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*INITIALIZING JOYBOT* The computerized voice caught Ashley off guard, but what really got her attention was the series of steps, louder than anything Ashley had ever heard before, growing closer with each passing second. The blond felt extremely anxious as the ground shook slightly as the steps drew near. "Umm, Misty?" "Yes, Ash?" The redhead replied, scowling. "What's making that noise?" Ashley felt her head start to sweat. "Ash Ketchum! If you tell me that you already forgot about the giant robot that I told you about over the phone, the one that looks like Nurse Joy, I'm going to get up from this conveyor belt and pinch your tit so hard that you'll scream for your mom!" The angry redhead threatened. Luckily for Ashley, the fiery redhead was in no position to make good on her threat and wouldn't be anytime soon because their new caretaker had just walked up to the belt. Ashley gazed up at the giant metal woman in awe as it came into view right above the conveyor belt. Ashley couldn't believe her eyes! The robot looked just like a nurse Joy, but without any clothing on! "I can't believe this thing is real! I thought you were making it up!" Ashley shouted, shocked by the sight of the metallic woman. "So you thought I was lying?!" The redhead barked as the robotic Nurse Joy brought up a brush and a pair of scissors in its metallic hands. "This isn't even hair! It's a wig!" Ashley whined, hoping that the robot would just leave her alone. Ashley winced as the robot's large fingers began to slide through her hair until they reached the top of her shoulder blades. The trainer from Pallet town felt the machine gathering up the false hair and wondered if this crazy thing was really going to cut the wig shorter. Ashley held her breath out of fear as the cold blades of a pair of scissors briefly touched her bare skin. Not knowing what to expect, Ashley was nervous and apprehensive and clenched her eyes shut. It wasn't like she even cared about the wig, but the thought of a robot wielding something as sharp as those scissors so close to her naked body made the young woman incredibly freighted. With a lone snip, Ashley heard the sound of hair being cut and then, a second later, she felt it tickle her spine as the strand of hair fell to the conveyor belt. Ashley was no stranger to hair cuts, she used to get one every few weeks to keep her hair from growing too long when she was a boy, but now that he was a woman, it felt so different than before; it felt unique. Maybe it was due to the fact the wig was so long, but it felt nice to feel some of the weight taken away from the back of her head. After the first few snips, the Joybot started to slice off the main length of Ashley's hair until the hair stopped at the middle of Ashley's back. The length had been much too long for a baby, the robot reasoned as it slowly and deliberately cut the girl's hair until not a single hair fell past the blond's waist. Ashley sat on the conveyor belt in a mixture of awe and fear. She knew better than to move or the robot might cut her accidentally with the scissors. So, she just sat there watching all of the blond hair fall into a big heap onto her bare thighs and eventually onto the conveyor belt. Even though it wasn't her real hair, she was amazed by how long it once was. 'Now's my chance to get out of here!' The tomboy thought as she watched Ash get his haircut by the giant, metal monstrosity. It was almost like the Joybot could read Misty's mind because the moment the young redhead moved, a pair of gloved hands reached out to restrain her. "Let me go!" Misty shouted, struggling with the hands that grabbed her. "Misty, just hold still. This isn't even that bad." Ashley stated in a calm voice. "Easy for you to say, Ash! Your hair isn't even real!" The Cerulean Gym Leader whined, but the more she fought, the tighter the hands squeezed her forearms. The Joybot, now pleased that the feisty girl was restrained, returned it's attention to Ashley's hair and got back to work. It worked in a very meticulous and calculated manner. Each cut was done in a way to create a soft, layered effect in the girl's hair. This took a few minutes to achieve, but finally the Joybot tapped a big finger on her back, telling the blond that it was done. "That feels much better!" Ashley smiled, tilting her head back to feel the difference. A moment later, Ashley felt the robot run a brush through her newly cut hair. She sat there happily as the Joybot worked to brush out the hair and to snip off any uneven strands. The Joybot took a second to admire its work; the baby's hair shined so radiantly and looked soft to the touch. Once the machine was done with the back of her hair, Ashley felt herself spun around on her plastic backed diaper until she faced the imposing Joybot. It may have looked creepy, but it seemed to care about her and didn't seem to want to do her any harm. 'What's it doing now?' Ashley didn't have to wonder what the robot was going to do next for very long. It started brushing her fringe and spraying her hair with hairspray. The trainer from Pallet town coughed loudly, not used to the chemical scent of the aerosol. With her bangs stiff, but wavy from the hairspray, the Joybot decided to give the girl a nice purple bonnet to really make her bangs stand out. After what seemed like an eternity to Misty, the Joybot stepped back from Ashley. She could only watch in fear as the humongous Joybot moved away from Ashley and approached her. She tried to shimmy and squirm away, but those damn mechanical hands kept her from moving an inch. It was like a bunch of Ekans were keeping her from getting off of the belt. All her struggling did was make her diaper crinkle and her body sweat. A cold, heavy weight fell on her shoulder as the Joybot put its hand on Misty's shoulder in a way that told the girl not to move. As she was held in place, Misty felt the gloved hands relinquish her arms and slither away from her body. Before she could try to escape, the Cerulean City Gym Leader felt the machine untie her side ponytail, forcing her long red locks to spill across her shoulders and back. Misty froze in place, waiting to hear the sound of the scissors clipping her lovely red strands of hair gone, but the sound never came. The sound she heard was nothing like the sound of steel snipping into her mane. In fact, it felt like the machine was brushing her hair. Misty stayed still, listening to the comb run through the back of her hair as she tried to steady her breathing. She could feel the brush going through the entire lenght of her hair and touching her back when it finished. Once more, the machine started at the crown of her head and resumed running the brush down her hair. 'The stupid robot is just combing your hair.' She told herself in an effort to calm down. The Joybot stopped brushing her long hair in the back and turned it's attention to her bands which had become messy and tangled. A quick spray of mist from a water bottle made her red, messy hair wet and weighted down. With a steady hand, the machine started to comb the front of her bangs with a small toothed comb, going slow to straighten out any tangles. Misty wanted to relax, the gentle brush running through her hair was definitely nice compared to everything else this crazy place had down to her, but the poor girl knew that something bad was going to happen. She couldn't stop thinking that it was only combing her hair to get it ready to be shaved bald or something horrible like that! However, the electric hum of a razor never started up. She never even heard a snip or a clip. In fact, the robot was putting her brushed hair back into a side ponytail and spraying all of her hair with hairspray! "Y- you didn't cut my hair?" Misty stammered out the words in disbelief. The Joybot didn't say anything, but it did raise up a small handheld mirror to show Misty the extent of its work. "I look completely normal!" Misty cheered. The Joybot simply nodded and then stepped back from the belt, allowing the gloved hands to restrain Ashley and Misty back onto the belt. Now that its job was finished and the two girls were freshly washed, dried, diapered and their hair was cut and styled, the Joybot had nothing to do except watch the hands get to work. The gloved hands forced Ashley and Misty to lay on their backs on the conveyor belt. Misty scowled as she was laid out on the unyielding rubber surface of the conveyor belt. The redhead may have been happy that her hair wasn't butchered by the Joybot, but that didn't mean that she was enjoying the way the machine was treating her. To Be Continued...



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