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Without a word said, the mechanical arms quickly attached cuffs to her wrists and she was forced to lay there behind Ashley as a massive screen was lowered down until it stood a few inches away from their faces. *BEGIN HYPNOTIC CONDITIONING* The familiar computerized voice announced to a confused Ashley and Misty. The two trainers had no idea what "conditioning" meant, but Misty did recall being hypnotized once before by a Hypno and she didn't want to be put under another trance again! The fiery redhead pulled at her cuffs and, when they failed to budge, she began fighting and thrashing against her bindings as the screen started airing the hypnotic programming. She couldn't break free so she did the only other thing she could; she closed her eyes. The machine noticed that one of the babies wasn't cooperating and was forced to use extreme measures. It used a pair of hands to pry her eyes open and kept them held open. Ashley heard Misty slamming her back against the belt and wondered what she was so angry about? It was just some weird TV show. The dimwitted trainer from Pallet town felt her head grow fuzzy as she watched the strange shapes swirl and rapidly blink on the screen. Every so often, other shapes danced around on the screen interconnecting with the designs before breaking up the swirling pattern. The shapes looked familiar, like pacifiers or bottles and occasionally a pair of Nurse Joy's breasts would flash incredibly fast on the screen. The blond bimbo started to drool as the program went on and couldn't help but ask for "boobies" after a few minutes of watching the screen. Misty may have taken a few minutes longer to program her than the Joybot expected, but after about five minutes the robot saw a change of expression on the fiery redhead's face. Her eyes became unfocused and a slight bit of drool dripped down her petite chin as the Cerulean City Gym Leader started babbling about milk and boobs. *Programming Completed* Still under the hypnotic spell, the two diapered trainers couldn't fully comprehend what the computer had said or what was going on. They felt the belt lurch forward underneath their bodies and simply went along for the ride. The conveyor belt didn't go very far before it came to a stop and finally released the diapered girls; A clicking sound came from each one of their limbs as the wrist and ankle cuffs opened automatically. The Joybot walked over to where the teen babies sat and pulled out two Pokeballs. It tossed them onto the air, summoning two rare bird type Pokemon that had brilliant white features, an orange beaker and looked a bit like storks. Misty and Ashley gazed at the white birds in wonder. Even though they were still under the mental manipulation of the electronic programming, they could still see that these were a kind of Pokemon that they had never seen before. Misty and Ashley reached for the two beautiful birdies and tried to pet them. The Joybot used this opportunity to dress the two confused trainers who were too preoccupied babbling nonsensical gibberish at the two Pokemon to realize that they were free. The metallic doppelganger of Nurse Joy grabbed Ashley's hands and started to slid her hands into a pair of pink mittens. It only took a minute to get the girl into the mittens and even less time to get her feet into a pair of matching pink baby booties. Misty gawked at the majestic Pokemon as her hands were fed into a pair of thick, poofy gloves. The Cerulean City Gym Leader was too out of her mind at that moment to fight back and merely muttered baby talk as the Joybot started dressing her feet into a pair of booties. The redhead looked away from the bird Pokemon and stared down at the odd weight on her once bare feet. She couldn't figure out what was currently covering her feet and simply kicked them in a pathetic attempt to rid her feet of her infantile footwear. The Joybot tickled the girl's tummy and got her to giggled which helped stop her from kicking her feet. For a moment, the metallic replica of Nurse Joy stared at the girl, processing its next move. It knew that Misty was a fighter; even though she was hypnotized the girl was still trying to remove her booties. Once the hypnotically induced euphoria wore off, there was a very real chance that the diapered redhead might wriggle free from the delivery bird. With no other options available to her, the Joybot decided to knock her out and did so by spraying the water trainer in the face with a slight dusting of sleeping powder. "Wah-" A loud yawn came from the drowsy young woman before she succumbed to the powder. The Joybot lowered the passed out girl face down onto a white cloth. It then wrapped her exposed tummy with a large white towel and proceeded to stretch the material out until the machine was satisfied with the length. It then tied a large knot into the fabric above Misty's back which would ensure that the bird could keep its bundle of joy safe during