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※There's an expression of smegma

[M] Treasure of Mas 4

Secilia stopped kissing and looked down, bothered by something hard touching her breast. The saliva connecting Mas and her mouth drooped down. Secilia : Mas, something's been touching my chest since earlier Mas hesitated for a moment. It is true that he deliberately appealed his peins to her, and...

Something unimaginable a few days ago has now become a natural routine.

Every day she visits these dirty tents and meets with him.

Her undressing in front of him.

His touching her body at will.

Her comforting him with sexual pleasure

This ridiculous situation is happening here.

All his requests were met by her.

Mas : Hey, take off my pants ♪

Secilia : OK

She took his pants off, and The smell of a male irritated her nose.

To be precise, he didn't clean or wash his dirty genitals yesterday.

Secilia :

She was going to say this.

"Didn't you wash up?" This is a precious part, so you have to keep it clean."

But She didn't tell him this in consideration of his situation.

His genitals were gross, dirty and smelly.

Nevertheless, she touched his genitalia with her hands, soothing him.

Of course she had a pure heart that thought this was just helping him.

Secilia : This part of you is always big. I'll make you feel better

Mas : Your hands feel SO GOOD!♥

Secilia : …?

Secilia realized that the front of his genitalia was covered in thick skin.

And she noticed that it was about to come off by her stimulus.

Secilia :

A little curious, she gave her hand a little strength…

Mas : Secilia?

Mas : WOW?!

Mas groaned briefly and strongly.

Finally, the front of his genitalia saw the light of the world.

But at the same time, the male stench spread through the tent.

Secilia : Oh, I'm sorry. Did it hurt?

Mas : I'm alright., I was just a little surprised. By the way… Wow, what's this…

Mas himself must have been horrified to see his genitals.his genitals were in a state beyond words.

But at the same time curiosity dominated him.

Mas : Hey, Suck it in with your mouth and clean it ♪

His remarks were very rude, and would have been a good expression of his arrogant mentality.

Secilia : This one?

Secilia stood still for a while, staring at his genitals.

The silence unsettled Mas, and he came to realize that his remarks were a slip of the tongue.

He was afraid that she would be offended and not come here any more.

He hurriedly retracted his remarks.

Mas : …I'm kidding! You can't suck something this dirty. Right…? Sorry…

Secilia :

Secilia looked at Mas, depressed.

…And a surprising situation happened

Mas : …OH?

Mas : …OH?!

She moved forward very slowly, sucking and licking from the front of his genitalia.

Mas : …OOOOHHHH?!!!!!!!!!!!

Eventually she put in what she wasn't supposed to put in her mouth….

She calmly moves her tongue and starts cleaning the front of his genitalia.

Mars is shaking from the stimulus he has never felt in his life.

Her tongue is moving precisely, licking and sucking intensively at the front of his genitalia.

Anyone would love the pleasure of turning dirt clean

Mas is feeling it completely.

She gulped something down once, and we'll know what it is without words.

With her excellent learning skills, she knew what to do after this.

Now that the front of his genitalia is completely clean, she swallows his genitalia more.

'Her slippery saliva and plump tongue stimulate my penis. I love her hot breath. I especially liked the sound of sucking. She swallowed my penis down her throat as if to eat them. I really like the pressure in her throat.'

This is the impression of Mas' first oral sex

Her first oral sex was very hard, but she had no problem because she was very strong.

Naturally, at this tremendous stimulus, Mas' genitalia quickly came to its limits, and his genitalia released a large amount of semen in her throat.

Secilia was also surprised at first, but when she realized that "white liquid" was coming out, she breathed through her nose and gulped down semen.

The time for semen to be released was very long, and she continued to stimulate his genitalia to promote the "white liquid" to come out.

Mas' genitalia grew smaller and escaped from her throat. And semen was sprinkled on the inside of her tongue and mouth.

When his genitals came out of her mouth, his penis looked quite content.

