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This is the same post as the one below, but without the text and translated into English by machine translation.

"I'm not saying this to harass you. Look, I'm not saying this to harass you, I'm saying it for your own good.

".......... That again?

I looked away, my eyes downcast.

It's a literal "cliché" that pops up when your brother's sermon gets heated. I had already gotten calluses in my ears.

The main purpose of a student is to study, so why don't you just use your phone after school?

"It's not like I'm always on .......

It's not like I'm always on my phone," he said.

It's not even an argument to begin with. It's a good idea to have a good idea of what you're looking for.

The right man. A successful man. A serious, hard-headed self-defense officer. Lieutenant Ichiya.

He's a great brother who's my parent.

I'm sorry. But you have to understand. I'm .......

"My father entrusted me with you. I know. I know.

That's all I said, and I pretended to be unfaithful and went back to my room.

When I returned to my room, I sighed to myself.

I don't resent him. I don't hate him. I just don't like it.

My home, ruled by the righteousness of the Self-Defense Force, is a battlefield. There is no place where I can relax.

It was such a frustrating feeling that made me do something stupid.

I found this app, ......, during class.

I tapped the screen of my phone.

This app requires a photo and a name.

In the middle of the screen, I saw the face and body of my brother, who was very tough.

"Inner Replacement App.

I read it out loud again, but the name of the app sounded ridiculous.

Like a face-to-face app, it allows you to raise or lower a person's status or personality at will. It's an amazing app that allows you to freely change your status or personality, just like a face to face replacement.

--Of course, I'm not taking it seriously.

"Name: Eiichi Ichigaya.

"Replacement part: .........

I stumbled in the middle of the input.

I can't do it casually. It says you can only change one thing per day. It's a joke of an app, but it has limitations just like any other app.

The part of my brother I want to change.

What do I want to do with my brother? What do I want him to become?

He raised me like a father while serving in the Self-Defense Force.

I don't want his life to be a mess.

I just don't want his nagging personality and stubbornness.

After all, he's interfering with me, is that it?

No, that's a verb, so there's no point in typing it.

So, love for me? No, that's kind of creepy.

Damn, why do I have to feel like I should have studied like my brother told me to when he's annoying me?

Oh well, I guess that's it, my obsession with my brother.

Somehow, I was satisfied with that and went to bed after playing a random game.

I had zero expectations.

But the next morning, things were different.

My brother didn't come to wake me up for any length of time.

Even on holiday mornings, my brother would storm into my room with his Self-Defense Force-style hotness and talk about training together or how a balanced breakfast would make him healthy.

No way. .......

I left the room with my phone in my hand.

My brother was in the middle of the living room.

"...... Eiichi?

"Oh, good morning. What time is it already?

My brother was in the middle of his muscle training.

It's not unusual to see a self-defense officer doing voluntary training, but the problem is the outfit.

He was sweaty, sticky, smelled like a man, and looked almost naked. He was wearing only a towel and a very small pair of swimming trunks.

I had been with him for a long time, but this was the first time I had seen him like that.

What's wrong with you?

"Hmm? Well, it's okay, two brothers, I realized I don't have to worry about it so much, nuh-uh.

My brother laughed and wiped his face with a towel. He then resumed his manly muscle training.

I had always thought that my brother was the type of person who would put on his top and bottom clothes even after a bath.

At least, that's what I've always thought.

--Is this the effect of the app?

From that day on, I saw my brother naked at every opportunity.

Muscle training, after bathing, dry rubbing in the morning, and waking up from sleep.

For some reason or another, my brother would expose his rugged, sweaty body to me. Sometimes he even had his cock standing up in the morning.

As soon as he became less interested in me and didn't need to be a role model for his brother, this happened.

I wondered if this meant that my brother liked to expose his body to me in the first place.

He was walking around with his legs open as if he was living alone.

It certainly made my life easier. Less lecturing.

But I spent my days in a state of confusion.

My brother's nakedness. My brother's muscles. My brother's manly pecs, abs, and bulging crotch.

Even though we had a quiet house, this didn't make me feel at home at all.

In fact, it's worse than before. I don't know what happened to ..........

"Oh, oh, oh, you're back, ......!

That day was particularly bad.

I'm not sure what to make of it.

It was the moment I realized that I had just been handling a ...... pussy.

The moment I realized that, something hot came up from deep inside me.

In the room,......, I'm sweating, so I'll take a bath first,haha,......, I worked out a little too hard!

I'm sure my brother felt uncomfortable, so he ran off to the bathroom, talking about how he had been working out.

All the while, I couldn't take my eyes off his ass.

That's when I finally came to my senses.

I was now obsessed with my brother.

As a man, I wanted to fuck him up.

I'll add one more set later... ....... This is also for peace, for the people. ......

...... How did this happen, and when did it happen? Why?

--And then it dawned on me.

"Internal Replacement App

I tapped the app.

My brother's obsession with his siblings had diminished drastically. That's because I reduced it.

The problem is that there is another button on the edge of the screen.

...... I hadn't noticed. It's not a change app, it's a replacement.

When I pressed the button on the edge of the screen, I found that the user ...... had my data in it.

In other words, if my brother's data was reduced, mine would be increased.

They swapped. Me and my brother's obsession with the ...... brothers.

I've done it.

I can't believe this is happening.

I tried to put it back together, but they said they couldn't change the data once they touched it.

