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Sayomi Hogosha, President of the Honnōji Academy Babysitting club, watched Ryuko from behind a dumpster. The two star student was not exactly blending in to her surroundings due to her school uniform, but she was far enough away from the talk of the town. All eyes were on Ryuko due to the events that had transpired since her arrival at the academy, but Sayomi's eyes were on her for an entirely different reason.  Sayomi Hogosha was not like the other girls at the Academy. Her soul burned with a maternal flame, a desire to protect and watch over her charges. It was this insatiable urge that drove her to establish the Babysitter's club when she was only a Freshman. Now the short girl had fallen for Ryoko, not in a manner typical of teenagers, but in a more motherly fashion. As we speak, Sayomi was having the members of her club prepare the necessary wardrobe that Ryoku would soon be wearing. The two star student noted that Ryuko entered a modest dwelling down the street and disappeared from her sight. Now that she knew where her baby was staying, she needed to do her homework and not just any homework, but extra credit. Sayomi leapt up from the garbage strewn area and hurried through the alleys toward the cable car that shuttles students to the Academy. Ryuko closed the door to the Manchuko house and was immediately greeted by Mako. "Welcome back, Ryuuko!" The girl announced. "Mako, have you noticed that weird short girl with the black hair?" "That could be anyone." Mako replied. "She's been following me all over town, ever since I left the school." "That is pretty weird." "Yeah, it is. She carried this odd pink bag with her. Like an oversized purse." Ryuko explained. "Oh! That must be Sayomi!" "Say-O-mi?" Ryuko repeated. "Yeah, she's the president of the babysitting club."  "Alright, I'll go right back to the school and challenge her!"  "Ryuko, you don't even know if she is trying to fight you." "True. Normally, it's a big deal when one of these clowns try to battle me. The way Sayomi was following me felt different. Like she didn't want me to see her." "Well, maybe you should go to the babysitters club and ask her what she wants?" "Yeah, I think that's what I'm going to do." Ryuko turned to the front door and reached for the handle, but felt a familiar weight grab hold of her midsection. "Let me go with you!" Mako yelled out. "Fine, but try not to get kidnapped again." "What's the worst thing that could happen to me?"  "Don't ask. Now let's hurry up and get this over with." Ryuko and Mako made their way through the slums of Honouji until they boarded the cable car that took the students up to the Academy. All the while Sayomi stalked them from the distance. This time however, she was using binoculars and stood atop a nearby building. Once she saw the girls enter the cable car, she dropped her binoculars and had an internal conflict. Well, it would have been internal if she didn't say everything aloud. "You shouldn't be doing this, Ryuko can handle herself."  "No! She's just a delicate baby girl who needs mommy Sayomi to protect her." "She's almost an adult." "So?! Even adults need their mommy!" "She's not your baby and she has destroyed all her competition." "Still, I could get her to quit her tantrums and fighting." She's going to destroy you too if you fuck with her." "She hits her mommy and she'll get a spanking!" "At least get some leverage on her. If you die then I die too." The rational part of her mind pleaded. "True..." Sayomi called ahead to her subordinates in the club. She would have everything ready for her little Ryuko-chan. "Yuki, I need you and Natsumi to stall Ryuko until I get there." "Alright, but how are we going to stall her?" "Use your head or I'll have you in diapers too!" "Not like it'd be the first time." Yuki muttered. "Watch yourself. I'd put you on diaper duty if I didn't love changing them so much." "Alright, I'm sorry." Yuki waited for Sayomi to hang up the phone and turned to Natsumi. "God, she's such a weirdo." Sayomi put her phone into her link diaper bag and ran towards the Manchuko househehold. She hoped that Yuki and Natsumi could handle Ryuko while she went to tie up a few loose ends. She had the ingenious idea to tell Mrs. Manchuko that Mako and Ryuko would be getting extra credit for volunteering in the Babysitter's club.  Meanwhile, at Honnōji Academy, Ryuko knocked on the door of the Babysitter's club while Mako stood next to her. As the door was gently opened, the girls caught a wiff of baby powder that escaped from the room. An average looking girl who's bangs framed her face stood slightly behind the door. "State your business." The girl with the bangs stated. "I'm here to talk to whoever this Sayomi girl is." Ryuko asserted. "Sayomi is our club president and will be back shortly." "I know that, but what I want to know is why has she been following me everywhere the last couple of days?"  