Secilia : (As expected, white liquid is as thick as soup. It's not like pee. The taste and smell are weird, And it's hard to adjust.)

This was her first taste of semen and thought.

Mas collapsed on the spot, shaking his legs.

Secilia : Mas, are you okay?

Mas showed his appreciation with a thumbs up.

After this incident, Mas realized that Secilia was good at accepting difficult requests, and the action progressed gradually.

Mas : (What should I ask you to do next♪ Let's take a look at the contents of the book?)

He became more arrogant, feeling the superiority of the male.


Originally, this scenario was planned to be used for the game, but I showed it to you like this because there is a big setting error in the current main scenario and I think the game production will be delayed a lot.

The number of paintings is large because each part of the painting is drawn separately and combined, and various variations are added.

I like to let the girl slip her side hair behind her ears before the oral sex begins, so I put the here

In fact, the series takes a lot of time and effort, and it's the most difficult.

So if you want this series to continue, please support us.

Otherwise, this series may be interrupted…

Of course, it applies to games, so please look forward to it.




Thanks Kishi, for continuing the Series. I'm curious why is Secilia able to accept such difficult tasks? Do you think she ever feels humiliation at all from them?


Well actually I don't prefer to answer questions like this. Because I get involved in your interpretation. [Secilia : …] The reason I use this often is to give the reader room to interpret it here. It's a role that makes me imagine what she's going to think But I'll answer if you're curious. 0. Secilia is sweet, strong, and transcendent. So even though she's an adventurer, she's very innocent. 1. If Mas hadn't apologized to Secilia for his arrogant behavior, Mas' route is likely to have ended there. 2. And it is possible that Secilia did him a favor to console him, seeing how depressed Mas was that he was dirty. "Look, you're not dirty." 3. Let's exclude the fact that the current situation involves sex. Have you ever seen a prank where a kid buried something messy in someone? From Secilia's point of view, this situation will be similar to that.


Thank you for continuing the Treasure of Mas series. Looking forward to more of it. Mas's penis is really dirty, and there's a lot of smegma. What did Secilia think when she first saw all that smegma? And what was she thinking when she first tasted the smegma? It must have been disgusting, poor Secilia.. It must have tasted even worse than his semen.


I suspect Treasure of Mas 6 should be Mas seeing Sec's genitals for the first time. Sec is performing blowjob: "Mas.. it's even dirtier than usual today.. you need to wash better.." Mas intentionally doesn't wash to force Sec to do disgusting acts. But even he gets embarrassed when Sec shows her distaste for him. M: "Shut up! It's normal for private areas to be this dirty, you know?" S: (thinking about Seima in the bath) "Um.. no?" M: "You don't think so? Prove it!" S: "?" Mas starts to pull down her panties. S: "!?" Sec's legs are close together, but Mas spreads them to properly view her pussy. S: (Why is this embarrassing..) M: (So pretty.. smells so good..) "See, look at this leakage! It's dirty and needs to be cleaned!" Which leads to Mas kissing her pussy.


Ah I see, thank you for the insight. Looking forward to your next work.


I mentioned below that I do not prefer this question. But I'll answer for you. There's a hint in her lines. From that we can infer the answer to your question. That's how I designed it. Secilia saw it for the first time, so it's possible that she didn't think much of it in that situation. It would have taken time to understand what it was. It must have been similar to how she first tasted semen. But it must have been like jelly or something else. The taste and smell must have been thicker. It's possible she realized it was a smegma after tasting it.


I see.. Smegma comes from not cleaning for a while, so it should taste far more foul than semen. "Secilia : (As expected, white liquid is as thick as soup. It's not like pee. The taste and smell are weird, And it's hard to adjust.)" You provided this line for her reaction to tasting semen. It might be nice to have a similar line for her first reaction to licking his dirty penis, and for the smegma as well. This might allow the reader to understand Secilia's intentions and selflessness better.