I'm so preoccupied with my brother, and he's completely lost his attachment to me.

What am I supposed to do with that?

I shouldn't have used this app. I shouldn't have used this ...... such .............

How can I use it to make my ...... brother mine?

I know this app is real. It works great.

The problem is that it's not very easy to use.

For example, if I use it to make my brother dirty, it means I'll be impotent.

That makes no sense.

If I lowered his intelligence, I might be able to do what I want, but ...... then he'd be in trouble. And then our family's finances will be in trouble.

It's not that I want to mess up my brother - no, I want to mess up my brother, but that's not the point.

It's fucking hard. It's a shame to be dumb.

I should have just stuck it out and studied. ......

--Oh, yeah, that's right. ......! Yes, ...... I can't study, but I might be pretty bright .......

"What, what, hey, what's this?

My brother's eyes widened when he saw it placed in the center of the living room table and asked me.

It's a masturbator.

I laughed inwardly and answered as if it were natural.

I laughed inwardly and replied as if it were obvious, "I'm sure you've used one before, haven't you? I got it at school.

".......... Why did you put this ...... thing in a place like this, it's outrageous. This is outrageous. ......

If it had been my brother in the past, he would have been even more fierce and would have confiscated it immediately, saying, "Don't let minors use such things! He would have confiscated it immediately.

Today, however, things were different.

He couldn't seem to concentrate on his muscle training and was glancing at his masturbator while lifting the dumbbells. I could tell.

It's a new product, and the elasticity of the lumps inside stimulates any big dick just right.


My brother made a strange groaning sound, as if he was trying to keep me from hearing him.

I think I'll go to the bathroom.

I said in a deliberate voice, and left the living room, leaving the masturbator behind.

One minute later.

I sneaked back into the living room, muffling my footsteps.

It's a good idea to have a good idea of what you're doing. ...This shape, ah ......, but it's no good ......, my brother might be back soon, ah, but...! ...!

It's a good thing that I'm not the only one.

I'm not sure what to make of it, but I'm sure it's a good idea.

This is a great way to get the most out of your day.

"Ohhhhh, I want to shove it in, I want to shove it in, I want to shove it in my dick this ......!

Drooling from his dick. I'm not sure if that's the right word.

I'm not sure what to make of it.

I wanted to shove him.

However, it is not allowed to put my dick into my brother's private property without permission.

But I want to put it in. That's why I got an erection. It's too simple. It's funny.

I cut off a lot of my brother's "patience" with that app.

And this is what I ended up with. He's a sexual gorilla, full of male hormones.

"Whoa, I can make it now ...... or before he comes back .......

If you think about it, there's no such thing as too much time in the bathroom.

I'm sure you're not the only one. I'm afraid of dicks.

I made a deliberate noise and opened the door.


"Oh, my God, bro, are you trying to stick that in my masturbator?

Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no!

It's so tight. What kind of self-defense officer would want something that a high school kid brought back?

"Oh ......, oh ......!

Of course, for me right now, seeing my brother like this is the best treat.

But for me, it's bearable. I'm not sure what to make of it, but I'm sure it's worth it. I can act like this for hours.

You know it's going to be over soon, right? What, are you showing off?

Oh, no, no, no, no.

Do you want it in there? You want me to put it in your lumpy masturbator?

Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.

It feels really good. It's the perfect size for my brother's cock, especially the glans.

"Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no!

"Noooo I can't do this anymore... ......!

My brother screamed out at the top of his lungs, and with a flourish, he threw himself into a crabby position.

He grabbed the masturbator in front of him. I'm not sure what to do.


He shoved his cock into the masturbator, even though his brother was watching!

"Ooooh! It's been a long time since I've had a great masturbator!

It's amazing. ...... It's amazing. ...... It's amazing, especially in the back, ohoh!

How hard are you shaking your hips? Wow, you're making a lot of noise. I can hear it all the way down here.

Don't look at me, don't look at me, don't look at me! Don't look, don't look!

Don't look at ......, you're using my masturbator without my permission.

"Because, because, because, because ......, you, you're doing this to me... ......! In front of me!

"Hey, don't blame it on my brother. That's terrible. Are the Self-Defense Forces that sloppy?

I can't stop shaking my hips, I can't stop shaking my hips, I can't stop shaking my hips in front of my brother! What's wrong with me?

I'm not sure what to make of it, but I'm sure it's worth it. I'm sure you're not going to ejaculate on my brother's masturbator, are you? "Aah!

"Aaah! Aaahhh! Not that, not that! Oh, please, my cock... stop, stop, stop! I can't!

No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.

Oh! Aah! Ah! I can't do it, I can't hold back, I can't hold back, it feels better to cum than to hold back! Oh, my dick!

"Ohhhhhh, that feels so good! It's coming out, it's coming out, it's coming out so much, I'm cumming in my brother's masturbator! I can't take it, I'm so stupid, my dick feels so good!

In the end, my brother couldn't hold back any longer and ejaculated just as I had planned.

When I looked at my phone, I could see that my patience, which was low to begin with, was getting lower and lower. I think I've taught my brain that it feels good to cum without holding back.

"Aaahhhhhh! I'm being watched by my brother, and I'm still cumming, I'm still cumming ......!

--From this day on, my relationship with my brother started to change completely.

Of course, it was for my convenience.

It's a great app if you know how to use it.

I'm going to make my precious brother the best he can be.

Hey, bro.

Hey, bro.
