went. However, at the end, I noticed my wallet was missing. Before we ran over to the car so I could get my ride, we retraced our steps and tried to find it to no avail. Much to my - and my two friends' surprise - a man and his wife noticed our scramble, and said they noticed a wallet on the floor. They kept it, and seeing our scramble, reached out to us and gave me the wallet. I thanked them as much as the circumstances allowed because my friends wanted to leave.

As we were heading home, one of the two friends said he thought that was "unheard of". I said I wanted to look at it as goodness perpetuating itself. As a personal policy, I never turn people down if they ask me for food, and if they ask for me money, if I have enough of a feel to guess they are not going to spend it on vices, I give it to them. This same week, someone asked me for food; I gave them half of a large piece of chicken fillet. The poor man had an entire family to feed, and were it not for me being dumbfounded I'd have done more. I met the man again a couple of days ago and he reassured me I really helped that occasion.

The same friend who said that was "unheard of" wanted to claim that there was nothing to it and that me trying to help other people was unrelated to getting my wallet back. In truth, I didn't recover everything - a single debit card was missing. But I now have to cancel a single card out of around 6, as well as ID cards. I can't see that as nothing else than a good outcome.

I don't think anyone will question that life is what you make of it. And, in this case, I think it applies to every detail, such as wanting to look at this occasion as kindness repaying itself or just an absolute off chance in a vacuum. If life is just what we make of it, then I think we should try to make good.

I'd say this applies to my internet content as well. I've bore the frustration of learning perhaps some of what I make isn't enjoyed because of version differences for the source files, and it's not a trifling thing. One way or another, I've been shown great kindness ever since I set out to make videos and see if people would like it.

So, believe me when I say two words that summarize my experience these past (almost) three years:

Thank you.

Best regards,















Yeah. Life is definitely what you make of it. If you believe in Karma or not, it doesn’t hurt to help others when you can and at some point, the universe finds a way to pay you back for the goodness you put into it. Keep being awesome bro.