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아직 그려야할 것이 조금 남아있지만 여러분께 먼저 몇장 보여드리겠습니다.


There's still a little bit to draw, but I'm going to show you a few first.

대부분의 그림을 파츠별로 나누었기 때문에, 옷을 갈아입는데 최적화 된 그림입니다.


Because most of the paintings are divided by parts, they are optimized for changing clothes.




Can you make her hips wider?


I've thought of a situation for a while: If Secilia/Seria's breast was sucked by Mas/Hans across their clothes when they are no bra, that must be very erotic...


Her nipple will be hardened by stimulation, and her clothes will be wet by saliva, which will further emphasize the outline of her nipple. And the staining from the saliva will tell you that her breast has been sucked by someone. Perhaps the result I can think of is this.


복부가 드러나서 더 좋아졌네요👍


I think a fun idea could be Secilia hugging her brother only for Seima to realize she's not wearing a bra.


다양한 의상을 기대해 볼 수 있게 됐군요 아주 ㅈ(이)섭니다乃 2번째 노브라 꼭툭튀는 특히 더 좋군요 ㅎㅎㅎ乃


やっぱりポーズと正面から見上げるアングルの関係でセリアよりもノーブラの時の乳首と乳輪が目立って以前の立ち絵より遥かにセシリアがエロくなっています。 さらにおっぱいの重さで服が引っ張られたことでおっぱいの輪郭までもが一目瞭然になっています。 新しい立ち絵のノーブラセシリアは服を着ているのにおっぱいを曝け出しているのと殆ど変わりません。 ノーブラのセシリアを見ることが出来た男性キャラは服の上から簡単にセシリアのおっぱいを完全に想像する事ができるでしょう。 ここから更に乳首の勃起や濡れ透けでの変化が起きるのが楽しみで仕方ありません。 ただ下半身に関してはラフ絵の足を閉じて立っているセシリアが好みでした。


The difference between Bra and No-bra has allowed fans to think of various situations.


Secilia looks really cute! Love the lines on her belly, as well as the pink shading to her pussy lips. I think the skin over the pussy lips should be a different color than the rest of the body, to show that this area is made of special tissue. Like I mentioned in the previous post, I love the size and weight to her breasts here, but I'd prefer it if her hips are wider and thighs are fatter. For example, as in (https://www.fanbox.cc/@kishi/posts/6520397), (https://www.fanbox.cc/@kishi/posts/3354252), (https://www.fanbox.cc/@kishi/posts/4400993), (https://www.fanbox.cc/@kishi/posts/4897627). It's the contrast between her big breasts/wide hips vs her tiny waist and arms that make her seem fertile and desirable.


Speaking on (https://www.fanbox.cc/@kishi/posts/6520397) further, there's a few features I especially like about it. First, the gentle angle from her thin waist to wide hips (even including notches where the hip bone is) feels very alluring. Second, the details with the lines of her hip creases is very sexy, and suggest that her mons pubis has a lot of size and fat in it which is desirable. Thirdly, seeing a space between her fat thighs with her legs closed, and seeing her buttcheeks from the front is very sexy. All together makes Secilia feel very real and desirable. Anyways, you are doing a great job. Just wanted to point out things I loved in prior images that I would love to see incorporated in the video game version of Secilia.


눈이 확실히 전에 비해 더 자연스러운 것 같습니다


저 그림도 의상이 확연히 드러나는 구도라 정말 좋은 것 같습니다


혹시 세실리아의 성장기 과정같은 것도 볼 기회가 있을까요??


할 생각이지만 0부터 일관성있는 스토리를 작성해야하기 때문에 제가 많이 노력해야니 언젠가 보여드리겠습니다.


You've mentioned that painting for a long time, so the passion that you love it is passed on to me. I'll test the fix later.