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ゲームの思い出まとめ Memories of the game.eng ♯779

ゲームのエンジョイ度についてはこんな感じ(・ω・)ノ 多少時代背景も鑑みています This is how the game is recommended (・ ω ・) ノ I also consider the background of the times ★9~10   激しく楽しんだ    Enjoyed intensely ★7~8   とても楽しんだ    Enjoy very much ★5~6   普通に楽しんだ...

あつ森プレイ日記1  Eng  ♯1413

ヒーロックさんに頂いたあつ森を始めました。今日で3日目です🦁✨ 主人公は坊主の可愛らしい小僧に。服なんてまだいらん! I started the pressure forest that Mr. Heelock gave me. Today is the third day. The protagonist became a cute little boy with a monk. 早速ローン債務者になりました。 返済しても借金は...

SWソフト 発売日:2020年3月20日  定価: 5,980円 ジャンル:コミュ













エンジョイ度 ★★★★★★★★★☆

推定プレイ時間 100時間程

SW Software Release date: March 20, 2020 Price: 5,980 yen Genre: Comm.

We have received over 10 games as gifts from our supporters so far

We have enjoyed playing all of them. ☺️

This game is the memorable first one of them.

Although the Asuka boom had died down by the time I played it

I played it for about a month and took so many pictures that I don't know how many I took.

It was the first time in decades that I felt the same excitement as when I played 64's "Nushi Fishing.

Catching plants and animals and making the museum bigger and bigger was just so much fun.

It was the game that made me realize, "This is the kind of game I've always wanted to play! It was the game that made it possible for me to play "this is the kind of game I always wanted to play!

Each resident has his or her own personality, and it's fun just to talk with them.

Before I started playing, I thought I would carefully select characters that I often saw on TL, but they were all so cute that I ended up kicking them out.

But they were all so cute that I couldn't kick them out after all.

All I have left is the memory of how much fun I had. ☺️

Enjoyment level ★★★★★★★★★☆

Estimated playing time: about 100 hours



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