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---One Week Later--- Chi Chi lifted her teenaged son up from the crib mattress, utilizing her strength from years of practicing martial arts. She carried him on her hip, as if he weighed nothing, from the boy's nursery and into the living room where a playpen awaited her diapered boy. Her carrying technique crafted and honed through the unspoken art of motherhood, Chi Chi had no problems maneuvering her oversized toddler from her hip and into the small mesh enclosure. The Princess of the Ox Kingdom rarely had an opportunity to display her strength during the last decade, but these past few days had surely given her plenty of instances to show Gohan that all of his power wasn't just a product of Goku's lineage. "Sit quietly and play with your toys, mommy will be right back after I talk with Bulma, okay sweetheart?" Chi Chi explained to an intrigued Gohan, who arched an eyebrow and was starting to open his mouth to question his mother only to be silenced when Chi Chi quickly and skillfully pulled out a blue pacifier and pushed the rubber nipple into his wide open mouth. "Shh, let the adults talk. Children are to be seen and not heard." As his mother walked away to her bedroom, Gohan merely shrugged, sitting in just his fresh disposable, suckling on his binky, wondering what the two women were going to discuss. Part of him assumed that he had helped her enough and that this baby treatment would finally cease, hence why she was going to call up Bulma. Despite this thought, another part of him, deep down within, hoped and wished that she wasn't going to tell Bulma that. Gohan wasn't ready to give up his mother's unbridled, undiluted love and affection. As the anxiety started to build up in the mind of the oversized teen baby, Gohan turned his attention to the toys littered throughout the playpen. He spotted some toys that he definitely remembered from his childhood, but what really caught his attention were the classic toy cars. Shiny and new, ready to be rolled around on the floor of the plastic pen. Leaning forward, the boy grabbed one and manipulated the metallic toy car around the bumps and make believe hills that contoured the playpen's surface. *Meanwhile, in Chi Chi's bedroom we join the two mother's in the midst of a very interesting conversation* "I have got to admit that this week has been unbelievably fulfilling for me." Chi Chi stated in earnest. “Now it makes sense. I was wondering why I haven't heard from you since our last little get together. So, Gohan is okay with being a thirteen year old infant?" Bulma asked, genuinely curious. "Well, I could tell he was apprehensive at first, but he's really relaxed since his first diaper. That first day was rather awkward for both of us..." "I bet. Gohan literally just destroyed the strongest baddie that the Earth has ever seen and now you got him taped into an enlarged Pampers Size Six." Bulma chuckled. “Laugh it up, but I think it's actually been rather therapeutic for him." Chi Chi retorted. "Really? How so?" "For starters, I can see it in his eyes and how he acts around me. He needs me, but couldn't ever find the words. Plus, he just lost Goku for the third time in his young life and this has obviously allowed him to bond with me on a very deep level." Chi Chi explained. "That's a good point. Goku's sacrifices are definitely noble, but they come at a cost. I mean, I know you are a very strong woman, but poor Gohan has definitely been put through more than anyone will ever know." "My Goku, he's staying away to keep us from having to deal with future threats, but at least he bonded with Gohan in that time chamber. I feel like, after all these years, it was the least he could’ve done for my little boy." “True, I-" "He's such a strong, resilient young man on the outside. Always putting up with so much and trying to please everyone while having so much thrown at him, but you know something, Bulma? He's still a child and I can see that he needs me. Of course, I'm not going to keep him in a crib forever, but what's another two or three months in the grand scheme of things?" “So, I take it that you've forgotten about that bundle of Saiyan joy that's on the way?" Bulma's smirk was almost visible through the phone. "Who says Goten couldn't use a playmate?" "Goten?" Bulma questioned. "You already have a name picked out?" "Yes." Chi Chi replied. "Is that surprising to you?" "I suppose I shouldn't be surprised, you always have things planned out. Well, except for Gohan's second infancy, of course." Bulma smiled. "I should be thanking you for helping me get back into the right mindset. One can never forget how to be a mother, but I'll admit that caring for a baby is a lot different than helping a young man study and try to achieve his scholarly aspirations.” "You're welcome. So, when are you going to bring the "baby" around for auntie Bulma to see?" The blue haired scientist smiled. "Hmm, I think it's about time that Gohan learned to play with other babies since he's going to be helping me with Goten." Chi Chi reasoned. "I'll see you in an hour or two." “It's a date! A playdate!" Bulma laughed at her silly joke and hung up the phone. Chi Chi smiled, thinking about what outfit she should dress her diapered warrior in. A quick waltz over to her closet and a flourish of her wrist gave her access to her wardrobe. However, she was most interested in an old box of Gohan's baby clothes. She had already enlarged a few onesies, but there were still many articles of clothing which lay dormant in the box, folded up but waiting to be worn once more! The housewife blasted an adorable pair of tiny toddler sized sneakers she had found at the bottom of the box. It took mere seconds until they were just the right size for her little man. Next she fired the ray gun at a small pair of green overalls and a yellow baby t-shirt. "Aww," Chi Chi marveled at the teen sized baby clothes. "This will be the perfect ensemble for Gohan to wear to Bulma's." Gohan was deeply immersed in his playtime, having the cars chase each other in a mock chase while imitating the sounds of each vehicle. His attention to the toys was not even broken by the sounds of his mother's heels clacking across the wooden floor. Needless to say, it warmed Chi Chi's heart to see her son so happy and content to be playing with the cars, having his make believe car chase through a pretend city made out of wooden blocks. If the mother didn't know any better, she could've sworn that her son was actually a three year old due to just how into his toys be was at that moment. "Gohan, I hate to bother you, but we have to get you dressed for your playdate." “Playdate?!" Gohan questioned, a hot blush spread across his face upon the realization that his mother had been watching him play all along. He couldn't believe how oblivious he was as getting sat there, in his diaper, pushing cars around and mimicking their sounds. "Yes, Gohan. We're going to see Bulma and Trunks." Chi Chi stated. "But... I can't go out-... dressed like this!" The teen in the white disposable, bedecked with dragon balls on the landing strip, stammered. "It's okay, Gohan. Bulma already knows about this and you need to interact with other babies to help get you ready for when Goten arrives." Chi Chi explained. "You want to help mommy, don't you?" Gohan knew that he had no choice. Plus, he really did want to help mommy get ready for when his little brother was born. So, with downcast eyes, he agreed. It was not due to sadness that caused him to avert his eyes, but shyness and embarrassment at the prospect of being seen dressed in a diaper by one of his oldest friends and her one year old son. 'At least he's too young to remember this. Hopefully.' To Be Continued...



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