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여러분들의 재미를 위해 코멘트는 최대한 아끼겠습니다.

그림을 보며 어떤 이벤트가 있는지 예상해주세요.



For your enjoyment, I'll try to save the comments as much as I can.

Please look at the picture and predict what kind of event there is.

저는 평소에 세로가 긴 그림을 그리는데, 게임에 사용하려면 세로가 짧아야 해서 대각선을 사용해야 합니다. 익숙하지가 않아서 작업이 힘들지만 어떻게든 해보겠습니다.

私は普段縦の長い絵を描いていますが、ゲームに使うには縦が短くなければならないので斜めを使わなければなりません。 慣れていなくて作業が大変ですが、何とかしてみます。

I usually draw long vertical pictures, but the size is not suitable for use in the game. The vertical size of the game is relatively short.

It's hard to work because I'm not used to it, but I'll do something about it.




세실리아 때처럼 마스가 함 찔러보더니 세리아의 둔감함을 알아채고 어떻게든 말로 꼬드긴 상황같군요 솔직히 저렇게 농염하고 육덕진 몸을 보고 어케 참아...

Night Killer

I hope soon we see something about the princess, it would be good a story where we control the prince and little by little we see how the princess gives her body to the village chief


작중 전개나 루트 같은 걸로 자지에 빠져서 나라를 팔아넘겨 매국노가 된다거나 하는 루트고 가능할까요?


역시 세리아...실전 성교육 최적화 몸매...乃乃


Seima was on his way home in a rush when he ran into a soft surface and was bounced back roughly. Seima got apologizing profusely as he stood up. " I'm sorry I didn't mean t-!" " Ara, Ara no need to be in a rush Seima I was just looking for you." Seima stared up at the form of his mother looking down at him, her immense cleavage in full view. With a start Seima realized this is what he had run into. " Wow, Mama's breasts are really powerful." He thought to himself. "Ara let's get you off the ground before you catch something." Seria said as she held out her hand to Seima. In his distracted state Seima reached right past her hand and instead grabbed his Mother's blouse pulling it down exposing his Mother's breasts. Seria gave a surprised gasp and Seima quickly snapped out his daze. "Sorry, Sorry!!!" Seima said again shooting up off the ground. Seria blushed slightly but waved him off. She gave him a teasing smile.


"If you wanted to see Mama's breasts so badly all you had to do was ask..💕" Seria said giving Seima a small wink. Seima turned redder than ever and looked down towards the ground. Seria admired how cute her son looked right now. She grabbed his hand and begun and walking with him towards there home. "It's okay Momma's gonna make sure to spoil you a lot tonight". Seria didn't hear a response from Seima but she smiled when she felt him tighten his hand around hers.


I like the detail and puffiness of Seria’s nipples. Some Montgomery glands on her areolas would make her even more sexy.


This is the event I’d want to see with this picture - Innocent red hair student (I’ll name him Cam) can’t help but stare at Seria’s breasts during class. Even when Seria is right in front of his desk. S: “Um, Cam? Are you listening to me?” The whole class laughs as Cam is embarassed. S: “See me after class, please.” After class, Cam assumes he is in trouble, but Seria reassures him. S: “I’m worried about your grades. Is there anything I can do?” C: “No Mrs. Seria, it’s not you, I’m just distracted..” S: “Distracted by..?” Cam is gazing up at her heavy breasts, and Seria begins to understand. S: “If I let you act out your feelings, will you be less distracted during class?” C: “?” Seria pulls her top down, her tits gently jiggling. Cam is stunned, so Seria guides his hands to touch her chest. Cam eagerly plays with them. S: “If you do well on next week’s test, I’ll treat you to something better.” Next week, Cam comes over to Seria’s house. He gets a lot of titfuck in the bath.


If only we really get a story plot like that from Kishi, one can only dream.


It would be nice for Seima to get some routes in the game. He has suffered a lot and deserves a reward.


I think Seima's NTR is especially painful because he's so young and doesn't understand what's happening and him wanting to be an adventurer like his Sister ironically pushed him away from her. It also doesn't help that the people he thinks are his friends go behind his back and take advantage of his kindness. I'd like to see a route where Seima learns what's been going on and confronts Mas about his actions or at the very least gets a chance to explain to his family that he loves them and he's sorry for pushing them away.