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Secilia and Aria decided to compete over who was better at sex.

And the referee role was the chief.

They tried to give the chief as much hedonistic sex as possible, and as a result he lay in bed exhausted.

The 16 condoms surrounding them and their sweaty appearance showed how intense the game has been so far.

The chief's genitalia is now sandwiched between the two beauties' large breasts like a sausage in a sandwich.

They were serving with sincerity as if to repay the chief who made them feel good.

The chief may be a lucky man in the world.

Aria : Chief, go ahead and tell me who did the best/

Chief : …I can't decide because both of them were SO GOOD…

Secilia :

Aria : Hey, then we can't tell the winner! Hurry up and decide!

Arya spoke to the chief like a scolding, and the chief looked very troubled.

Secilia, who saw the situation quietly, opened her mouth.

Secilia : Aria, don't put the chief in too much trouble.

It's probably impossible to judge because our skills were similar.

Chief : (OHOH…, Secilia. She's like an angel…)

Secilia was the only person in this space who could control the princess.

The chief was moved by the expectation that Secilia would solve the situation.

He expected a 'draw'


Secilia: So we need to have some more sex with him so he can see who's better. We still have two more boxes of condoms, so we're going to have an extra time.

Chief : Pardon?

But Secilia's remarks were as sweet and brutal as the devil's temptation.

Secilia's remarks came from a pure heart, which contained less than 1% of malice.

She thinks of the current situation as play.


She really tried to help the chief because he looked in trouble.

But she didn't notice that her remarks made the chief even more difficult.

The chief had already used 16 condoms with them.

Of course, it is not possible to have sex with his physical strength now.

Aria, who knew everything, laughed as if the situation was so delightful.

Aria : Yes, you're right! Secilia! My rival !

Secilia&Aria : So, Let's have extra time, Chief

Chief : OH MY…!

Secilia : Don't worry, chief. We're going to use 16 condoms each, so please take your time and judge us.

Aria : What do you think we're taking a break(titfuck) for?

Hurry up and get an erection, Chief.

In fact, Aria just wanted to play with Cecilia, so the game doesn't have to be decided.

Thanks to extra time, she could play more with Secilia, have more sex with the chief as a bonus, and make fun of him, so her mood was at its peak.

No matter how energetic the chief is, he can't be beaten by two young women who just found out about sex.

Will the chief be able to survive…!




Do you think you could do a scenario like this with Seima? Perhaps Aria and Secilia are training together and Seima is overseeing the competition however it ends in a draw and since they can't decide who won they decide to use Seima in a new competition.


[Chief Threesome] The situation might have started like this - Secilia had some time off, so decided to visit the Chief who is like her close family member. C: "Oh, Secilia! It's so good to see you!" Her body has developed a lot since he's first known her. S: "Hi Chief. Is there anything I can help you with?" C: "Um.." While he was thinking, Secilia already walked in. She realizes Chief must be lonely, and felt bad leaving him alone for these years. She helped Chief with cleaning his house, and cooked him a nutritious meal. C: "You are an angel, Secilia!" S: "Are you done with your lunch? Your bath is ready." Chief relaxed in the bath, and was surprised to see Secilia walk in with a small towel wrapped around her breasts. It barely covered her wide hips, and when she turned around her butt and pussy was visible. Seeing his loved one in this sexy vulnerable position immediately gave him a erection. Secilia noticed his erection, and was happy she could give him this reaction.


S: "I'll wash you a bit, if that's ok." Her breasts hung down as she took off the towel. They swung in front of his face as she wiped down his body. C: "Secilia.." His erection throbbed harder and harder until he felt Secilia's hands on it. S: "I'll clean this too." Her eyes and face looked innocently at Chief as she carefully stroked him. His tip would rub against her nipple. S: "If it hurts, I can stop." C: "No, don't! It's good!" She was happy to hear this. His hands couldn't help but grab her breasts, and soon the titfuck started. They talked cheerfully about their memories as she serviced him. C: "I remember you got sick a lot because you kept playing in the pool when it was cold out!" His penis made a wet squishy sound as it was squeezed by her breasts. S: "Yes.. I remember when you tried to get me to come out, and fell on your butt into the water." The contrast between her innocent face and words and her crude shaking breasts was too exciting.