The girl at the door stuck her head out from behind the door and quickly looked both ways. Once she noticed that the coast was clear, she gestured for Ryuko and Mako to enter. The girl stared at her. "This better not be a trick or so help me."  "It's not. Just get your asses in here before Sayomi shows up!" "Fine!" Ryuko hotly replied, trying to hold back her annoyance. The door opened to reveal the class that the Babysitter's club called home. Various desks were towards the back, but a few odd things caught the newcomer's eyes. There was a sewing machine or two by the teacher's desk, random color clothes lay finished or halfway completed, but what truly shocked the girls was a giant crib and high chair positioned in the center of the room. "Why the hell do you have that?!" Ryuko exclaimed, pointing at the crib. A new girl appeared from a door in the back of the room. Ryuko knew it wasn't Sayomi due to the girl's glasses and short bowl haircut that was similar to Mako's save for the pink bow she wore in her hair. As the new girl walked towards them, the sound of crinkling grew louder. "That's used for an initiation ritual." The girl wearing glasses explained. "Natsumi, I thought you were supposed to be in timeout." The girl with the bangs and flowing black hair turned towards her friend. "Yuki, Sayomi isn't here so I'm not going to do this baby crap if I don't have to." "Your diaper is still on though." Yuki smirked. "If get caught with it off again then that crazy bitch will spank me!" "Yeah, I know. Don't act like I didn't have to go through the same shit when I joined last year." Yuki grimaced. "I bet you didn't have diaper rash as bad as I do right now. Why do you think I tried to take it off earlier?" Natsumi whined. "Look, it sucks, but you have it easy compared to what I dealt with last year."  The two girls spoke to one another like Mako and Ryuko weren't even there. Mako was genuinely curious about this club. She'd heard about it, but didn't really want anything to do with it because of all the strange rumors. Now she realized that the rumors were true.  "Yeah, but this really isn't worth it. I wish the computer club wasn't full. I am much better at hacking then playing the part of Sayomi's damn doll." "Well, this is the only open club on campus. It's either this or you don't join a club and your family goes back to the slums. Just be lucky Sayomi has been busy this week." Ryuko was getting sick of listening to this pointless babbling and bitching. She came here for answers and all she was getting was drama and the weirdest club she ever seen in her life. Living in garbage was preferably better than pissing in a diaper or worse. Finally she came to the conclusion that she was being ignored by these two clowns. "Hey! Enough talk about diaper drama!"  Natsumi and Yuki were slightly startled and quickly blushed. "Sorry." They both said in unison. "Look, I want to know why this Sayomi has been so busy following me everywhere." "That's what we're wondering too." Yuki replied.  "Yeah, I'm going through her little game to join the club and Yuki has basically been babysitting." Natsumi shifted from one foot to another. "True, Sayomi takes great pride in babysitting. She didn't even leave me alone when I first joined. I haad to be her baby for a week last year. The crazy bitch even made me sit in a stroller and pushed me around the Academy. Then she took me home to her house after school. " Yuki lamented. "Wow...ugh..I guess I am lucky. She just changed me once or twice." Natsumi blushed. Yuki looked like she was about to explode. "Are you kidding me?!" "No...umm..." Natsumi should fidgeted in place. Shriveling under Yuki's gaze. "She made me wear a damn onesie to school everyday and you're in your uniform!" "Yeah, but I still have to wear a diaper under it." Natsumi blurted out without thinking which caused Yuki to snap. "You think that's bad? I got public diaper changes in the hall. Hell, on the last day of being her baby, I had to undergo potty training in the middle of home economics class! I had to sit on a giant plastic duck potty chair while everyone stared at me!"  "Idiots!" Ryuko yelled. She was getting tired of this pissing contest between these two morons. The two girls fell silent and looked from one another and back to Ryuko. Yuki was still recovering from her outburst, red with rage in her face. A hissing sound piecrced the akward silence while Natsumi was red from blushing. All eyes turned on Natsumi. "You didn't just do what I think you did. Did you?" Ryuko asked. "I think she wet her diaper!" Mako announced what everyone was thought, but dared not to say. "That's it!" Yuki cried out. "I've had enough of this!"



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