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"Gohan!" The young teenaged boy looked up from his desk, which was covered by numerous textbooks due to the fact that he was studying. He could only wonder what his mother wanted since he was pulled out of his concentration by his mother getting home. Wasn't he doing the right thing? He had been doing what she ordered him to do, and what he actually enjoyed doing-his homework. However, Chi Chi sounded rather annoyed. "Yes, mom?" Gohan called out, unsure if he should leave his desk. Chi Chi appeared in his doorframe, looking like the perfect picture of motherhood in full bloom. Her trademark purple dress was strained and stretched outwards by her enormous belly and full breasts. It was quite obvious that she was far along and looked like she was about to give birth any day now. To those in the know, she was actually eight months along. "I have never been so embarrassed in all my days." Chi Chi lamented in a bitter tone. "Did I do something wrong?" The young man asked, genuinely curious if he was the cause of his mother's anger. The Raven haired woman took a few steps forward, dress swaying as she walked towards her son. "No, you're doing what I told you to do." She stated in a calm, but slightly exasperated tone. "Then what's wrong?" "So, I'm visiting with Bulma, drinking tea, having girl talk." Chi Chi started explaining. "And little Trunks wets his diaper." "Okay, and how does-" "Bulma asks jokingly if I even remembered how to change a diaper and then sets Trunks in front of me." The pregnant mother cut her son off as she continued recalling the afternoon which put her in this foul mood. "Of course I know how to change a diaper, I told Bulma as I unbuttoned Trunks' cute little navy blue diaper cover and you know what stared right back at me?" "I-umm. A diaper?" "A disposable diaper." Chi Chi corrected her son. "I've never changed a disposable diaper before! You think we had the money to throw away on disposables when you were a baby? Gohan didn't even want to say anything. He knew his mother was on a roll now. "We had cloth diapers. I'd wash each one and hang them up on the clothesline in the backyard." The Raven haired mother took a breath, realizing that she was getting slightly off track."So, here I am, fiddling with the little tapes and trying to pull them off of the plastic. I eventually got it unstuck, but I felt like a fool the entire time." "Well, at least you got the diaper off of him." Gohan stated positively, hoping to cheer up his mom. "That's not the worst part of it all. After all the wiping and cleaning, I had to put him back in his new disposable. So, I'm struggling with the stupid tapes on the wings and just looking like an idiot. The whole time Bulma is trying not to chuckle as she offers little tips on how to diaper her boy the right way!" "That sounds like it was rough..." "You have no idea, Gohan. The cherry on the sundae was when she said to me. She says, 'Oh, I think you need to practice. You're obviously rusty at caring for babies.' Can you believe that? The sheer arrogance of that statement!" "You always tell me to practice my arithmetic. Maybe a little practice wouldn't hurt?" Chi Chi shot her son a piercing gaze. Her hormones were a whirlwind of emotions that Bulma had stirred up. The humiliation and shame she currently felt were battling with her bubbling anger. All of sudden, serenity enveloped the pregnant mother. Perhaps her son was on to something? "Hmm, I think you might be right, Gohan." Chi Chi smiled. "Good. You just get some practice and you can show Burma that you're a great mother." The young teen felt relieved that he was able to calm his mom down. "I'm glad to hear that you agree. I'll get everything set up and you can go pick up the supplies from Bulma. Okay, sweetheart?" "Sure." Gohan really had no idea what his mother was on about, but at least she wasn't upset. Chi Chi turned to leave her son's room and made her way over to the phone. "Hello?" Bulma answered from the other end of the line. "Hey, Bulma. I'm just calling you to ask for a favor." "Oh, and what would that be?" "I just need some of those disposable diapers." Bulma chuckled openly. "Sounds like you're taking my advice, huh?" "Yep, I'm going to get so good at changing diapers that you'll look like a novice." Chi Chi boasted. "Ha, we'll see about that." Bulma's competitive side came through during the midst of her reply. "I'm sending Gohan over there to pick up a few capsules of diapers-Medium sized ones." "Don't you mean-" Bulma paused before laughing loudly. "I feel sorry for poor Gohan." "Shh, you better not tell him anything. It was his idea after all." "Alright, I'll enlarge some of Trunks' diapers then." "Thanks." Chi Chi was about to hang up the phone when Bulma's voice came through the phone loudly. "Just be sure to get good at diapering. I'll be ready to challenge you with a diaper changing race when your baby is born." Bulma declared. "Deal!" Chi Chi hung up the phone and wandered over to Gohan's room. It was an ordinary room, just like any other, but within it lay a treasure of books and literary masterpieces for Gohan's education. Those would be relocated since there would need to be room for his old crib, high chair and numerous toys. Of course, these pieces of infantile were kept in the attic, but the pregnant mother had plenty of time to remodel her son's room. -Two Hours Later- Gohan descended from the sky, landing gently on his shoes in front of his home. He opened the door, stepping into the quaint, mountain house. "Mom! I'm home!" "I'm in here, Gohan!" Chi Chi called out from the kitchen. After setting up the room, she'd decided on preparing a big meal for her son, to get him nice and full. She scooped up a big ladle of the stew from her massive pot and poured it into a large bowl. Unbeknownst to the boy, his portion of the fish stew had already been tainted by a healthy dose of laxatives. "Eat up!" Chi Chi grinned as they both took their seats at the small dinner table. " "So, mom." Gohan spoke while eating. "I got the capsules." The glowing mother could only smile. She really was lucky. Her son was such a good boy. He loved her cooking and would do anything to make her happy. How many other mothers had a son like hers? "Thank you, Gohan. I appreciate your help." "But, umm" The young man picked up his bowl and poured it into his mouth, drinking down the remaining broth. "What's in the capsules?" "Just some diapers." Chi Chi replied without blinking an eye. "Seconds?" "Sure!" The boy enthusiastically agreed. "Coming right up." Chi Chi quickly refilled his bowl with more stew and brought it back to the table. "Thank you!" Chi Chi sat there, enjoying her dinner and watching her son eat. He really was his father's child. They eat so similarly. "Gohan?” "Yeth, mom" The teen replied with a full mouth. "I'm going to need your help preparing for the baby." "I kno tat." "So you don't mind helping mommy practice for when your little brother is born?" "Practice?" Gohan sat his empty bowl down on the table. "Yes, I'm going to need your help changing those diapers." "I'm not going to like it, but I'll help out in anyway I can." "I'm glad to hear that. Let's get started then." Chi Chi got up from her chair and stood by her son. "Started?" Gohan looked confused by the statement. "Yes, follow me." The young teen got up from his place at the dinner table and followed behind his mother as they both walked towards his room. He couldn't quite shake the feeling that he wasn't going to be changing any diapers anytime soon. Still, curiosity got the better of him and he stood next to Chi Chi as she flung his bedroom door open, revealing the transformed room. "What happened to my room!?" Gohan exclaimed, completely caught off guard by the state of his bedroom. "I know it's a bit of a shock, but it's only until the baby is born." "But why is there a crib in my room?" "Maybe this will help explain things." Chi Chi tossed the capsules that Gohan had brought back from Bulma's Lab. An explosion of smoke filled the room which gradually cleared, revealing dozens of packs of baby diapers. However, these weren't just any baby diapers, they had been sized up by Bulma's ray gun, enlarged to comfortably fit a teenager. To Be Continued...



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