C: "Oh, Secili I'm getting.." Not wanting to make a mess, Secilia hurriedly dropped her breasts and used her powerful suction mouth. The pace of the blowjob was slow, but the sucking force was so powerful, Chief nearly passed out as he came into her throat. When Chief regained consciousness, Secilia was kissing the tip of his still erect penis. C: "You are my angel, Secil." S: "I'm happy it felt good." As she got up to drain the bath water, her butt faced him and was swinging side to side. A bit of discharge ran down her legs, as she was excited from servicing her grandfather. She turned her head around, seeing Chief staring at her pussy. S: "Shall we continue this in the bedroom?" Chief realized his bedroom was still a mess from sex with Aria, but didn't want to miss this opportunity. S: "Oh!" Chief grabbed her hips and pulled her down until her butt sat on his lap. As they looked into each others' eyes, his hands groped her breasts and his erection rubbed against her heat.


C: "You've grown a lot since the last time you sat on my lap like this.." Secilia's spine shuddered as Chief slid inside. As their hips grinded against each other, Secilia's face got closer and closer to Chief's until their lips brushed against each other. As the sex got more intense, so did their kissing. A while later, Aria finally came back home. Condoms were sold out, so she had to go to another town to buy them. She was surprised to see their bedroom was a mess still. A: "Chief doesn't ever clean up, does he.." But where is Chief? As she looked for him, she heard wet squishy slapping sounds from the bathroom. A: "!?" C: "I'm in love..!! I'm in love with your pussy..!!" A: "!!" Aria found Chief and Secilia having sex in the same position Aria and Chief first had sex in (https://www.fanbox.cc/@kishi/posts/3500218). C: "Coming again!" Secilia wrapped her legs tighter around his back to prevent him from pulling out. A: "Chief!! Secilia!!"


A thick line of saliva connected their mouths as they turned their heads to face Aria. But Chief couldn't stop the sex, his spasming hips pushing semen into Secilia. But after orgasm was finished, Chief pushed Secilia off to apologize to Aria. Secilia sat nearby quietly and confused, semen dribbling out of her pussy. After some argument, Chief and Aria returned to Secilia and revealed they were already in a sexual relationship, which surprised Secilia. Aria was also surprised by how close Chief and Secilia was. The rival sex contest would begin soon after.


If the main character of that scenario changes from Chief to Seima, it won't change much. Instead, there will be a change in their lines. Secilia will cheer for Seima, and Aria will be sweet to him. So you can probably predict the scenario


I think if Seima was in this situation, he wouldn’t want to hurt anyones feelings but he definitely would pick Secilia. Their sex would feel special, considering how close they were.


[Training for Special Mission] This would be the scenario if Seima was the main character of the threesome. Aria insisted to join Secilia on her next mission, which involves seducing the prince of a rival kingdom. The prince will be at an upcoming costume party, so Ken helped make sexy bunny costumes for the girls to wear. (like https://www.fanbox.cc/@kishi/posts/5106139) They tried on the costumes at Secilia's house. Seima walked in from training, and heard them arguing. S: "Um, I think I should lead the mission." A: "No, obviously I would do a better job!" Their breasts pressed against each other as they argued. Sei: "Um.." He's flustered at the sight of two beautiful women. S: "Oh Sei, it's good timing! Who do you think looks prettier?" She flips her hair behind her ears to give him a better look. The idea that Sec wants to look sexy for him flusters him even more. A: "Speaking of which, Seima is the right age for us to practice, right?" S: ".."