their flight. With the Misty ready for delivery, the Joyboy lifted the sleeping girl up by the knot and feet the loose ends of the towel into the Pokemon's beak. *Destination: Pallet Town. Recipient: Delia Ketchum* A Hydraulic piston hissed as a panel in the roof rose up until there was a big gap in the ceiling above them. The bird that was already loaded up with Misty simply nodded and started flapping its wings until it lifted off the ground and rose into the air. Ashley watched in a dazed sense of awe as the mysterious bird lifted Misty up higher and higher until they flew into the bright, natural light pouring through the opening in the roof. In her electronically induced stupor, Ashley lost sight of her best friend and the bird. "Buh bye." However, Ashley wasn't going to be left behind. The Joybot had her face down on the conveyor belt with her diapered butt in the air as it prepared the dazed blond for her trip. When Ashley started to squirm, the machine gave her a lavender colored rattle, that was shaped like a flower, to shake which seemed to mesmerize the confused teen baby. Once the robot tied up the white bundle of cloth into a knot, Ashley was handed off to the remaining bird which promptly took the cloth into its beak. The bird Pokemon flapped its strong wings and started to ascend into the air as a silly giggle escaped from the diapered trainer's mouth. Ashley wasn't scared; she was enjoying her trip into the sky. The giggling girl looked down at the metallic replica nurse Joy who was waving to the teen baby. Ashley responded by shaking her rattle and gibbering more baby talk down at the robot. Now that the babies were enroute to be delivered to their new mother, the computer that ran the facility checked the vital signs on it's former master, who was still imprisoned in the artificial, detachable glass womb that the Joybot placed in the wall. Nurse Joy looked a bit fussy, but a quick sedative pumped into the breastmilk helped the grown woman quickly calm down and curl up into the fetal position before falling asleep. With its current baby momentarily out of the way for a few hours, the computer started working on new calculations for future adoptions using the now trapped Nurse Joy's numerous logs and plans. Since the Nurse was now a baby, she could longer be a mother and her two newest babies had to be put up for adoption using the database to locate their next closest relative. Still, with the babies dispatched to Delia, the machine had a new girl in its sight; the Gym Leader of Rustboro. *An hour later as the Murkrow flies* Misty blinked her eyes as a cold cross breeze blew past her bare thighs, causing her skin to tingle as she was instantly pulled out of her slumber. The redhead looked around, stunned at what she saw; there were clouds in every direction! She looked down and instantly regretted it. "Oh my Arceus!" Misty shrieked as she realized that she was literally dangling a few hundred feet above the treetops of the Viridian Forest. The loud screams of Misty caught Ashley's attention, but the blond was still a bit dazed and out of it. She looked around searching for the source of the screaming as she flew above the trees. Everything had looked so nice, but it wasn't as pretty as it had been before and, with each passing minute, the view was starting to lose its beauty. "Ash!" Misty cried. "How did we get up here?!" Hearing her name, the trainer from Pallet town turned her head and spotted Misty who was paddling her shapely legs in the air like a dog as she shouted in shock. The blond initially thought that the redheaded baby looked funny, but all the yelling had triggered something in her mind to click. She started to feel incredibly fearful when she looked back down at the ground as the realization slowly set in that she was doing something that was physically impossible for her to do; flying. "Misty!" Ashley called out to the redhead. "What?!" The Cerulean City Gym Leader shouted in annoyance. "How did we get up here?!" The dimwitted blond asked her diapered friend. "I literally just asked you that, Ash!" Misty screamed. "I don't know. The last thing I remember was watching that TV screen and then I woke up here." Ashley replied. "Oh, God no." Misty gasped as memories of the past two days flooded back to her like a torrent. She rubbed her legs together and heard the crinkling of her enormous pamper, but didn't want to even consider that this was really happening to her. "Hey, Misty!" Ashley called out to the redhead as she pointed her purple rattle at a house that was gradually coming into focus. "I think I can see my house from here!" Misty looked up and couldn't believe her eyes; not only were they flying over the fields outside of Pallet town, but they were rapidly losing altitude as Ash's house grew closer. "No, no, no, no!" The redhead repeatedly cried out loud as they were coming down for a landing in Ash's backyard. To Be Continued...



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