In Seima's room, he sits on his bed as the two beauties dance in front of him, their breasts bouncing and hips swaying. A: "Huhu, naturally a princess like me would be better at dancing than a mere soldier" S: ".." Sei: "Both of you are good dancers!" But Aria notices Sei's erection is mostly from staring at Sec's body. She gets a bit annoyed, and decides to tease the two a bit more. A: "Oops!" Her arms brushed against Sec's costume, peeling it off and revealing her breasts. Sec barely reacted as he's seen he breasts countless times. S: "Shall we do you, too?" She peeled Aria's costume down. Aria was annoyed at Sec's lack of reaction, and how Sei seemed to react more excited to Sec's breasts than her own. Competing for his attention, their breasts pressed against each other as they got closer and closer until their breasts brushed against his face. S: "So, whose breasts do you prefer, Sei?" Sei: "Uhh! Uhh!!"


Aria felt his erection press against her breast. "Ara, why don't we let this one decide for Seima?" Sec looked concerned as Aria took his pants off, his stiff member pointing to the sky. He tried to hide it at first. "Um, this is.." A: "You're too cute! Here, doesn't Aria-nee san's breasts feel nice?" Even though she was giving a warm titfuck to Seima, her eyes were looking at Sec to judge her reaction. Sec looked concerned, and every time Sei flinched from the stimulus, she would hug him. S: "You are doing great, Sei! Just hold on!" He buried his face between his sister's breasts. A: (Jeez, I'm the one servicing him and he's holding Secilia? How annoying!) "Next, I'll do.." She starts her blowjob, and Seima's legs are spasming from the stimulus. Sei: "Secil-nee, it hurts too much! Help me!" S: "!!" Seeing her beloved brother in trouble, she grabs Aria's hair to make her let go, revealing his now swollen red penis. S: "I'm sorry Sei.. Aria must've been rough with you. I'll heal you."


Sei and Aria observe closely as Sec kisses his glans a few times before enguling him with her mouth. Even though Aria's blowjob sounded rougher and faster and messier, Sec's silent slow blowjob was actually more powerful and painful. And she kept eye contact with Sei the whole time. Sei: "Secil, please!!" He wrapped his legs around her head and pushed her cheeks with his hands, but Sec continued with the same powerful pace, even after he orgasmed. A: (What a creepy relationship..) Sei rested on the bed between the two beauties' breasts. Sec clearly won the blowjob contest, but Aria didn't feel like losing. She peeled off the rest of the costume. A: "Shall we start the next contest?" She spread her legs, encouraging Sei to look. S: "Umm, but you started the last contest, so shouldn't I start with this one?" Sei stopped looking at Aria once Sec took her costume off and got on the bed. S: "Come here, Sei."


The two naked girls had their legs spread, trying to entice Sei with their open and ready pussies. Seeing how their anatomy was both beautiful but slightly different (their skin color, breasts, nipples/areolas, hips, butt, pussy, anus) excited him greatly. A: "Do me first. Don't you want your first time to be with a princess?" S: "Isn't it more natural to do it with someone you know best?" Truthfully, Sei wanted Sec a bit more, but he didn't want to be mean so he devised a plan. He placed his penis on top of Aria's pussy lips, pulled his hips back before pushing them forward. He missed the hole, so it just rubbed against her clit. A: "Ohh!" He repeated the same thing with Sec. It missed. S: "..!!" He alternated between the two, his penis and their pussies getting creamier from the mixed love juices and friction. It became easier to slide back and forth. Eventually.. S: "Ohh..!!" He successfully slid inside Sec, who wrapped her legs around him to prevent him from exiting.


The siblings kept eye contact as they grinded their hips against each other, Sec rubbing his hair with her hands. S: "You're doing so good, Sei..!" Sei: "You feel too good, Secil! I want to stay inside forever!" Sei was bruised and fatigued when he finally finished his session with Secilia. A: "I guess it's my turn?" It's safe to say Sei's sex with Aria was a lot less passionate and energetic than his with Secilia.